It Runs in the Family

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Jimmy and Nikki Langston are back, and this time they're not alone, they're going to teach their cousin, a rather shy bunny with a curious name, how to play this game that they've gotten so good at...

Finally back, with a brand new story! I'm sorry that this one took so long, but I wanted to make sure it was absolutely perfect before I posted it. I hope you like it! :3

This is the first story where Vert Fonsay actually appears as a character, so I hope you like him, too. blush

Just like last time, Alicia Hegel belongs to Apis over on Inkbunny. So does her friend Annie the bee. All other characters belong to me.

It Runs in the Family Vert Fonsay

Jameson and Nicole Langston ran down the street with the seemingly limitless energy that children their age seem to have, towards a public park. Their Aunt Fleuré was visiting their mother today, and had informed them she'd dropped off their cousin at the playground. It had been some time since they'd seen him, and they were quite looking forward to it. When the lop-earred bunnies arrived, they didn't see him right off the bat, which seemed odd, since there weren't a lot of children on the playground. As they headed over to the jungle gym and other apparatus, searching for him, Nikki heard their cousin's voice coming from underneath the solid frame the slide was built onto. "W-well, alright, if you're s-sure it's okay..." As they headed over, they also heard the voice of Alicia Hegel, a friend of Nikki's with an oddly experienced knowledge of the ways of the flesh. "Of course it is, why wouldn't it be? Oh my, you're really cute, you know that? What did you say your name was again?" They rounded the corner and walked underneath the frame, discovering their cousin, looking slightly nervous and very embarrassed. The reason wasn't very hard to figure out; the rabbit boy was leaning against the side of the frame, shorts and underwear around his ankles, with Alicia kneeling down in front of him, staring at his package like it was gift-wrapped and addressed to her. At the moment, the lizard girl was reaching forward towards his bits and licking her lips at the sight. "It's V-Vert. Vert Fonsay."

Ten-year-old cousin Vert was a curious-looking boy. He was a rabbit, of course, but he had an odd quirk that he was a little self-conscious about; one of his ears looked like his mother's, standing tall and proud, but the other was lopped, loose and floppy, like his father's - their mother's brother - and like Jimmy and Nikki's own ears. He let this ear hang forwards, not backwards, as it was apparently considered stylish by rabbits in... in wherever his mother was from, Jimmy and Nikki just understood her to be "foreign", which was also the source of their cousin's somewhat odd name. The point is, more often than not, his left ear hid his left eye from view, which seemed to fit his shy personality. Alicia must have done some serious cajoling to get him into this position. Speaking of which, both Nikki and Jimmy froze for a second, taking in a view of their cousin they'd never seen before. They'd known that Vert had mostly snow white fur, like that which covered their own bodies from head to toe, and that it was broken by a black patch around his right eye that didn't quite reach the base of his upright ear, as well as small, randomly-placed light brown speckles here and there all over him. Now, as they gazed upon his exposed body, they saw that there was another black patch on his groin, which just touched the left side of his fuzzy scrotum. But of course they were more interested in the unexpected sheath that lay nestled above that scrotum, with his pink tip just beginning to peek out. Both Langstons blushed fiercely and Nikki reluctantly looked away as Jimmy burst out in surprise. "Vert! What are you doing?!" The other rabbit boy yelped and clapped both hands over his privates, much to Alicia's obvious disappointment. "Cousin Jimmy?! You scared me! I - Aaaah, Nikki's here too?!" He hurriedly yanked his shorts back up, blushing worse than the other rabbits. "I - I'm sorry, p-please don't tell anyone!" Jimmy walked over and placed a hand on his cousin's shoulder, guiding him away from the lizard girl, who looked crushed. "No, come on! It's not like it was gonna hurt or anything! Awww man, can't you give me ten minutes?" Jimmy ignored her, hoping to keep his poor cousin out of her admittedly enjoyable clutches. "Let's just get home, okay?" As the three rabbits walked away, Vert hurriedly pulling his shorts back into position, Alicia groaned out loud and flopped forward, letting her head fall dejectedly into the soft, warm sand.

As they crossed the park, Vert's blush hadn't abated any, and he kept apologizing over and over, clearly worried, momentarily catching the eye of an arctic fox who was relaxing on a park bench, just people-watching. The boy didn't seem too upset, though, so the vulpine man didn't trouble himself too much over the rabbits. When Vert finally calmed down a little, he groaned, shaking his head. "Oh man, mom's gonna kill me when she finds out. I can just hear her now. 'Vertrimon James Fonsay, what do you have to say for yourself?'" Jimmy turned to his sister and silently mouthed 'Vertrimon?' with an incredulous look on his face. Neither of them had even realized that 'Vert' was a nickname. Nikki, getting her priorities straight, ignored that and hugged her cousin tight, and assured him it was okay. "It's fine, Vert, we won't tell anyone what we saw." He didn't seem very reassured. "Ohhh, I knew it was a bad idea, but she said she just wanted to play this awesome game, said that she'd played it with you guys before." Suddenly both nine-year-old Nikki and eleven-year-old Jimmy blushed again, both of them vividly remembering the first, but not only, time they had made love, taking each others' virginities at Alicia's suggestion. "Um, yeah, something like that..." "She wouldn't even tell me what the game was, just that I had to - to take off my pants and show her my... my... well, you saw. Sh-she said it wouldn't hurt, but I wasn't sure... Did it hurt when you tried it?" Nikki studied the grass beneath their feet, trying not to think about the fact that for her, it had hurt, at least the first time, when she straddled her brother and gave him her virginity, even as she took his. Of course, trying not to think about something only ensured that you did think about it, and she felt herself starting to grow damp and warm, fighting the urge to rub her thighs together, since her legs were bare in the pretty sundress she was wearing and she felt it would seem more obvious. Thankfully, Jimmy spoke up, so she didn't have to address their cousin in a state of arousal. "Well, no, it, uh, it didn't hurt. Well, it wouldn't for you anyway, I mean. Uh... look, can we wait until we get home to talk about this?" Vert nodded, but didn't say anything. The rabbits made their way out of the park and back up to the Langston household.

