Vince and Rocky: PART ONE

Story by Alyx_Gora on SoFurry

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Vince opened his eyes gently, seeing a blurry blue glow everywhere. As his eyes began to focus, he recognized his dormitory- The metal airtight door, the big window looking out into the training grounds, the moonlight shining in, his alarm clock... Three AM, he thought frustratedly, unable to go back to sleep.

The fox sat up, looking across the room at his roommate, Rocky, who was snoring softly and cuddling his pillow in his sleep.

Vince's blue paws touched the cold floor, still wearing socks, as he slipped his combat boots on silently and pulled on a robe over his tank top and boxers. He opened the door as softly as he could and stepped out into the cool night air of the training grounds.

He shivered as he sat on the single bench, in the back of the grassy square, looking out over the training space and facing the Main Hall, with its glittering gold dome, the moonlight sparkling off of it. His blue-striped tail twitched about lazily and he relaxed on the bench... his eyes slowly closing shut...

"Vincent... are... you okay?" a high-pitched voice squeaked out. Vince jumped a little, gasping.

"Oh... It's only you," he said looking at Rocky tiredly, dressed in the same robe as he was.

"I... I heard you leave... and... you didn't come back for awhile..." his eyes widened a bit, "So I got worried, and came to check on you." He sat down next to the blue Fox and looked up with his big blue eyes. "So... are you alright?" he asked tentatively.

"Yeah, yeah, I just couldn't sleep." Vince mumbled awkwardly. He always felt a bit awkward talking to Rocky. It was something about him... maybe his appearance. His roommate was almost a foot shorter than he, and had a high squeaky voice, even though they were the same age. He had orange fur and white paws, and was dressed in the uniform robe and boots issued upon entering the military base they both were in.

Rocky twitched his tail a bit, nervously, "Oh... o- okay. Well... do you want me to stay with you? Because, I will, if you want..."

"Uh... yeah, uh... sure. If you really want to. Yeah, I guess you could stay out here, with... uh... me." The blue fox mumbled quietly, looking down awkwardly at his paws in their black boots, the red laces untied.

"Great." Rocky yawned and leaned cautiously over onto Vince's shoulder. "Um... sorry. I'm sleepy..." he said, blushing.

Vince simply nodded and sat for several more minutes, before getting up.

"Well... yeah. You're sleepy... and I should try to sleep. We have tests tomorrow you know. We should rest up for those." He got up and walked back to their room, only about fifty feet away.

Rocky simply nodded disappointedly and followed slowly, walking back to the room.

As Vince's eyes closed gently, he felt something strange... a weird feeling, but he wasn't sure what. Shrugging to himself, he rolled over and drifted off to sleep.