Three Player Games

Story by Taki on SoFurry

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#4 of Biology of Reproduction and Modern Sexuality

Author's note: Ok, it's been a bit over two years since I posted chapter three of this series. Sorry! Hopefully it won't be another two before I get to chapter five!

Laura raised an eyebrow at her roommate. "Did you just ask what I think you asked?" The red panda nodded. "Yeah, is it a problem? I mean, you do it every week." The husky squirmed. Sure, she did have to share Zane with other girls in class, but it was different when Abby asked. "I don't know. We do it in class because we kind of have to. It would feel, I don't know, weird with you." Abby smiled. "Aww, no sharing? You can join in if you want. It could be a lot of fun!" Laura blushed brightly. "Join in? But you're...I mean, you're cute, but I don't..." She trailed off, flustered. The red panda laughed. "Not really interested in girls, eh? I thought you were all about trying new things these days." That was a good point. "No fair turning my own policies against me." Abby growled seductively, then giggled. "Well, I won't make you do it if you're set against it, but I'd really like to find out if some of those things they say about dragons are true. Especially since you're too shy to share details with me." She stuck her tongue out. Laura blushed again. "I'm just not used to talking about those things. But if you just want confirmation about dragon stereotypes, then yeah, a lot of them are true." The husky squirmed again, and not from discomfort. Her roommate shook her head. "Oh now you're just taunting me. At least give it a thought, ok? I think we could have a good time."

The offer stayed on her mind until the next time she saw Zane, the following day in class. She dropped onto the couch next to the dragon and sighed. Zane wrapped his arm around her and squeezed. "Something on your mind?" Laura leaned her head on his shoulder. "Abby asked if she could have a turn with you." The dragon raised an eyebrow and gestured around the classroom. "You mean like, this kind of thing?" Laura nodded. "Yeah. She says she's curious about dragons. The thing is, despite what we do here, I don't know if I want to share you." Zane squeezed her again. "That's fine. The class is kind of a special situation. Abby is cute, and sex is obviously fun, but I do prefer doing it with you." The husky laughed. "How romantic!" She didn't mention that Abby had offered to play with both of them together. That still seemed a little too weird. The class started with Softtail clapping her hands in front of the assembled students. "Ok, I hope everyone is ready for an interesting class. I do have one announcement before we begin. You may have noticed that Nicole isn't here today. She likely won't be returning, but it's not my place to say why." The seven members of the class who were present looked around, noting that the sexually aggressive vixen was indeed absent. The rabbit continued. "It will require some creativity on future activities, but I think we can make uneven distribution work. I'll get involved if I have to. First, though, a discussion of our current topic. She sat on her desk at the front of the class, crossing her legs modestly. "Ok, BDSM. The common view is that it's all about giving and receiving pain. Really that's only part of it, and lots of people don't enjoy that aspect. Expanding the acronym helps explain it. B is for bondage, of course, which can be anything from a simple collar to full body wrapping, or even some sort of psychological hold. The D is discipline, which encompasses training or punishment or any number of things. D and S are domination and submission, which should be obvious. S and M are sadism and masochism, which would be the giving and receiving of pain I mentioned. Yes, two of those letters were used twice. Deal with it." Softtail looked around to make sure everyone was following. "We're only going to do a very loose overview, because this is a really big category of kink. It's expressed in lots of different ways to different degrees. I'll be suggesting directions to take this activity, but if you have something you'd prefer to do, just ask your partner if it's ok. I'll allow pretty much everything that doesn't involve excessive cleanup or require close safety monitoring from me." The rabbit stretched and then started to look serious. "That's a very important topic: safety. BDSM play often involves scenarios that have the potential to cause unsafe situations. There are three keywords that every scene should follow: safe, sane, and consensual. "You should be safe by making sure it's unlikely anyone could get seriously hurt. Restraints shouldn't be excessively tight, things like that. For more intense play you need to do even more, but we won't get into that today. "You be sane by not doing anything that would make another BDSM fan question you. Even if both parties want to do a scene where the Dom cuts off the sub's finger, and you have all the necessary medical equipment at hand, most people would tell you not to do it." Everyone in the class flinched as they imagined that happening. Softtail continued. "Finally, everyone involved in the scene should be fully willing, and ideally know what's coming. Limits should be discussed in advance and agreed upon fully. You should arrange a safeword, which will end the scene immediately if said. Make it unique, and not just 'stop' or whatever, because sometimes you'll say 'no' when you mean 'yes'. "An alternate method, or something to use in conjunction with a standard safeword is the stoplight method. 