As they walked in the door, they were greeted by Jimmy and Nikki's mother Caroline, who was having coffee with Vert's mother Fleuré, who grinned widely at the sight of her son. "There you are, little one. Did you have fun at the park?" Vert began to blush, and Jimmy quickly spoke up. "Oh yeah, it was great, we had lots of fun!" Fleuré chuckled at that, a happy, melodic sound. "Good. I'm glad you three play so nicely together." Caroline took a sip and added, "Supper won't be ready for a few hours, so you kids run along and keep playing nicely, okay? Your Aunt Fleuré and I are having a nice chat." Nikki smiled brightly and said "Okay, Mom!" before she and Jimmy escorted Vert down the hall to Jimmy's room. With the door safely closed behind them, the Langstons turned to their cousin, finally able to scratch their natural curiosity. "So Vert, how did Alicia get you into that situation in the first place?" He put a hand on the back of his neck and rubbed sheepishly. "I dunno, she just sort of showed up out of nowhere and said she was a friend of yours, said you guys were the only lop-ears around here so I had to know you two. Th-then she said she thought I was cute, that she wanted to show me the game you three had played..." He looked over at his older cousin, slightly confused. "She said something about me being 'just as good as you', Jimmy, what does that mean? What is this game you were playing, and why do you have to pull down your pants to play it?" While he pressed his finger against the side of Jimmy's fishbowl, confusing the goldfish inside, Jimmy and Nikki exchanged a glance and a whisper, Nikki whimpering slightly at the idea. "Do we... do we really have to tell him what we did? It's so embarrassing!" "Well, if we don't, Alicia might try to get him again, and he wouldn't know what's going on." "Well..." "And us telling him is probably better than letting him ask his parents, cause you just know mom and dad would find out, and then..." He trailed off, and they imagined their parents finding out what they'd been up to. After a moment, Nikki cleared her throat, while Jimmy surreptitiously locked the door, so no one could walk in on them saying anything incriminating. "So Vert, what Alicia was trying to do was, uh... she was trying to do something with you that only people in love do... even though she isn't in love with you." He looked slightly less confused. "Oh. Wait, why has she done it with you guys? Does she love you?" Jimmy coughed, amazed at how hard he was blushing, and tried to help. "Well, no, see... Alicia hasn't done it with us, she just watched while we did it with each other, and we love each other." "But -" Nikki interrupted, sounding defensive. "Brothers and sisters love each other, right? Nobody ever said it had to be, like, boyfriend-girlfriend love!" "Oh." There was a moment of profoundly awkward silence, before Vert spoke up and made it worse. "...The only thing I've ever seen people in love do is kiss each other. Why did Alicia make me pull down my pants?" Nikki was getting frustrated. "Oh, Vert! Haven't you... don't you know where babies come from?" "Yeah, s-so?" A moment passed, then suddenly their cousin's eyebrows shot skyward, his visible eye widening in shock. "Wait, you mean you guys have been doing it?!" Both of his cousins cringed; Nikki immediately looked to the door, as if expecting their parents to burst in through a locked door and punish them for their deviant ways, and Jimmy lunged forward and clapped a hand over Vert's mouth. "Shhhhhh! You're gonna get us in trouble, you doofus!" He let go of his cousin, as it had only been an instinctive action, and Vert didn't seem to be making a fuss anymore, whispering now as though someone could overhear them. "Sorry, sorry... but really? You guys have... h-had sex? Isn't that really bad?" Nikki blushed and smiled, despite herself. "Actually it's... really, really nice... it feels so good, and it makes us feel so close to each other, and it's okay because we love each other!" She'd already explained that point but she wanted to make sure that part was clear. As her mind drifted through her memories of the act, though, Nikki began to feel warm and tingly inside, blushing even harder as she remembered. Looking over at Jimmy, she saw him bashfully grinning back, and knew that he was feeling the same way. "Yeah, it's like, the best feeling in the world." Vert nodded slightly, toeing at the carpet and blushing harder than his cousins. "Wow, that sounds really cool... kinda makes me wish I had a sister." Suddenly, a crazy thought occurred to Nikki, and she jumped on it without considering what could happen. "Vert... would you like us to show you?" Both males startled slightly, and gasped "What?!", as Nikki giggled. She shrugged and said, as casually as she could, "Well, Vert's an only child, so I was thinking we could show him what it's like... and if he really wants, maybe we could let him join us." Vert's eye widened again, and Jimmy started sputtering, unable to get anything past 'but' out of his mouth. "Well, he's our cousin, right? And we love our cousin, don't we? It's only fair that it works for him, too. Remember what we said when we started doing it? It doesn't count for reals, we're just practicing for when it does!" Jimmy looked surprised, clearly hadn't thought of that. "Well..." He turned to the younger boy. "Do you want to see?" Looking back and forth between them, the strange-looking rabbit quickly nodded, but didn't say anything. He seemed uncertain, but the grins that quickly bloomed on both his cousin's faces were infectious, and soon he was smiling just as widely.

Soon the three bunny cubs were sitting cross-legged on the floor, very close, thick as thieves. Nikki spoke up first, this having been her idea. "Well, um, we usually start by, you know, kissing, just like you said, so..." She and Jimmy both looked at each other, then glanced at Vert, then back to each other before they finally leaned in. This felt so very different with an audience! Still, they only hesitated a moment before the siblings pressed their lips together, putting their hands on each others' shoulders to hold themselves close while their tongues pressed into each others' mouths, wrestling and rubbing against each other and running along their siblings' teeth. Vert, for his part, just sat there, staring in something approaching awe, as his cousins behaved in a way he'd never expected. He shifted slightly, unable to take his eyes off Jimmy and Nikki, feeling himself starting to get hard from watching the incestuous kiss. He wasn't sure if what was happening was okay, and worried he might get in trouble, but he couldn't bring himself to ask them to stop. It felt like he was looking through someone else's eyes, into another world where this was perfectly normal and not at all out of the ordinary. He was actually feeling a little light-headed, really, and as he continued to watch his cousins making out, his jaw slackened and he let out a low, quiet moan without realizing it. This got the attention of Jimmy and Nikki, who finally broke off the kiss and turned to the shy rabbit boy, who was covering his mouth and blushing. Nikki grinned shyly, as if she hadn't just been exhibiting her most secret behaviour, and spoke softly. "So Vert, what did you think?" Rather overwhelmed, he could barely manage to stutter out his response. "Oh, w-well, it... it looked.... it looked like... fun." Nikki giggled and looked at him coyly. "Well... would you like to try it?" Blushing even darker somehow, her cousin started toying with his toes, and nodded quickly. The shy rabbit looked down and took a deep breath, and started to gather his courage. When a few seconds had passed with Vert just sitting still, seemingly not doing anything, a curious Jimmy leaned in towards him. "Vert? Are - are you okay?" Vert looked up, but instead of answering, he suddenly reached out, grabbed his cousin by the cheeks, and pulled him in for a kiss!

Jimmy froze, unable to comprehend what had just happened, and Nikki gasped out loud, clapping her hands over her muzzle and staring in shock. It wasn't until Jimmy felt his cousin's tongue tentatively brushing against his own that he finally reacted, pulling backwards and falling back onto his butt on the carpet, blushing far more fiercely than the other boy had been before their brief kiss. "Vert! What the heck are you doing?!" Whimpering, Vert covered his face and shook his head. "I - I'm sorry!" Nikki cleared her throat and spoke up. "Vert, why on Earth did you kiss Jimmy?" He peeked between two of his fingers, and even in the tiny glimpse of one eye, he looked embarrassed. "You asked if I wanted to try..." Jimmy, compulsively wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, managed to stop long enough to mutter shamefully. "But then you kissed me!" "Y-yeah, I thought since she was asking if I wanted to try, and she'd been kissing you..." To the surprise of both boys, Nikki suddenly started giggling, sounding oddly casual. "Ohhh, Vert, you silly bunny, I meant me!" Her brother just seemed even more embarrassed by this, though. "Nikki, this isn't funny!" The bunny girl's grin didn't falter one iota. "Come on, Jimmy, it wasn't that bad, was it?" Faced with that wide smile, he couldn't help but calm down a little. "I guess not, but..." He trailed off, and then as he thought about it, he began to relax a little, look at what just happened again, and he couldn't help but snicker. Then, as Nikki began to giggle again, he found himself joining her. And then Vert joined them in laughing softly, even if he still looked embarrassed, and soon all three cubs were in a much better mood, giggling and laughing at the silliness that had just occurred.

