A Shark and His Bunny

Story by RubberFins on SoFurry

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"Alright guys, we got less than a minute left. Let's go with...." Dieso called out the team's play and then they broke the huddle.

It's a cold Friday night and everyone is excited. It's the game that determines whether or not they go into the playoffs. The ball is hiked to the shark and the rush begins. He finds a hold and takes advantage of it. Just as he thinks that he's going to make it, an intense pain erupts in his back side. A bear from the other team grabbed the shark's tail in a desperate attempt to prevent them from winning. The whistles blow and a penalty is called. The team's trainer runs out to make sure the star player is ok.

Meanwhile, on the side lines, a blue bunny looks as if he is watching the game intently. In fact, Chase is actually very concerned for his crush. Ever since becoming the new team manager last month, he's found it almost impossible to keep his eyes off the shark. He has walked past Dieso in the halls many times, but never had the courage to even say hi. In order to fulfill his desires, he had to resort to waiting until the team cleared the locker room every night so he could break into Dieso's locker and put on the shark's uniform.

"Ok, this is our last attempt, and if we can't pull this off, then it's over." He started to draw out their next play on his hand. Dieso looked into each of the fur's eyes and knew that they were all nervous. "Listen guys, if this works out and we win, I'll finally ask Chase, right after the game." They all smiled as they knew that Dieso had a crush on the bunny, but always came up with an excuse for why he never asked. The team was always trying to get him to finally make his move, but being the strongest on the team, they didn't push him too hard.

They lined up. The crowd was so loud that it was almost impossible to hear. Ten seconds remained on the clock. "Hike!" Dieso took the ball in both hand and took two steps back. Within two seconds, he saw his mark. He cocked his arm and then released the throw. As the wolf caught the ball, the stadium exploded with cheers. The canine took two more steps and fell down in the end zone. The field was rushed and both the wolf and Dieso were lifted up in the air. After a half hour of celebrating on the field, they began to carry them back to the locker room.

Chase was very happy. He was part of a team that was going to the playoffs and his secret love was the reason. The crowd walked past him, and now noticing the bunny, Dieso quickly removed his black helmet and threw it at Chase. The bunny dropped his clipboard and caught the helmet. As they moved on toward the locker room, he thought he saw the shark wink at him. Chase picked up his clipboard and held the helmet tight against his chest. A tiger on the team patted Chase on the back, "You better go give that back to him." The tiger smiled as he followed the crowd.

Chase helped pick up some of the cones and stuff off the field and then made his way toward the coach's office. Inside, he set the clipboard on the desk and looked out the window into the locker room. A smile spread across his face as he watch the team dancing and singing as they changed out of their uniforms. He sat down and waited for most of the team to leave.

A few minutes later, he thought that they had all left, and he was going to put Dieso's helmet back in his locker. Before doing so, he looked at the inside of it and then took a deep breath. The smell of the shark was still inside, and it made him very aroused. He decided it would be a good night to break in his locker again. He knew the gear would still be sweaty and the thought made him even more excited. He left the office with a small bulge in his jeans and made his way toward the very familiar locker. He turned the corner and immediately froze. He saw Dieso still in full uniform with a few of the team members around him. They were talking quietly, and Chase found it funny that he was the only one still in uniform. The wolf and tiger noticed Chase and smiled, "Hey Dieso, we gotta get going. We'll see you later." They nodded to get the others to leave and they all walked past Chase. The tiger patted the bunny's ass and caused Chase to jump.

Dieso looked up and saw Chase, "Oh, hey there. Looks like you brought my helmet back." The shark looked very tired and yet with his built body, he seemed very gentle.

"Oh, yeah. Here you go." He walked over and set the helmet on the bench next to him. "Damn is he hot. Too bad, I was hoping to get off in his gear tonight. Oh well," Chase thought to himself. He smiled at the shark and then turned to walk away.

"Hey, wait." Dieso called out to him.

Chase turned around. He didn't know what to say. He completely forgot about the bulge in his jeans. Dieso moved the helmet to his feet, "Come sit next to me for a minute."

With extreme anticipation, Chase couldn't resist. He sat down next to the shark and was amazed. Even though the shark was buff, it was the pads that made him look so tall. He seemed to be just as tall as himself. Chase glanced at Dieso for a moment and then took extreme interest in the lockers across form them.

"I.....eh......um.........I like you.....Chase." Dieso seemed to struggle as he pushed the words out that he always wanted to say to the bunny.

Chase felt very strange as these words entered his long ears. He took several moments to think if he could even respond. "I.....well.....I like you too Dieso."

They both felt kind of awkward, and then Dieso put his hand on the bunny's shoulder. "I know." He couldn't help but smile. "I know what you've been doing when everyone leaves."

Chase felt his heart drop. He never knew that anyone had any idea of his secret lust. He felt like he was shaking as he became very nervous. He didn't know how to respond.

Dieso waited for a moment and then spoke again, "I wanted you from the first day you transferred here. I saw you many times but never had the guts to say anything. The team knows about it. They made sure that you got to be manager just so I would almost be forced to see you every day." He started to rub Chase's back.

