Steaming up the cave

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Commission story for someone here on SF. Had some fun writing this one, and I'm sure it shows up in the story itself. Enjoy!

Charmander, or Charsi as her friends called her, let out a panted breath and shivered. The air felt like ice against her too-hot body. She knew the cave was comfortable, she'd been living here for months with her partner. Shortly after they formed a Pokemon team, they had found this little place. Oh sure, it had been pretty much empty when they got here, but after a couple missions they had enough to start buying some things for their lair; in addition to anything they needed for their job. She had a nice little nest of some very cozy pillows and blankets, and her partner had one filled with soft sand and lined with smooth rocks.

A splash made her head swivel around and tail flick up, eyes locking onto the pool of water at the back of the cave. Being a water type, her partner had fallen in love with that, especially when he found the exit back there. The water rippled, but no sign of the recently evolved croconaw. Something she was grateful for. Her heat had slipped up on her earlier, starting as a pleasant warmth during their mission. Her buddy had evolved during that mission and something about that had kicked her body into overdrive. She had managed to keep herself downwind of him, then feigned weariness to get him to turn in the mission so she could get home sooner. He'd mentioned that he'd go for a nice long swim or something before he came back in. The longer he took, the better for her.

Curling up on herself, she huffed as her fingers slipped down to stroke along her swollen petals. They felt hot, even against her burning fingers. Charsi closed her eyes and bit her lip as she stroked over those puffy lips, massaging them for a moment. Just that gentle rubbing was enough to make her body scream for more. Her fingers moved in quickly, two diving right into her folds. Her juices, preparing her passage for a male, squished lewdly around her digits as she arched her back with a hiss.

Her pussy grabbed at her fingers, muscles squeezing and pulling at the digits. She quivered at the thought of what would happen if a real cock were put into her right now. How would it feel, to have something nice and thick spreading her open, pounding her, filling her with eggs? She shivered as her palm slid across her clit, stoking the fire in her belly higher. Before her mind returned to thoughts of bearing young, she grabbed onto one of her thighs and pulled. Her back arched as she curled; not stopping until her two pairs of lips met. Charsi brought an arm up and spread her lips open. The charmander groaned as the cool air washed over her inner folds.

"Oh flames..." she breathed out, tongue licking over both sets of lips. Her tongue slide right up the cleft before diving in and spreading her tunnel. Her hips jerked against her grip, trying to buck towards her own muzzle. This was more along the lines of what her body wanted! Closing her eyes, she tried to convince herself that it was a male, and not her own tongue, inside of her oven. She couldn't go too deep, but that thick muscle did give her something more to grab at. The hand on her thigh shifted quickly, grabbing onto her rear and pulling at it so her tongue pressed deeper. Shoving her mouth against her labia, she began to swirl her tongue and suck on the lips. It was super effective.

The air rippled around the charmander as she ate out herself, claws scratching her hide. She felt so hot that she sure she was going to scorch her bedding. Her cheeks flushed, wondering what would happen if her partner walked in on her like this. She had tried to stay away from him in previous cycles, staying on the other end of the cave or something. Even then, she could hear him seeking release by himself. The wet popping of his cock, the smell after he finished. It triggered memories in her and she was positive she could smell it now.

Her ass burned with the welts raised by her own claws. She was rolling around her bed, body fighting to curl tighter and splay out. Fingers pumped inside of her body alongside her tongue, stroking against her walls and playing with her clit. She could feel it, that all-consuming fire in her gut as it grew hotter and hotter. The self-kiss broke with a gasp, tongue falling out as her head fell back into her bedding. Charsi rolled onto her shoulders, rear up over her head as she worked her fingers faster, lapping at them with a whine. Then everything went still.

For a moment, time stopped its steady march and she became acutely aware of every detail. Stomach muscles tensed, a drop of her sauce falling towards her muzzle, sparkling like a gem in the light of her blue-glowing tail. Then her finger slipped a little and time rushed forward again. Her body exploded in what might have been one of her most intense finishes ever. She lost her grip on her rear, body springing out straight as she squealed. Grabbing onto the bed things, she held on tight as the pleasure threatened to take her away. Every inch of her body alternately froze and relaxed, the chamander spasming in the nest. She panted hard, trying to cool off her body before she melted.