'Green' means you're fine and ready to go on, 'Yellow means you're a little uncomfortable and need the other person to back off slightly, and 'Red' is the same as safewording, it means things need to stop immediately." Zane shot Laura a worried look, and she nodded. It was sounding like a pretty serious activity. The rabbit nodded. "Having said all that, none of you should be doing anything too intense today, partly because I don't want to oversee all of that. Before we get started, do any of the ladies want to volunteer to be part of a threesome?" Laura thought for a moment. She had adopted the principle of trying new things fairly whole-heartedly, and this would help tell her if she might enjoy Abby's proposal. The gender ratio wouldn't be right, but the situation was close enough. The environment of the class seemed safer, somehow, so why not? The husky raised her hand. "I'll do it, as long as Zane is one of the other two." Zane looked over with a raised eyebrow and smiled. "What are you getting me into?" Laura blushed. "If you don't want to, that's ok. I thought it might be fun." Zane patted her on the shoulder. "It's fine. I know you've taken the exploration thing to heart, and yeah, it could be fun." He looked around. "Who's going to be with us?" Softtail also looked to the students, waiting for another volunteer. Rick, the squirrel that Laura had enjoyed topping in a previous activity raised a hand. "I'll do it." Softtail nodded and he made his way over to Laura and Zane. The rabbit nodded. "Ok, that's resolved. Everyone else pair up however you like and I'll get out the supplies." Rick introduced himself to Zane, somewhat awkwardly since he'd already had sex with the dragon's girlfriend. He looked between the other two and shrugged. "I guess we should figure out who's on top." Laura sighed. "Given the gender ratio we have here, it would probably work best if I'm the sub for this one." She turned to Zane and winked. "Don't you get any ideas." Zane blushed slightly and glanced over at Rick. "I understand." Rick nodded. "Works for me." Softtail came along then, holding a plastic bin full of ropes and leather straps. "Delivery! So who's the sub in this trio?" Laura stepped forward. "That's me." The rabbit smiled. "All right. I was kind of hoping one of the guys would be the sub. I think they'd be cute doing things to each other." Rick just shrugged. "Laura volunteered first." Zane shook his head. "Uh, no thanks." He quickly turned to Rick. "Nothing personal, man. It's just not my thing." The squirrel laughed. "No worries. Can't help your tastes." Softtail looked through her bin and pulled out a handful of cuffs and a metal rod. "Ok, these should be good for you. Would you mind being my model as I show how these work?" she asked Laura. It couldn't be any more embarrassing than the masturbation demonstration she had given in one of the earlier classes. "Uh, sure." Softtail led the way to the front of the class, and on the way Laura noticed that the other groups already had their cuffs and were checking fit without securing them. The pair of Ray the wolf and Sophie the skunk were flipping a coin. Before starting the demonstration, Softtail motioned for Laura to strip. She managed it quickly, having learned to wear loose, easily-removed clothes on activity days. As usual, the anticipation of fun had her damp between the legs. It still embarrassed her slightly, but nobody in the class had ever mentioned it, and that soothed a lot of her worries about being weird. She stood nude at the front of the room, with a calmness that would have shocked her before taking this class. Seeing her ready, Softtail whistled to get everyone's attention. "Ok, we're doing something very simple here today. We'll use some minor restraints, no gags or anything. Remember that if at any time you're not comfortable and want to stop, just say so and it will happen, no questions asked. This is the most important point of what I'm talking about. No matter what BDSM games may look like, they must be consensual." She gave another one of her rare extremely serious looks around the room. "Looks like everyone understands that I'm serious. Now, you all need to choose a safeword. I don't expect you to really need one, but it's good for practice. I also encourage you to try the red/yellow/green method if you suspect your partner might be having difficulty. Just pause quickly to ask how they're doing." Laura shifted in place, wishing the rabbit had started this explanation before she got naked. Softtail nodded and moved closer to Laura. "My recommended way to do this activity is fairly simple. You should restrain your partner and give them a bit of teasing. I'll recommend against spanking or any other kind of pain play unless your partner specifically asks for it. We're starting basic here, and I'm assuming you're all coming into this inexperienced. On that note, I'll show how these things work." She stood behind Laura and tapped on her shoulder. "Turn around for just a moment." Laura complied, trying to keep her tail from dipping between her legs. Softtail moved around between Laura and the class, and gently grabbed the husky's wrists, pulling them back behind her. When she let go, Laura held them in place. "These are some pretty basic restraints. Here I have a couple cuffs for the wrists. These already have a short length of rope hooking them together, but you'll usually be doing that yourself." She wrapped one leather cuff around Laura's wrist and fastened the hook through the appropriate hole. She checked the fit by trying to slip a finger between cuff and wrist and nodded. "You want these secure, but not so tight as to be uncomfortable. Some like it that way, but it's not usually what people prefer to focus on. Keep in mind