Bond Unbroken

Story by Ossanlin on SoFurry

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Copyright and Such:

The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you're a sensible fur and enjoy such things, please continue! Of course, the author reserves all rights to the following story. I don't mind if you post this story on other archives and sites, just get my permission first, please. And it can only be posted if it remains unaltered and complete, and all due credit is given to the author (Ossanlin). Okay, that should do it.

Synopsis: Two 'bond-brothers' struggle with what society demands of them. One yiff-scene with oral and anal... ...enjoy.

Author's Note: Hey guys. I know, it's been a while again. But give me a break please...I mean...full-time work plus full-time college equals exactly zero free-time. This schedule is running me ragged. Anyway, I had some extra time tonight and decided to write instead of playing Halo 3. This story is my own, but I have to give some credit to the piece of art entitled "Big Bro Wolf" by Psycho Ram. He does awesome work. Anyway, no the characters in the story aren't supposed to be the characters in the artwork, and the story and artwork aren't related in any way. But the artwork gave me the idea for the story. So thanks for fueling my creativeness Psycho Ram! You're an awesome artist. Actually I've gone plot-light on this story. There're a lot of plot ideas I didn't get to include, I hope to use them later. I hope the characters are still deep enough because they're very deep and fully developed in my mind. And really am sorry it's been so long guys, but I can't promise any more in the near future, unfortunately. I have to be at peak performance if I want to make it into vet school. (Yeah, ironic, I know). But I'll write when I have the chance. And please, if you have any spare time at all (unlike me), leave a comment on the story message boards here or feel free to drop me a line at [email protected] Thanks guys, y'all are the greatest. Enjoy!

Bond Unbroken

Ahrilon grabbed Delyc's paw and grinned into his friend's eyes. "Come on Del, we can't let them start without us!" Ahrilon grinned, showing his pointy canine teeth, and ran ahead, tugging Delyc along by the paw. Delyc was never one who really wanted to socialize with the pack. He was a loner, and Ahrilon knew he liked it that way. In fact, the only wolf Delyc would really do anything with was Ahrilon himself. Ahrilon always prided himself on that, although it was only expected since they were bond-brothers.

Ahrilon tugged Delyc forward, the young wolf half-resisting the whole way. "Look Ahrilon, I don't know why we always have to do these things..." Delyc's muzzle was somber.

Ahrilon turned and gazed into those deep, dark brown eyes as he often did, and grinned again. "Because it's fun Delyc. We're most important to each other, but we should have other friends too. Plus it's the final ceremony! Now come on, we're gonna be late!" Ahrilon returned to dragging Delyc. If Delyc had really dug in, Ahrilon couldn't have moved him, Delyc was the bigger of the two of them. But Delyc could never really oppose Ahrilon, one smile and tailflick from the smaller wolf could melt him to putty. Ahrilon exploited his advantage over the darker lupine shamelessly.

Up ahead, almost the entire pack was gathered around the ancestral tree. Elder Wolf Hamman was standing at its roots, facing the crowd garbed in his ceremonial robes. Four pairs of young male wolves stood before him. His white-ruffed muzzle fur twitched good-naturedly. "Ahh, so nice of you to join us Ahrilon of Istil and Delyc of Mondi."

"Sorry, elder, we" Ahrilon blushed under his fur and Delyc averted his eyes to the open clearing beyond the pack. Both moved to stand next to the other pairs of young furs.

"Yes, one can blame you." Hamman smiled knowingly and raised a paw, invoking the pack's silence. "Let all know that those here before me, who have been bonded, will remain connected for eternity. Let ye all know that these bonded brothers have shared each other from the moment of brotherhood. Their lives have been one. Tonight will be their last with bond until such a time that they choose a mate. As is precedent, they will hunt together, feed together, and share each other's bodies and souls one last time this night. Let us not disturb nor hinder them in any way. Tonight they will be one with nature, one with the carnal wolf within, one with each other in savage passion. For after this night, no more shall they share each other, as is written in stone by Fafnun himself." Hamman glanced meaningfully at Ahrilon and Delyc before continuing. "Let now their sires prepare them for this night of wild revelry, and let us not forget our own bond-brothers of the past. Go now with the Tree's blessing." The Elder lowered his hand, dismissing the crowd.