With her climax snatching her up and shaking her like a growlithe's favored toy, she didn't notice that she had company in the cave. Someone had been watching her from the water, just his head above the surface. He launched himself from the water and charged with a hiss. Charsi screamed when a body smashed against her, pinning her in her bed. Her eyes shot open as a heavy weight pressed down against her body. She lashed out, clawing at the person on top of her. Her claws met flesh and she heard her attacker yelp, then snarl. Before she could get a good look at whoever was above her, a hard forehead slammed against hers with a crack.

Lights danced in front of her eyes as Charsi swung blindly. She felt her claws and teeth meet flesh several more times before a pair hands closed around her wrists, pinning them against her bed. With her restrained, her attacker took a moment to collect himself. Her head was pounding from the blow. She panted as she shook her head, trying to collect her wits. The heavy scent of a male greeted her nose, the aroma familiar yet alien at the same time. That and the prodding about her tail let her know exactly what her guest's intentions were. Blinking away the stars, she finally identified her attacker with a whimper. Bones, her partner, was looming over her, jaws parted as he hissed.

He was larger than her, almost double her size and maybe triple her weight. Bone's hide was still damp from his swim, the water helping cool her off some. Wisps of steam rose between the pair as their eyes locked. The kindness and intelligence was gone from his eyes, replaced by a primal need. He was going to take her and fill her until he didn't have another drop to spare. And she wanted him to.

He shifted his bulk, cock sliding up her body before pressing against her folds. The male croconaw's eyes closed as his cool length slid against her swollen lips. Charsi whimpered, the noise equal parts fear and desire. He gave a low grunt and rocked his body forward, balls slapping against her as his cock pressed tight against her. Juices, hers or his it didn't matter, ran across her belly as he began to thrust. He was eager and inexperienced, thrusting blindly against her as her heat radiated against his underside. She wanted to tell him to stop, to breath fire, kick, squirm free, something, Anything! But the need had a firm hold of her body, locking her mind into a hazy state. Against her own will, she found her hips lifting up towards him. When he drew back the next time, instead of his tip nestling against her cleft, it slipped further down.

Bones snarled when her folds wrapped around his tip, bulk shuddering as his grip on her wrists tightened painfully. He slammed forward, spreading her love tunnel with his rod. The charmander let out a squeal, eyes rolling back in her head as she jerked in his grip. His cock was huge! It felt like it was going to rip her in half as it spread her. Her body clamped down around him so hard, she was certain that they'd be able to see his outline in her gut. She could feel his dick throb with each beat of his heart, pulsing inside of her! Bones took her squeal and squirm as an attempt to escape. He hissed and clamped his powerful jaws around her throat, making her freeze as he drew back.

He pounded against her hard, making her slide against her bedding before he pulled her back down. This was going to be a rut, primal and pure. He began to hammer her with powerful thrusts, balls slapping against her body as he buried himself up to the root each thrust. His blunt tip jabbed deep inside of her, far deeper than her fingers or tongue had ever been. In her mind's eye, she could see his cock digging deep inside of her. Her walls rolled and pulled at him, begging the male to pump her full of his thick seed, inviting it up to her eggs. Each thrust driving him deeper, the tip of his ram battering against her cervix, coaxing it to open and let him impregnate her. She voiced a low whine, feeling his teeth dig at her throat. She didn't want to be a mother yet, she couldn't do it!

She needed it, she craved it.

Charsi rolled her hips up towards him, legs pressing against his side. Oh how she wanted to buck him off, but her body stopped just short of making him dismount. It pulled him deeper, pressing up against him with need, begging for what was stored in those massive balls of his. The flame on her tail grew brighter as he claimed her. Streaks of blue began to flash across the flame, throwing out more heat and light. Bones's eyes rolled towards the tail before he let out a hiss, digging his hips against hers harder. Sure that she wasn't going to attack him again, the male released her hands and neck. He sat up, grabbing her thighs as he knelt on either side of her tail.