that thick fur will compact a little bit." The rabbit held up Laura's arm while playing with the cuff to show how it fit. Laura blushed lightly as everyone looked at her, starting to understand better how Zane had felt in that first class. In another minute, both her arms were secured behind her back, though she could move them enough to prevent soreness. Softtail then knelt on the ground beside the husky and quickly applied cuffs to her ankles as she had with Laura's wrists. "This next part is especially fun. Pay attention." With her back to the class, Laura could still feel their eyes on her, and she shivered as the teacher nudged her legs apart. Softtail held up the metal rod she had brought and then showed how it connected to the cuffs on Laura's ankles, keeping her legs spread apart. She then stood and carefully guided Laura to turn around. "This is a spreader bar, designed to make sure you have full access to certain places. Note that when attached to the ankles your sub can still move their knees together and hide from you." Laura moved her knees as Softtail had mentioned to demonstrate. It threw off her balance slightly, but it did block sight and touch. She imagined the possibilities it opened when someone couldn't keep you out. It was a pleasant idea, but she thought she'd prefer to be on the other side. "The ideal placement for the spreader bar is across the thighs, to prevent this, but those cuffs are much harder to size, so we go with ankles because everyone's are closer to the same size. If and when you get these for yourself, keep that in mind." Softtail patted Laura on the shoulder. "Ok, you can go back to your group." Laura started to walk, purely by reflex, then stopped as she almost toppled because the spreader bar was still holding her legs apart, being helped up by Softtail. She looked to the teacher. "That was mean." The rabbit giggled. "Sorry, couldn't resist. But it's also a good instructive point. It can be fun to ask a sub to do something difficult or even impossible, but be ready in case they fail. You'll notice I was ready to catch Laura if she fell. Accidental pain is a big nono. For everything you do to reduce someone's ability, you need to be ready to take over for them." She waved Zane and Rick over to help her walk back. Zane smiled at her. "How are you liking it?" Laura showed her teeth. "It's certainly educational, and it's giving me ideas." Rick laughed and patted Zane on the back. "I've seen that look before. Good luck, man." Zane nodded slowly. "I see. Well, shall we begin?" Laura squirmed and tugged on her wrist cuffs, then cringed. "That was dumb. I just tried to give a thumbs up. Anyway, I'm good to go. Can we just use 'safeword' as a safeword if red/yellow/green isn't enough?" The other two shrugged. Zane said, "I'm ok with it." Laura carefully fell back onto a bed. "Well let's get started then!" Zane and Rick looked at each other. "Is she supposed to be giving the orders?" Zane asked. Rick shook his head. "No she isn't. This is a terrible breach of protocol. Do you have an idea for stopping that?" The dragon smiled. "I think I do." He quickly stripped off his clothes and climbed onto the bed. Laura smiled at him. "And how do you plan to--" That was all she got out before Zane pressed his mouth against hers, silencing her quite effectively. At least until his hand reached down between her spread legs and dragged a moan from her. His fingers teased along her wet folds for a few seconds, then he pulled away, allowing her to speak again. "So this is what I get when I give orders? I can't say it's exactly a punishment." Zane shifted to the side and spread his wings slightly, blocking Laura's view of anything below her waist. "Clearly I'm going to need some assistance if I can't keep you quiet on my own." He leaned down and took her nipple into his mouth, making her moan. The husky squirmed on the bed. Her arms were still tied behind her. It wasn't uncomfortable, but she was really wanting to put them to use. Her nipple stiffened under her boyfriend's tongue, making her want even more pleasure, but he wasn't providing it in the quantities she was used to. She knew he was capable of more aggressive action, and got frustrated that he was merely teasing her. "You can do a little more you know." The dragon raised his head, switching to idly tracing a claw around her nipple. "And why would I do that?" Laura stuck her tongue out. "Because you like seeing me happy?" she asked innocently. Zane nodded and pinched her nipple lightly. "I do, but I'm afraid my assignment is teasing. I have no choice." His voice held a note of exaggerated resignation. The husky laughed. "Fair enough. Should I beg?" Zane shifted on top of her, resting his erect length between her large, fluffy breasts. "That is allowable, but no more orders, or you'll really be punished." "And how do you actually plan to puniahhh!" She shouted in pleasure as a tongue dove into her wet sex without warning. Clearly Rick had been waiting for a moment where she was distracted before he struck, and now he was skillfully eating her out while Zane stared at her with a satisfied smile. She tried to wrap her legs around the squirrel and pull him in closer, but the spreader bar stopped her. He'd be going at his own pace, and she'd have to deal with it. When she tried to look down at what he was doing, all she could see was her own breasts and Zane with slightly spread wings beyond that. That, and Zane's cock, damp and large in her view as he shifted it lightly between her breasts. He pressed her breasts together around his cock, thumbing the nipples. "To answer the question you almost asked, we'll punish you the best way I know how: by not letting