Most of the pack dispersed, save the sires of the young bonded males. They stood and waited expectantly. Each of the young males turned to his partner and hugged. Ahrilon smiled and cradled the back of his bond-brother's head. They gently brought their muzzles together, kissing tenderly. Both moved their paws to wrap around their partner's back, and drew each other into a tight embrace, the kiss becoming more passionate. After what seemed like an eternity, but still a second too short, the two separated. Tears darkened the fur under Delyc's eyes.

Ahrilon frowned a bit. "Why are you crying Del? What's wrong?"

Delyc turned his head away, refusing to meet Ahrilon's gaze. "Nothing."

"Don't do this Del. What are you feeling? Why are you crying?"

Delyc turned his muzzle to meet Ahrilon's gaze. "It's our last night. I don't want to let you go Ari. I don't want to be without you. I don't want this to be our last night." Delyc blinked back more tears

Ahrilon stared down at his hindpaws a moment before looking back up to meet Delyc's gaze again. He bumped the darker wolf's nose with his own, "Remember brother, we'll be bonded for life in our memories. But Fafnun...his Word is all encompassing. The pack needs us Del. And we need them. We have to play our roles."

Delyc shook his head. "I don't care about that Ari, all I know is I want to stay with you. I just want you. I don't want to bond with anyone else." The young wolf looked down at the ground, tears still soaking through his fur.

Ahrilon nudged the bridge of Delyc's muzzle with his nose. "Del, I don't want our bond to end either, but..."

Delyc looked up at his bond-brother, his eyes showing eager hope. "Then let's run away Ahrilon. Let's go somewhere together! We don't need them, we can start our own pack, one where things like this don't matter! Please Ari..."

Ahrilon turned further away from his sire, gazing into his bond-brother's eyes, tears starting to build in his own. "Delyc, you're talking madness. We need the pack. Besides, we have to trust in Fafnun. Without Him, there is no hope. It is Fafnun's Word that our bond has to break, and it is the will of the pack that we mate females. We can't leave the pack Del. Think about what you're saying. Think about what you're asking."

Delyc's expression turned to anguish as he disengaged from Ahrilon, the tears staining his fur darker. "I don't be without you...I'm sorry." The dark wolf turned from Ahrilon and sprinted away from the Ancient Tree and disappeared into the forest at the edge of the clearing.

Ahrilon watched until Delyc was out of sight, and then looked down at the ground, his own tears starting to flow. The look of pure anguish on Del's muzzle had been unbearable. So much of him wanted to chase after him, to tell him that he would run away with him. But he knew, deep in his heart, that he could not forsake the pack, nor could he betray the teachings of Fafnun. He looked up and met the gaze of Elder Hamman for just a moment. In that moment, it almost seemed as if Hamman looked pained, but the fleeting expression passed in the blink of an eye.

"Ahrilon, you should go with your sire, Istil, and let him prepare you for what is ahead of you. I will try to catch Delyc so that I may do the same. If you two will excuse me, I take my leave." The Elder Wolf took off at a respectable lope after Delyc.

Ahrilon turned toward his sire and was at once glad that he was there. All the others had long since departed, and Delyc was an orphan. His father, Mondi, had died in a raid staged by their ferociously religious neighboring pack, so Elder Hamman was taking on the role of the young wolf's father.

Ahrilon's father looked back at him, nostalgia in his eyes. "Come, son. We must prepare you. Tonight is a very special night for you." The young wolf padded softly to his father, and Istil hugged him tight. "I know how you feel. It is this way for every young male. And you and Delyc are especially close, those are the hardest bonds to let go of."

"Dad, I feel breaking my bond with Del isn't doesn't feel right. I don't want to let go of it." Ahrilon's tears started falling a bit more heavily.