Now she could look down their bodies, seeing his thickness as it spread open her body. Their juices glittered on his red flesh as it disappeared inside of her. Her head grew lighter as her heels dug into his shoulders, arching against him. Bones snarled, drool running down his jaws as he jerked her around. There wasn't a single thought in his head other than planting his seed inside of his partner. Waves of blue flame rolled across her tail as she grabbed at her bedding with a loud whine.

Her world exploded, the charmander screaming as raw fire raced through her veins. Sparks of fire leapt from her mouth as she cried out, leaping against his chest and neck. Bones snarled and lunged forward, pinning her shoulders down as he hammered her, trying to force his way through her clenching sleeve. His mouth clamped over hers, cold, wet tongue forcing into her mouth and swirling against hers. The flames of her heat spread, consuming whatever traces of his will that remained. She was remotely aware of him pressing flush against her body as his claws dug into her hips. Then the fires began to cool as their pubic bones pressed against each other.

Charsi could feel his cum as it sprayed inside of her. It was like downing a cold drink on a hot day. The chill spread through her belly as his cum leaked through her cervix and into her egg chamber. Her muscles rippled around him, pulling his length and drawing his seed deeper. Soon, there wasn't anymore room for it, and she felt that thick cream start to leak out and run across her rear.

She fell back against the bedding, eyes staring at the dancing lights that dominated her vision. His breathing slowed as well, drawing out into a hiss. "Sssshit! Oh Charsi, I'm sorry!" He started to draw back, his senses returning now that he'd taken care of his immediate needs. She reached up to grip his muzzle, planting a kiss on the tip of his nose.

"It's okay, Bones. I'm as much at fault as you are." She offered a half-laugh, still mindful of the welts throbbing along her rear and the dull pain at her wrists and neck.

He pulled back, limp cock falling out of her with a pop. Sitting up, she looked down at the thick cum oozing from her hole and running down onto the bedding. The croconaw grinned sheepishly; "Wanna clean up while I change your bedding?"

Charsi shivered as she stood up, feeling a thick glob of his semen drip out of her. "Sounds good." Hurrying over to the pool, she waded into s shallow area and knelt to clean herself up. Arching her tail to keep it out of the water, she splashed water on her privates, shivering at the deliciously cool feeling of it washing against her body. "I guess between your transformation and my season, we just couldn't help it, could we?" She let out another nervous laugh, mind still swimming in the fogged realm of need. Steam rose from her body as she cleaned up, reminding her just how much her season effected her. Charsi bit her lower lip and ducked to splash some water on her face and neck, hoping to cool down even more.

She looked over at Bones and found him staring at her with jaw slack. Turning around in the pool, she put her back to him so that she didn't have to look at her partner. A shiver raced down her spine as she voiced a soft whine. He'd just bred her, the one persons he trusted most! Charsi bit her lip and ducked into the water again. Keeping her tail up, she splashed water against her body, running two claws into her snatch to try and scoop out the seed.

A heavy body slammed against her, dunking her head into the water. She screamed as she felt her tail lifted and a blunt cock jab against her privates again. Bones barely waited a moment before he drove home. She managed to lift her head above water, spitting water and gasping as his hips smashed against hers. Before she could fall back into the water, one of his arms wrapped around her chest and pulled her back. The charmander found herself held tight against the croconaw's chest, her weight driving her down onto his cock. "Oh flows, Charsi. When you lifted your tail and I saw my cum dripping out of you I just..." he growled and bit at her neck, lifting her up a few inches before dropping her again. "I can feel it, running out of you, around my dick, down my balls; so hot." His words were peppered with growls and bites at her neck.

Bones turned on his heel and dropped her heavily onto the stone at the edge of the pool, leaving her back half still in the water. "Bones, please! Don't, I," her voice cracked as he crashed against her.

His claws dug into her hips as he held her tightly in place; "Don't worry, Babe. I'll pull out of you, I promise." Burying himself into the hilt inside of her, the male hissed; "Yeah, pull out and spray my cum all over your sexy ass." The brutal male jerked back, his tip straining at her lips before he hammered into her again. Water splashed up from the impact, spraying across both of their bodies. "I know you want it, Charsi! Let me hear you scream!"