you orgasm." Laura arched her back and moaned as Rick flicked his tongue across her clit. "Evil!" Zane laughed. "Just following instructions, hon." He rocked forward, thrusting the end of his cock toward her mouth. "If you want to avoid your punishment, you could do something else with your mouth." Laura couldn't help but smile. It was silly, but it would still be fun to play along. Between gasps as Rick worked between her legs, she begged Zane, "Yes, please, I don't want to get in trouble." Large as he was, he could get close enough to press against her muzzle, and so he did, continuing to massage her breasts along his length. As Rick pleasured her, he felt her moans vibrate her lips against his tip. Laura could only reach a little bit of Zane's impressive cock, but she eagerly sucked on it as if it were a lollipop. She had amassed some experience at blowjobs in the past weeks, but the limited movement and distraction between her legs added some new challenge to it. She was thankful she was so sexually sensitive; a powerful climax was coming, and she welcomed it for a respite from the teasing. Just a little more and she'd be there, able to avoid the silly games about what she could say. Her body started to tremble. Rick stopped licking her and pulled away. Laura whined and tried to raise her hips upward, seeking Rick's mouth again, but Zane's weight held her down. She released Zane's cock from her mouth and whined in frustration. "Ah! Keep going, I'm almost there!" Zane tapped her on the nose. "What was that? Did that sound like an order to you, Rick?" The squirrel's voice sounded from behind Zane. "You know, I think it did. Too bad." Laura growled. She had been told the rules, but she didn't think the guys were that serious. Now the fantastic orgasm she had been so close to was solidly out of reach. Zane leaned down and whispered softly, "You good?" She was about do whine again about not being finished off, but then she realized what he was actually asking. She was frustrated, but that was all. "Yeah, green." Zane nodded and gave a thumbs-up over his shoulder. "Well, if you had followed my suggestion, you'd have less trouble. Now would you like another chance?" Laura nodded eagerly, getting into her role again. "Yes, plea-ungh!" Once again Rick had gone for her mid-sentence. He seemed to take a fair amount of enjoyment from that. The squirrel was working harder this time, sliding his fingers inside her as he licked her outer folds. Laura wondered how much practice he had at this, even as she resumed her sucking on Zane's shaft. She heard him moan, and tried to gauge if she would manage to bring him off before they got to her. Because she was already warmed up, her next climax built faster. Though she was encouraged by the twitching of Zane's cock in her mouth, she was far more sensitive, so she neared her peak first. Her belly muscles twitched, and her back arched. And Rick stopped again. This time Laura managed to keep her mouth around Zane's cock, muffling he own whimpers as her sensitized sex burned with interrupted pleasure. She looked upward at Zane, putting on her best hopeful puppy look as her climax again retreated from view. She was so used to managing her own pleasure and taking as much as she could get that even this minor denial was torture to her. Zane pulled out of her mouth and stroked the side of her face. "Ok, I think you've been good now. I guess we can give you a reward." He lifted and scooted forward, letting Laura take more of his cock than she had been able to so far. "Just a moment and you'll be plenty pleased." It was clear what she was meant to do, so she took Zane in her mouth again, as much as she could fit into her muzzle. She closed her eyes and concentrated on pleasuring him, enjoying his scent and taste and letting it take her mind off her frustration. Zane moaned above her and ran his clawed fingers through her fur. "Mmm, very nice. Make sure you hurry up and finish me soon. I've seen you cum, and I don't think I want those teeth around me when it happens." The meaning was clear. He was first, then her. She flicked her tongue across his tip, tasting his saltiness. She usually preferred to use her hands on the parts of his cock her mouth couldn't reach, but that was not an option this time. Laura felt she was doing a good job, and would easily bring Zane off in a few moments, when distraction struck again. A touch stroked up and down her slit, collecting her moisture and teasing her. Not a tongue this time, it had to be Rick's cock. She squirmed and moaned, wordlessly begging for more, but the touch remained merely teasing. She tried to focus on Zane, but the moment she started up again, Rick's cock sank inside her, moving torturously slow. Once in, he stayed still, giving her a taste of what she'd be getting in a moment, and though she tried to squeeze down on him to bring more pleasure, it wasn't quite enough. Her mouth sank down on Zane's cock, furiously pleasuring him so she could get her own release. It wasn't long before she felt him twitch and latched her lips around him. Zane came hard, spurting briefly into her mouth before pulling out, finishing across her breasts and making a mess of her fur. She had only a moment to be annoyed before Rick started thrusting in earnest. Her head fell back, as she moaned in pleasure, barely remembering to swallow Zane's cum before she choked on it. The denial had her sensitivity amped up, so the sudden pounding from the squirrel nearly set her off right away. When Zane started playing with her nipples again, that was too much. She seized up, back arching as she climaxed against the two males. Through it all, Rick kept thrusting, gripping her hips