Once they calmed down a little, Nikki turned back to Vert and leaned in slightly, her heart beating faster in her chest. "So, how about it, then? Think you can get it right this time, cuz?" He grinned, feeling more at ease about this now, and nodded, before leaning in and meeting her lips, much more gently than he had with Jimmy. The two rabbits slowly reached up to embrace each other, Vert shivering at the sensation of the girl's tongue slipping into his mouth, Nikki quietly groaning as he returned the gesture, squeezing him just a little tighter as their tongues rubbed and wrestled together, the two cubs getting rather turned on as they kept going. Jimmy, meanwhile, felt his pants getting uncomfortably tight as he watched his sister and his cousin kissing so hungrily right in front of him. Unconsciously, the boy licked his lips and squirmed as the other rabbits kept going at it with no sign of stopping, and he sighed, wishing he was kissing somebody right now. If only Vert had a sister... Suddenly he found himself thinking about that brief kiss with his cousin, the feeling of Vert's tongue just barely touching his own... and he began to blush. Just when he thought he couldn't get any antsier sitting there, the other bunnies finally broke it off, Nikki grinning widely and Vert once again looking somewhat dazed. "...Wow. That was... that was really nice." "Yeah, I - I really liked it, Vert." They sat there, grinning bashfully at each other, for a few more seconds, before an impatient Jimmy spoke up. "So, do you guys wanna keep going?" The other cubs nodded enthusiastically, but didn't move. Nikki turned to Vert and quietly asked, "...Wanna help me get undressed?" The Langstons were somewhat taken aback by the reply he blurted out. "More than anything in the world!" He seemed embarrassed by his outburst after the fact, but by this point they were almost more used to seeing him blushing than not. Soon he had recovered enough to be eager to get going again, reaching forward with trembling hands. He took hold of the shoulder straps of Nikki's dress, and lifted them up off her slender shoulders, holding them out to the sides before letting it drop, pooling around the little girl's ankles. She stood there, smiling shyly, clad in just her panties, white with adorable pink stripes, as her cousin took in her topless form. She didn't have anything to speak of in the chest area, of course, not yet, but Vert still found his gaze drawn to her hardening nipples. Instead of reaching for her underwear, Vert reached for those little nubs, his cousin shivering at the touch of his trembling fingers. Across the room, Jimmy, who suddenly didn't think this was such a good idea after all, was adjusting his uncomfortably tight pants and trying not to whimper. Normally, he was naked by the time he got this hard. As Vert continued to touch and caress the bunny girl's chest, she glanced down and saw the rather prominent tent in the front of his shorts, and the shy male gasped, his eyes widening, as Nikki reached a hand forward and pressed it against his erection through the material, daring to give him a gentle squeeze. Her voice was barely above a whisper, her eyes avoiding his. "It's so stiff... Don't you wanna see me, Vert? I wanna see you..." He bit his lip, and this time he didn't even nod, his desire was obvious in his eyes. He dropped to his knees and took hold of the waistband of Nikki's panties, and with trembling hands, he slowly tugged the garment down the cub's slender legs, giving a bit more force when it got caught on her powder-puff of a tail. He slowed down when the underwear reached her knees, the sight of her hidden treasures having caused him to briefly forget what he was doing. There wasn't much fanfare to it; Nikki's nethers, like her chest, were almost completely undeveloped, and from the outside consisted solely of a small pink patch where no fur grew, divided into two firm, tight lips with a dark line starkly separating them. Nonetheless, Vert's heart was beating faster and faster, as he had never seen a girl there before. He let the forgotten panties drop to the floor as his hands smoothly climbed up her thighs, both bunnies oblivious to Jimmy whimpering as he gripped himself through his pants the way he wished his sister would. He knew that Nikki wasn't his girlfriend or anything, (not that he wanted her to be, no sir, nope!) and that she was totally allowed to touch Vert since she loved him too, but he couldn't help but feel tremendously jealous as his cousin reverently pressed his fingers against the little girl's labia, which were already growing slick with her arousal. Both rabbits moaned as he trailed his fingertips back and forth along her slit, feeling the texture of her skin. Nikki took hold of his hand, holding it against her pussy, and silently lay down on her side, encouraging him to lie down facing her, but on his opposite side, his head near her legs and vice-versa. While he continued to feel and explore her lips, she reached forward and took hold of his shorts, slowly tugging them down his legs, then his briefs, until his young prick was exposed to her eyes once more. Most male anthros either had a penis that looked very much like that of a human, or a penis that looked like that of a feral animal of their species. Now that he was fully stiff, the Langstons could see that Vert was a slightly rarer combination of the two; instead of just flopping around while soft, his penis retracted into his body, stored within a sheath, but instead of looking like a rabbit's malehood, his proudly erect prick looked very much like that of a human. Watching and wanting, Jimmy finally gave in to his feelings, opening up his fly and fishing out his hard-on, biting his lip to keep from moaning as he wrapped his fingers around his neglected penis. He didn't stroke, just held himself; it felt a little better than just ignoring it, but he wanted to save his orgasm for when Nikki wanted to give one to him. He silently reassured himself that she would want to do it, as she had always taken such glee in making him come in the past. At least, he thought to himself, Vert's cock was about the same size as his own. He didn't know if he could have handled it if the boy currently fondling his sister had been bigger than him, too.

Vert whimpered with desire as Nikki lovingly fondled his prick, gently pushing his fingers inside her to try and make her feel as good. She was very wet inside, and so much warmer than he'd been expecting. The girl squeezed her cousin's erection, feeling it throb against her hand, feeling his fingers tentatively exploring her nethers, and moaned, unable to take it any longer. "V-Vert, I wanna try something with you, okay?" This time his response was immediate. "Okay, Nikki." She helped him take off his shirt, so that all he had on was his socks, and lay him down on his back. Then she got down on her knees and threw a leg over his head. "You... you use your mouth on my... on my kitty." Looking down she could see the doubt in his eyes, even as they locked onto her slit and refused to budge. "Jimmy loves doing it, right, Jimmy?" Her brother jumped slightly, startled by the sudden attention, and let go of his cock, acting casual as he responded. "Oh! Oh yeah, sure, definitely. Kind of a weird taste, but I like it." Nikki began to lower herself down, speaking soothingly to her cousin as she did so. "You lick me until I - until I come, and then I'll use my mouth on you!" Her cheeks flared briefly when she talked about climaxing, as if simply discussing her orgasm was more embarrassing than stripping nude in front of her cousin and letting him touch her underaged body. As Vert ran that idea around in his mind, uncertain how he felt about it, his eyes wandered slightly, to the tight, pink pucker nestled in-between Nikki's buttocks. Embarrassed, he looked away. He'd never seen that particular body part on anyone else, and somehow, even though it was more familiar to him than her slit, even just looking at it felt more taboo than the things she was suggesting. Putting it out of his mind, he made his decision. "Okay, Nikki... but if I don't like it, I can stop, right?" "Sure, of course, I won't force you or anything... but I'm pretty sure you'll like it." With that, she moved her body into position, just off his face. The half-lop below her hesitated for a minute... and then leaned up, took a sniff of his cousin's vulva, and gave her a single cautious lick. Apparently deciding it was to his liking, he pressed his mouth against her young slit, beginning to bathe her skin with his tongue. Nikki, on all fours, facing his feet, moaned out loud, her knees trembling as she felt the wet heat of her cousin's tongue probing between her labia, beginning to tease at her slick inner walls. "Yes... yes... like that, Vert, just like that..." As a more confident Vert reached up and grabbed Nikki's thighs to get a better grip for his task, Jimmy, who had ditched his lower clothing entirely, moved around in front of them to get a better look. As he arrived, down on all fours to get a better angle, Nikki pushed her upper half off the floor and sat up, remaining on her knees over her cousin's face, and closed her eyes to savour the feelings, her hands nervously toying with each other. At first, Jimmy's eyes were glued to her opening, which he couldn't see very well from this angle, and with Vert's mouth pressed against it. And then, for no particular reason, he glanced down his cousin's body at his rigid prick, which both other cubs were ignoring right now. He'd seen other boys his age naked at the public pool, but the protocol there was to study the floor and look directly at your clothes while you were changing, so as to avoid even potentially looking at another naked boy. Jimmy realized that he was genuinely curious about his cousin's genitals, but felt uncomfortable about that and tried to ignore the feeling. He returned his gaze to the other bunnies' joining... but a short time later his eyes returned to the boy's erection. Blushing, he tried to resist, tried to focus on his sister's body instead, but his eyes inevitably went back to the other male's cubhood, and ultimately he gave up and allowed himself to stare at his cousin's erection, glancing up once to make sure he was unobserved. Nikki's eyes were still closed, and with her over him, it was impossible for Vert to see anything except for Nikki's rear end. Jimmy looked back down, and gave in to his curiosity about the other boy's body, his eyes searching up and down the shaft, taking in every detail of Vert's penis. Seemingly fascinated, he took in the ways his cousin's cock was different from his own, and the ways it was the same. Jimmy, who had an entirely human-like cock, had been circumcised as a baby, but Vert had never had a foreskin in the first place, his sheath serving the same purpose instead. As a result, their penises looked very similar. Of course, Jimmy didn't actually know what circumcision really was, so there was no reason he wouldn't expect Vert's cock to look like that. In addition, as rabbits in the same breed, their parts were mostly the same in shape and colour. The biggest difference lay in the ring of fur and muscle that enclosed the base of his prick, the opening of his sheath. Jimmy found himself wondering if there was any room in there for anything other than his penis, and amused himself for a moment by imagining how much Vert would blush if he slipped a finger into his sheath. It seemed to be Jimmy's turn to blush right now, though, as the more he looked at Vert's penis, the more a memory popped into his head...