"Shh, Ahrilon. It's natural to feel that way. But the bond cannot remain, you know that." Istil hugged his son tighter. "You shouldn't trouble yourself with those thoughts right now anyway. The bond remains for tonight, and tonight, you should hold no reservations. Come along now, let's get you painted." Istil smiled warmly.

Ahrilon allowed himself to be led along to his den, not really paying attention to any of the other furs padding around him. He felt almost numb. Delyc had struck such a chord in him that he didn't know what to believe anymore. It would be so easy just to run off with him. But then they would lose the support of the pack, and losing two fit, young males would injure the pack. And Ahrilon would lose his father, and his entire family, not to mention all of his friends and the rest of the pack.

Ahrilon's family den was a small wood, mud, and canvas construction. Like most huts, it was simply dug half into the ground, the dirt excavated had been made into mud bricks and stacked up along the sides of the excavated area, braced with wood for walls, and then a large canvas made of non-sentient animal skins covered the top over, with a flap that could be opened to vent smoke from the cook-fire.

Ahrilon and Istil stepped inside, Ahrilon's mother Meralani was reclining in a small wooden chair, reading a canvas-skin book. She smiled as the two males entered and stood, moving over to ruffle Ahrilon's headfur with a paw. "It's time to paint isn't it?" Meralani looked out the canvas door that had been tied open. "The sun begins to descend."

Istil nodded. "The time is ripe. Ahrilon, go to the central chamber and wait for me there. I'll prepare the paints." Istil's demeanor had become deadly serious, and Ahrilon obeyed without word.

The young wolf knelt on both knees in the middle of the chamber and looked up through the open skylight. Tears still streaked the fur under his eyes. The sky was starting to dim, and he knew the last night was approaching. He heard a soft noise behind him in the room, he craned his neck around to see Meralani padding in behind him softly, a mother's knowing look on her face.

Meralani knelt next to Ahrilon and smiled sadly. "You're very close to Delyc, cub. Closer than most bond-brothers ever get. When you look at him, I see the same expression on your muzzle as the one I see on your father's when he looks at me. Your father and I are soulmates Ahrilon." Meralani cocked her head, waiting for Ahrilon to speak.

"I...I don't want to lose him mom..." The tears started fresh again. "I don't want to, I just want to be with him forever, I can't stand it." Sobs started racking the young wolf's body, and he lowered his eyes in shame. Tomorrow he was supposed to become an adult, this behavior was very unbecoming of one who was mature. He was ashamed of himself, which only made the sobs worse.

Meralani wrapped her arms around him and smiled, nuzzling and licking affectionately at his neck before pushing him to arms length and locking eyes with him. "Listen Ahrilon, some bonds cannot be broken. Your friendship...the love you share with Delyc is never-ending, I can see that. I want you to know that your father and I love you. We love you deeply, and we will support you, no matter what you do. I want you to know that. No matter what, we love you." Meralani grinned and hugged Ahrilon again before standing and leaving the room, her words still echoing through the young wolf's mind.

What had she meant? What was she referring to? At any rate, his tears had slowed, and he'd managed to get his sobs under control. Ahrilon calmed himself and tried to sort through his feelings. Meditation often helped the young wolf clear his mind. And after a short passage of time, he felt and heard his father's heavy paw-pads approaching.

Istil carried a tray with three bowls on it, each containing a pigment created by grinding plant portions into water. Each plant was known for its raw potency as sense-heighteners and aphrodisiacs. Ahrilon maintained his position, not speaking a word as the ceremony called. He merely focused on Delyc's perfect muzzle. His sculpted jaw and muzzle-line, his left ear always slightly folded no matter how straight he tried to hold it, his deep, brown eyes that seemed to invite Ahrilon's soul. That cute expression when he was embarrassed...very suddenly, Ahrilon was crying again.