tightly. Not long after Laura started recovering from her own orgasm, Rick reached his own, burying himself deep inside the husky to release his seed. Laura breathed heavily, feeling Rick soften inside her as she looked into Zane's smiling face, then down at her cum-covered breasts. "You're going to help me clean this up, right?" Zane laughed. "Sure. It kinda seemed like the thing to do at the time." He climbed off her and let her sit up. Meanwhile, Rick came around from the end of the bed. "So, did that go well? Zane was giving me cues, but I couldn't see your responses." Laura sat up slowly, needing Zane's help because she couldn't use her arms. "It was interesting, I'll say. Fun, obviously, but I don't think the sub position is for me. Speaking of which, think you can undo me?" Zane nodded. "Sure." He unhooked her wrist cuffs while Rick took care of her ankles. Once free, Laura stretched her arms over her head. "Ah, much better." She picked up her panties and pulled them on to get some covering. They weren't one of her favorite pairs, so she didn't mind leaking a bit into them. Her bra and shirt would have to wait until she cleaned off better. She looked between the two males. "So did you two plan this while I was being used as a model? You had a lot going on." Rick smiled. "Yep. The idea was mostly Zane's and I just took his cues. I was a little bit disappointed that I couldn't see everything happening to you, but my job was fairly fun on its own." He licked his lips in demonstration. Laura blushed slightly. As usual, she got a little shy after the activities, and still wasn't used to people other than Zane complimenting her. "Good to know. I do wish you had been a little worse at your job, though. I'm not used to being teased like that." The squirrel shrugged. "I try. And Zane was watching you pretty closely and giving me signals. You were probably too busy to see." That was one way to put it. "Probably. Well, if my dragon enjoys the idea of teasing so much, we may have to explore that concept further." Zane looked nervous, which earned a sympathetic look from Rick. They were the last group to finish, so Softtail called the class back to attention while Zane and Rick were getting dressed. "So, how does everyone feel about what we tried? Remember that you're only rating the activity, not your partner." Opinions varied. A few people nodded appreciatively, but there was at least one indifferent shrug. Softtail nodded. "That's fair. I was glad you were all very responsible, as I saw when walking around. Remember that if you try this at home you should be just as careful. That's all I have for today. Get cleaned up if you need to and you're free to go." Rick shook their hands, carefully using only his left hand, and wished them a good day, washing his hands and face at a sink on the way out. Laura pulled Zane over to one of the shower rooms in the back of the classroom. "Ok, you're going to help me get clean." Zane laughed. "Already trying to offset your short period of subbiness?" The husky blushed. "Maybe a little. But it's only fair, since you did this to me." "True enough," Zane allowed. "It's not like I'll mind helping out." He stripped out of his clothes again and followed Laura into the shower stall. The cleaning didn't take long, as Zane managed to restrain himself from doing more than briefly pinching at Laura's nipples while he helped clean her chest. She playfully batted at him then shut off the shower. A thought had occurred to her, but she'd need Zane's approval. As Laura dried off she smiled wickedly at Zane. "So I have an idea." The dragon raised an eyebrow. "Am I going to like this idea?" "I hope so!" She pulled on a spare pair of panties she had brought. The ones she had briefly worn after the activity were a little too damp to be put back on. "I've been thinking about Abby's offer." Zane nodded slowly. "Ah, and you think you've found a way to do it?" Laura blushed as she admitted the other part of Abby's offer. "Well, she said that if I wasn't sure about just loaning you to her, I could take part too." She hoped Zane would get the implication. "So now that you've now seen how a threesome can still be intimate with me, you think it can be managed." Zane cocked his head for a moment. "That's probably doable, but obviously Abby wants me inside her for the full dragon effect, and that will keep me busy. How will I be able to do anything with you?" Laura bared her teeth and cocked her head downward to draw Zane's attention to her crotch, where she held her hand, extending her finger to point outward. It was Zane's turn to blush, and it turned his cheeks purple. "Ok, that would definitely work, provided we can find a place for everyone to stand. I'd be a little embarrassed about people knowing I, um, do that, but given that Abby suggested a threesome I'm going to assume she's pretty open minded." Laura laughed. 'Open minded' was an accurate, if woefully weak way to describe Abby. "Oh definitely. I've heard her say she's done some pretty wild things." That was reassurance enough for Zane. "Ok then. I'm fine with it as long as you're involved. And if you'll be wearing your accessory, I assume you'll be in charge." The husky shivered in anticipation. While she'd been restrained she'd been thinking of how much she'd prefer to be on the other side of that situation. She had a strong urge to do some topping, and Zane and Abby would be her subjects. "Quite. I think I have a pretty fun scenario in mind." They walked back to the dorms together as they discussed the idea. Laura grew more excited as they went. It was becoming more clear that the dominant role suited her, and the idea of trying it more got her worked up.

