Rebel & Toke: Chapter 1

Story by Rebel Fox on SoFurry

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Hey, this is HorseNAround. I love horses but the truth is, I only did that last story for one of my good friends who is gay. I am straight and this story is an almost exact resemblance to me and my best friend's life. I have read so many stories and I know this website is for sexual reference (so don't worry there is yiff in this book, a lot of it too: ) but there is no comedy in any of them and I have a very funny life. This is based on a true story (except names and some parts). That last story wasn't me so I am going to end that series before it got started. Sorry for those who liked it if any : ). There is a lot of swearing because I admit that I am addicted so sorry if there is too much. I am also a very sarcastic guy : ). Oh, and I'm 21, 23 just came randomly.

Rebel & Toke

Chapter 1: Rebel's Night

Do you ever get that feeling when you stand up to fast and get really light headed. Everything goes out of focus for a second and you have to sit back down. That's how my life is every day. Something happens and I'm clearly not ready for it. My name is Rebel Fox. I am a 23 year old golden yellow fox with a white under-neck and stomach. I am 6 ft. 1 and straight. I am on the football team but the coach is a dick so I'm 1st string running-back but 2nd string quarter-back My best friend, would have to be Toke. He is a crazy guy whose beliefs are far but normal. He is 23 also but he is a red fox, more crimson than anything. Between me and him, we party 5 out of 7 days a week. I'm not getting any younger so I might as well enjoy my youth now.

"How's it going boy."


"Jeeze, chill out man, it was a joke. What's wrong with you?"

"We broke up, Toke."

"Who, you and that bitch?"

"HEY, fuck you, she's not a bitch."

"Man, fuck Rebel, its time for you to stop living like a bitch, your 23 now, grow some balls man."


"Well, anyways, you thrilled about tomorrow."

"Hell yeah, I've been waiting for this for a while, I need to get away."

"Nice, so we'll leave for Texas tomorrow than."

"TEXAS, why Texas, you understand we live in Michigan."

"Yeah, so what Rebel?"

"So what, that's clear across the country."

"Its ok man, I got these cousins in Texas, you're never going to see any hotter foxes just waiting for it than Texas man, OH YEAH, you like that baby."

"Man what the hell are you doing Toke, stop humpin' the damn trash can."

"Damn Rebel, is it that time of month again, Shiiite."

"Oh yeah, you've got cousins. Like those cousins in Detroit."

"Man, they didn't tell me those were prostitutes, how was I supposed to know."

"Oh I don't know Toke, could it have been the way they where dressed?"

"Hey, that one bitch had a nice minis skirt on."

"You could see her puss."

"I know, nice right."

"You are hopeless Toke."

"Hey, fuck you Rebel; I don't see you getting any."

"I JUST GOT SOME LAST NIGHT, you where there, remember, trying to peek in the damn window."

"Hey, your bitch had some nice tits on her."

"You're a pervert Toke."

"And.......well what about last night at the club, the foxy girl was checking me out, she told me you look like a fagot though : ) ."


"Hey, can I help it if I have a thing for the bitches."

"Whatever Toke."

"Hey Rebel, did you talk to your parents yet, they are paying for your tuition."

"No man, fuck them, I'll be half way to Mexico..."


"Wherever the fuck we're going by the time they find out."

"Ok Rebel, hey listen, I got to go, I'll call you on your sell around 5:00 o'clock tonight."

"Alright, see ya Toke."

I had only got about half down the hall when the cell rang.

"Damn Rebel, this bitch has a NICE ASS!"

"What the fuck Toke : ) ."

"Tonight, Rebel, tonight."

I flipped my cell shut and continued towards my dorm.

Six came around fast and sure enough, my cell went off to the tune of "Stairway to Heaven". I chose not to answer the first time. I really don't feel like doing much tonight and I know what Toke is going to suggest. It went off again. I sat the making gestures in the air, "Should I, or should I not.........ahhh what the hell". "This is Rebel." "Man, Rebel, why didn't you answer the phone." "What did you want to call me at six for Toke?" "Hey man, seeing as how its are last night in tow....." "Yeah, Toke, you're actually right for once, we should hit the town." "Exactly. Now should we take my stud, or your piece of shit Lexus?" "What do you think?" "All right, I'll pick you up in about 20 minutes Rebel." "Alright, see you then Toke." I hung up my cell and sat there. "Well, let's make this night worth it; I bet I'll get a girl way before Toke. But that's along time from now, how am I going to hold off till then. That bathroom is so close." I jumped up after about a second of debate, grabbed my penthouse, and headed towards the bathroom. "Wait, I'm liking this spunkiness I'm getting right now. I can't waste this, tonight has to be perfect." I stopped, through the magazine on the counter and slumped back into the couch. "Hey, I've got to say bye to Phil. Maybe I can score some hash. That would be nice." I jumped up and ran into the hall way. "Which way, which way." I turned left and ran down the hall. "Ah, room 108." I gave a quick rap at the door. "NO, NO, no answer. Fuck, oh well." I turned and headed down the hall way to the elevator. "Toke will show up any minute now and I can't keep him waiting, he'd probably leave."