As if paced by Ahrilon's thoughts, his father painted tribal marking on his body, removing his tunic. He painted double bands of red pumice-flower around each of Ahrilon's defined upper arms. Blue bana-breath made two lines on each cheek under his eyes. A vertical black stripe of marberry down the center of his forehead. Istil lifted Ahrilon up, and removed his leather belt, leaving the young wolf naked. He painted two concentric circles of red pumice-flower around Ahrilon's navel, and then circled his thighs with the same pigment. He applied two sunbursts of bana-breath to each side of Ahrilon's muscular rump, and then circled around, gently applying another vertical line of black marberry from the tip of Ahrilon's sheath to the bottom of his balls, the young wolf shivering at the unexpected contact. At long last, Istil garbed Ahrilon in the customary loincloth, already outfitted with his hunting-knife.

Istil stepped back to survey his work, and Ahrilon came out of the meditating haze he'd been in. He looked down at himself, a perfect picture of the ancient hunter. "There you are son. It's time."

Ahrilon nodded silently, still mulling over his mother's words, and followed his father out. Hamman walked up to them a bit anxiously, his robes long doffed. He smelled of slight anxiety. "I must speak with Ahrilon in private."

Istil nodded and walked away. Elder Hamman looked down at the young wolf. "I cannot find Delyc anywhere. He outran me and masked his trail."

Ahrilon's heart jumped into his throat. His bonded mate was missing?! His fearful eyes looked to Hamman's, looking for some inkling of hope and reassurance. Hamman took Ahrilon's paw and tugged him back toward the elder's hut. Ahrilon didn't look back as he was led to the only stone structure in the village.

Hamman tugged him inside, and sat the young wolf on some cushions, sitting down across from him. "Ahrilon, we are private now. I have closed the door, and no one will open it." Hamman's graying whiskers were twitching a bit, but not anxiously.

"Yes elder." Ahrilon was still nervous, but the fact that Hamman was not over-anxious reassured him a bit.

"Do you know where he would've gone Ahrilon?" The Elder smiled a bit as if he already knew the answer.

"I think I might, Elder." Ahrilon thought of the clearing where he had made love with Delyc many times, it was such a beautiful and private spot, like it was their own private little bower.

Hamman breathed a sigh of relief. "Very good, I thought you might. But now I fear I must bore you with a story from my past. Fear not, it will not take long. I would not deny you this night with your bond-brother." The elder looked wistful and a bit sad. "I must tell you of my bond-brother, Ahrilon. His name was Telnir, and he was a beautiful figure of a white wolf. Deep blue eyes, majestic in stature." Hamman locked gazes with Ahrilon. "We truly loved each other, Ahrilon. Deeply."

Ahrilon tilted his muzzle a bit and furrowed his brow. "What happened Elder?"

Hamman took another deep breath, that wistful, pained look never leaving his muzzle as he journeyed back in his mind. "The ceremony happened. But I must tell you more of what happened before. Two nights before the ceremony, Telnir came to my hut in the middle of the night. I climbed out my window, I thought he'd come over for a late-night romp as was our wont. He had two packs filled with supplies. He said that he loved me with so much depth of meaning that I cannot even describe it to you. He asked me to run away with him." Hamman's eyes focused again on the cub in front of him.

Ahrilon's breath caught in his chest. Had Hamman heard Delyc? But Hamman only continued his narrative.

"I told him that I could not betray our pack, and that we would be destroyed out in the wild without the pack's support. He said he'd heard of a pack to the east, where bond-brothers and sisters went to seek shelter and sanctuary. He said we would be accepted, we just had to get there." Hamman closed his eyes. "I was sorely tempted, but I believed in Fafnun's teachings, or what I thought were Fafnun's teachings. I told him I would not go. He begged me, but I simply said no." Hamman winced. "It was so painful, seeing that look of hopelessness on his muzzle. He walked away, his tail drooping so sadly. I almost went after him, I almost said I would go. But I didn't. I went back to bed." Hamman opened his eyes and Ahrilon saw the tears glinting within them. "The next morning, he was gone. I never saw him again Ahrilon. I felt like my heart had been ripped out and thrown to the vultures. Only then did I realize it was a mistake. I should've gone with him. I very nearly left, hoping to find him. I was so close to becoming a rogue, but I couldn't. I didn't have the strength of will. Every night, Ahrilon, every night I regret it."