Steam quickly began to rise from her body as the male widened his stance and slid his hands under her thighs. His thrusts grew slower, more forceful. Charsi found the breath being driven from her body as her partner crashed into her. Laying her hot cheek against the cool floor, she clawed at the stone with a scream. Her toes were barely touching the sandy bottom of the pool, meaning that she couldn't push back like her body wanted her to. Instead, her legs curled up and wrapped around his waist, digging into his rear. Bones hunched over her, snarling possessively as he bit at her neck.

Bones changed his grip some, pressing her tail up against her back, pinning it between their bodies. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see his gaze locked on her tail flame as he tightened his bite. Even as she breathed out her gasp, blue flickers raced through her fire. Apparently he was going for more than just a rut this time. He hissed around her neck and scratched her thighs, drawing more tongues of bright flame to her tail.

Using her tail as a beacon, he began to play with her some. Not too much, since he was seemingly still focused on trying to break her in two. Her ass was starting to ache from the rough slaps it was receiving. She was sure that tomorrow, she'd hardly be able to move, but right at this moment, she wanted more. That's just what he gave her.

She hadn't noticed one of his hands moving until a finger brushed against her swollen clit. The charmander's back stiffened as her mouth opened in a silent gasp. Bones immediately went to work, sawing his cock against the front wall of her body while his fingers pushed the nub against his hard flesh. She managed a whimper as her eyes clouded over. Her core heated up faster, a knot of tension building and churning in her. Steam filled the cavern as she trembled, flame rolling from her gaping jaws. His claw danced across that button as her world collapsed down to a single point, focusing on their joining. Time slowed for just a moment, making her acutely aware of how her folds clung to his length as it pounded back into her. A mix of cream and honey coated his length as he buried himself inside of her, balls slapping against her vulva.

Charsi let loose with a feral scream as she exploded. Her tail flared a vibrant blue as her body clenched around him, milking and pulling and begging him for more of his potent seed. She lost herself to a sea of fire and steam and heat, caught in an inferno of her own making. Despite the storm raging through the female under him, the croconaw managed to tighten his grip and rut her harder. Claws scratched at her body as he covered her neck and shoulder in bites, nipping constantly. His chest was pressed flush against her back, pinning her against the stone. He thrummed over her, water dancing around his hips as he stirred it into a frenzy.

He was pushing her from one firestorm into another, her body rapidly recovering and building up the warmth again. She laid on the floor, feeling it draw the warmth from her body, but not fast enough. Digging her claws into the ground, Charsi lifted her body up, pressing against him. She offered her own hiss, the noise sounding like steam escaping from a kettle. With instinct guiding her, she began to clench around him each time he buried himself to the root inside of her. This time, he joined her in an explosive release. His geyser erupted into her volcano's core. Water fought against fire and won, cooling her with each spray of his thick seed. It seeped so deep, flushing right into her womb to join the earlier deposit.

Soon, too soon if you asked her, she felt him softening. Bones slid out of her with a croaking groan, his seed oozing out of her and staining the water. She tried to pull herself out of the pool, but her body was as weak as an overcooked noodle. He tried to help her, but she could feel his arms shaking with exhaustion as well. The pair somehow managed to drag themselves out of the water, collapsing on the stone floor with a huff and a pant. Closing her eyes, Charsi curled against the water-type's chest, scratching at his leathery hide. His thrumming softened and soon turned into a deep snore. She felt her own eyes growing heavy and soon joined him in a quick rest.

It wasn't too much later before she stirred again. Her rest couldn't have been too long, since a mist still hovered around the cave. Bones had rolled onto his back, limbs akimbo, as he snored. Charsi wrinkled her muzzle at that noise; it hadn't been too bad before, but now it had a deep rumbling to it. Although he still gurgled cutely when he exhaled.

Rolling onto her side, she brought her tail up to examine his body while he slept. As she had thought, his bulk was largely muscle, his flesh rougher now. Probing him gently, it wasn't long before she found her hand roaming across his belly. The tone of his snoring changed slightly, taking on thrumming purr as her fingers slid across his pouch and sac. She shivered gently as she moved, feeling the mess they'd made still clinging to her lower body. Looking down her own form, she started when she saw her belly was already developing a bulge. Was the egg already growing in her, were there more than one, or was this just from the sheer volume he'd pumped into her? It was hard to tell, this was the first time she'd let him near her while she was receptive. Could they even produce an egg?