He and Nikki had met in a janitor's closet at school during one recess a few weeks ago. Wasting no time, he tugged his pants down and Nikki put his erection in her mouth. It was not the first time she had done it, but this time she did it with such speed and energy that he felt just as overwhelmed as the first time. But this time, he was sitting on a box of toilet paper in a closet at school, and he was terribly afraid of getting caught, unwillingly imagining a scenario where someone walked in on him and his sister fooling around, with such perfect timing that the interloper burst into the room just as he began to come, with a humiliated Jimmy forced to orgasm in front of a stranger. There were plenty of bad things that would happen if anyone found out, but that was the one he found himself focusing on. And yet, at the same time, the risk, the danger that they might get caught, it was somehow turning him on immensely. When his little sister's tongue coaxed him into orgasm, he had to stuff a fist in his mouth to keep from crying out, his entire body shaking as he experienced one of the best orgasms of his life. Despite his fear, he had easily been talked into returning the favour, tugging Nikki's panties down and sticking his face under her skirt. They had both been finished off, and they had gotten away with it, but that night they decided not to try anything like that anymore, in case they started liking it too much and taking stupid risks. But now, as he lay there, eyes focused on his cousin's erection, he couldn't help but remember how good that orgasm felt. Suddenly acting on impulse, he crawled forward and placed his hands on Vert's thighs, spreading them slightly. Immediately, Vert began mumbling and making somewhat alarmed noises, but his face was pressed so tightly against Nikki's pussy that they were unintelligible. However, Nikki got the idea from the sudden frantic shoving she received to the undersides of her thighs. Opening her eyes, she reluctantly stood up straight on her knees, lifting herself away from his mouth, only then realizing why he wanted out. She and Vert, peeking between their bodies, spoke at once, asking the obvious question. "Wh-what are you d-doing?!" "Jimmy? What are you doing there?" Jimmy grinned shyly at them. "Well, I, uh, I was thinking... I was thinking about how it feels really, really good when Nikki puts her mouth on me, and how you guys aren't doing anything for Vert, so..." He cleared his throat. "I - I was sort of thinking maybe I could use my mouth on Vert while you guys keep going?" Vert's reaction was not well thought out, and a little bit panicky. "Oh no, the kiss must have turned him gay!" Instinctively, Nikki gently smacked her cousin's stomach and sternly reminded him that saying things like that was quite rude. Then, remembering their positions, she blushed and looked away. Jimmy, meanwhile, was looking quite embarrassed. "No, stupid, it doesn't count 'cause we're related, remember? Nikki's my sister, so it doesn't count as boyfriend-girlfriend stuff when we do it, a-and you're my cousin, so it doesn't count as gay if I... if I..." Wordlessly, all three cubs glanced to the hard-on in question, which had turned slightly darker, as if it were embarrassed by all the attention. As if on cue, Vert throbbed involuntarily and a single drop of pre-come emerged, hanging on the tip of his prick like a shining pearl. Jimmy crawled forward a little, and leaned down towards his cousin's cubhood, speaking breathily, Vert shuddering as he felt the boy's exhalations on his privates. "So how about it, Vert? I'll do it for you, if you want..." Nikki dared to say nothing, but silently she was whispering please please please over and over again, suddenly realizing she was intensely curious to watch a boy touch another boy. "...O-okay." Vert's reply was barely above a whisper, yet it set all three cubs to shivering.

Placing his hands on the outside of Vert's hips for now, Jimmy leaned down and, just as his cousin had just done, gave a testing sniff to the genitals before him, and a single exploratory lick along Vert's shaft, picking up the pre as he reached the top. He thought about the taste of the other boy's flesh, and then he closed his eyes, leaned forward, and closed his lips around his cousin's prick. Vert arched his back and moaned in shock. "Ohhh! Oh wow! Ahhh... g-guys, no one's ever touched me like this before today. This is..." Nikki giggled. "I know, isn't it great?" With that, she slowly started lowering herself back down, and soon Vert obediently leaned up and pressed his mouth against her again, licking and exploring her even as a warm, inviting mouth and a wet, flexible tongue began to work on his privates. Closing his own eyes and licking blind, Vert couldn't help but whimper every few seconds, overwhelmed by how good the situation felt, burying his muzzle in a female while he was pleasured by another fur. His legs reached out blindly into the air on either side of his cousin, unable to keep them still as pulses of pleasure spread out from his groin to fill his little body. Meanwhile, Jimmy had overcome a problem of his own, as he found that focusing so much on Vert's erection meant it wasn't as hard to ignore his own neglected penis and his growing arousal. Even now, pressed between his torso and the carpet, Jimmy's cock throbbed from time to time, drooling a thin stream of pre-come onto the fibres below. And the entire time, Nikki eagerly took in every detail, watching her brother gently bobbing his head along Vert's length in roughly the way she and Alicia had done it to him, his only frame of reference. He took his mouth off the boy's cock for a moment, looking beneath the pulsing rod to the other male's sac. Jimmy had never touched another boy's balls before, and as he slowly stroked the erection above them, now slick with his saliva, he brought another hand up to gently take hold of Vert's testicles, squeezing lightly through the loose skin that safely contained them, rolling them around in his hand, running his thumb over the thin layer of fur that covered the scrotum and noting that the black patch on the left side of his sac felt no different from the snow white fur that covered the rest. Curious, he began to lick at his cousin's balls, and while his response was just that he found the texture interesting, Vert arched his back a little and moaned, the sound a bit muffled by Nikki's body. Apparently he liked it when his boys were played with.