Ahrilon's eyes were now glinting like diamonds in the firelight, tears welling up unbidden. He did love Delyc, he loved him with all his heart and soul. That would never change, he saw that now. And suddenly the pack and Fafnun paled in comparison with his feelings for Del.

"Nowhere in Fafnun's teachings does it state that bonds should be broken. In fact, his teachings urge that only the bearers should break their bonds when they agree it is time. Fafnun's Word is interpreted in many different ways Ahrilon. Don't make the same mistake I did." Hamman shook his head, staring into the young wolf's eyes. "Don't let Delyc go. Go to him." Hamman picked up two leather packs sitting in the corner, Ahrilon had been much too distracted to notice, and handed them to him. The young wolf took them without question. "Go to him and hold on tight. Never let go Ahrilon. Please, take this as well." The elder picked up his horn bow and gave it to Ahrilon.

Ahrilon considered this for a long moment. "I can't take this elder, this...this is your finest bow..." Ahrilon's tears were streaming now, his mother's words finally making sense to him. She had seen even what he'd been blinded to. She had known that his love for Delyc was complete, that they were soulmates.

"Please take it, young one. You have much more need of it than I. And these as well." Hamman slung a quiver of fine bone arrows over Ahrilon's shoulder. "The packs have clothing and meat in them. Enough for two days' travel, after that, you must hunt. Now, go to him. He needs you, and you need him. Do what your heart tells you."

Ahrilon nodded. He paused, and then stepped into Hamman, hugging him tightly. "Thank you Elder. And please...tell my parents that I love them, and I wish them well..."

Hamman nodded. "Of course, young one. Now go. Take the back route and no one will see you."

Ahrilon nodded and left the hut, never looking back. He was too afraid he would change his mind. He ran silently out, circling the hut and moving toward the edge of the village. He ducked into the shadows anytime a wolf passed close by. The wolves could smell him of course, but scent did not tell them he had a fine bow and quiver with him. Those items would immediately raise questions.

After what seemed like an eternity, the young wolf made it beyond the village borders. His lupine eyes adjusted quickly to the absolute night around him. He knew he was headed in the right direction, he'd made this journey many times before with his beloved Delyc.

Nocturnal noises echoed all around him in the forest. His pads made their way quickly and silently through the brush as crickets chirped and an owl hooted in the distance. The clearing was not far from the village, but it was dangerously near the territory of the Baren-gai clan, a tribe of fiercely devout wolves. The same, in fact, that had murdered Delyc's father. So the clearing was private, largely unknown as most wolves of either tribe did not venture in this direction. It wasn't long before Ahrilon's keen ears picked up the sounds of a young male sobbing, and Ahrilon's anxiety ratcheted down a notch as he saw the small campfire, a dark wolf sitting next to it, his body heaving from unrequited sobs.

Ahrilon felt so incredibly guilty for making the one he loved most feel this way. He padded silently into the clearing, his nose picking up his mate's familiar scent. He walked up slowly, tears in his eyes, smiling. He touched Delyc's shoulder gently with a paw.

Delyc craned his muzzle to one side, closing his eyes. He'd known Ahrilon was there the whole time. Ahrilon dropped the packs, and set the bow and quiver gently on the ground. He circled around and knelt on both knees in front of Delyc, his back to the fire.

The darker lupine opened his eyes and stared into Ahrilon's for a moment before nearly losing himself to a renewed fit of sobs. "I almost kept going Ahrilon...I almost did, but I wanted you to find me." Delyc looked away. "If tonight is the only night I can have with you, then that's what I'll have."

Ahrilon cupped Delyc's jaw in one paw, and guided Del's eyes to look into his own again, his tail swishing gently in front of the flames. "Delyc...I love you. I love you with every fiber of my being, with my whole soul. I would be incomplete without you." Ahrilon paused, savoring the gaze that was forming on Delyc's muzzle. "Delyc, if you would do me the honor...please bond with me for life...please be my bonded mate."

Delyc sobbed again, shaking his head. "They won't let us be can't abandon your family and the pack. Ari, I'd never ask you to give that up. It was was...."