His pouch shifted under her hand, cock slipping out to press against her palm. Charsi blushed as she looked at him, taking in his closed eyes, dreamy smile, and that snoring. So he was still asleep, at least. Her fingers curled around his length, squeezing and rubbing it slowly. Bones's bone woke readily to her touch, springing to life as his warm lifeblood filled it. She looked towards her belly and bit her lip as her thumb stroked his tip. Well, it couldn't hurt to play with him some more, could it? Certainly not after the two previous loads he'd pumped into her. Either way, she'd just stick to looking and rubbing him. No harm in that.

With that thought, she moved between his legs. Now she could see his cock, as long as her hand and as thick at the base as her palm. This had been crammed inside of her? No wonder it felt like he was going to split her like a log! Her fingers slid up and down his shaft slowly, tracing the veins in his length with her thumb. A bead of clear precum gathered on his tip. She swept it away with her thump, spreading it across the length of his member. Bones moaned in his sleep and shifted, but settled back with that thrumming purr of his as her fingers danced across his tip. Her other hand rose to cup his balls, rolling them and weighing them for a moment. Despite being drained twice over, they were still rather heavy.

Craning her head forward, Charsi sniffed at his musk and narrowed her eyes with a soft moan. Her tongue darted out to sweep across his privates, starting at his balls then sliding up. A lick didn't hurt at all, and judging by the way his length twitched, he enjoyed it. If one lick didn't bother him, two wouldn't be so bad, would it? Her tongue swept across his length, tasting their cocktail that was growing sticky. Her own juices, hot and spicy, mingled freely with his cool, slightly murky cum. By the time she finished her lick, she quickly rationalized that cleaning him off wouldn't be too bad.

Except she didn't go back to licking on his length. Her tongue curled around his cock and lapped at it for a moment before drawing it up into her mouth. She breathed out a sigh of bliss as his taste filled her mouth. Nudging her head down, she let her tongue curl and twine around him, dancing this way and that. More of his precum greeted her tongue, cutting through the other flavors. Her eyes narrowed as she pulled off him with a gasp. Her body was starting to heat up again, aching building between her thighs. Leaning in, she swept her tongue across his tip before engulfing it again. The charmander pushed her head all the way down, feeling him nudge against her throat. If he was long enough to go that far, surely he'd nudged her cervix earlier.

Just thinking about that part of her body made her pussy ache and burn with need. Pulling her mouth away, she nuzzled his tip gently and sniffed. Well, a little ride wouldn't hurt any more. She could always get off before he finished. No harm at all in that.

Thought lead way to deed and she found herself crawling up over his body. Straddling him, she rested one hand on his chest as her other reached back to guide him upwards. By the time he was lined up, her slit was already dripping. Charsi bit her lip and pushed back, breathing out a happy sigh as he spread her open again. The fires in her gut weren't as intense as they had been earlier, she could think more and take her time to enjoy it. Lowering herself down, she took several full seconds to savor the feel before her lips nudged against his base. With Bones still snoring away, and her own need somewhat cooled, she could take a moment to enjoy this. Her hand moved away from his base, stroking across his root and her stretched lips before roaming up her body.

Her other hand joined the first, stroking their groins and tracing her belly. She felt calmer now, her head clearer with this thickness invading her body. Even with her fires burning lower, it was only a matter of seconds before she began to ride his length. Slowly at first, her hips barely moving, but in a short time she was lifting off him and easing back down. As she road, her fingers traced over her belly, cheeks burning with a blush. Just earlier that night she'd been terrified about the thought of becoming a mother. Now, she wasn't sure. There was certainly something appealing about the idea. Her hips began to slap softly against his as she voiced a soft hiss. She'd always wanted to wait until she was at least a charmeleon before she considered letting anyone breed her. Her cheeks grew marginally hotter as she giggled; there was always time to evolve. Bones had done it, so she couldn't be too far behind him.