I sat out side on the steps for about 10 minutes just watching the night life start to come out and get active. A group of sexy sorority foxes left the dorm on my left. "Hey ladies. Why don't you come over here and keep me company." They giggled a little looking at me. "Your cute and all but were in a hurry, sorry." I began to follow when Toke came flying in. "Damn you Toke, wrong timing man." "Hey Rebel, there are some fine girls out tonight man." "Yeah, I know." "Well, hop in while the night is young." I jumped in the car through the window trying to show off to another group of ladies passing but only managed to smack my head. "Smooth, you might not want to do that again." "Shut up." Toke sat there laughing along with the girls as they passed. "Hey man you got any aspirin." "Oh yeah, Rebel, I always carry some with" "You won't even think about it once we get to the club." "Yeah. Say Toke, how much money you got." "Not much, about 20 bucks." "I've got about 30 bucks." "With our money together, we could probably get wasted." "Yeah. But I might just play it straight tonight Toke, and hook up with a girl." "Suites yourself man, I'll probably do both."

We got to the club around 7:30. By this time I was so horny I couldn't control myself. "I have got to find a girl now, I am so, so horny." "Chill out Rebel, you don't want to scare them away." "I know but damn." I opened the car door and jumped out on the curb. I had never seen this place before. "Toke, where are we now." "This would be Battle Creek." "How did you find your way out here?" "I've been here many times; this place makes the best liquored-up drinks you will ever taste." Toke took the lead towards the door and I followed. We walked straight to the bar and Toke took a seat. "Barkeep, just bring over some Jack and leave the bottl....DAMN! I mean "COUGH". "TOKE, WHY IS THE BARKEEP SO DAMN HOT!" "I DON'T KNOW!" "I'm going for her Toke." The bar tender was a red fox, who was so hot I began to pant as I talked. "What can a guy do around here to get a little of you." "I'd guess I'd have to ask you the same question." She looked at me and from what I got, she was trying to say come get a little. "YOU GOT HER REBEL, but, miss, could you get me a beer before you take off!" "Shut up Toke! Are you serious, I mean, are you being sarcastic." "I don't know, am I?" Her tail crept over the bar and brushed my cock, which had extended now to about 8 inches. "WHOAH!" I couldn't believe it. "Damn Rebel, right when you walk in you get the hottest thing in this whole club, I know I should have put my money on you." "Rebel, please shut up!" "What are you waiting for, Rebel is it." "I'll be anything you want me to be." She giggled then came out from behind the bar. "I love it when a guy is confident enough to make a move on me." "Well that's me." "Yeah, sure it is Reb..." "TOKE, DAMN, OK!" I reached over and snatched his keys off the bar next to him. "Oh no, fuck you Rebel." "Thanks for the keys Toke."

