The Winner Takes It All 2/3

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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#2 of The Winner Takes It All

Did some minor plot changes, though you probably won't notice because you didn't know what was coming. One important point is that I scrapped chapter 3. This means it's up to you readers to decide what happens in the final instalment.

The characters in this story where donated by various people from Inkbunny and SoFurry. The owners of the characters are as follows...




Raven Venice:

The story belongs to me but you are allowed to post it elsewhere provided I am properly credited as the author and you link back to the original post. This story contains sexual content and extreme fetishes. It's your responsibility to not read if you are not allowed to or dislike the subject matter

The Winner Takes It All

By: Rakuen Growlithe

**Part 2/3**

Ozec had spent almost the entire first half of the night squirming helplessly as the plug in his arse relentlessly pushed him towards an impossible orgasm. It was only when the batteries had finally started to fade that a wave of exhaustion washed over the the bound fox and he had been able to get some rest. Thus he was still tired when he was awoken by the feeling of someone fiddling with his genitals. His eyes flew open and he tried to yell and protest his molestation before the ropes held him still and the scent of the used socks that muffled his cry reminded him of the previous day's events.

"Good morning," Crimsonred greeted him, barely looking up as he continued fiddling with his room-mate-turned-pet.

There was a quiet click and, when Ozec raised his head, the fox saw that there was now a shiny cage around his cock. He also noticed, with some embarrassment, that his belly fur was sticky with a few hours worth of pre.

"You only cum with permission," reiterated Crimsonred, tapping the chastity device.

The wolf then proceeded to undo Ozec's restraints and remove the socks from his muzzle.

"No talking and stay on your hands and knees," instructed Crimsonred.

The smaller fox was too overwhelmed to protest and merely did as he was told, kneeling with his ears lowered as he watched his naked room-mate fetch two pet bowls and head to the mini-fridge in their room.

Crimsonred filled one bowl with water and the other with cereal before placing them both on the floor.

"Eat," he commanded, standing over Ozec until the fox complied.

Once his pet was having breakfast the wolf prepared his own cereal and sat down to eat.

"After breakfast we have a little trip," Crimsonred stated.

Ozec looked up with a start, eyes wide and scared.

"I told a friend of mine that I'd have a pet by the weekend. He also has an interest in keeping little pets like you but he's got a lot more money for indulging that aspect. Luckily he said he'd be happy to let me use some of his facilities to make sure we get all properly trained." Crimsonred grinned down at his trembling fox. That sound fun?


About an hour later Ozec found himself dressed, to his relief, and standing next to Crimsonred in front of a door to a nondescript house. The fox's ears were flat and he kept squirming and glancing up and down the street in case someone would see him. The cause of his embarrassment was the leather collar around his neck and the leash that connected it, and,by proxy, him, to Crimsonred's paw.

"You do know all that squirming is just drawing attention to yourself right?" asked the blue wolf.

Ozec could only whine in response, still forbidden from speaking and with his rump stinging slightly from when he'd temporarily refused to get out of the car. Before anything more could be said the two furs heard the click of the door opening.

As the door swung open it revealed a strong, humanoid dragon with blood-red scales coating his body. Crimsonred wasn't intimidated as the two dominants looked roughly equal in physical prowess but Ozec was made even more nervous by the new fur's presence. It didn't help that the dragon also had large wings folded behind his back and more than one scar crossing his body.

"Eriacota! Good to see you," greeted Crimsonred. "This," he pulled Ozec forward by the leash, "is Ozec. He's the pet I told you about."

Eria nodded, stepping aside to let the two in, "Hey. Come in. I just finished with another pet so everything will be free in a moment."

"Sounds good," replied Crimsonred, leading Ozec into the dragon's house. "Strip pet!"

Although blushing and nervous the blue fox began removing his clothes. He could feel his heart beating rapidly but for some reason he didn't protest. There had been so many times on the way when he could've stopped things or called for help but there was a part of him that was enjoying being a pet. Once naked, he curled his brush around him, hugging it to his chest as the white tip flicked from shoulder to shoulder.

"I'll take you to the training area," spoke Eria, opening a door that lead down to his extensive basement.


At the bottom of the stairs Crimsonred and Ozec met with a startling sight, particularly for Ozec. There was a cat, or mostly a cat, waiting on all fours. Almost every part of the feline was covered in a tight, form-fitting latex suit that was polished to a shine with the exception on his head, crotch, rump and wings. The latter of which were strapped closed and bound to his body.

"This is the pet I was just training," commented Eriacota. "His name's Raven. He keeps coming back every few days for more. Cause you just love it, don't you?"