Nikki watched as her brother returned his mouth to the other boy's rigid prick, feeling awfully warm as she stared unabashedly. Vert was energetic as he licked at her slit, but his complete lack of experience showed, he was just licking and poking his tongue around at random, not giving her love button the attention it needed. And yet, as she crouched over him, feeling his grip on her thighs tighten every once in a while as he reacted to something Jimmy was doing, she felt herself hurtling closer and closer to her release, biting her lip and leaning forward to steady herself, leaning her arms against her legs. The younger rabbit boy was now twitching and trembling beneath her, obviously well on his way to climax himself; in fact, she worried he would reach it before her and leave her hanging... but she felt that if she could just hold on, if she just... grinding against her cousin's muzzle to get his tongue deep inside, whimpering with need, the little girl tensed up and let out a high-pitched yelp as her orgasm overwhelmed her, pleasure blossoming outwards from her nethers to fill her entire body. Below her, Vert was merrily licking away as he already had been when suddenly Nikki's vagina began to squeeze down on his tongue, convulsing rhythmically in time with the pulses of ecstasy filling her body. Vert's eyes widened rapidly as an unexpected gush of Nikki's sweet juices spurted into his mouth, and his muzzle was coated in a sticky layer of the girl's nectar. Realizing the only thing that could be happening, Vert shuddered in pleasure at his role in the girl's orgasm, and did his best to make it feel good for her. That pushed him close to the edge of his own threatening climax, and he let out a muffled groan. Above him, Nikki saw her cousin's legs begin to twitch and dance, and recognized that that was one of Jimmy's tells, one of the signs that he was approaching orgasm, and suspected her cousin was about to lose it. She also noticed, judging by the way his behaviour hadn't changed at all, that Jimmy seemed oblivious to Vert's state, continuing to suckle the other boy's prick even as it trembled and threatened to erupt. As her climax began to die down, she watched Vert carefully, trying to gauge when he was about to come, and then... Then she suddenly reached forward and grabbed her brother's head, holding it by the base of his ears, and pushed hard to prevent him from pulling his head up and off Vert's penis. Jimmy made a confused noise, and struggled in vain for a few seconds before reaching up to grab one of her hands, until his hand froze in place, shaking with the shock that was exploding through Jimmy's poor body. He was totally unprepared when Vert's prick began throbbing and twitching, spurting rope after rope of hot, sticky rabbit come into his cousin's mouth. Jimmy grunted a few times in confusion and embarrassment, his inner ears lighting up like a Christmas tree as the blush spread upwards from his cheeks. In truth, it was Jimmy's initial struggle, and the way it made his tongue rub against his cousin's cock, that had finally pushed Vert over the edge in the first place, and now he twitched and spasmed beneath Nikki, moaning as he filled the other boy's mouth with his seed.

Finally Vert flopped down to the floor and lay still, breathing hard, his orgasm over, and Nikki let go of Jimmy's head and moved off her cousin. She giggled at the frantic, somewhat dazed expression on her brother's face, and then looked down at Vert, who was still breathing hard and trying to get his heartbeat back under control, his whiskers glistening with a young girl's juice, his ears splayed out behind him. Self-consciously, as if he felt more naked with both eyes exposed like that, he reached up and took his floppy left ear and pulled it forward over his face again. Meanwhile, Jimmy whimpered in distress, his mouth full of still-warm sperm, his cheeks bulging as he looked around for a place to spit out his mouthful. There were no cups or bowls lying around, as he'd finally taken them all back to the kitchen that very morning. He considered just spitting it out into a T-shirt on the floor by his bed, but... his parents tried very hard to raise their little boy as a gentleman, and one of the most important rules that they drilled into him was that it was impolite to spit in front of a lady, even if she's your sister. He would have whimpered if his mouth wasn't full. Jimmy closed his eyes and reluctantly swallowed his cousin's semen, shivering at the feeling of the warm come running down his throat. Even afterwards, it felt like the inside of his mouth was coated in salty slime, and left a very strange taste on his tongue... the taste of Vert. He briefly wondered if that's what his own seed tasted like, then blushed and focused on being mad at his sister. "What the heck, Nikki?!" She gave him the falsest of smiles. "What's wrong, Jimmy?" "What's wrong?! What's wrong is you made - you made me..." He grumbled with frustration and looked away, humiliated. "Y-you made Vert come in my mouth and wouldn't let me pull off." "Of course I did! I didn't want him to make a mess of your carpet, Jimmy!" "But even you didn't take it in the mouth the first time we did it! That's not fair!" "You didn't have to swallow it, you know, are you sure you didn't enjoy it?" "What do you -" "I'm sorry..." Both Langstons looked at their cousin, who had interrupted their argument with his quiet apology. He looked crushed, curled onto his side and holding his floppy ear in his hands so that it went across his face, a nervous habit that stemmed from the early days when Vert, like most small children, believed hiding could solve all his problems. "I - I didn't mean to cause an argument, I should have tried to warn Jimmy when I was about to c- uhhh, finish..." Both siblings were thrown off by Vert's reaction, trailed off, forgetting what they were about to say. Jimmy was still mad at what Nikki had done, and Nikki had been enjoying teasing her brother, as all siblings do from time to time, but they both felt bad about upsetting their cousin. They exchanged a glance, saw similar feelings in each other's eyes, and felt the anger ebbing away. Nikki crouched down next to Vert and gently scratched him behind the ears, doing her best to sound maternal and soothing despite being younger than him. "Aww, it's okay, Vert, it wasn't your fault, I was being a jerk, and I did force him to take it, wouldn't let him move his head. I'm sorry, Jimmy." Her brother sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "It's okay, just... don't do that again, okay? You alright, Vert?" The younger rabbit looked up at his cousin and smiled thinly. "Yeah, thanks guys." Something caught his eye as Jimmy stepped closer, and he blushed slightly. "Oh, uh, Jimmy, you've... you've got a little..." There was a glob of semen glistening on the corner of Jimmy's lips, hanging off his whiskers where he hadn't noticed. As Nikki watched, Vert reached forward and gathered it up with his thumb, then rubbed it into the fur on his leg, out of sight, out of mind, where it wouldn't bother anyone and would disappear completely with a little hot water later on. But Nikki's mind was suddenly racing; as Vert had reached out to use his thumb, it looked like he was cupping Jimmy's cheek with the rest of his hand, which suddenly reminded her of scenes from about five or six different romantic comedies, when the leads are finally about to kiss. This put a plan in her mind, and the little girl grinned.

Jimmy cleared his throat and said, "So what do you guys want to do now? I was thinking me and Nikki could, you know, do it now." She tried not to sound too excited as she responded. "Actually, I had a different idea." Vert looked over at her, completely oblivious to the lecherous looks she was giving both boys. "What's that?" "I was thinking you could do it with Vert." The boys looked at her like she had suddenly grown a second head. Vert was stunned into silence, but a horrified Jimmy immediately protested the very idea. "Wh-what?! Are you crazy?! I don't want to do it with another boy!" "Oh yeah? What happened to 'it doesn't count 'cause we're related', huh? And it was your idea to play with him that way in the first place! It wasn't his idea for you to put your mouth on him, right?" He hadn't thought of that, and he looked away, unsure what to think, as he ran his tongue around the inside of his mouth, which still tasted faintly of his cousin's seed. "B-but... but..." He trailed off, confused. Nikki was suddenly at his side, rubbing his back encouragingly. She had learned her tricks of persuasion from Alicia, and they were serving her well. "Come on, Jimmy, it's not like anyone would ever know." She reached down and took hold of his penis, which had slowly deflated down to about half-mast since she and Vert had climaxed. Her grip was as soft as her voice as she kneaded it gently, bringing it quickly back up to full stiffness. "You're the only one who hasn't come yet, big brother, don't you want to come? I know I'd want to come. And it's like you said, it wouldn't even count." He blushed and looked away. "I dunno Nikki... I don't know how two boys even would do it. I don't even know if they can." "...Oh." He had her there. She wasn't exactly an expert on this kind of thing. Alicia would probably know, but she was nowhere near as knowledgeable as the lizard girl. She frowned. "Don't be dumb, Jimmy, of course they can! Remember all those protestors who wanted marriage and stuff to be legal? All those gay guys wouldn't want to get married if they couldn't do it!" She wasn't sure of that either, truth be told, but it sounded reasonable. Both Langstons turned as their cousin cleared his throat across the room. "Ummm... actually, I think I know how it works..."