I hurried out the door and to my surprise, she actually followed me. "So, what's your name gorgeous?" I finally got the door open and we hopped in the back. "Savana." "Beautiful name." "I think so too." She began to pull my pants off, exposing my cock for all it was. "I thought we could get to know......" She bent down and shoved it in her mouth. "Damn, that's nice!" She passed it back and forth with her tongue, deep-throating all 8 inches. "Awwwww." I took her shirt off and started on the bra, size D, then moved down to her pants. She moved so flowingly, it scared me to think of how much practice she must have. She took her mouth off and began to lick at my pre. I navigated my hand down to her love box. It was warm and damp. "You don't want me to have to go to sleep like this, do you?" "You wont, don't worry. You might need to take a shower though. She let out a small laugh then scooted her crotch closer and closer to my cock. I sat up and leaned her against the seat. "It's my turn." I slid my shaft, inch by inch into her furry clit as the hair around it glistened. She let out a little yelp as I packed the last bit in. I began to hump her slowly, picking up the pace little by little. "Oh yes, Oh yeah, Oh yeah." Her orgasm grew loud as the seat behind began to line with her sweat. I started to kiss her, then broke off and gave her a love-bite on her shoulder. My tail began to rub her up her sides and I picked up the pace again. Her tail went crazy as I lifted up her left leg onto my shoulder. The car rocked to the beat of our love. She began to climax as we shifted to doggy-style. I had not done it so hard in a long time. "Jeeze, come on, harder." I pounded at her juicy clit. My tail flicked wildly. She put her hands up on the car door and started to go against me, pushing my cock furter in. She was about as rough as they came and the pleasure was unbarable. My tail was rubbing her chest now as I began to slow down. "Not yet." I smiled as she turned to look at me. I pulled out and she then took over, guiding me to my back on the seat. She scooted up close and took it again as she sat on it with her warm, juicy clit. She began to ride me fast. I couldn't help it as my orgasm grew louder, too, challenging hers. "Alright, I'm...ready." I gasped, as my body began to run dry on energy. "I'd rather take it inside." "But." "Shhhhh....its ok." She pushed me back on my back. I could feel it coming. She then pumped harder and harder. At that point I had looked directly into her eyes. She was so bueatiful. I thrusted her up hard and I new know that it was over. My load began to leak out of her glistening clit as if it filled every corner. "DAMN, that was the best I have had in ages." She said rolling off, as if she were bragging to someone next to us. "I didn't expect this to actually happen tonight, especially with someone like you." "You caught me on a good night, and you're so cute, and big." She giggled as we lay there. "If you're interested, I've got some friends who would be dieing to meet." "Really, I could go another round or two." "Ok, cool, sounds like a plan." "I should probably get back in before Toke starts trouble or something." "Wait." She leaned over and cleaned up the jism all over my cock and legs. "That was magic, you're so cute." I blushed as I began to put my pants back on.

My legs were a little sticky as I stepped out of the car and threw my shirt up over my head. Savana got out and went back into the bar, threw the back entrance. I started off towards the door. "Pleazze, someone turn offff thisss gay educationall t.v." "Ummm, Toke, try turning around buddy, that's a poster for Labette Blue......I guess it's a good thing I came back in." "Welll, youss seeem pretty happeee." "Well, since your not going to remember this later, there's some pretty big love stains in the back of your car." "Whatt thee heelll." "Your plans going great so far Toke, keep it up, I think I'm going to keep your car keys on me for a while to be safe." "Rebeell, see that foxx over theree." "Yeah." "Watch thisss." Toke struggled as he walked towards the table; his legs fought to give out on him. "Heeey ladieee, hows about yous and......" "I'm sorry; I don't go for drunk idiots." "Ooooo, sorry about that Toke, but I have a feeling your going to get that a lot tonight." "I mean, commee ooon, hows I supposed to knoww sheee was one the them smarrt typess." "Just sit back down man." After about 30 mins of watching Toke get turned down, I kinda felt sorry for him. "Hey, Savana, could I get a bit of gin." I reached around to pull out my wallet. "It's on me, stud." "Great!" "Heey, misss, can yous tells thatt fattasss down there I canttt see thes, damnit, t.v." "Ahhh, what now." "Again, Toke, that's not a person, that is the soda dispenser, dude, I think for everyone's sake you better stop drinking." I looked at Savana, then back at Toke. "We should probably go before he starts something." "What about my friends." "When are they supposed to get here?" "Actually, right now." She looked past me at the front door. Two of the finest foxes I have ever seen had stepped in and began walking our way. "Savana, how's it going girl. Ooooo, is this that stud you were talking about, were going to have fun to night Amber." She looked over at her friend and gave her a slap on the ass. The only problem now was Toke! "Heeeey ladiees." "Toke, I don't know how to tell you this man but there probably not going to be interested in you, your so out of it." "I've got to go girls. You two have fun tonight, I sure did." Savana gave me a wink and exited through the employees only door. "I'm getting so hot right now, how bout you Lexi." "You know it Amber." "Whoah ladies, easy now, we aint ready yet and your getting me all exited." They giggled, then turned around and gestured me to follow. "Do you have any objections to heading down the road to our hotel room?" "You're asking me that question, uuummm, let me think about it." I hopped up and joined in between them. "SHIT, I can't leave Toke." "That's ok, bring him, he can sleep on the couch." "Great, Toke, here boy." Toke jumped up and followed like a lost puppy.