That thought galvanized her actions and she found her hands roaming up his chest. Bracing herself on his bulk, she began to ride him harder, cheeks burning as she let out a deep moan. She kept an eye on her partner, not wanting to wake him up. If he woke while she was doing this, then he'd pump her full again and again until her belly would be dragging the ground. A shiver raced down her spine, making her slow for just a second. The moment passed quickly, a surge of warmth jolting through her. The charmander bit her lip and narrowed her eyes as she lurched forward.

Charsi began to pant through clenched teeth as she rode Bones. This was an entirely different kind of rutting than they'd had before. She was in full control, taking him as she wanted. It felt so good, better than it had when he'd forced himself down on her; but at the same time there was something missing. Without his brute force behind the motions, it was only partially as fulfilling. Didn't mean she wasn't enjoying it.

Leaning over him slowly, she reached a hand down between her legs and stroked over her stretched slit again. She hissed as her claws gently grazed over her tender flesh, tracing the bulge and folds of her own flesh. While her fingers danced across her flesh, she began to roll her hips. Lift up, shift her weight some, and drop back down over his thickness. She pushed her palm against her lower belly, feeling him as he pushed into her. A strange thrill raced through her as she felt her partner sliding through her belly, pressing so deep.

Bones stirred, the tune of his snoring taking on a deeper, purr-like note to it. She watched him with wide eyes, her body still working over his length regardless of how he moved. Just a little longer then she would stop. The hand on her belly dropped down, fingers homing in on her clit. The dragoness let out a lustful noise as her claws slid over that precious pearl. Her jaws trembled as she moaned, arching her back up. Faster, she urged herself, Faster! "Ohhh..."

The firestorm was brewing inside of her again, churning around her belly and loins. Heat radiated against her hand as her fingers played with that swollen, hard gem. She bounced on the croconaw's scepter, gyrating her body wildly now. He uttered a low growl under her, body shifting in his sleep. The male rolled against her, responding to where his dream met reality. Charsi whimpered as she began to shiver on top of him, so close to her goal. She arched forward suddenly and clenched her jaws to hold back the cry as she peaked, body clamping down around the male as her claws scratched at his chest. If felt so... so... oh flames, she couldn't think of a word to describe this slower release!

She felt her warmth being extinguished, Bones's cock jumping against her fingers and his balls tensing against her rear. The female let out a squeak and pulled away suddenly. His wide tip ripped from her with a wet pop. Thick streamers of his cum erupted from his cock, splashing across their bellies. She watched, hypnotized, at the sheer volume that he put out. Far past when she thought he'd should have ended, his balls continued to empty their load. Biting her lip, and feeling more than a little naughty, she pressed her pussy against him and began to grind that firm length between their bodies. Ignoring the mess she made, the charmander tried to get as much of his cream from him before she stopped.

Their bellies were both a mess of thick cum, some oozing from the few seconds she'd been caught with it inside of her. Charsi's cheeks flared hot with a blush as she slipped away slowly. Moving quietly, she hurried over to her own bedding before Bones could wake up. Curling on the blankets, she shivered at the feel of his seed sliding across her hide. She snatched up a blanket and moved to wipe it away, but stopped. Her fingers ran through the semen, gathering some up before bringing it to her lips. She lapped at the stuff, tasting what had been pumped into her body three times now. She purred softly at the taste and used her hands to sweep up what she could, licking it away from her digits.

A low grumble made her freeze. Bones stumbled up behind her, his steps unsteady and slow, as if he were still dozing. She laid there, curled up and feigning sleep. He stood over her, breathing heavily and looking over her. Charsi held onto the slim hope that he'd think she was asleep and go away. Not that her luck had done her any favors tonight.

Bones knelt and touched her side, "Charsi?" Trying to keep up the ruse, she mumbled a little and stirred, but didn't respond beyond that. He shook her gently and hissed her name, quieter this time. When she didn't respond again, he breathed out a sigh. "Asleep then." The hand on her side didn't leave, instead his fingers began to stroke over her flank. "Mm, had a very nice dream about you. I can't remember all the details, but..." he trailed off as his hand went around her front and his fingers brushed over her belly. He let out a soft hiss, "Oh Charsi, I didn't mean to do this." He leaned in to kiss her cheek, sniffing at the air. She felt his muzzle tap against her side as he sniffed and planted gentle kisses on her side. His voice took on a deeper tone, "Still, a little more can't hurt, can it? Oh flows, your scent just drives me Rrrrm."