The red dragon patted the winged cat, though Raven wasn't able to reply as he had a bright red ball gag in his maw.

Ozec watched looked on with wide eyes as Crimsonred and Eria continued to discuss Raven for a bit while the fox tried to get his mind around someone volunteering for the treatment. It sounded so strange, to give up so much control to someone else and yet he couldn't deny that he'd enjoyed what Crimsonred had done. Was he all that different from the latex-clad fur in front of him? A tug on the leash by Crimsonred broke Ozec's introspection and brought the fox falling his knees, nose to nose with Raven Venice.

While Ozec had been daydreaming the two dominant furs had, with a fair amount of difficulty, removed the tight suit from cat who was still on all fours with wings bound and a gag in his mouth. It was a lot less obvious than Crimsonred's had been the previous night, but Ozec couldn't help but notice Raven's musk now that he was exposed to the air.

"We can't let Raven go home like that, can we?" Crimsonred asked, looking down at his fox. "I'm sure you wouldn't like to leave in such a condition. Everyone would smell what you'd been doing. I think you should help him out."

"W-what you mean?" stammered Ozec.

Crimsonred ignored Eriacota's amused snort and continued, "I want you to lick him clean. Now get to it."

The fox trembled nervously with three pairs of eyes focussed on him as he slowly inched forwards his fellow submissive. With his heart echoing in his ears he gingerly extended his tongue and began to lick Raven's face.

"Good boy," praised Crimsonred, petting the fox's back before leaving him to continue.

Raven's face was essentially tasteless and it was only as Ozec moved further down the feline's body, prompted by his master whenever he seemed to let up, that he got a taste of the cat. That happened slowly though and, by the time he was far enough along, Ozec was actually enjoying the mix of sweat and the lingering scent of rubber in Raven's fur.

To the fox's delight Raven had even started to purr, letting him know that he was doing a good job and causing his bushy tail to happily swing in a circle. As time wore on Ozec's mind slowly began to blur again to where all he wanted was to please the cat and the two dominant furs watching them.

Ozec paused slightly, once he reached Raven's rump and his tongue slid back with what he realised must be the red dragon's cum, but a soft mew and a wiggle from Raven were enough to push any doubts out of his mind.

Raven's purrs grew louder as the cat felt the smooth tongue lapping the cum from his rump. With each pass he gave a happy shiver, eyes half closed as he began to get horny once again, even after being forced to multiple orgasms over the night. Almost unconsciously, he lowered his chest to the floor, curling his feathered tail above his back. He had neither expected anyone other than Eria nor to get cleaned off before leaving but now both were happening and the cat wasn't complaining at all.

"I think that's quite enough of that," interrupted Eriacota as he reached down and pulled Ozec back from Raven.

The fox meeped in surprise, seeming to realise what was going on only once the barbed feline dick slid from his maw.

"If you need something to lick, these still need cleaning."

Eria effortlessly transferred Ozec to Raven's feet before he pressed a bag of ice to the cat's crotch, ignoring the meow of protest.

"Raven's had enough orgasms for now," Eria stated. "I need him good and pent up for next week."

The dragon kept the ice against Raven until his erection had faded enough for him to slip, and lock, a chastity cage over the warm organ.

Although disappointed, the blue fox continued his job of cleaning up the sweaty kitty-hybrid but lapping at his feet. The paws were free of dirt but very sweaty from being in latex for the last couple of hours. Ozec didn't mind though, swiping his tongue over the pads and down between the toes, giving a smile as they wiggled from the ticklish sensation. Then, all too soon, there was a tug on his leash and Crimsonred pulled him back in front of Raven.

"I don't think you properly got his muzzle," scolded the wolf, though there was a strange playfulness to his voice.

Ozec leaned forward to lick the cat's gagged muzzle but instead meeped in surprise as his master stood over him, pinning him between the wolf's strong legs. In a single, quick movement Crimsonred bent down, undid the gag's strap and, twisting it around, secured it in Ozec's muzzle. The gag was wet with Raven's drool and Ozec struggled a bit as he tasted it, though he didn't find it as unpleasant as he would've without being worked up to it first.

Crimsonred patted Ozec's head as he moved his legs away from him, "Good fox."

"I'm going to see Raven out," explained Eriacota, clicking his fingers as he made his way up the stairs again.

"Thank you," Raven smiled at Ozec as he got to his feet and quickly followed the large, red dragon.

Things seemed so much emptier with the loss of two furs but Crimsonred didn't seem bothered by the change and wasted no time in leading Ozec to the empty suit.

