Mounted on Power (KFPFF)

Story by Jab Kingkiller on SoFurry

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A KFPFF. Please enjoy and comment, while be posting more if people like it. Posted as adult merely because it will eventually be very adult at times. Just not yet ;)

I have grown to fall in love with Kung Fu Panda. Maybe it was the generally sexiness they gave tigress in KFP2 or the way they are developing the stroy that is grabbing my attention by the scruff of my neck. Regardless, I love it, and watch one or the other, or the tv episodes or shorts, every other day.

But I have taken it upon myself to write a fanfic based off it. Everything but the characters I make belong to disney, blah blah blah, etc etc etc. This story won't have much yiff for a while. It's hopefully, with good feed back, going to be a long one. I still don't have an ending in the back of my head yet. Anyway, read, grade, comment, criticise, growl, slash, tear, love, hate, but please keep comments nice and not offensive :D just pm me for those. Or if you feel the desire to draw anything from this, please do, I suck at art of the non worded kind. Just let me know so I can link to it.

And I know it has been a while since I posted. I have not forgetten my other works. But come one, animals doing kung fu? Hard to ignore!

The Jade Palace was just as incredible as he had been led to believe in all the stories and tales he had heard. Heavy, wooden doors with intricate carvings opened before him on perfectly oiled hinges, guards standing silently at the ready, their eyes peeking out from under their straw hats. The courtyard was empty save for the guards and soft, worn stone and flapping banners. Inside the past another set of doors was the main hall, the Hall of Warriors. Jade pillars sprouted from a jade floor, as if the entire room was carved from a giant block. At the end of the hall was a pool, surrounded by candles and shelves of scrolls, where Master Shifu perched on his staff.

Shifu's ear twitched as he got closer, and without warning or sound, he back flipped high into the air, landing noiselessly in front of him, staff landing in his outstretched paw. Opening his eyes, he looked up at the two tigers before him. "So this is the young one you spoke of?"

The elder tiger nodded, her greying orange fur standing out next to the dark fur of the young one next to her. "This is he. His name is Jab Shadowfang. His parents were stricken by fever over this last winter, and he has passed all the tests your messengers brought."

"I'm seventeen sir, not a young cub." Jab said, keeping a respectful tone. None the less, his elder gave him a small slap on the back of the head, more of a showing he was wrong than a physical discipline.

"Mind your manners. This is Master Shifu. He will be taking care of, and teaching, you from now on."

Shifu nodded to the elder, and then turned his gaze to Jab. "Are you ready to join the ranks of the kung fu elite? This will be no mere training. This won't be something you do in your free time. This will become your life, your calling, your career. There is no leaving once in."

Jab looked down at the ground and took a deep, steadying breath before looking back at his master. "I am ready. I want to make my parents proud of me. To know that they're lives, they're strength, and their teachings, will live on through me, and been seen by the world."

Shifu smiled and bowed. "Then train hard, work hard, and study hard, and everything you desire will be yours." He waved to a guard, who walked over. "He will lead you to your room. We will meet at supper in the dining room." Jab and the elder bowed, and then followed the guard out. Shifu watched the young tiger leave, then turned and looked at the lines of scrolls on the wall. "Don't worry. He's not replacing you. He will help though. They will all help." He sighed, his ears drooping. "And we need all the help we can get."

The living quarters were square and mostly empty. His room was farthest down the hallway on the left, slightly larger than the others due to the fact it was in the corner. A small chest and a bamboo bed filled the room, and on top of the chest were ink, pen and paper, along with a bamboo oil lamp. Jab's bag of belongings was just as sparse. He had sold most of his belongings and invested the money, saving some in a small black coin purse, and kept only two pairs of clothing, some training clothes, and a jade brush that used to be his mother, a black cloak, and his father katana. He hung the katana above his bed, all the clothes in his chest, and the brush on top of it, next to the lamp. He turned back to his elder, and found her holding a folded piece of clothing.

"Our clan's final gift for you, Jab. Made of the finest materials, this shirt will grow with you. No matter how large or small you are, this will fit you, and it is so light you won't even know it is there. Plus, it won't rip or tear, which I feel is something that will quickly occur to your other clothes. Here, try it on." The elder turned as he unrolled it.

The material was soft, black, and a little stretchy. He pulled his shirt off and slipped the new shirt over his head. When he had it on, he had to agree. He couldn't even feel the weight or pull of the shirt on his fur. Even better, a hood hung from his back, and he pulled it up, finding that even that fit perfectly. The elder turned back around and looked him over. "I must admit, I didn't believe the claims about it fitting any size, but it does look like it fits you perfectly. Now Jab, it is your turn to bring our clan recognition and honor. Make us proud, make all tigers proud."