Ahrilon interrupted his love with a deep kiss. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Del's shoulders hauling their bodies together, his bare chest pressing against Del's cloth tunic. He held the kiss until he felt Del's sobs stop, and then broke it gently, still cradling the back of the dark lupine's head, staring into his deep brown eyes. "I've made up my mind Del, I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

Del's sobs started anew, but this time in pure, relieved happiness. He nuzzled into Ahrilon's neck and hugged him tight. "Of course I'll mate with you Ari. By the gods I'll spend every waking moment with you like it's the last. I love you so much Ari." Del's tears wetted Ahrilon's fur as the young wolves embraced, their souls nearly merging.

After what seemed like an eternity, the two young wolves pulled apart. Ahrilon moved around to sit next to Delyc, one arm wrapped around the dark wolf's back, his head resting on Del's shoulder.

"But where do we go now? What do we do?" Del's sobs were finally halted, his arm wrapped around Ahrilon's back.

Ahrilon looked up at him. "East. These packs, and this bow and quiver...Elder Hamman gave them to me. My mother and Elder Hamman were the ones who told me to come after you, to go with you." Ari looked down and then up again, "mom said she knew we were soulmates."

Delyc looked surprised. "Father Hamman...he told you to come after me?"

Ahrilon nodded and grinned. "He said he'd made the mistake of not going after his soulmate. He didn't want me to make the same mistake."

"Wow, and he gave you his bow and best bone quiver...what's East?"

"He gave me a clue that there might be a pack of those who refused to break their bonds at the time of the final night. We would be accepted there." Ahrilon smiled and felt a little thrill at the thought of an adventure.

Delyc nodded. "Ari, I'm so happy...I can't even tell you."

Ahrilon grinned mischievously. "Well, you could always show me...I AM covered in aphrodisiacs after all..." The young wolf cocked an eyebrow.

Delyc stuck his tongue out and swished his tail through the cool night air, his brown eyes glinting in the firelight. "I know where your thoughts are headed..."

"Oh yeah? Well why don't you show me your theory, eh big bad wolf?" Ahrilon stood up and twitched his barely-clothed butt in Delyc's face.

Delyc growled and jumped up, tackling Ahrilon and rolling with him around the fire. "You know what that ass does to me Ari..."

Ahrilon grinned coyly and put a finger to his lips, his other paw pinned by Delyc's grip. "Am I being naughty?" Ari winked and smirked.

Delyc's chest rumbled with a deep, throaty growl that expressed his pure lust for Ahrilon's sleek, lupine body. His tail twitched like he was a pup with a new toy, and Ahrilon loved every bit of it. Delyc took both of Ahrilon's wrists, and pinned them on the ground at the young wolf's sides. He lowered himself down and locked his muzzle fiercely with Ahrilon's, the kiss driven by pure, raw lust.

Ahrilon nipped at Delyc's lower lip, and the dark lupine yipped and then growled, nipping down on the skin just above Ari's adam's apple, causing Ari to yip and whine in pain and pleasure. His lupine cock was pushing his negligible loincloth aside, male musk filling the space between their bodies.

Delyc snarled as he released Ahrilon's paws and neck, sitting up and straddling Ahrilon's waist. He pulled the retaining belt from his tunic and threw it off over his head, unlacing his pants. His own lupine pride was already fully engorged and throbbing, a bead of pre resting at the tip. Delyc moved forward a bit, bringing their lupine cocks together. Both wolves snarled as Delyc's lubeless paw jacked their cocks off against each other.

Before long, Delyc slid down Ahrilon's body, his wolfcock grating against the grassy soil between Ahrilon's legs. Delyc snarled as he moved down and took Ahrilon's balls into his muzzle, nibbling on them gently. Ahrilon yipped and started moving his hips up and down in semi-conscious pleasure. Delyc's whiskers tickled the underside of Ahrilon's cock as it protruded further and further from its sheath, pre beginning to dribble down its length.