Jimmy let out a noise that sounded like "Hwaaaa?", and Nikki cocked her head, looking at her cousin quizzically. "You do?" She had almost emphasized the 'you' part, shocked that someone as unassuming as Vert would have such knowledge. "Y-yeah. Um, last month, my dad had his friends over for a poker game, and when I went downstairs to get a drink of water, I heard them making a bunch of jokes and stuff... I didn't understand all of it, but, uh, a lot of it was about gay guys, and, er..." He trailed off, but the other cubs were curious now. "...So? How's it work?" Vert began toying with his fingers, staring down at them, embarrassed to make eye contact. "W-well, if I understand it right, one of the guys, he t-takes his, uh, his thing, and he puts it..." He cleared his throat, clearly extremely self-conscious to even be saying such a thing. "He puts it in... you know... under the other guy's t-tail... " Jimmy's eyes bulged out. "He puts it in the other guy's butt?!" Blushing fiercely, Vert nodded. Jimmy looked genuinely worried. "But I p-" Nikki cut him off, rubbing his back. "Come on, Jimmy, don't worry about it. If all those gay guys are fighting so hard for it when nobody likes them for it, it must be really good, right?" That gave him pause, and he cocked an ear slightly, as he often did when giving serious consideration to a problem. "Besides, you would be the one in the boy position, remember?" Vert's blushing, which had just started to fade, flared back with a vengeance. "Wait, you mean I would - I would be in the..." She grinned at him helpfully. "The girl position." "But why?" "Because you came already, Vert, don't be greedy. And Jimmy's so hard, he needs it so bad! Don't you wanna help him?" She squeezed her brother's cock as she said this, causing him to moan quietly, throbbing in her grip and drooling pre onto the carpet. Both boys looked just about convinced. "Come on, remember the kiss, earlier? I know you wanna see what it's like..." She glanced back down at her brother's achingly hard length and grinned. "...and right now, I think you need it." Vert looked down at his toes and tugged on his floppy ear. "Well, if Jimmy really wants to try it..." Jimmy smiled self-consciously and nodded. "Yeah, I... I do."

Vert whimpered quietly, tugging his socks off to be completely naked, while Jimmy finished getting undressed and started crawling towards him. Then something occurred to him. "W-wait a minute! When I was, uh... earlier I noticed that when she, um, when Nikki gets all worked up, she gets all wet and slippery down there. But I'm all dry, won't it hurt?" The other cubs frowned, and Nikki crossed her arms to think. "Hmmm. I guess we'll need to find something slippery that you can put on your skin." A moment of silence followed, and then Jimmy spoke up, suddenly inspired. "I know! What about sunblock?" Although most anthros didn't need protection from the sun as much as their much nakeder human counterparts, they were still vulnerable in places where their skin wasn't covered in fur, most notably on their noses and the insides of their ears, and on the soft pads on their hands and feet. So it wasn't at all out of the ordinary to find a bottle of sunblock in an anthro home. Nikki beamed at the suggestion, glad her brother was getting comfortable with the idea. "Good idea! I'll go get a bottle, and you two..." She grinned, suddenly having the perfect suggestion for what they should do, and though they were a little reluctant, it's not like it was any 'worse' than what was about to happen. As she hurriedly got dressed, Jimmy crawled up to Vert, and they began to kiss as they touched each other, exploring the body of another boy. Jimmy shuddered at the feeling of Vert's fingers closing around his cock, squeezing his length, though he was distracted by the kiss, surprised that a boy had such soft lips. Vert, meanwhile, was blushing like crazy as Jimmy began to play with his balls again. He'd had a pretty good orgasm earlier, but he could feel himself beginning to stir within his sheath thanks to Jimmy's touch. Before he could slide back out, though, Nikki returned, locked the door behind her, and shed her clothing like it was infested with mites, clearly relieved to be naked again. The boys were starting to get a little carried away, so Nikki just stood there, watching fascinated as they groped each other and made out like kissing was going out of style. Finally she interrupted them, and as Vert lay on the floor, trying not to whimper, Jimmy took the bottle from his sister and squirted some of the lotion, which smelled pleasantly of coconut, into his hand, and then began to rub it onto his erection. Nikki moved around to the side in anticipation of a better view. "You should turn over, get on all fours, Vert, make it easier for Jimmy to get to your butt." "O-okay, Nikki. If you say so." Vert inhaled sharply as he felt his cousin's chest press against his back, and actually gasped as Jimmy's slicked-up erection bumped into his anus. The older rabbit leaned forward, placing a hand down by Vert's, leaving his other hand gripping his erection, and whispered into Vert's standing ear. "Are you ready, Vert?" "I - I think so..."

And then, with a shove, Jimmy buried himself beneath his cousin's tail, hilting himself in Vert's virgin rear. Unfortunately for both of them, Jimmy was unaware that pushing into a girl was a very different prospect from pushing into a boy; as Vert had never had anything bigger than the tip of a mildly curious finger inside him before, he was not at all ready for the sudden invasion of his cousin's stiff prick. Jimmy grunted, as before he could even get used to the sensation, Vert's inner walls clenched down on him so hard it almost hurt, while the younger rabbit began to make a high-pitched keening noise, trembling with the pain he felt, gripping his floppy ear as hard as he could. Abandoning her post, Nikki moved around in front of him. "Vert! What's wrong?" He looked up, tears in his eyes. "My - my butt! It hurts! It hurts so bad!" Nikki put her arms around his neck, hugging him gently, and glanced up at her brother. "Take it out, Jimmy, we did something wrong!" Jimmy pulled back, and Vert relaxed a little, though he was still whimpering. As she scratched behind his ears and rubbed his back, a worried-looking Jimmy spoke up. "A-are you okay, Vert?" He sniffled and nodded very slightly. "It's getting b-better." Jimmy sighed. "What did we do wrong? We got the lotion to make it all slippery, right?" As she looked down at her shivering cousin, something occurred to Nikki. "...Wait a minute, I think I know what it was." "What's that, sis?" "Well, the, uh, the kitty was designed for a boy to put his thing in it, right? That's what it's for. But the butthole is, er... designed for something else." "So?" "So, you probably need to take it really slow if you're going to do it in the butt. You can't just stick it in there that fast if he's never done it before, Jimmy..." Sudden doubt creeping into her eyes, she glanced down at the half-lop and whispered to him. "You haven't done this before, right?" Vert blushed and bristled at the comment. "Of course not!" "Well then, Jimmy, you should be more gentle this time... that is if Vert still wants to." "Well..." Vert was hesitant. It had really hurt, and he was worried it would hurt again, but they had said it felt really good, and he was still curious about that. But more than that, when he looked over at Jimmy, who was still achingly hard and visibly drooling pre, he saw the tensed-up look on his face that suggested he was preparing for the disappointment of Vert saying no. He didn't want to let his cousin down, even if it was kinda weird, so he swallowed to help his dry mouth, and nodded. Jimmy looked surprised, like it had never occurred to him that that might be the outcome. Grinning widely, the other boy moved back into position, slathering more lotion onto his cock as he did so.

Now, an uncertain Vert was once more on all fours in front of his cousin, and he whimpered quietly as Jimmy took hold of his hips. He found himself wishing he were a skunk or a cat or something else with a large, fluffy tail, that he might move it down and hide his shame from view. As it was, all his powder-puff could do was twitch nervously. Reaching up, he began tugging lightly on his whiskers, give his hands something to do as he waited, switching to his lop-ear as he grew nervous enough that he threatened to pull those sensitive hairs right out of his face. He shuddered as he felt the tip of Jimmy's penis pressing against his now slightly slick entrance, and closed his eyes, focusing on his heartbeat and Nikki's voice. "Now remember, Jimmy, go slow. Real slow. Like, if you think to yourself 'this is dumb, I should go faster', then you're on the right track. Do you want me to hold your hand?" It took Vert a second to realize that last bit was directed at him. "Oh, uh, n-no, I'll be okay... I think..." With that, Jimmy began to push forward, this time with a fraction of the force of his first thrust. At first, despite his recent success, it seemed he wasn't making any progress at all making entry, but then, the beleaguered ring of muscle surrendered and reluctantly allowed the rabbit boy entry into his cousin's recently-virgin backside. Vert's entire body stiffened, and he gasped as he felt the head of Jimmy's prick burrowing deeper and deeper into him, bit by bit. Suddenly he felt a twinge of pain, and he yelped, clenching down hard on the other boy's erection, but Nikki, who was leaned in to soak in every detail of the view, immediately came to his rescue. "Wait there a bit, Jimmy, maybe let him get used to it." Vert was breathing a little harder than normal, but after a few moments he realized the pain was ebbing, and he relaxed a bit, releasing the tight grip he had on Jimmy's cock. This encouraged Jimmy to start pushing again, but almost immediately, Vert felt another pulse of pain, and he whimpered again. As he stopped again, Jimmy moaned in frustration, trembling himself with the strength of his need to come. Scootching closer, Nikki sighed theatrically and reached around him from behind, running her hand down his soft belly fur. "Look, if you're not going to take it slow, then let me help." Jimmy tensed up as she wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock and reached forward to put her other hand on Vert's butt. Then she began to push on Jimmy, causing him to start pushing into his cousin's body once again. This time, when Jimmy's need caused him to try to speed things along, Nikki's hand was there to keep him in line. In this way, the rest of the penetration went smoothly, and finally, finally, Jimmy was hilted in the younger cub's backside, Nikki's hand pressed between their bodies.