Jab ran forward and hugged his elder, something normally forbidden. When he ended the embrace, the elder smiled, wiped his eye of a single tear, bowed, turned, and left.

And thus, Jab Shadowfang entered the Jade Palace.

The first thing Jab did was sleep. He laid down on his bed and passed out. Three days of walking does that to a tiger. When he woke an hour later, he rubbed the grit from his silver eyes and went about brushing himself. He had just finished when his door slip open. Looking up and expecting a guard summoning him to dinner, he was surprised to see red furred vixen fox and a spotted snow leopard in his doorway.

They stared at each other for a few seconds before fox smiled brightly. "Now HE is cute." The vixen sauntered into the room, causing her large breasts to jiggle in her uniform that looked like it was deliberately a size too small. "Definitely better than those wolf twins." The leopard still stood in the door, looking him over. "My name is Nora, "the fox said, sitting next to him on the bed, "And shyness over there is Kiara."

"My names is Jab," Jab said after finding his voice, which he almost lost again when Nora leaned forward, her elbows resting on her knees. "Just got here from the Western Mountain region."

"Oh, now that's a long way from home. Look at you, leaving an exotic place and your parents to be a warrior. Kiara's from the northern mountains. I'm from a town east of here."

Jab's tail dropped and he ears flattened. "My parents are dead." Nora put a hand to her mouth in shock. Jab hung his head. "Fever."

When Jab finally looked up, it was into the bluest eyes he had ever seen. Kiara had left her spot in the doorway and now knelt in front of him, her paw on his. "My parents were taken from me also. I've been here two months now. This place," She said, looking around, "This place will feel like home soon." They locked eyes again, and Jab smiled softly. Kiara returned it with her own before shaking her head and standing up. "We, uh, we should go. It's almost time to eat." Jab and Nora both nodded and stood, and Nora gave Jab a quick hug before they headed out the door.

The kitchen was crowded and full compared to Jab's room. Pots, pans, baskets, bags, and cabinets lined the walls, with a large table for six in the middle of the room. Six medium sized bowls crowded the table, full of what looked to be rice and beans.

The three seated themselves together at one end, Kiara in the middle with Jab and Nora on the sides. Jab was about to say something when two more entered, grey wolves that looked exactly alike save one had a scar on his nose. A smile spread across the duos faces as they saw Jab, and the scarred one pridefully strode over to Jab's side.

"You, cat, are in my seat." The wolf said smoothly, his smile fading to a satisfied smirk.

Jab shrugged. "Didn't see a name tag. Last I checked this isn't kindergarten."

The smirk quickly left the wolf's face as the girls chuckled. "I don't need a tag. It is my seat. Now move!" With that, the wolf grabbed Jab with both his paws and threw him into the corner, smashing a grain filled basket. "So go sit next Len."

"Ah come on Troy, why does he have to sit next to me?" Len complained.

"Because I want to be next to Shifu. Duh." Troy turned his glare back to Jab. "Hurry up cat. He's on his way." Jab stood slowly and growled at Troy, but knew there was nothing he could do. He sat next to Len, who growled at him. Jab growled back, and that was the end of it. Everyone soon began to eat in silence save Kiara, who sat there, waiting. Jab noticed this and followed suit.

Suddenly, Shifu appeared behind Troy. "Ah, good, three volunteers for cleaning duty tonight." Troy's tail poofed in shock as he choked on rice, beans falling from his mouth. "Jab, Kiara, thank you for waiting for me." He sat down next to Troy, and then looked over his shoulder at the broken basket. "Oh, and Troy, seems a basket broke. Please see to it that it is repaired before supper tomorrow." Troy nodded dumbly as Shifu began to eat.

The meal was quiet as everyone ate together for the first time. Troy shot a glare at Jab, who merely smirked back. Eventually, the master spoke.

"As you know, the Dragon Warrior and the Furious Five are out on a mission. We do not know when they will be back, but they have requested the training of a new five for the valleys protection and to promote growth of the palace. We sent out the tests, and you five passed. Congratulations are in order, for it is a great honor to have you here. I am your master, and I promise to teach you what you need to know." Jab's ear twitched at that. Shifu raised an eyebrow and looked over at him. "Have something to say Jab?"

Jab looked around at the other four. "You said need to know. Does that mean there are things you will not teach?"

"Just because I will not teach them, does not mean they cannot be learned. Learning only ever truly ends when one stops seeking and craving more knowledge." Jab nodded in acceptance. "Now tomorrow, we begin at sunrise, before breakfast. The guards will wake you for the first few days, but after that, you are on your own." He rose, and the students followed suit, bowing as he left.