When Abby got back to the dorm room, she found Laura waiting for her with a predatory smile. "Should I be worried? I've smiled like that before, but I didn't expect to see you doing it." Laura nodded. "Perhaps not worried, exactly. I talked to Zane and we're ok with giving you a shot at him--" Abby jumped and squealed in happiness. Laura winced and continued. "--as long as I'm in control of the situation." The red panda nodded eagerly. "That's totally fine. So I get to play with a dommy husky, huh? Should be fun!" It was going to be difficult to keep up with Abby's enthusiasm. She blushed slightly. This would be her first time doing anything sexual with anyone who wasn't in the class, and she hoped she could keep up the domme persona when it came down to it. "Yeah, in fact we need to talk a little about that. I'd like to do a bit of role play fun to make it interesting. We just did some BDSM stuff in class and it gave me ideas. I just need to make sure you know what's up and are ok with our plan." Abby lit up with excitement. "Oh, I'm totally down with that. Just give me a little bit of warning before the fun goes down so I can be ready. I assume you learned the red/yellow/green system, so I'll just call that out if I need." Laura was briefly shocked into silence. "Well, ok then. You don't need to know any more?" "Nah, surprises are way more fun. As long as I get to play with a dragon, I'm happy. I figure you won't do anything too crazy." Abby clapped her hands together. "So did you have a time in mind?" Laura shook her head, wondering how she had lost control of the conversation. "How about tomorrow when you get home from class?" "Great!" Abby agreed. "I shall be prepared."

Laura checked the clock and nodded to Zane. Her right hand made a circuit between her crotch, to collect her scent, Zane's nose, to keep him aroused, and Zane's crotch, to make sure he was still stiff and ready. "Any moment now. Stay ready." Zane chuckled. "You know there's no way this is going to work as well as you want." The husky laughed and pressed a finger against Zane's lips. "Hush you. You'll give us away." In response, Zane licked the lingering moisture off her finger. The two stood just inside Laura and Abby's dorm room, next to the hinge side of the door. They heard someone try the door and find it locked, and flattened against the wall as the new arrival unlocked it with a key and entered. Abby stepped into the room and looked toward Laura's empty desk chair. "Huh, I thought they'd be here." Laura poked Zane and he jumped from their hiding place, grabbing Abby by the upper arms with a loud but playful "Rawr!" Abby jumped with a startled squeak, then noticed the blue hands on her arms and relaxed. "Oh no!" she said theatrically. "A fierce dragon is upon me. What shall I, a fair maiden, do?" Zane laughed at the overacting, then steadied himself. "Sorry," he whispered. He spun her around and lifted her, carrying the petite red panda over to the bed and setting her down. While she was being carried, Abby's attention was drawn downward to Zane's crotch, and her face lit up in a wide smile. "Oh my, surely I cannot take this fierce dragon's massive equipment." Zane just blushed and stood over the reclining red panda. Laura stalked up behind Zane and peeked around his side. "A trespasser in my domain! You will make a fine plaything for my pet dragon. Take her, boy!" She tried to stay serious and in character, but Zane was right. It felt a little silly and she couldn't stop grinning at the playful premise. It was Abby's turn to laugh, after which she pressed one hand over her mouth and gave a thumbs-up with the other. At Laura's order, Zane began stripping Abby, starting by pulling her shirt over her head, all while she pretended to resist. Her skirt came down easily, and Zane gripped her hips tightly as he nosed as her pantied crotch, sniffing like a predator hunting small game. Her scent was clear even as he nudged her thighs apart, growling like the fierce attack dragon he was playing the part of. Abby squirmed and arched her back. Her hands were free, but she held them above her head in submission while Zane explored her crotch, licking at her thighs teasingly. Laura petted Zane's back. "Good pet, get her ready." Her hands squeezed his butt, reminding him what was coming once he got started. Zane let out another unconvincing "Rawr!" and yanked Abby's panties down. He sniffed eagerly for a few seconds, then latched his mouth onto onto her exposed pussy, covering it with eager, slobbery licks. Abby squealed in pleasure, shaking her legs in delight as Zane prepared her. "Ah! I never thought I'd get eaten by a dragon. What en end!" Zane snorted, then drove his tongue deep inside her, reducing her back to inarticulate moans. Laura enjoyed