The ride only took about 10 minutes, but those 10 minutes went about as slow as they came. "Let's see, room number 14." We walked down the long hallway. The strange thing was the room numbers started at 18 and room 14 was upstairs. "Oooo, can't wait for that man meat." "I got it first Amber." "That's cool; I'll just cram his balls in my mouth." "Whoa, ladies take it easy; there is plenty to go around." We arrived at there room, Lexi and Amber ran ahead to get set up as I struggled to keep Toke going. "Damnit Toke, you are an idiot, I'm not bringing you any aspirin on the trip with us." A laughed a bit and through him over on the couch. "Now stay!" I ran off to the back room, stripping as I went. When I rounded the corner, they were already naked, rubbing each others chest. "Damn, holy shit." I started to take off my pants when I was a companied by Lexi. "Let me get that for you." She got the belt off and unbuttoned them, and then she went at my zipper with her teeth." "Uummm, I left my boxers in the other car by accident." I blushed a little. "Why would you need boxers?" Amber had joined Lexi's side as my pants dropped. "Ooooo, I'm getting wet here just looking at that." They grabbed me and pulled me onto the bed, fighting over who gets it first. Amber was the first too it. She wasted no time as she practically jumped on it. "Wow, jesus." She was a pistol. I spun here over on here hands and knees and did not hesitate to go slow. I pounded hard from the start. She was very warm and juicy. "Ohhh baby, harder." I increased in speed even more and she was moaning already. As I was distracted, Lexi slipped between my legs and began to like my balls. "Damn, girls." Amber was so frisky. She began to soak my leg and a little bit of her cum dripped on the Lexi's face. I kept pounding faster and faster. "Ooooooo yeah." I flipped her back over and put her back up to the night table. Lexi crawled over and started to lick Amber's cum off my legs. I pumped as hard as I could and for the second time, Amber's soaked my leg with cum. I was so tired now that a fell to my back, Amber following right on top. She road my cock so hard. Lexi lay next to me licking my chest, and then we broke into a kiss. Amber road as hard as ever, and Lexi enjoyed herself as she fondled my balls. Amber never let up on my cock until I blew my load, once again, inside of her now soaked puss. She climbed off and before I could do anything, Lexi sat right on it. "Ladies, I don't know how much more I can take." It felt so weird to keep going after my knot had blown; but I certainly didn't push her off. "Come on, cutie, let's do this." I sat up and grabbed Lexi by the paw, directing her off the bed. I certainly didn't want her to feel left out. "Let's do this." I picked her up and put her back to the wall, popping my throbbing boner deep inside her. She was so much tighter than that of Ambers, and her juice made the best natural lube. I began to bounce her up and down, giving her all I had. "Ohhhhh, go...stud...go." I pumped and pumped, trying to work up some more cum. "Yeah baby, your so tight, soooo tight." I took her down off the wall and leaned her up against the bead post. She stuck her leg high up on to the bed. It felt so heavenly. I had never done this before. "Wooooo." I now certainly could feel it coming. "Pump it stud, Pump." My cock was throbbing so hard. She flipped over and put her back on the bed and both legs up on my shoulder. I suddenly forgot how tired I was. "Damn, girl." I humped her so hard, she was so heavenly. Her and Amber broke into a kiss after amber was done licking Lexi's chest. I collasped on Lexi, never letting up on her puss. She moaned softly as we all swapped tunges. Lexi's clit was now soaked and for my third time today, I blew my junk inside of a cute little fox's hole. I was so tired, I rolled off onto the bed. Lexi was licking the my cum off of her legs and cleaning up around her hole. Then both girls joined me on both sides, licking away at my cock, getting every last bit of jism that escaped. "Damn, girls you certainly made my night." "I think it should be the other way around." Lexi was sitting up over my chest, staring me in the eyes." "Well, you two have got me panting." My eyelids grew heavy. "I've got to get going, were leaving early in the mor......" "Please stay, for tonight." Amber was now next to Lexi, gazing down on me as if I were a work of art. There was no way I could tell them no, besides, I had fallen asleep before I could even get up.

Well, I hope you like my story so far. All of you out there saying "Yeah, right" or "What a liar" believe what you want. I'm just letting you all no that this is a true story, all the way up to most of the text. The names of my friend and me are altered, of course, but I can almost remember this like it was yesterday. It happened 5 months ago. The book is going to continue probably up until a month after now so this will be a long series. It will also take me a long time to write since I do not have a lot of free time. If you found this story funny at all or enjoyed, post some messages, this is really what happened and I could go into depth if you're curious. Contact me at [email protected] or my name is Rebel Fox on Oh yeah, if any of you out there know of any really good online yiffy or furry turorials, let me know. Thanx.