They paused a moment to give the boys time to get used to it, Vert biting his lip to keep from moaning at the shockingly full sensation, and Jimmy feeling the hot, tight flesh keeping a firm grip on his boyhood, a very different feeling than when he was inside Nikki. Then, unable to stay still for long, Jimmy slowly pulled almost all the way back out, leaving only the head inside, before he began to push back in. With Nikki's help, this time there wasn't a single twinge of pain, and Vert was surprised that he began to feel good as his cousin began gently thrusting into him, groaning out 'ohhhhh' as Jimmy hilted himself for about the fifth or sixth time. Nikki grinned, but Jimmy was too busy whimpering with pleasure of his own, feeling Vert's tight inner walls squeezing and rippling along his prick, sending pleasure back into his body in a steady stream. Nikki had been looking forward to watching the boys doing it, but here she was actually helping, her fingers wrapped around her brother's cock, unable to take her eyes off Vert's backside as his entrance stretched around the hard prick that was pushing into it again and again. As she watched the boys coupling, she began to feel very, very warm between her legs, felt that familiar dampness returning, and began to squirm as her desire grew and grew. Just when things seemed to be going well, when Nikki allowed Jimmy to go a little faster, they realized Vert was quietly whimpering every time the older male pushed home. Jimmy reluctantly stopped at Nikki's urging, and then the girl leaned forward to check on the other boy. "Are you okay, Vert? It doesn't hurt again, does it?" Still facing forward, for some reason, Vert shook his head as he answered. "N-no, it's fine... Could you keep going?" The Langstons exchanged a glance. "If it's fine, why are you whimpering?" He finally looked over his shoulder, blushing fiercely. "It - it's starting to feel really good, okay?" Nikki grinned at her brother, who had already started to thrust again. "Cousin Vert sure blushes a lot, huh Jimmy?" "Mmm-hmm!" This, of course, just set Vert to blushing even harder as he protested. "Do not!" The Langstons suppressed their giggles as they returned to the task at hand. Nikki watched her cousin more closely, saw his fingers and toes curling up as Jimmy began to increase the speed, Vert's body having gotten used to it, heard the muffled slapping of their bodies meeting with each thrust, and she began to wish she were getting such attentions from her brother, wishing she could trade places with the half-lop. At this point she would even try taking it in her butt - though of course girls wouldn't do such things, she reminded herself - if it meant she would get some satisfaction. Then she noticed something, as Vert shifted positions with a poorly muffled moan; his scrotum had been swaying back and forth in time with the movement of his hips as Jimmy pushed into him, but now his balls had been joined by his penis, which had slipped back out of his sheath. Grinning, Nikki leaned to the side and watched intently as he once again grew hard as a rock, his erection pressing firmly up against his belly.

No one had been more surprised than Vert when Jimmy's persistent thrusting started feeling good. At first, he had been relieved when it just transitioned from hurting a little every time to no feelings in particular, he felt he could put up with it until Jimmy came... but then, he started to feel good. At first, he thought it was just the pain going away completely, making him think it felt like that, but it got stronger and stronger, until each thrust into his rear caused a pulse of pleasure to spread out into his body, caused his penis to throb beneath him. He couldn't help but whimper at this point, even though he didn't want it to stop, it was all a little overwhelming. He found it a lot overwhelming, though, and let out a loud yelp, when he felt Nikki's fingers wrapping around his hard-on from behind. He looked over his shoulder, but she wasn't even looking at him, instead facing her brother. "Do you think you can handle it from here?" A look of bliss on his face, tongue hanging out, Jimmy just muttered 'uh-huh' and nodded enthusiastically, his lop-ears flopping about. Nikki let go of her brother's cock, but retained her grip on Vert's, and began to move around in front of him. Vert found it hard to speak while being taken, but he managed. "N-Nikki - oof - what are you d-doing?" She grinned at him, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "I was thinking, maybe we could both play with you, Vert..." He was somewhat distracted, so he still didn't get it... until she lay down on her back and spread her legs towards him, her labia glistening in the bedroom's soft light. "Oh! I - can we do that? Like, a-at the same - aah - the same time?" "Sure we can, the rules are up to us. And I know you're curious about being with a girl..." He bit down on his lower lip with the large buck teeth their species was known for, and shivered. She was right, but even if he'd been reluctant, it was kinda hard to think with Jimmy still providing all those pulses of pleasure behind him. Failing to contain the sound, he moaned with need and nodded. She hadn't actually asked him a question, but she knew what he meant, and her grin widened even further. "Hey Jimmy, take a break for a second, let's move to the bed." Jimmy pouted slightly, but he was as curious to see this as they were to do it, so he went along with it, pulling out of Vert and getting up. "Okay, but let's hurry, this feels soooo good!" The three naked cubs quickly made their way to Jimmy's bed, where Vert and Jimmy re-assumed the same position they'd been in. Carefully threading her feet into the spaces between Vert's hands and his knees on either side of him, Nikki crawled on her back underneath her cousin, grinning up at him, her voice quiet, but thick with desire. "Ohh, Vert... I'm so glad I get to be your first, you're so handsome..." Either he had finally gotten used to embarrassing things happening or he had literally run out of blush, because all he did this time was smile bashfully. "Th-thanks, Nikki. You're the cutest bunny girl I know." Finally aligned with her cousin, Nikki pushed her hips up and took hold of his dick, aiming it until it was lined up with her opening, rubbing the head of his cock along her slit as he moaned yet again. She looked directly into his eyes and rubbed his cheek with her free hand, letting her shoulders rest on the sheets. "Are you ready, Vert?" "Y-yeah!" Without another word, she pushed down onto him, impaling herself on her cousin's rigid penis.

Vert let out a long, shuddery breath as he felt Nikki's warm wetness engulf him. The feeling of simply being inside her was so pleasurable that it didn't occur to him to start thrusting the way Jimmy was, and he whimpered as she pulled her hips back to do it for him, his wet penis feeling unusually exposed in the cool air. He clued in the first time she pushed back down onto him, though, as the feeling of her slick, quivering walls sliding along his shaft was easily ten or twenty times better than the feeling of just sitting there in her feminine embrace. After that, he tried to thrust, but with Jimmy still behind him, going without pause, it was difficult for him to manage. Rabbits aren't known to howl the way dogs and wolves are, but it wouldn't have been that surprising for Vert to let one loose at that moment, as he found himself completely overwhelmed with the sensations as the Langston siblings took both of his virginities at the same time. "Oh - oh, Jimmy.... Nikki... G-guys, this is... ohhhhh..." He gave up on trying to talk, the feelings were just too powerful. He wasn't sure whether he wanted to buck his hips back at Jimmy to enhance the feeling of that stiff cock pushing deep inside him, rubbing against his inner walls and feeling wonderful, or down towards Nikki, to get his own cubhood deeper into her sopping love tunnel, wrapping around and massaging every part of his penis with a soft touch that reminded him of velvet, though much warmer and very much alive. As the three cubs worked out a rhythm that allowed them to couple more smoothly, Nikki reached up and wrapped her arms around Vert's neck, pulling them together so she could kiss him, and Vert finally gave in to the pleasure, closing his eyes and just focusing on kissing back, letting his cousins bring him the pleasure they so eagerly wanted to. As she enjoyed her cousin's mouth, Nikki began to grind against him every time he bottomed out in her, which had the delightful side effect of rubbing her clitoris against his fur. That, combined with the level of arousal she felt from the sheer fact that she and her brother were 'sharing' the same lover, was helping her rapidly catch up to the boys. Indeed, by now the three bunnies were all breathing hard, approaching the edge, it was just a matter of time.