Delyc scented his mate's pre and moved his attention upward, running his tongue up his love's shaft from base to tip, swallowing any pre he could get his tongue on. Ahrilon arched his back and moaned in agonizing pleasure. Ahrilon's musk was the most intoxicating scent Delyc had ever smelled, and it drove him wild with savage lust every time he scented it.

With absolute fervor, Delyc plunged his muzzle down on Ahrilon's throbbing wolfcock, suckling like a pup. He moved both paws to Ahrilon's sides, his claws sorting through Ahrilon's fur, raking his skin gently. Delyc sucked his mate to the roots, the tip of Ahrilon's lupine cock dipping into Del's throat. Del wrapped his tongue around the underside of Ari's cock and withdrew his muzzle slowly, his tongue grating against Ari's sensitive flesh, gaining a gasp from his lover.

Ari groaned and granted Del a shot of pre as he involuntarily arched his back, his tail pinned by his own body. Del worked his shaft expertly, bringing him to the teetering tip of a massive orgasm, before withdrawing his muzzle. Delyc was an expert at knowing just when Ahrilon was on the edge, and tortured him every time. Ari whined, wanting that muzzle again. Delyc just grinned and slid up Ahrilon's body, silencing his whine with a deep kiss.

Ahrilon could taste his own wild flavor on Delyc's tongue, and it drove him crazy. He wrestled tongues with his mate, breathing gently through his nose, eyes closed, until Delyc broke the kiss.

" gonna fuck me big boy? You haven't punished me enough yet..." Ahrilon grinned devilishly, and savored the throaty growl from the dark lupine above him. Del absolutely loved it when he talked dirty.

"Oh I'm gonna fuck you alright." Del slowly lifted Ahrilon's body, sliding the light wolf across the ground slowly, Del's pants sliding off as he moved with Ari. "You're not gonna forget this one, wuff. I'm gonna screw you silly, you're not gonna be able to sit for a full moon..."

"Oh no...whatever will I do?" Ari kept the smirk plastered on his muzzle, and felt his head, neck, and shoulders slide up against a tree. The only warning Ahrilon had was when Del took to his knees and hefted the young wolf's legs into the air. Del hitched Ari's knees over his shoulders, used a single paw to steady his wolfcock, and thrust his hips forward explosively.

The smirk wiped off of Ahrilon's muzzle immediately as he felt Del's familiar cock invade him once again. He dug his claws into the earth beneath him as Del shoved his entire member into him in one go, his shoulders shoved hard against the great tree-trunk behind him.

Ahrilon yipped and howled as Del spiked his wolfcock as deep into the young wolf as he could. Del moved both of his hands to grip Ahrilon's wrists as he started to fuck him in long, slow thrusts, working the young wolf loose.

Ahrilon's cock throbbed as he felt Del fuck him slow and long. Pre spurted onto his belly as he felt completely and totally dominated by his mate. He closed his eyes, his mouth frozen in an open 'O', his nose flaring as he took in quick, shallow breaths.

Del arched his back at the end of each thrust, his cock hugged by his mate's tight rear tunnel. He stared down at his mate, his heart almost melting as he felt completely together with him again. He scented his mate's pre, and the lust started clouding his mind again. He began to thrust into his mate faster, his knot growing just a bit.

Ari clenched his fists, his claws digging into the raw dirt as he felt Delyc's pace quicken. He opened his eyes and locked gazes with his mate, feeling as if their souls were merging. As if they were of one body. He folded his ears submissively as Del bent forward, his hips pile-driving Ahrilon into the tree. Ari crossed his ankles behind Del's neck as the dark wolf bent forward to kiss him savagely. Ahrilon moaned into the kiss, wrestling with Del's tongue as the dark wolf's cock opened his insides. He felt pre slicken the passage of Del's massive wolf member, and clenched his sphincter around the wolf's cock.

Del growled viciously into the kiss as he felt his cock squeezed, and started a breakneck pace, mating his lover, fucking the wolf who said he would be his forever. Ahrilon's sweat dissolved some of the floral pigments, and the aphrodisiacs began to have their effects as well. Though there was still no more powerful aphrodisiac for Del than his mate's scent.