watching Zane work. It was interesting to get an idea of what she must look like when he went down on her. She certainly recalled making some similar noises. Still, just watching Abby didn't do much for her. Ordering the other two around was a ton of fun, but she wanted a more direct part. She looked around at Abby's shaking form and hmmed decisively. "I think you have her ready pet. Time to deflower this trespasser." Zane pulled back and nodded, licking Abby's juices from his lips. He roared and jumped forward, pushing down on the red panda's shoulders. His cock rested against her inner thigh, a promise of what was to come. Abby's whimper of need sounded reasonable in-character for a captured maiden, but when she looked at Zane her eyes held a sensual allure. "Oh no! Surely he won't put that entire thing inside me all at once!" She nodded slowly to make her meaning clear. Laura laughed with sadistic glee. At least, she hoped it came out that way, given how amused she was with the situation. Abby might change her mind about that little request once she got it. "Oh ho, indeed he will! Do it pet, take her!" She briefly stepped away from Zane and poured a dollop of lube from a bottle onto the strap-on she wore. Zane moved forward, just enough to rest his tip against Abby's folds. He looked at her face and raised an eyebrow making sure she knew what was coming. Abby whispered "Green" and the grunted as Zane's large cock suddenly filled her, spreading her wider than any male had previously. "Ffffffffuck!" she gasped breathlessly. Zane remained still, holding Abby down with his weight, letting her feel him spreading her. While the dragon was fully lodged inside Abby, Laura came up behind him and lined her strap-on up between his cheeks. "Good pet, you get a reward." They had played briefly before Abby arrived to warm up, so she had no trouble sliding inside her boyfriend before thrusting hard, bumping her padded hips into Zane's rear and forcing him deeper into Abby. She ground against him, rubbing her clit against the base of the toy in her harness. Zane groaned and mumbled a soft "Damn." He slowly pulled out of Abby until he was just barely inside, pushing Laura back behind him. Laura held him tight, rubbing her cheek against his back. "Mmm, good pet." The dragon huffed, then drove forward again, spearing into the red panda. At the same time, he was pulling himself off the toy embedded in his rear, and he sagged slightly against Abby as he hilted inside her again. A moment later came Laura's next thrust, and as he was filled again his cock twitched inside Abby, making the petite girl squeak. "Oh gods," Abby murmured. "It's all true." Her hands clutched the bed sheets, tightening every time Zane bottomed out inside her, then again at Laura's extra bump. Laura chuckled. "You don't know everything yet." She continued to ride her dragon, enjoying the sight of him bent over in front of her. Even more, she loved the position of topping both him and Abby. She gripped Zane's tail and growled, sinking deep into him once more, feeling his body twitch and seeing Abby's body do the same. With every thrust, Abby was pushed a little further onto the bed, making Zane lean over more to fully hilt himself inside her. He didn't realize how far forward he'd moved until he finished a particularly strong thrust and slammed his shins against the wooden frame of the bed. He hissed in pain and stopped moving while he winced and tried to control his breathing. "One moment," he whimpered. Abby looked up at him in concern and disappointment, holding her hands over her mouth. "Oh gods, are you ok?" Laura pulled out of him, making him jump, and came around his side, looking at his legs. She patted his side while he shook out one leg at a time. "Do you need to stop?" The domme persona was gone, and she only cared about her boyfriend's health. The strap-on dildo wiggling in front of her slightly damaged the image of the concerned nurse she was otherwise projecting. Zane shook his head. He was starting to go soft but he seemed resolute. "I'll have blue balls for a week if I stop now. Just give me a minute." He bent down and rubbed his shins with a hiss. "Ok, I'll have a bruise, but I'll live." The dragon stroked his damp length, trying to entice it back to hardness. Abby smiled and scooted back toward the edge of the bed. "I admire your dedication to the cause!" Zane laughed. "Oh, there's a bit of selfishness in there as well. You guys ready to resume? I could use some orgasm endorphins." The red panda rubbed at her crotch. "I'm good to go. Ready to be filled up by the vicious attack dragon." Her eager hands were effective, and she rapidly got worked back up in preparation. That was good enough for Laura. She nuzzled Zane's cheek and gripped his