"In you get," commanded the blue wolf, holding the suit open, giving Ozec a chance to get in by himself.

Time seemed to slow down for the fox as the world seemed to speed up. All he did was lose a race but then he was bound, sucking off his room-mate, naked in front of complete strangers and just licked one clean. He was uncertain, as his hesitation proved, but, just when Crimsonred was about to do something, he lifted one hand and slid it into a sleeve.

"Good boy," smiled Crimsonred.

The suit unzipped at the back and was now held open, making it easy for Ozec to slide his arms inside. The fox gave a yip as his first limb slid inside and his ears flicked back. The suit was warm but the inside was damp with Raven's sweat and now it clung to the fox's previously-clean fur. Crimsonred didn't let him back out though, assisting him, firmly, into slipping his arms all the way. Ozec was again shocked as he found the sleeves did not end in a glove but forced his hands to curl a ball, making them useless for any delicate procedures. Once both arms were in, Ozec was rolled onto his back so that Crimsonred could help him insert his legs. There was no need to restrain his footpaws but the suit legs did have padding for his knees as he was going to spend most of his time crawling like the pet he was.

"Is he all suited up?" asked Eria upon his return.

"Almost," replied Crimsonred, zipping the fox into the latex. "But there are still two holes from your pet's wings."

"Don't worry about that," Eria instructed. "I have a tube to repair the suit."

The dragon fetched a tube from a nearby shelf then walked over to Ozec.

"Hold the suit closed."

While Crimsonred kept the wing slits shut, Eria squeezed a black latex paste onto the join and smoothed it down. It only took a few minutes of waiting for each slit before there was no sign the suit had ever been modified.

Crimsonred stood up and gave a broad grin. "Now for the training."


After a tiring day of bondage and teasing, learning to beg and perform tricks and, more than a couple of times, being mounted and made to suck off either Eriacota or Crimsonred, Ozec was at the last activity for the day.

"This is my obstacle course," explained Eriacota, gesturing to one side of his basement dungeon. "For your last task today you just need to run it until Crimsonred decides you've done enough. Simple, yes?"

At this stage Ozec was so used to just following the two doms orders that he barely hesitated before letting out a bark. The course didn't look too challenging. It was mostly a series of ramps, what looked like a slime pit and a few areas with rough terrain or obstructions.

Crimsonred smiled as he led his pet to the start of the course, which was separated from the rest of the dungeon by a chain fence, and unleashed him.

"Before you go there are a few pointers you might want to take note of and one last bit of equipment you need," cautioned the wolf.

Ozec looked up from the floor, head tilted as he saw Eria bringing a strange rubber hood with what appeared to be a connector at the tip of the muzzle. The click of Crimsonred's fingers quickly drew his attention back to his master.

"There is one of these on either end of the course," the wolf stated, pointing to what resembled a waist-high water fountain. "The connector here will fit with the one on the hood that you'll be wearing. The hood is specially sealed and will remain airtight during each run."

Ozec's eyes widened as he heard mention of an airtight hood.

"Once you attach it to the connector on this device you will be given 30 seconds of air."

Crimsonred didn't bother to mention the air was also thick with pheromones.

"When you've had your fill," continued the wolf, "the light will change from red to green and you'll have to move to the next connector. That's just to remind you that you need to earn your rewards. Once I'm satisfied with your performance you'll be released. Got it?"

Ozec wasn't given a chance to reply before the large red dragon behind him slipped the hood over his head, locked it in place, pointed him down the course and sent him on his way with a slap to his rump.

At first the going was easy on the fox. He had no trouble pushing past some inflated punching dolls or scurrying up the first two slopes. After that, however, he found himself crawling on his belly through a network of ropes and into a ball-pit. At that point he began to get a bit breathless. It was tough to move through all the balls each time he tried to gasp for ear he just felt a pull in his lungs as the rubber mask kept him sealed away. After that scrambled up a another ramp then slide down to land in the lubricating slime. He was then grateful the mask kept it out of his face, but only a little, as he now tried to crawl up the slope on the other side. It seemed that with each step forward his slippery, rubber body slid even further back and his muscles and lungs were beginning to burn. Somehow he made it to the top and slid down to the bottom to find the welcoming green light of the device that would grant him his reward of air.

The fox noticed the musk as soon as it filled the suit, a potent mix of vixen and dog designed to play on both his subby nature and hard-wired biological reactions. He had no other option but to gasp down the tainted air and feel as his cock, still confined in it's cage, swelled and began to throb with need. Too soon for Ozec's liking, the light turned red and the supply of air he'd been enjoying ceased, forcing him to turn and make his way down the course again.

