
Story by Xavius T on SoFurry

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#12 of Breathless

A/N: Here as promised is the Epilogue of Breathless. Yes, it's going to sound like it's catching up about the people--because it truly is; as well as leading into Crystalis. And well, afterwards, there's a little bonus scene that has been driving me crazy the past few days, and I didn't want to write it out until I finish Breathless and it's epilogue, so enjoy~

It truly has been a year since that fateful day. We began rebuilding Konoha the week afterwards, and it's still going on--though now it is starting to look like a true village again. What happened that day is just in the backs of people's minds--there, but not. There haven't been attacks on the village yet either. It's most likely because the other villages were attacked as well during Xavius' and Ken's reign of terror. Simply said, there will always be that worry of attack, but it's all good.

Team 7 is back to normal again, with everyone in its ranks helping out not only with the building but picking up slack in the missions. We can't let other villages think we're weak, now can we? What Izzy said about 'Other Worlds,' I believe him. I may not be as smart as Ken, but I do understand that they exist. I mean, so far I've seen their Digital World, Real World and even Takato's world. That's three other than this one!

Well things have slipped back into a normal routine, our efforts calmed down. basically life is like it was--safe for the new addition of select people. We've learned about technology from Izzy and them, as well as the dangers of some things. Their worlds are so different and yet so beautiful. I'm sure I'll see every part of them someday. Oh! Team 7 have agreed on something. We're not going to use our powers unless we absolutely need them. Can't have a scare, now can we? And Sasuke, he's back with us for good. He promised us to not leave unless it was necessary. Seems he's settled down too.

T.K. and Kairi, you know the ones I met in the Digital World? Well they're one of the constant travelers between worlds. They call themselves the 'Digital Ambassadors' and I believe them. Gatomon and Patomon sometimes come over to play with me and Veemon, just enough to have some fun while we're waiting for things. Davis always likes to meander to here, along with his new love. Yeah, he finally got a lover, though I wasn't surprised when I saw it was Tai. Just something about the two that set off red flags. Oh, I forgot--he likes to be called Daisuke now--Says that me being called Naruto and the others with unique names made him want one too!

Agumon and Veemon play too, we sometimes even get together and play. It's so much fun! And Veemon? He's an official member of Team 7. We've all decided that he needs a hitae-ate and got him one from Iruka. So all four of us have gone together on Missions. Sometimes we even just hang around eating Ramen. He likes the way I live, and I"m glad.

Sasuke and Sakura have moved in together and seem to be going steady. Guess she finally broke him down enough for them to be going out. I wouldn't be surprised that she intrigued him enough with her strength, and I'm glad for them. Means I don't need to worry about either of them because they have each other.

Matt likes to come back our world--well through the portal where we've created a building so it's private to come through--and hold concerts for some of our people. He's even given us CDs of his music, it's nice, though not totally my taste. Izzy has given me a laptop and shown me how to use it, and I've been keeping up with writing so it's good. I've heard Ken has gone back to school and is helping Izzy map out the Digital Worlds--as many as they can find at least.

Of Mikoto, there's only been rumors of her. Well at least I think it's her. A rogue woman and her cat digimon have been spotted throughout the Digital World healing digimon whether they be friends or foes, and staying with them. It's also been said that some nights you can hear a flute duet being played. Guess it truly was her home.

Takato and Henry sometimes stop by, but they have their own troubles with Rika. I've seen her, but only once and she wants nothing to do with this world or others. However, as a present to me and Veemon, Henry and Takato compiled a new deck--they taught me as much as they could about the cards and how to use them if the time arises.

Well I believe that's good enough to state--wait! I almost forgot something. Xavius came back... Well he did for one time and said he was coming back in a month to take me to a place where I'm needed, which is tomorrow. I'm not sure I can trust him, but he's explained his reasoning--that he had to test me for what was to come. He's also given me something, a crystal of his own just in case he would need me.

I do know that I want to leave and see this new world--and of course Veemon's coming with me. Sasuke and Sakura should be enough to protect this world, and the other Digidestined too. I'll leave Xavius' crystal here in case you need to get to us; I don't know if it will work, but it's worth a try in a desperate situation.

Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Daisuke Motomiya. Three close people to both me and Veemon. They'll be enough to continue our legacy of these events. They all explained what happened, and I thought you would like to know what took months out of Team 7 and why there was an attack. Stay alive and be ready for me to take your place when I get back.

