A Loving Family Pt. II: Ich Liebe Dich

Story by ImpalaMaster on SoFurry

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Yeah, it's me again folks. Bringing you a brand new kick ass story straight from my own mind!!! This one..has a little kick to it, you all thought it was gonna follow pt 1? Hah you were wrong! I work in very mysterious ways..muahahah!!!

This story contains instances of well..hmm..YIFFING! Blunt..very blunt. Ryko Tessero again is my property, I own him. A new character being introduced is Syndalin whom plays Rykos girlfriend who's played by my girlfriend irl.

Please enjoy part II of A Loving Family, Ich Liebe Dich.

Hours had passed since the encounter of that morning, Ryko was out in the fields tending to the crops that provided food for him and the neighboring families. Even as the sun had set it was still hot, or was it only in Rykos mind? With a sigh he finished up fixing one of the irrigation pipes that got busted in a raid a few nights ago and was now making his way back home when a scent caught his attention, a scent that he hadn't smelt in years..his first girlfriend. But it couldn't be, she was..dead. "Sometimes I wonder if I am alright.." he said as he tried to ignore the scent, making his way home and to his new lover, his own sister. "Tho.." he thought, "If she is alive..she cant do anything to me now, I moved on, she should too.." with a nod he totally ignored the whole subject till he was within a miles walk of the house when something caught his eye, a figure in the shadows of a tree.."Who goes there?" he called out, emerald orbs changing to a crimson hue to better see within the dusk elements, "Who goes there??" he repeated, getting closer and closer to the form then it just vanished so he stopped in his tracks, "Yeah..Im crazy." confident in his sickness he believed he didn't see it till he felt a paw upon his shoulder, a grasp not like a raider, but more of a gentler tone, a females grip. Slowly he turned around to look into a set of familiar eyes, "Syndalin.." he spoke hardly audible, unbelieving of the facts before him in living, breathing form.."Yes." she replied with a nod, gently stroking his cheek with her paw before she leant in slowly, placing her lips against his in a tender kiss which got deeper and passionate by the second, it having been so long since she kissed the lips of the man she'll always love. Ryko blinked abit but soon fell into the kiss, matching her passion and desire with ease as he slowly wrapped his arms around her slender waist, holding the black furred canine close to his toned body but soon realized it was all wrong once he pictured Holly being the one he was kissing and reluctantly pushed her back, "Syn I cant, not while Im seeing someone else I cant.." his words were tender, yet serious at the same time. She looked at him like he was crazy, and of course she knew he was, "Ryko hun" she said with a smile, "That didn't stop you all those years ago and you know it." she grinned oh so seductively while she advanced upon him. The moon made her black fur shimmer with a brilliance. She was a tiny girl, only 5'2" with dark brown hair and emerald eyes just like her lover. Good thing about her tho was her ample C chest and firm ass that made up for it all, plus she didn't need to bend over. Ryko felt as tho his legs were made out of solid stone, he could not move even if he wanted to do so, all he could just do was stand there and wait..for whatever she may have planned. "What do you want, honestly Syn?" he asked her quietly, keeping his gaze upon hers. "Oh nothing in particular Ryko dear, same old thing I've wanted from you since the day we met." with that she grinned a pearly grin and placed her paws upon his shoulders, leaning in to kiss her upon his lips, then trailed the kisses down his chin and to his neck, kissing and suckling upon the tender flesh before she completely dropped down to her knees, slipping her head up under his shirt and began to kiss and lick along his flat stomach, smiling wickedly at the moans and giggles that Ryko emitted from the touches upon him. "Oh Syn..you shoulda just asked.." he said softly, looking down at her with a loving gaze. She peeked her head out from under his shirt and gave him a wink before she locked her fangs onto the belt of his pants and ripped it free, grinning as the pants fell to the ground, freeing a 9 inch shaft, the one she adored for a good three years, "my my Ryko, aint you the big boy now." she said mockingly before taking the shaft into her paw and began to run her tongue up and down along the head of his shaft, other paw stroking at the sac that dangled beneath such large a member. A sharp gasp left from his lips as he felt the warm slimy saliva of his passed lover upon his shaft, closing his eyes slightly he placed both of his paws upon her head for support, running his fingers through her soft hair, enjoying every moment and those yet to come. Syndalin looked up at him with only her soft green eyes before she opened up her mouth and placed the head of his shaft within her mouth, locking her lips around the shroom she began to suck upon it like a loli, her tongue stroking around and around the shaft. After awhile of the tender and passionate sucking to the head she put more and more of his cock into her mouth, eventually down her throat, all 9 inches of it was buried with the warm, wet orifice. It was all Ryko could do to keep from blowing his load then and there as he moaned out, his fur was standing on end, toes curled up within the dirt. As the minutes passed she applied more pressure to her stroking of the tongue and got harder with her suckings, milking the pre out of her lovers shaft, wanting his cum to flow in her mouth so badly now.