Again Ozec struggled through his airless exertions but as he reached the other side he was in worse shape than before. He let out a sad whine as he realised there was no way the 30 seconds would be enough to recover after the amount of work he was doing but Crimsonred and Eriacota looked on impassively, ordering him to do it a third time and, after that, a fourth.

With each run Ozec found himself growing more horny and more dizzy as his lungs and muscles continuously burned with protest. The poor fox blindly staggered along as bidden though until he really couldn't take it any more and finally collapsed on his sixth run. He could hear his heart, loudly thudding in his ears, but other than that all that he knew was that his head hurt and it was rapidly becoming hard to focus. Then, before he could pass out, he felt a pressure on his neck before the hood was slid off in one smooth motion and his desperate panting was rewarded with clear air.

"You did really well," congratulated Crimsonred, rubbing the foxes as he waited for Ozec to recover.

Once Ozec had recovered sufficiently to get up, or at least crawl, Crimsonred clipped a leash on the fox's collar and led him towards the stairs, though pausing before they reached them.

"You've been a very good boy today," he commented. "I think that deserves some sort of reward. I don't think you've been allowed to cum since you became mine, have you?"

It was rhetorical but Ozec shook his head anyway.

"Beg to cum," ordered the wolf.

Ozec reared up on his knees, arms held to his chest as he'd been taught and let out a whine.

"You may speak," allowed the wolf.

"Please let me cum, Master," pleaded the fox. "I really need release and I've done everything you asked."

"As you should," countered Crimsonred, "but I understand. Follow me."

Ozec was led to the corner of the room where there was a small bed set up as well as a number of adjustable poles and bars and two contraptions that the fox couldn't yet identify. When instructed, he lay down on the bed, eager to finally experience the orgasm that had been building for the past two days. Strangely the first thing that Crimsonred did was tie his limbs to the surrounding poles so that. Next, the wolf lowered a bar against the fox's belly and a second to his chest, holding his body still as well.

"I wouldn't want you to move out of position and get hurt," the wolf explained.

Ozec wanted to know what he meant but he didn't get the chance as he was told to "open up" and a penis gag was secured in his muzzle. Held down as he was, the fox was unable to see what his master was up to, although the amount of fiddling did leave the vulpine decidedly uneasy.

Hidden from Ozec's sight, Crimsonred grinned as he picked up a dildo modelled on a wolf cock and attached it to a thrusting machine that was aimed just under the fox's tail. Next, he took a bottle of lube and poured it into the machine, which would continually ooze it throughout the night to keep the phallus slick. The blue wolf then adjusted the machine so that it was positioned just outside of Ozec's tail hole.

"This should keep you sufficiently excited," he commented as he pressed the "on" switch.

Ozec furrowed his brow, perplexed, before he gave a sudden yelp as the fake wolf dick slid into his rear in a single smooth motion at the same time as it shot the first jet of lube. The bound fox couldn't help but give a deep groan of pleasure as his caged shaft struggled even more to swell. Over the course of the day he had been mounted so many times that his rear entrance was both well-stretched and still full of a mix of wolf and dragon cum, both of which contributed to filling the air with a lewd squelch each time the machine pushed forward.

With the thrusting machine going steadily, Crimsonred unlocked Ozec's chastity cage and removed it. Almost instantly the fox's cock swelled up to it's full length and began to drip pre all over his orange belly.

"What a slutty fox," chuckled the wolf, "Though I guess that's really a tautology."

Ozec mumbled something in reply but with the gag in his muzzle it was unintelligible and Crimsonred acted as though he hadn't heard it. The wolf just moved to the next machine, a milker, and took the latex tube and slid it over Ozec's dripping length, fastening it in place with a tight cock ring.

"I'll come fetch you in the morning," promised Crimsonred, activating the milker as he spoke. "Enjoy your orgasm, or orgasms I should say."

The blue fox barely heard what the wolf said, too busy squirming and moaning in pleasure to pay attention, nor did he notice as Crimsonred took another tube from the milker and attached it to the base of the penis gag. After two days of being sexually teased and then denied, Ozec could feel one of the strongest orgasms in his life quickly approaching, drawn out by the relentless sucking of the milker.

"Mmmpffff!" he cried out, muscles tensing but held in place by the restraints, none of the machines even slowing down as he climaxed.

Just a moment later the fox was shocked as the gag twitched in his maw and his tongue was suddenly coated with his own sticky cum. He had no choice but to drink it all down, blushing deeply as he writhed there in a stranger's basement and felt his second orgasm rapidly drawing near.

The End