She felt him moving behind her, draping her tail over his hips. One of his hands reached down to lift her leg and reach under her, lining him up quickly. "You must have been exhausted, but I'll be quick." He rumbled behind her as he pushed his cock into her body. Caught off guard, she gasped and bowed her back. Bones pressed up tight against her, cradling her smaller form against his as he began to thrust. Releasing her leg, he wrapped both arms around her, holding her tight as he breathed mouth a moan into her neck. His hands roamed over her, stroking her chest and belly as he took her from behind once more.

He huffed against her neck, planting kisses and mating bites on her flesh as his hands stroked her belly. It wouldn't take more than a couple days before she was ready to lay her egg. Each time he stroked her pudgy belly, the male would groan louder and give a hard thrust. "Flows! The thought of you bearing my eggs and having our children. It's.... it'sssss." His hands fell to her hips and began to move them as he grew frantic. Between the urging of his hands and the forceful pounding of his hips, more and more of his length began to stir inside of her.

Charsi's eyes flew open when he slipped out and drove back in to the very hilt. Her body had just enough time to start pulling tight again when he invaded it again. It felt very odd, but in a very good way! She was starting to moan and pant, burying her head against her blankets as she pushed back against him. Her hand reached down to rest on his, locking fingers with him. Bones hissed into her neck, "Oh, Charsi!"

His next thrust went a bit wide, his cock slipping up between her thighs and against her belly. The male growled and jerked back, trying again. He missed several times before finding his mark again. A hard thrust drove his cock up under her tail, stabbing against her rear. She tried to reach down and move him, but he held tight to her hand. Since he found a hole, even if it was the wrong one, he drove forward with a snarl. Charsi yelped as her ass was spread suddenly, his slick length sliding right up into her back passage. "Sssso tight," he was hissing almost continually now as he pulled her down, not stopping until his hips were nestled against hers. Charsi squeezed his hand hard, gasping at the ache spreading from her rear.

With this new, even tighter, hole wrapped around his throbbing need, Bones began to hammer her with short thrusts. He wasn't going to risk losing this new pleasure, not until he had his finish it seemed. She let out a low whimper and hung her head as the male hammered her. Seeing her bared neck, he bit down on it again and held tight. It was over in a few seconds, Bones pressing tight against her as he emptied his cannon into her rear. She gasped, tongue hanging from her mouth as she tried to adjust to the pulsing in her rear.

A snore rattled from behind her, telling her that her partner had fallen asleep again. There wasn't any slipping away from him this time. He held tight to one of her hands, and his other arm was locked around her chest. With a sigh, she grabbed a pillow and stuffed it under her cheek. No use trying to get away from Bones, once he latched onto something, there wasn't much you could do to get him off it. She snuggled down into his grasp and uttered a soft purr. The way he was curled around her made her feel safe and protected. As if she were some treasure. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all?

Charsi growled softly and shuffled her bedding, new and fresh, around inside of her nest. No matter what she did, she could only get comfortable for a few moments before something made her antsy again. Shoving a pillow under her belly, the charmander rolled over and stared at the croconaw sitting nearby. She narrowed her eyes, "This is all your fault, you know." A growl rolled up her throat before turning into a little whine, "I want some berries, do we have any?"

Bones hurried over to a shelf and came back with a bowl filled with a variety of the berries at her. Ever since the other night, he'd been incredibly apologetic and waited on her hand and foot. "Thank you!" she purred as she picked through, popping some of them into her mouth. Aside from the mood swings and sore back, being this egg heavy wasn't too bad. She ran a finger over her swollen gut, wondering again if she had more than one egg inside of her. A soft groan drew her attention over to Bones. The male was staring at her belly as she stroked it, breathing a little heavier already. Her lips curled up slowly as she saw his pouch swelling. Her mood began to shift, and the berries seemed less appealing than something else currently. "Come here, you."

Reaching out, she caught him by a handle that was sliding out of the pouch and gave him a gentle tug. The croconaw hissed and moved over into the bed with her. He began to nuzzle her belly, planting kisses on it as his paws roamed around her. Yep, not so bad after all.