Chase was still speechless. All his dreams were coming true right here. He finally built up his courage and turned to look at Dieso. The shark was looking at him deeply, and in combination with the back rub, Chase felt as if though he had nothing to fear. He wrapped his hands around the shark's jersey and rested his head against the breast of the shoulder pads.

Dieso was slightly shocked and then put both of his arms around Chase. This, to him, felt as if it was meant to be. The bunny's warm body radiated through his t-shirt. Dieso then lifted Chase into his lap so that they could hug properly.

Chase was lost. He was now with the love he always wanted. The entire room was silent as their expressions of love were exchanged. As Chase sat there, he felt the cup in Dieso's gear, and then he felt it throbbing. A smile escaped his mouth as his own cock began to pulsate in his tight jeans. He decided to take it further and then worked his paws under the shark's jersey. He felt up his defined abs and then made his way upward. He jumped as he felt the metal that went through the nipples.

Dieso looked at him and smiled. The feeling of the furry paws on his body was amazing. Then Chase's jump made him smile, "Yeah, bet you didn't know I had those."

Chase shook his head and then continued to feel up the shark's body. Dieso began to do the same. He was amazed to find that Chase was built very well. His abs and pecs were also well defined. They continued to feel each other for a few more minutes. Dieso then pulled his hands out and put one on the back of Chase's head. He pulled Chase towards him and kissed him deeply. Chase returned the kiss and then slowly opened his mouth and began to tease Dieso's lips with his tongue. Dieso then opened his mouth and made sure to protect his teeth as he let his tongue wrestle with Chase's. The bunny kept rubbing Dieso's body as they made out for what seemed like an eternity. Dieso then broke the kiss. He pulled Chase's paws out of his jersey. He slowly began to pull the jersey up, when Chase grabbed his hands. "No, there's something I want, but you have to stay in uniform." He slowly got off the shark's lap and smiled as he went to his own locker. Dieso smiled as he watched Chase intently. His paws quickly worked the lock and he opened it up. He pulled out a small bundle of clothes and then closed the door.

Chase then pulled off his shirt and smiled as Dieso's moth fell open. He then took off his pants and stood there. His meat bulged through the tight underwear. Dieso was pretty sure that he just pre'd in his jock. Chase then took off the underwear and his pink cock stood out. He let Dieso look for a few moments and then he turned around. He bent over to pick up the clothes and gave the quarterback a full view of his tight, pink hole. Dieso was having trouble controlling himself as he now was sure that he had filled his jock with pre. Then to his surprise, Chase began to slip on the skirt and top of a cheerleader uniform.

Chase finished putting it on and then walked back over to Dieso. "If you really want me, then I want you to be my master. I will be loyal and obedient to you."

Dieso was speechless. He was not expecting sure a wonderful request to be asked of him. ".....A...As you master. I will take care of you and make sure you are happy and loved." Dieso then stood up and walked over to Chase. His cleat clacked on the hard floor as he stood in front of the bunny.

Chase ran a finger across Dieso's pads and abs and then smiled, "Then master, I want you to mark me as yours. Right now. Make me your pet forever." He walked over to the bench and bent over. There was a slit in the panties of the uniform so that there was access to Chase's love hole.

"I would love to do that for my pet." He walked over and pulled down his pants, girdle, and jock so that his cock was ready to claim its territory. He pressed the head against Chase's hole. "I...I love you Chase."

Chase's heart throbbed, "I love you too Dieso and my master."

Dieso then began to press his cock into the bunny's hole. He moaned lightly as the pink flesh wrapped tightly against his meat. Chase moaned as the pain of his first penetration fill his body. Dieso grunted slightly as the rest of the head of his cock was finally inside his love's body. He then pushed harder as his shaft was hugged by the inside of Chase's body. Chase moaned more as his hole began to hurt less and feel more pleasure. His dreams had now become reality as he clenched his hole around Dieso's cock. The shark moan loudly as the last inch entered and he felt his bunny tighten. He slowly pulled back and moaned. Dieso thrusted into Chase with a loud moan and immediately started fucking him hard. Chase moaned in unison as he moved with Dieso's thrusts. The room filled with their moans as each began to approach their climax. Dieso realized why Chased wanted them both to be in uniform. He was in complete ecstasy as he felt the cum build pressure in his sack. Chase continued to moan as he felt the shark's meat inside his body.

Within minutes, Dieso gripped Chase's waist tightly and moaned loudly as his seed was released into his pet. The cum released and made a permanent make inside Chase. He now belonged to Dieso, and nothing could take that away. Chase moaned as, for the first time, the cum flooded his body. The sensation was so pleasurable that it forced him to cum inside the uniform. He moaned loudly as his whole body was filled with lust. The smell of their musks surround them as they began to pant heavily. Dieso moaned lightly as he slowly pulled out of Chase. Chase moaned as the last bits of shark meat left his body. Dieso grabbed Chase and laid down on the floor. Chase curled up on top of Diseo and kissed him, "I love you master."

"I love you my pet. Go ahead and fall asleep on me, I want to be here to keep you safe." Dieso wrapped his arms around Chase as they both began to fall asleep...............