~Rokudaime Uzumaki Naruto!

Closing the book, Tsunade twitched an eye. "Conceited brat..." Sighing to herself, she folded her hands in front of her face and leaned forward on the table. "Shizuru.."


"Do you know what we just lost?"

"...No... Should I?"

"You should... We just lost the best Ninja in Konoha.. No.. in the entire world."

=====================================BONUS SCENE===========================================

Daisuke smirked as he yanked Tai through the woods. "Come on! I know of this beautiful place!" Grinning, he adjusted his goggles and looked forward, never releasing his hold upon the brunette.


"Shh.. We're almost there." And with that, Daisuke yanked Tai through to a clearing with a large tree by a little lake. "Here we are!"

Tai just blinked at the scene. He knew Daisuke for a while, and knew what he liked, but this was just over the top. Never would he have thought Daisuke would have a beautiful taste in scenery. "How...How did you find this place?" Gasping aloud for the breaths he lost in awe, Tai looked over at the smiling Daisuke.

"Naruto told me about it. Said I should bring you here for.. um..." Blushing, the brunette pulled his lover close into a kiss, his hands already running down his sides to rest upon the digidestined's butt. Tai's eyes went wide before they slowly closed, him melting towards the kiss in a perfect passion.

Hands combed through Daisuke's hair, stripping him of his goggles, before they slid down around the boy's neck, prolonging the kiss as far as it could. Neither one had seen the sky darken within their kiss; only when they felt the first drops of rain upon their hands did they break away to look up, letting the water cascade down them.

Tai gave a quick chuckle, before pushing his lover back and back towards the tree they had seen. "Seems as though we're going to get wet anyways." Little butterfly kisses danced upon Daisuke's jawline, arching upward towards and ear to give a few licks to. All that escaped from the younger boy was strangled gasps. Shivering from delight, he had to force his hands to start moving again, letting them slide underneath Tai's shirt to rub at the nice warm flesh there.

Though he had felt some coldness, the older boy pressed forward, letting his chest feel the heat radiating from Daisuke's hands, and from the body he was so close to having once more. With another small lick to the ear, Tai backed down to kiss Daisuke's lips roughly letting the other boy feel his back against the tree. His tongue snaked out to rub across tender lips, as it pressed for entrance within Dai's mouth.

The rain pelted down more, drenching the clothing of the two boys, and disheveling hair that once stood tall and strong. Closing his eyes, Daisuke opened up his mouth to great the tongue with his own, caressing it back and forth as his hands drew softly across the skin it touched. It felt like heaven to him, the closeness of his lover within the summer rains as Naruto had told them would happen.

Their tongues danced together, as Tai drew the younger boy's further into his own mouth wanting to give it as much taste as it could. Under Daisuke's touch, his chest rose and fell quickly, while both of his hands moved to slip within the other's shirt. He wasn't in for keeping wet clothes upon the boy--just another excuse to see his nude form once more. Breaking back from the kiss, Tai blinked open his eyes to look at the blushing boy within his grasp and pushed up the shirt with ease. "I love you."

Another strangled gasp left Daisuke as he felt the kiss break and himself losing his shirt. His eyes stared back and forth between both of the older boy's eyes, before fabric covered his vision, making his hands leave their warm spot. Another shiver, and another almost whimper as he himself struggled to let the shirt come off easily--eyes finally meeting again with Tai's in a kiss with the shirt being tossed aside with carelessness.

Nothing would remove the blush upon the younger boy's face; they had done this so many times, and even within those numerous moments of passion and lust, he could never truly believe that within the year of life he would be so close to the man he admired, and loved. Lips quivered, locking and unlocking in the kiss before he moaned outward. Palms pressed against the crotch of his shorts, filling in the tightness with both the water and warmth. In the connection of eyes, Daisuke could see Tai smirking at him, as his kiss deepened and those palms turned into gropes; moans wouldn't even make him stop, only edge further in his teasing.

Giving in to the pleasure, Daisuke closed his eyes to let it flow over him like a river, with his body pressing forward into the gropes. Whispered words were trapped between the touching lips, but hands still traveled down to cradle around his lover's waist, attempting to not lose what was happening to him here and now.

