Blood Rose-2

Story by Micha on SoFurry

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#2 of Blood Rose

Dark fic yadda yadda yadda. Believe it or not it hasn't gotten too bad yet. I just thought I'd upload the next part since it's already been edited. Please leave reviews! I love hearing back from my - very meager - readers. And just for this weekend I'll take one shot requests. They won't be POSTED thuis weekend but send them to me and I'll get to work on the asap. :)


"I'm afraid this is going to be excruciatingly painful." she said with mock sadness. She wasn't sadistic by nature but sometimes she wished initiating the process was a bit easier. She placed her paws on his chest and pressed around, taking a quick assessment of the damage. She ran the soft pads of down his arms and lightly down his legs. He was pretty battered up everywhere, but as far as she was concerned he could keep the minor cuts and bruises. She looked for broken bones, and found the dried up cuts that were oozing again. "Relax and do not open your eyes." she said softly. She closed her own eyes and took a deep breath before she started a soft keening in the back of her throat. She lowered herself so that her muzzle was a mere inch from his face.

He smelled of war. Blood and gunpowder. She called up the well of energy and placed her paws on either side of his head before opening her eyes. The pupil and iris swirled in black and green, instead of the usual vivid green. The keening grew higher and higher in pitch until even she couldn't hear it. Then she opened her mouth. Out poured a shimmering cloud of energy, swirling black and green and gold. It settled over his face and slid over him, looking for an entrance. She let her breath fan over his face, directing it towards his nostrils since it was the only open orifice on his face at the moment. She settled back on her heels and waited for it to go to work. It would race through his body, forcing wounds closed, almost burning them that way. The larger ones usually scarred horribly and every one of her patients had proclaimed loudly at the pain of the ordeal. She didn't know what it felt like, only seen seasoned warriors thrash at the agony. It was a painful ordeal to even witness.

He kept his word, so he could not see the swirls of color around her, nor the dome of energy. But he felt it. Felt that power coursing through him. He too, like so many others, thrashed and contorted his body into all sorts of unnatural angles. At one point he rolled over almost onto his belly, he vomited the meager food he'd eaten all over the bloodstained grass. His guts clenched, forcing him to cough and choke momentarily. His wounds burned, as if a torch had been placed directly on them all at once. Despite his thrashing, he never screamed, not a word. His eyes were dull...and yet he lived, healthy and strong as ever. A little dizzy and out of it, but otherwise whole again. His blade was used as a crutch to keep him aloft, and he felt that his wounds were gone, though they burned like the sun. "Th...Thank you." he said looking her over in interest, though her face was turned away from him. She didn't like to see people in pain. It was one of the few things that made her ill.

She nodded then stood and left him there a moment. After all, there was little she could do for him now. He was as safe outside as he was inside at this point. She grabbed a bag from her wardrobe and filled it with simple medical supplies; a blank leather bound volume, a canteen and strong twine. She opened a small trunk with some trediptation and removed an outfit she hadn't worn in a long long while. She pulled the black shorts up and tied the leather bodice around herself, pulling the cords until she felt as if her chest might pop. It wouldn't do to her womanly assets revealed any more than they already were in the case of a fight. She laced up her knee high soft leather boots and settled a pair of goggles over her unruly hair. She pulled on a pair of leather gloves and flexed her paws in them. She picked up her metal quarter staff and sighed. The full length mirror showed that she had grown out of it a bit and she frowned at her reflection. The shorts were much shorter than she recalled and the top bared half of her belly. She didn't like the idea of baring a sensitive spot on her body to everyone. She muttered darkly even as she laced a leather band around her throat, feeble protection, but better than just her skin and fur. She hesitated at the door again and looked up the stairs.

Mother was still awake as she walked up the stairs silently. "Mother..." she said quietly. The old aging mouse looked up and her eyes held a profound sadness. "Fury. I had hoped not to see you again..." she whispered. "No Mother. I'm still Micha. I promise. I can prove it to you. Come with me." she said, coming into the room. Mother headdress sat on a chair, her hair covered only by the plain ceremonial cloth. "My place is here. With the Lord." she said with a smile. Panic and anger built up inside of her as she knelt at Mothers small, wrinkled feet. "Mother! Don't stay! Don't you understand?!" she pleaded, placing her leather clad paws on the bespeckled mouse's old knee. "I do. But if it is the Lords will, then I will follow it. Even to my death." she said softly, touching Micha's face with a shaking paw. " They'll kill you! Rape the sisters! Do worse if they can! You would leave them to that fate? They will show no mercy!" she shouted, standing and pacing. "They will hurt you and all you can blather on about is Christ?!" she demanded harshly. Mother looked at her with stern eyes. "I know I raised you better than that." was all she said. Micha broke down into angry heart wrenching sobs. "They will come for you..." Micha sobbed. "Yes." Mother replied. "And you will all but wait for death." she whispered. Not pacing any longer. She didn't look at Mother. She had to keep it together. If not only for her own sanity. "I wait only for the Lord." Mother said. "And in doing so, you embrace your grisly death." she spat. She turned to the door, shouldering her pack viciously. "Goodbye Micha." Mother said. Fighting back tears all she replied was, "I love you mama." "If you see Fury again...tell her I won't miss her." Mother added. Micha paused at the threshold of the doorway, and passed through without another word. She stepped outside to the smell of war, and wearing a past she would sooner forget, to face a soldier she had only just met.