The Meeting Again of Lovers

Story by Raziel dragon on SoFurry

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A short story i wrote for a friend.

The Meeting Again of Lovers

The day starts out like any other,waking up alone in my bed,showering alone,and even eating breakfast alone. I clean up my house alittle from the night before,then I go get dressed and head outside to buy some groceries at the nearby store. I pick up some milk and other stuff,kind of in a lonely daze,and bump into the person in line for the register in front of me.

"Oops! Sorry!" I say with a nervous laugh. The woman just stared at me,I'm guessing she woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Soon its my turn to put my grocies on the convayer belt and pay for it. I say my 'Thanks' and 'Have a nice day' to the cashier and walk out and back to my place which is only down the road. The sun is bright and high in the noon sky,but its too bright for me,I shield my eyes as I think to myself,'Why did I wake up so early....'

I unlock my door and walk in,put my groceries away,then sit down on my couch. My place isnt big,but enough for a single guy like me. This dragon is comfortable with his night-time job and place on a regular basis,but it does get lonely around here sometimes. I try to pass the time buy watching a few cartoons and playing some video games,but im soon bored of that and turn off my TV. I turn on my stereo and listen to B101,101.5, and all the old songs I know and can sing along to. I relax back on my couch,singing away until suddenly my phone rings! Its a text message from my close friend Sly Spirit,a sexy wolf I met not too long ago.

He says,"I miss you stud",and I reply,"I miss you too my sexy wolf!" We text back and forth for about a half-hour before I finaly ask him what he is up to. He says he's not doing much other than watching TV and thinking of me,and what we did together. Right away I start to breath alittle heavier,remembering the time we had together last week. "Mind if I come over?" I ask,and he replies,"Wondering when you were going to ask!" I smile and get off the couch with a renewed energy,making sure my house is alset before I head out. The sun is just starting to go down and I giggle to myself about something/someone else doing the same soon.

I get in my car and turn on the radio,but this time to 93.7 playing a mix of everything,but currently a newer song. I happily sing along with a big smile on my face while the hour drive seems to pass very quickly. I arrive at Sly's house and pull into his driveway,turning to radio back down before I shut off the car,and walk to his door. I knock and get only a,"The door is open",so I open the door to a beautiful sight that makes my jaw drop! Picture a sexy wolf dressed only in his Birthday suit,sitting on his couch,giving me a great view of his body. My pants seem to become too small in the front very quickly! I shake my head as I catch myself starting to drool,and walk closer to my "friend",taking in the sight.

"Um,I sort of have a problem here.Would you like to take care of it for me?" I say to him while my member is straining the cloth of my pants.

"Use me for it," Sly says in a sexy tone while he stands and bends over the back of his couch.

"Oh man,your so HOTT! What would I do without you? Im so turned on right now!" I say as I close in on my target and quickly strip,my thick shaft already at full attention. He just stays there,wagging his butt at me while his tail lifts up. I grab his sexy hips and apply slow and steady pressure of my hard rod against his small pucker until my head pops in. Then I thrust the rest of my shaft in,hard and fast,all the way to the base.

He murrs,then moans and grunts from my hard cock pushing into him deeply. I begin to pump out then back in,slowly at first,but quickly picking up momentum. I move my hands to his shoulders as I thrust in deeper,he moans more,humping back hard against me.

"Breed me stud....stuff your wolf full!" Sly says very lustfully. I'm huffing and puffing as one of my hands move to his chest and the other to his cock,while I lean down onto his back. I start to stroke his cock,hard and fast as he squirms and moans out,savoring the feeling. My cock pounding away primally into his tight ass,stroking his cock rapidly,and now my other hand feels around his chest and teasing his nipples.

I move my free hand down his chest and stomach to his large wolf sack,then I roll his balls in my hand and gently squeeze them a few times. He moans out more and then howls deeply as he starts to cum before me,his ass tightening around my cock more. The added resistance drives me over the edge as I EXPLODE deep into his tight,sexy,HOTT,lovely ass! Pumping load after load into him as I milk his cock dry. Sly moans and squirms under me as he feels my hot dragon seed filling him up. My pumping starts to slow while some of my seed leaks out of the sides,adding slurping sounds to the slapping.

I lean over and whisper in Sly's ear,"Man......that was......wonderful....",then knibble on his ear and move my head lower to kiss his neck. I pull out my spent cock slowly while I wrap my arms around his waist,still kissing his neck. I stop and stand,bringing Sly with me,then turn him around and stare into his eyes while I pick him up into my arms. I carry him to the bed then lay him down gently,climbing on,laying next to my wolf. I wrap my arms back around Sly and make eye contact as I start to sing 'You are so beautful to me' softly as he falls asleep in my embrace. I lay my head down and fall asleep as well.