When the moment finally came, it was like a cascade, starting at the top and moving down. First Jimmy, who hadn't come yet that day, found himself pushed over the brink by his cousin's tight rear, and he hilted himself in the younger boy and gasped, his breathing sharp and ragged as his erection began to throb and spasm in Vert's backside, releasing hot jets of rabbit come to fill in the space around his cock, spurting his young seed into his cousin in one of the most pleasurable orgasms he'd had in weeks. When Vert felt the sudden spread of heat inside him, he instantly realized what it meant, and he went rigid all over, letting out a moan that would have been heard down the hall if Nikki's mouth hadn't been there to muffle it. As if Jimmy had been transferring his climax to his cousin, Vert was immediately overtaken by his own orgasm, burying himself as deep in Nikki as he could go before he began to twitch and shake. At this moment, it felt like his heart was pumping lightning, not blood, through his veins; where Jimmy's release had been unmatched in weeks, this was the best orgasm Vert had ever had in his life. He grunted and moaned as he shuddered between Jimmy and Nikki, his balls twitching slightly beneath his throbbing penis as he did his best to flood the little girl's pussy with hot, wet sperm. This, in turn, sent Nikki off the edge, significantly different biologically, but very much the same in terms of how it felt: tremendously good. She'd had enough presence of mind to realize what was happening when her brother lost it, and had moved a hand from around her cousin's body to frantically rub and stroke her clit, and this, combined with the feeling of Vert emptying his balls into her, a wet heat she had grown to love during her trysts with Jimmy, was enough to let her join them in blissful release. A gush of her juices shot out to paint Vert's groin as she gasped, every muscle in her body started tingling, and her vagina shivered and clenched down on Vert's throbbing prick as pleasure exploded through her little body, the convulsions stroking and milking Vert's penis of every last drop of semen, every last ounce of pleasure.

The rabbit children came and came and came, until finally, every last bit of ecstasy had been wrung out of their underage frames, and they collapsed weakly to the bed, a sweaty, sticky mess, albeit one with three enormous smiles. Since staying in a stack was rather unfair to Nikki on the bottom, Jimmy pulled out of Vert (causing them both to grunt with residual pleasure) and then flopped to the mattress to their left. Vert then reluctantly slid his half-deflated member out of Nikki's tired opening and dropped down on her right, lying on his stomach. For her part, Nikki continued lying right where she was, on her back. For a few moments, not a word was said, the three exhausted bunny cubs just lay there, trying to get their breath back, reflecting on the incestuous union that had just transpired. Then, Nikki tapped Vert's shoulder to get his attention, and lifted her leg so he had a better view of her pussy. He wasn't quite sure why, he was intimately familiar with it by now, in multiple senses of the word, and then he saw it. Nikki's opening was sagging open right now, her labia not having had time to recover from the rutting she'd received and close back together, so it was easy for him to see the semen that was slowly oozing out of her, running down her body where the fur was minimal, tracing the wrinkles on her anus, and finally running between her pert buttocks to soak into the sheets. She smiled and whispered "You did this" to him as she lowered her leg again, and he shivered with naughty delight - and then whimpered as he realized he was in the same boat as her, feeling Jimmy's come running out of his butt and spreading across his balls in several different directions. He reached over and held her hand, feeling a strange kinship with her over that. She looked over at her brother and grinned. "You know, Jimmy, you've only come once today. Maybe in a bit, we should help you catch up. You wouldn't mind helping, would you, Vert?" Vert giggled and shook his head, his lop-ear swaying back and forth. "Not at all!" He leaned down to nuzzle against Nikki's belly. "Thanks so much, you guys. That was incredible! Can we - can we do it again sometime?" Jimmy grinned and wrapped his arms around his sister and cousin, giving them both a hug. "Any time you want, Vert. Just... don't go telling anyone about this, okay? It has to be our little secret." "I promise. I won't let you guys down." With that, the three cubs began to cuddle together, kissing each other at random, at one point attempting to let all three of them kiss at once by pressing their mouths together, falling into giggle fits when it didn't really work out. Rather worn out by the exhausting lovemaking, it wasn't long before they were all just lying still in each other's arms, ready to drop off into a well-deserved nap. And they probably would have made it if not for the loud call from the other side of the locked door, which startled them back awake. "Kids! Come get cleaned up, dinner is ready!"

Meanwhile, somewhere across town, Alicia Hegel walked into her room, frustrated. She'd taken the long route back home in the hopes of walking off her arousal, but it hadn't worked. She locked the door behind her and sighed as she quickly stripped off her clothes, tossing her soaked panties right into the laundry bin. She retrieved an impressively-sized vibrator from the shoebox beneath her bed, but couldn't help but think that even though it was more likely to get her off, it wouldn't be as satisfying as bedding Jimmy Langston or that cousin of his with the funny name. Instead of immediately plunging the toy between her lips, she paused long enough to reach under her pillow and retrieve a slightly crumpled piece of paper. It proudly displayed 'SEXY BINGO' at the top of the page, with a grid beneath it in the shape of a traditional Bingo board, except that instead of having random numbers on the spaces beneath the five letters, each one was marked with the name of a sexual act, a species, or more rarely, both. As a joke, the 'free space' in the middle was labelled 'masturbation', but all of the other acts required a partner. She looked at the second row from the bottom and frowned. She had four out of the five crossed off - 'Rimjob, any species', 'Border collie, any act', 'Anal sex, any species', and 'Cunnilingus, Squirrel' - heck, she'd crossed off two of them at that sleepover a while ago, felt like a major victory... but the fifth space in that row was for rabbits, and the Langstons (and now their cousin) were the only ones who lived in the area, and she had been thwarted in her attempts to get both boys. She instinctively knew that their father would never go for it, so he was right out. She would have tried to get into Nikki's pants by now if it weren't for the fact that the space read 'Rabbit, vaginal sex', which meant it had to be a boy. None of the other rows or columns were close to being finished, and she was all too aware of time ticking away. Sighing, she put the paper away and began to pleasure herself, distracted by what was at stake. She'd made the bet with her similarly 'mature' friend Annie, a honeybee two months younger than she was, whose adorably innocent smile belied the variety of sex acts she'd tried out. The first one to fill out a row or a column was the winner, and the stakes were high indeed. The loser would be forbidden from having an orgasm for a full month after victory was achieved, and would have to do the winner's homework for them during that same period. Alicia had only belatedly realized why Annie had insisted on this second term; if she was free from doing homework, the pretty bee would be able to go out and find one-night stands every night, no doubt returning home to tell her poor, horny friend Alicia allll about it. Knowing Annie, she would probably make the lizard girl lick the come out of her after such a night, for such a young girl she did take such delight in teasing her friend and partner in debauchery. Turning the vibrator to maximum, Alicia channelled her frustration into determination. There was no way she would let the bee girl out-slut her! She would find a way to get into a rabbit guy's pants, one way or the other, and since leaving town to find a guy was a last resort, she would set her sights on Jameson Langston. He would be hers. Oh yes. He would be hers.