Tai had different ideas, as his gentle and 'innocent' groping turned into being more of a way to slip those cool and wet hands into Daisuke's trousers, letting fingers glide along the throbbing shaft hidden deep within the tent. Pressing his kisses forward--as if he was trying to swallow down each sweet moan that was elicited from his lover--Tai stroked along the length, giving small squeezes here and there.

Mewl-like sounds mixed with whimpers blew by lips as Daisuke's tongue tried to keep up with each kiss and each motion--his body trembling ever more so than before. The only thing that had kept him from realizing this wasn't a dream was the gentle caressing of rain down his cheeks and body, and the warmth that radiated from the one near him. Stroking up inside of the older boy's shirt, he wished to feel the warmth again pressed firm against his palms.

A hidden gasp strangled with a moan came within a buck as Tai continued his small ministrations. It was always something within the sounds that came from Daisuke that turned him on and made him love the boy even more. Breaking away from the kiss, he licked his lips before his hands undid the button upon Daisuke's shorts, sliding them down the boy's body. He already knew that the younger boy went commando, just from the feeling of skin that closed in on his hands. His eyes watched another shudder as the ran cascaded back down the nude body before him.

Flushing at the attention, Daisuke gave another small whimper. "T-tai..." Enraptured by the eyes before him, the younger boy could not look away even if he tried. "I..."

"Shh..." A finger pressed against the other's lips, "I know." Taking a step back to admire the body, Tai slipped away from Daisuke's grip long enough to shed his own clothing, tossing it near the water precariously. Another step forward, and Tai's hands cupped his lover's cheek as he gave a gentle kiss to him; hands moving away quickly to take a hold of Daisuke's to hold against the tree. A devilish smirk drew Daisuke's attention towards the older boy's groin, and the glistening sparkle of pre mixed with rain gliding down it. It looked perfect.

It always did.

He gave a lewd grind towards Daisuke, moaning out himself at the feeling of again being so close to his lover. It reminded him of the first time the duo had been together--in the rain upon a summer's night. Together they had spent the best days of their lives entwined within each others grasp. Closing his eyes quickly, Tai let himself just enjoy the feelings. Teasing was one thing, but he didn't want to just make his own body ache for release. Later, he'd get the younger boy back, making him squirm and cream in his shorts. But for now, His thoughts had been on taking the younger brunette and making him his again.

Biting on his lip, Daisuke groaned aloud as his body pressed back; hands struggling to get free from their bindings against the tree. He so wanted to take both his and Tai's erections and stroke them. It had always come down to that. His struggles increased with each passing lewd second, as did his moans--louder and louder until he felt like he wasn't going to last much longer.

But Tai wouldn't just let him get off the hook so easily, and pulled back from his excessive grindings. "Mmm.. What should I do with the treat before me?" Licking his lips again, another devilish grin came by, before the older boy kneed open Daisuke's legs, letting them spread as far as they could and still let him stand. Dai only gave a stare as he wondered exactly if what was going to be was going to happen. "I think... I shall make him mine again." Both hands ran down Daisuke's body, eliciting another shiver from the boy, until they landed upon his waist. Cupping in between the cheeks, Tai lifted Daisuke up just enough to settle himself between his legs, and align just right.

Just a little whimper, before he tried to speak again, Daisuke found his lips meshed with Tais' again as his eyes went wide--the familiar feeling of his lover's shaft tracing around his pucker came back vividly. Pressing forward, the older brunette gave a long thrust upwards, effectively burying himself within his lover's entrance. Almost hilted, Tai pushed just a bit more to let his body be flush against Daisuke's again--a few strangled gasps and screams quelled with just a kiss. Dreamily, Tai's eyes stared at Daisuke, just watching him and waiting. He wouldn't just jump in and start thrusting. No, he wanted to make love with his boyfriend, not just have plain sex.

Those eyes relayed a message hidden between the two, as Daisuke's hands clenched around his older boyfriend's shoulders. The pain, it was normal for him to feel after just a little while of not being together, and yet it was a welcomed pain. He knew it would ebb to pleasure, a pleasure that would make him scream out his lover's name for the whole world to know who was his. Seconds passed, rain ran down upon the bodies, and their stares stayed true. Slowly, Daisuke's clenching started to lighten up, showing that the ear-curdling scream of agony was passing, reveling in the pleasureful wails of euphoria.