The two rutting male wolves glistened in the firelight as they fucked viciously. Nothing more than two animals mating in the wild. Two instinctually driven wolves, mating for their own pleasure. The night sounds were drowned out by grunts, groans, moans, and the sound of two bodies slamming into each other violently.

Droplets of sweat flew from Delyc as he motored his hips back and forth, pile-driving Ahrilon into the tree. He opened his muzzle and howled as he fucked his mate. He felt the familiar tingle in his abdomen and shoved forward mightily bending forward to bite down hard on Ahrilon's shoulder. He moved one paw to jerk viciously on Ari's wolfcock, giving it much needed attention. His paw immediately slicked with pre, and he bit down harder on his mate's shoulder, his tail swishing violently as his knot exploded. He yelped and yelled around the furry flesh of Ahrilon's shoulder, his entire body going rigid as he came harder than ever. His cock convulsed powerfully, jetting the first hot ropes of wolfseed into his mate. He short humped back and forward, his cock throbbing hard against Ahrilon's prostate as his cock pulsed shot after shot of lupine cum into his mate.

Ahrilon howled to the moon as his cock throbbed in his mate's grip. He felt Del filling his insides with hot, sticky lupine cum, and Del's paw pushed him over the edge. His entire body convulsed as he humped his hips forward as best he could, his muscles spasming as he squirted the first volley of hot wolf cum across his belly and chest in a stringy rope. He fucked Del's paw as best he could, the second shot firing hard as a firehose to splash against the bottom of Del's jaw and the front of Ari's own neck.

Del was lost in his orgasm. He felt Ahrilon's cock throb in his grip as his lupine cum pumped hard through his cock and onto his belly. Delyc gripped Ahrilon's wrist and cock with white-knuckle strength as he continued to short-hump, his knot tugging on the inside of Ahrilon's sphincter as his cock jetted volley after volley of hot, thick wolf essence into his mate's warm, wanting ass. Finally, with a final mini-thrust, Delyc relaxed, the last dribble of wolf cum spilling into his mate's over-filled ass.

Ahrilon's lupine balls pulled up close to his body as his entire muscle-frame convulsed again and again, his balls sending up every last dreg of lupine cum. With a final gasp, Ahrilon's body relaxed, his cock still throbbing with his own heartbeat, the final rope of warm, gooey wolf cum shooting onto his belly. He felt his own cum soaking through his fur, Del's paw still wrapped around the base of his lupine cock.

Del sighed gently again, releasing his jaws and licking at Ahrilon's shoulder. He scooted back, his knot tugging at Ahrilon's insides making the both of them shiver. Slowly, the two sweat and cum-drenched wolves made their way back to the fire, and Del threw one of Ari's legs over his head, and twisted inside his mate, both of them shivering again at the internal shift of Del's cock.

Ahrilon moaned and grinned, so very happy with the choice he'd made. Del turned them on their sides so that Ari's front was facing the fire, Del laying behind him, with one of Del's paws still wrapped around the base of Ahrilon's knot, the other arm wrapped around his chest. Del had somehow scavenged his pants and tunic, and laid them overtop of the both of them like a patched blanket.

Ahrilon sighed as he gazed into the flames, his mate licking at the back of his neck lovingly. "Del, I love you so much."

"Ari, you're the light of my life. I wouldn't be able to live without you. Thank you so very much...for coming and finding me...for loving me." Del kissed Ahrilon's neck.

Ari craned his neck back and grinned to himself.

After what seemed like an eternity of silent bliss, Del whispered something into Ahrilon's ear. "So I wonder if that pack of bond brothers and sisters actually exists..."

Ahrilon grinned again. "It doesn't long as I'm with you."

Ari felt Del hug him tighter. "You're right Ari. I love you."

Ari never lost his grin, he was in heaven. "Ditto, wuff."

THE END. And on to the Next Chapter. Oh I AM planning another chapter, whenever I have the time. Ari and Del have to have their adventure after all. Thanks for taking the time to read guys. And please, if you have the time, leave a comment for me on the message boards, or feel free to email me at [email protected] Thanks, you guys are the best.