Jab took a few more large bites before following suit. He wasn't very hungry, and even with his nap he was still tired. As he walked back to the dormitories, he was stopped by a swarm of lightning bugs. He watched as they flew around him, and then disappeared off on a hidden side trail. Were it not for the bugs, he never would have even noticed it. Looking up at the dormitory building, he shrugged. He could use a good walk in the trees.

He strolled through the bushes and quickly realized the trail was much larger than it seemed. The trees hid it well. The air was cool, and the trees and plants around him relaxed him, made him feel at home. He had the fight the urge to climb one. He passed over a bridge whose stream was long dried, and soon found the trail taking an uphill turn. He pushed on, and soon found himself in a small clearing, which looked to be an outcropping off the side of the mountain. That's when he saw the peach tree.

He approached it slowly, for some reason feeling very wary. He felt like he wasn't alone in this place, like someone was there watching. As he circled the tree, he found it empty. He even took the extra step of looking into the branches. He sighed, spun on his heels, and fell against the tree, finding it surprisingly comfortable. He closed his eyes and sighed, just enjoying the ability to relax. He was beginning to dose off when he heard soft footsteps approaching.

Fearing Troy, Len, or the two together, he kept silent and waited. He listened as they got closer, but to his relief it was neither Troy OR Len, but Kiara, whose path took her past him and stopped right in front of him. Her back was to him, and, fearing that he would startle her, he remained motionless. She was looking up at the stars in the clear night sky, as if looking for one in particular.

Suddenly, she sighed and fell backwards.

Normally, she would have landed perfectly into the nook of the tree. Instead, she found herself in Jab's lap. Her claws instantly stuck into his legs as she tried to register just what she had landed on, and Jab winced while quickly whispering "It's just me, Jab." He winced again as she tried unsuccessfully to unattached her claws. "I'll scoot over if you'd like."

"I am so sorry." She blurted out, still struggling. "I wasn't expecting anyone here."

"No no, it's fine. I should have said something." He reached around her, gripped her paws, and gave a quick yank, pulling the claws from his legs and allowing her to slide off his lap to his side. "I was just being cautious."

She sat silently for a moment before softly asking "In case it was Len or Troy?"

"Yea, that." They sat in an awkward silence for several long seconds, Jab looking at the view to his left and Kiara looking at the dirt between her feet. "I'll leave you be. I didn't know it was yours." Jab said softly, making a move to stand. But Kiara's hand flashed and gripped his tightly, making him turn to look at her.

"No, please, stay." Realizing she had grabbed his paw, she let go crossed her arms across her chest. "It's more relaxing when I'm not alone." Jab smiled softly and nodded, and sat back down next to her. She leaned against him slightly, and then looked back up into the dark night sky. He did as well, watching the stars twinkle, seeing a few dance across the sky. About an hour later, they heard voices on the main trail, loud and rowdy, making Jab's ears perk slightly. "Maybe we should go, it's getting late." Jab nodded and yawned as Kiara stood. As she stretched, Jab watched in fascination. He snapped out of it when she turned around and looked down at him. "Coming?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, just stretching my legs a bit." He pushed himself up as Kiara started back towards the trail, her tail casually caressing his face. It stunned Jab momentarily, not knowing if it was deliberate or not, but he quickly recovered and followed her back up the trail. It was much darker now, but Jab didn't mind. The darkness relaxed him, and with his fur being much darker than most tigers, he blended in well. Mix that with his great eye sight, he was fine in any setting, day or night. And Kiara being a snow leopard, he assumed her eye sight was just as good. They soon found themselves back on the stone trail to the dormitory.

Suddenly Jab whirled around, muscles going tense and eyes wide. He could have sworn he heard someone say his name, right in his ear. Kiara, several steps ahead of him, looked over her shoulder at him. "What is it?" She asked.

A pit formed in Jab's stomach, but he just shook his head. "I don't know." Kiara waited for him to turn and catch up, and they soon got to the dormitory and entered. Everyone's lights were still on and doors opened. Troy sat on the bed fixing the basket he broke. Len was running a comb through his fur. Nora was stretching, doing front bends, towards the door, giving Jab a hard time keeping his head straight. As Jab and Kiara both turned to enter their rooms, Jab spun back around and stopped her. "How did you lose your parents?"

Kiara looked at him, a soft and distant pain filling the depths of her eyes. "They were poisoned." Her voice cracked, and she cleared her throat before continuing. "I was at a friend's house the night it happened. It killed them while they slept. Doctor said that had the dose been correct, it would have taken much longer, and looked just like the fever. The assassin made a mistake. Didn't account for me not being there."

The pit in Jab's stomach turned into a boulder. Jab nodded slowly and stepped back. "Thank you. Sleep well." He slowly closed his door, then turned to his bed and fell into. He was asleep in seconds.