cock for a moment, surprising herself by not caring too much that it was covered in Abby's juices. He grew fully hard under her touch, and she traced her fingers along his side as she moved back behind him. Just to be careful, she refreshed the coating of lube on her dildo. Despite the interruption, she wasn't yet prepared to give up the scenario. Laura gripped her dragon's hips and rested the dildo between his cheeks. "No mercy pet! We must punish the trespasser!" She's fallen out of character, so she couldn't command the same tone of authority she had started with, but Zane obeyed regardless. He shouted another "Rawr!", though weaker than he had previously, and sank back into Abby. The red panda gasped in pleasure and pawed at her breasts, abandoning her own role as she neared climax. "Gods...that first entrance.... Faster, I won't be long." Zane wasn't opposed to that. Even as Laura slid into him, he moved back to thrust again. This time, he moved without regard for Laura's pacing, fucking Abby deeply and rapidly. Laura did the best she could to match him, spurred on Zane's little shivers every time she managed to get fully inside him. She was tempted to scold him for not letting her set the pace, but she understood his eagerness. The first climax was Abby's. She wrapped her legs around Zane and pulled him in tight, keeping him locked inside her as she shook on the bed, squeaking and moaning. Zane was forced to stop moving, but Laura had no such restriction. She leaned against the dragon, pumping into him hard, making sure she rubbed up against that spot inside that made him whimper in pleasure. He remained inside Abby while Laura finished him off, until at last he came with a roar, flooding the red panda's twitching insides with hot cum. Laura watched him twitch as he filled Abby with his seed. The look of surprise and delight on her face was impressive, and the husky wondered if she had looked like that the first time. When Zane seemed finished she pulled out, allowing Zane to do the same, and started unbuckling her harness. A trickle of his cum leaked from Abby's folds as the smaller girl sat up, looking at Zane's wilting equipment hungrily. "Wow. That was pretty amazing." By Laura's count, it wasn't quite over yet. "Mmhmm, but I'm not done yet. How are your knees, Zane?" She pawed through the soaked fur around her crotch, demonstrating what she wanted. Abby brightened and piped up. "Ooh, I can help!" Laura looked uncomfortable. "Um, no thanks Abby. I mean, it's still not my thing." "Aww, ok. Maybe I'll get you eventually." Abby shook her head. "Besides, I know what that dragon tongue can do." "Yeah, it's pretty niiieeee!" She shouted as Zane buried his face in her crotch, hands gripping her plush rear to help hold her up. "Yes, right there!" Zane slurped at Laura's pussy, then plunged his tongue deep into her. He knew how she got after she pegged him, and knew just what she wanted. It wasn't long before she was panting and shuddering as she soaked his face with her juices. Laura sat heavily on the ground, then playfully slapped Zane. "Did you have to do that when I was in mid-sentence? I don't think I like this new trick you've learned." Zane looked innocent. "I'm just trying to help out!" Abby chuckled from her place on the bed. "You two are adorable." She looked down at the wet spot she was sitting in. "So how long am I going to be leaking? I actually felt it coming into me, which is new. Usually I can't." The dragon blushed. "Yeah...dragon evolution kind of went with a 'more is more' philosophy. There's a lot." Laura nodded. "Yep, you'll want to put down a towel on your chair. And I know a lot of what we just did didn't go exactly as planned, but I'm glad you had fun with it." Abby smiled. "I'm glad it wasn't a serious affair. I was in it to have fun, and that's what I got. Sucks that Zane hurt himself, though." He shrugged. "I'll live, and you know what they say, 'Doesn't matter, had sex.'" "True. That's a pleasant enough distraction." Abby stretched. "If you guys ever want to do this again, let me know. It was a good time!" Laura stood and pulled on her underwear. "Maybe! We'll see."

Later, when they had all cleaned up and Zane had returned to his room, Abby questioned Laura again. "So...does he have a brother?" Laura laughed. "Not nearby. You'll have to find a dragon for yourself on your own." Abby pouted. "Darn. It's not really practical to borrow your dragon every time I get in the mood." "Who'd have thought they'd be such a scarce resource?" Laura shook her head. "Maybe you should try to get into the class next semester. You might get lucky and catch a dragon of your own." The red panda nodded slowly. "Yes, I like the way you think." She turned to her laptop and started looking up the schedule.