Easily, Tai withdrew himself from his lover's confines to the tip, and thrusted back in, shaking the younger boy's body in the process. Hair shifted; even in its sopping density, it always seemed to move within their actions. Breathing steadily, Daisuke let his eyes close, his legs wrapping around his lover's waist to keep him as connected to him as he possibly could. Nothing would destroy this, he knew that.

Grunting in his movements, Tai continued to thrust into his brunette's ass, his body melding together as his tongue came out to lash against those quivering lips open in a constant moan. Tracing over each tooth, each crevasse with his tongue, he wished to know parts of the brunette that he hadn't discovered before. Hands held fast within the thrusts, making sure not to lose the boy close to him. Daisuke found his world to be shrouded in darkness, rain, and stars. Twinkling little stars that always seemed to brighten up anything around him. Even through the rain, he could hear his lover's movements and breathing--even down to his heart beat.

Tai had to break away from the kiss quickly to give a loud moan to the skies, rain drenching with the water and hair falling to the sides. Daisuke wasn't far behind him as he screamed out a louder moan--Tai connecting with his prostate head on. Though haggardly breathing, the older brunette could gather himself into a smile. He loved those screams as well. Thrusting again and again against the same spot, he wished for more. The feeling of warmth pooling in his groin started to erupt downward. Each thrust, each clench made by Daisuke, it all seemed to draw the older boy closer to his apex.

He loved each and every movement the older boy gave to him. Those hands clenched back down upon the shouldres as he bucked downward onto the shaft within him. It was suppose to go deeper in his mind, so deep that he could feel it everywhere. Never, did he want that feeling of fullness to leave--and when it did, he whimpered out into another moan as it quickly returned. Pre continued to shoot from his own length, letting him feel himself getting close; so close to the edge and yet so loathing of that closeness.

Grunts and moans left towards the winds, caking themselves within the falling mist from the sky. Hair flew around, completely wet from the constant downpour. Warmth radiated from both brunette's letting them feel each other close. Tai's head moved back to pant moan in front of his lover's face, staring at him with eyes that showed true love and compassion. Daisuke's own face was contorted in pleasure within he movements, lost amongst the world around him even when he had felt his lover's eyes upon him.

Giving another smirk, Tai leaned forward to kiss those open lips, then down towards the younger boy's neck. His thrusting sped up, and he understood it was so close to everything ending. But Daisuke was further ahead of him. Shuddering completely from the kisses to his neck, the younger brunette let out a moan--mingled within was Tai's name--as his body froze up with him thrusting down. Rocketing through him like flames, his orgasm took over everything once more. His cock started to shoot his seed upon his own chest and Tai's. Through the thrustings, it seemed to Daisuke that it would never end, and that was something he would have been glad about.

Groaning outward and giving a hiss of pleasure, Tai felt the hole around his own length implode, clenching devastatingly around his own cock. Opening his mouth wide in a long moan, he bit down upon his lover's neck, thrusting for just a few moments longer, then stilling with the deepest thrust. Exploding like a fountain, he felt his cum enter within the younger brunette's body, and coat around.

To both, it felt like hours of the long spiral down of love and euphoria, but in reality is was barely a minute. As both gasped for air, Tai let his mouth leave from Daisuke's neck--a bite wound and a hickey seemed to be left in its place. Their eyes once again looked at each other with passion. One soothed the other's pain as he leaned forward to kiss, letting the seed between them become a mere memory.

Breathing happily into the kiss, Daisuke felt himself just lose any worries of losing his lover--everything was perfect, everything was nice. Licking at his lover's lips, Daisuke gave a last nudge, before pulling back to smirk. "H..Happy Anniversary..." With one eye open and the other closed, his arms wrapped around Tai's body as his legs squeezed harder. He was glad that there was a tree for them both to lean against so they wouldn't fall.

Surprised by the words that left his lover's mouth, Tai had to think for a moment, before a smirk came by. He hugged back and nodded. It was truly a year since they had started to go out--he had almost forgotten it.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


End Note: Well I was going to put two scenes here, but I think I'll let you all decide if I should add some random stories of some pairings in here. What I had thought was an AguNaruVee threesome, but if you want that done, just give me some time and I'll add it to the series in a second bonus scene. I'll do probably two more scenes other than that one if it's wanted--but only if it's wanted. Sorry about this one being two humans, but let's just say that it's dedicated to one of my writing friends.