Meanwhile, back at the house. Holly sat alone upon the couch with a banana in her paw, looking at it curiously to see what other uses this banana had for such a little girl as herself. All the while waiting for her brother to come back home from working in the fields. "He should be home by now.." she said softly, slightly worried about her older brothers in convince for not being home.


Shudders began to run through his body, he couldn't take no more so with a deep breath he clenched his teeth and managed to groan out, load after warm load of his cum streamed out from his shaft and went down into her mouth in which she greedily swallowed, not missing an entire drop. With this all nicely done she parted her lips and allowed the still erect shaft to slip out of her mouth, with a lick of her lips she smiled up to him, "Wonderful Ryko, simply marvelous." She stayed there down on her knees, waiting for whatever would come next if anything did. Ryko sighed with contentment before opening his eyes to look down at her, simply reaching down to stroke her cheek with the backside of his paw then lightly pushed against her shoulder, making her fall back into the soft dirt whilst he got down to his knees, staring at her affectionately as he leant over her, lowering himself to allow him better access to her neck as he began to kiss it, soft and gentle over and over again. She sighed softly, closing her eyes as she tilted her head back, letting him have his way with her neck. He continued on with the gentle kisses to her neck before he made his way down the front of her chest, right between her breasts, which was his best position. His tongue slipped out of his mouth and brushed against the sides of her breasts, smiling as she jumped some. Remembering well that this was one of her ticklish spots he continued on with the brushing of his tongue before working his way around the firm breasts, twirling up and up till he got to the nipples where he planted gentle kisses upon the knobs of flesh. Syndalin arched her back in pleasure, to her it felt like little volts of electric current running through her nipples and through-out her breasts each time he kissed upon them. Smiling at her reactions he locked his lips around her right nipple and began to suck on it tenderly, licking the head roughly while his right arm came up, paw grasping the free breast in a tight grip, squeezing and pulling at the orb of pure flesh. She bit her lip, trying to keep from moaning out so loudly as she shifted around, it was all so much for her, and he could tell by how wet his stomach region had gotten from her juices which were now leaking out from between her folds. He gave a gentle nip to the nipple before he brought his head up, looking up at her with a smirk on his lips before he scooted down more, planting gentle kisses in a straight line from the bottom of her breasts right down to her belly button which he ran his tongue in a circle around, then kissed his way down to the very top of her sex, and began to kiss back and forth, never touching the hood of her clit, always teasing her the best way he could. She stopped trying to stifle her moans and just let them come, each longer than the last as she placed her hands on top of his head, trying to push him down more yet he resisted. He finally gave her what she wanted as he brought his tongue straight down her sex, liking the shudders he received from her as he did this. His tongue went up and down for a long time, getting her lips wetter and wetter, with his saliva and her juices as tho he had something else in mind, and this she hoped he did have. Reluctantly, he brought his head from out of her puss and sat up on his knees, looking at her with a quirked eyebrow before he spread her legs out more, placing the head of his cock right up to her folds and pressed in, losing his head within her warm sex then pushed the rest of his length into her, all of it fitting nicely. She closed her eyes, biting her lip gently as she awaited the thrusting soon to come, her muscles clutching the member within tightly, almost like a virgin but she lost that years ago. With a deep breath and a pop of the neck Ryko took hold of her hips and began to move back and forth gently, easing his shaft in and out of the tight sex, prying the walls apart bit by bit before he began to move his hips in a harmonic rhythm. His hips would beat against hers with each thrust, his sac smacked up against her taint, causing her to giggle and jiggle all the while. She opened her eyes slowly, looking at him lovingly as she moaned out, enjoying how he pounded her so well, her breasts moving with each impact. Her muscles tightened even more around the intruding member, almost like they were trying to pinch it off. For a while now he continued with his thrusts, each harder and faster than the last before he was soon moving in a quick and hard fashion, each movement was like a blur with the impact of a brick wall. It was all she could do from screaming as every muscle in her body tightened then spasmed orgasm after orgasm racked her young body, only two years younger than he. As her juices came a gushing out, this slickened his cock more and more and allowed him to move his hips faster, the thrusts kept a coming eventho his orgasm was near, and once it came he slammed his hips against hers, driving his cock in deep as load after load of warm cum was drained into her awaiting cunt, with a loud animalistic growl. Syndalin screamed out, a few more orgasms were to come within the midst of his own. As she came down she sighed and licked her lips lightly, staring at him in disbelief, "Oh Ryko.." she said softly, "That was wonderful..I never..felt so good.." she winked at him, always enjoying his company like this. Slowly he pulled out of her sore sex and fell back against his knees, looking at her with a weary smile, panting slightly to catch his breath before he stood up and began to put his pants back on, "It's been fun Syn, honestly. But I need to get home and tuck Holly into bed..Im sorry." he said softly as he helped her up from the ground, kissing her lips tenderly before he ran off towards the house...

Yeah..It's over..damn I'ma good writer huh? I got skeeels. Better than doing Geometry I'll tell you that damn much..haha! More to come, keep in tuned.