First Time Nervous

Story by Drakkan on SoFurry

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Okay, standard disclaimer: This story is of a sexual nature involving anthromorphs, do not read it if you are underaged or offended by such things.

This is my first story, I just sat down at my computer, opened up Microsoft Word, and just started typing, here is the end result.

My author name is entered as 'Drakkan' however, to keep it as the same name as I use for the forums.

A quick note from the author: If you read this, please give a rating, it isn't that hard, and if you actually like it please leave a comment :)

First Time Nervous written by Dan (Drakkan)

My heart was pounding in my chest, I could hear the blood pulsing through the veins in my head, this is it I thought, this is the big one, I'm finally going to score, with the cutest fox I'd ever laid eyes upon.

With my shaft being already fully erect from the excitement, and the blood pumping furiously through my body. I am feeling a little light headed, "stand in front of the bed, and strip for me, my honey" says Jane, as I make my way over I almost trip, but I regain my balance just in time, Jane giggles, my muscles are rather weak tonight as I attempt to take off my shirt, finally I got it off, then I turn my back to her, and slowly I pull my trousers down, and turn around in a full circle, ending with my back facing her again, now I whip off my underwear and just stand there for a little while, "ooh, you have a cute behind" says Jane with satisfaction, "I'm not the only one" I reply with a broad grin on my face, slowly I turn around, revealing my member, saluting Jane, in all it's extended glory, "ohh that looks so nice and smooth" giggles Jane, I jump into bed with enthusiasm, as I know what is about to follow. Jane lifts her top off and turns over with her back facing me, I start to caress her back gently, and move to the small of her back, rubbing in small circles "hhehee that tickles" says Jane with a smile, I take away my hand, and lift up her legs, and slide her panties off, and lay her back down, I take my hand and rest it on the back of her neck, then I start to drag it down her back, and to the bottom of her behind, and flip my hand over and drag it back up over her behind, lifting it to give her a quick smack to the read end, "ohh!" she exclaimed, I resumed dragging my hand up her back, and onto her neck, flipping my hand over again once I reach her neck, I do this a few more times, "that is lovely" says Jane quietly, she turns over, "now this side!" she exclaims, so I place my hand below her neck, and drag my hand down, between her lovely breasts, across her stomach, and to the top of her mound, and then start back up again, across her stomach, up between her breasts, back to where I started, I do this a few more times again, Jane was getting more aroused, so I start licking her left breast, much like my hand, I drag my tongue around the nipple, and then finally over it, then I start licking her right breast with my tongue around her nipple, while rubbing her left nipple in circles with my thumb, and then finally I drag my tongue over her right nipple as well. Jane's nipples started to stand up on end, I lift my head and give Jane a devious grin, "what are you doing?" she asked timidly, "you'll see" I beamed, I quickly pull myself further down the bed, and plant my head between Jane's legs, I kiss her at the tip of her mound, and slowly start licking around the clitoral hood, "ohhhhhhhhhh" moaned Jane, I stay there licking around her clitoral hood, teasing her for a few minutes, then I move to directly licking her clitoral hood, "ohhh yesss!" moaned Jane again, after a few seconds, I lift my head, "ohh no, don't stop, please don't stop!" exclaimed Jane, I resume licking her with a smile, then with my first finger and thumb of my right hand, I pull back her clitoral hood, exposing her clitoris, after a short pause, I gently being licking it up, and down, and around in circles, "OHHHHHH!" Jane yelled out, I keep it at it building up pace, I start licking harder and faster, you'd never see a tongue move so fast, after a few minutes, Jane sits up really fast and holds my head against her sex with her hands with force, squeezes her legs against my head as well, I don't slow in my pace, I am licking her clitoris furiously now, while Jane is moaning out loud, after a while, her legs and hands loosen their grip on my, and I slow down, and eventually lift my head, and ask "how was it?", Jane replied "fantastic.... But it's not over yet".

Jane sat up, and pushed me down against the bed, then she grasped my manhood in her hand, and stroked it up and down a few times, and started licking my knob, oh it was ecstasy, Jane continues to stroke my shaft and lick my knob for a while, with me sitting back, relaxing, and letting my jaw muscles recovery, then Jane suddenly takes her hand off my shaft, and starts licking in repeating fashion, from the base of my balls, up over them, up my shaft, and to my knob, Jane does this for a little while, and then I say "wait... I have a better idea", we move around, so that Jane can play with and suck my manhood all she wants, and I can lick her dripping sex, I ended up on the bottom, and we both started slowly, and then started trying to outdo each other, I was licking furiously at her dripping sex, getting my face wet, licking up and down her slit, and fingering her fast, she started moaning, but did not let down her pace, with her hand fondling my balls, and her head bobbing up and down really fast over my shaft, with her tongue swirling around and massaging my shaft, occasionally catching a breath of air, then Jane says "let's go for the big finale".

Jane got, and then back down onto all fours, with her dripping sex facing me, I wasted no time, and plunged my wet shaft all the way into her, up to the hilt, and then started, slow, but long strokes, slowly building up momentum, until we had a good speed going, the force caused a 'slap' sound every time I hit her behind, on my way in, it also caused Jane to bounce forward, and her breasts with pointy nipples to sway back and forth with every stroke, Jane was now moaning very loudly, verging on screaming, I couldn't take my eyes off her swaying breasts, so I grabbed them and started massaging them, a few seconds later, I felt something squeezing my shaft, Jane started moaning even louder now, in one long sound, just about screaming, she was cumming, her sex was milking my cock, I couldn't take it anymore, and I started to cum to, and shot my load deep into her sex, we both collapsed to the bed then, on our sides, me behind her, still holding her breasts and gentling massaging them, we just lay there silent, enjoying the bliss.

Then Jane said "what is that annoying sound?", I sat up and asked "what sound?", I looked around and saw I was alone, Jane was gone, I had my clothes on, and the doorbell was ringing, I grumbled to myself and answered the door, it was Jane, "are you ready to start studying?" she asked, "oh sure, come on in" I replied, my face went red, I just realized my manhood was standing at full attention, and must be visible under my clothes, and that Jane must have seen it, but Jane just smiled and said "ok, thanks".

I stood up and stretched my body, and looked at the clock, it was 8:58 pm, Jane looked at the clock too, "wow, it's nine already!" she exclaimed, "well time flies when you're having fun", "there's nothing fun about studying for English class" she retorted, I thought for a few seconds and then said "ah, but a menial, tedious, or boring task can become fun when you're with someone", then Jane replied "Yeah, I guess so, because neither of us noticed the time until now", "So, I guess that's all then? Well I'll see you tomorrow I guess then" I said, then Jane said "yeah, I will see you tomorrow I guess", "okay bye" I said as Jane was packing her stuff up, Jane then stood up, and started heading for the door, then she stopped and stood silent for a moment, "is something wrong?" I asked her, after a few more seconds of silence she finally said "no, everything is fine, I guess I don't have to go home, at least not right yet, I've at least another two hours, we could.... Well ahh just hang out for a while.... I mean we can catch up on some biology 101", Jane smiled and started to blush, and then looked down, my heart started pounding again, I didn't know what to say, I also started to blush, and looked away, Jane then said "well if you don't want to that's fine.. ", "no no, that would be nice, I'd like that very much", then Jane just smiled again.