Two of a kind ch.3

Story by Tigerclaw on SoFurry

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#3 of Two of a kind

Two of a kind


Another short one that should last every on till the fourth one comes. If your not 18 then don't read. If you are then happy reading.

Reana woke up and shrugged the blankets off of her. She rubbed her eyes and peered over at the sleeping tiger next to her. She gently rubbed Keith's face and kissed him on the cheek. She looked at the clock on the night stand and noticed it was only 10a.m. She thought it best not to wake him too early so she slowly glided from the bed to the floor. She looked up making sure she didn't disturb the tiger and crept for the door. She slowly opened it but she couldn't stop the slow creak of the door. She looked back to make sure he hadn't been disturbed. He was still sleeping soundly so Reana slowly walked out and tip-pawed down stairs. She made it down the stairs and into the hallway where she heared loud snoring coming from Jack's room. She saw Sara slump out last night so she knew the big lion was sleeping alone. She decided it wouldn't hurt to look in on the lion and see how he slept. She turned the door knob and walked in slowly not stopping till she reached the foot of the bed. It was a nice guestroom with everything decorated in blue. Small pictures on the wall here and there of furs going through every day life.

A night stand sat beside the bed with a cd player and a half empty box of condoms on top. She looked down at the floor and saw an empty bottle of KY jelly and next to it were a pair of silk blue boxers. They window had a nice view of the back yard where there was a little garden. The curtains on the window were open and the sun shined brightly through out the room. She stared in a small state of awe as the sun bathed Jack's body making his red mane some what glow in the suttle light of the sun. His golden fur a thing of radience and beauty as the sun shimmered it's rays upon the sleeping lion's form.

She snapped out of the trance and noticed Jack's morning hard on. She thought it wouldn't hurt to see what the big lion was made of. So she grabbed the edge of the blanket and slowly pulled the it back. Wow," she said out loud as she stared upon the 11 inch lion cock. She couldn't stop her paw movements as her paw clutched around the massive cock. He murred as she moved her paw slowly up and down his shaft. It felt so hard and warm in ger grasp and she loved the way the barbs tickled her paw. She slowly brought her paw up as he made weak attemps to hump her paw. She was lost in the scent that still hung in the air from the big lion's fun last night. It was a heavy musky scent that flooded her nose. She felt a little light headed until a paw shot out and wrapped around her mouth and pulled her out of the room.

"What are you doing" Keith said looking at the startled tigress. "I just wanted to see Jack's room," she shaking her head trying to clear it of the scent. "One, that's not Jack's room". "Two, he hates being disturbed in the morning". "Three,You had your paw around his dick". "I'm sorry Keith, I was just a little curious," she said looking into Keith's blue eyes. "I know Jack has this irresistible charm but could you fight it". "And curiosity killed the cat" he said nuzzling her cheek. "How about I go make breakfast," she offered. "You go do that," he said walking behind her.

Jack sat up and yawned vibrating the room. He could have swore someone was just pawing him off. He dismissed it as his mind just playing tricks on him. He got up and put on his boxers and threw away the empty KY jelly bottle. He scratched his chest and put on his bathrobe and slipped out of the guest room. He walked down the hall and opened his door and walked inside. He smelled the hickory smoke scent of bacon frying in the kitchen. He padded over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of black boxers and some sweat pants. He grabbed a tight fitting muscle shirt that pronouced his abs quite well and walked to the bathroom. He deposited his clothes on the sink and started the water. He fixed it to a good tempature and stepped in murring on how good the water felt. He grabbed his wash rag from the towel hanger and picked up his soap bar. He cleaned his shaft carefully because it was still sore from last night's rampage. He gently scrubed all around it making sure he romoved the scent that clung to his maleness. He cleaned the rest of his body making sure he cleaned his tail and his tail tuft. He grabbed his favorite shampoo(Vo8 starwberries n cream) and washed his mane. He always washed it twice giving his mane a nice glossy look.

Reana made bacon, eggs, bisquits, and sausages for breakfast. Keith ate happily and commented every so often on how good the food tasted. Reana was a good cook and set every thing up perfectly. She placed a plate in the microwave for Jack and finished eating. Jack walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table opposite of Keith. "Good morning Keith, Reana," he said to the pair. Reana got up and pulled Jack's plate from the microwave. "Here you go big guy," she said placing the plate down in front of him. "Thank you," he said digging right in. Reana got up and placed her plate along with Kieth's in the sink. I'll wash dishes she said starting the water. "I'll go clean out the guest room," Keith said getting up and walking out of the kitchen.

Jack finished his plate and put it in the sink. "So," he said putting his paws on either side of the tigress washing dishes. "So what," she replied. "You like what you saw this morning," he said in her ear. "I have no clue what your talking about," she lied to the lion. "Don't lie, I know you were in my room this morning". " And how do you know I was in your room". You left the door open and my blanket were off of me," he said grinning at the tigress. "Sara probaly left the door open when she left and you could have rolled over and the blankets came off," she said trying to sound innocent. "Your probaly right," he said padding out of the kitchen. "Curiosity killed the cat," he said laughing out of the kitchen.

Keith finished up the guest room and went up stairs to take a shower and clean his room up. He grabbed his clothes and walked into the shower. He turned on the water and got in. The water soaked through his fur pretty fast as he was getting use to the water. Reana walked up stairs after finishing the dishes and pawed into the room. She heared the steady beat of water running and decided to join her sexy tiger in the shower. She grabbed an outfit and a towel and walked into the bathroom. She pulled back the curtain and stepped in. "Your taking a shower with out me," she said looking at the soggy tiger. "I wanted to get clean and I had no idea you wanted to take a shower with me". "I love seeing you wet," she said rubbing Keith's soapy dick. He murred and the soap slipped from his paw and thudded dully in the tub. "I'll get that for you," she said stooping down. She let the water wash off his cock before she slid it into her warm awaiting muzzle. He murred deeply as she slurped and tugged on his dick in the steam of the shower. The steam mixing with the scents provided a nice aroma for them to enjoy. Keith was lost in the pleasure and he he sat back against the shower wall to enjoy it. He couldn't remeber the last time he got his dick sucked and this time felt the best. She licked and prodded his meat with her tounge as he moaned aloud trying to grip something to hold on to. Keith grabbed her ears and gently massaged them as she continued her tonge parade letting her tonge march up and down Keith's long barbed shaft. She sucked a little harder getting heavy pants from the soaking wet tiger. He groaned as she brought him yet again to another orgasm. He gripped her ears tighter but not enough to hurt her as he came into her muzzle. She slurped away happily until she had drank him dry.

He slowly finished squirting his juices as she stood up. I found the soap she said rubbing it up and down his chest. How about we lose the soap for a minute because I want my turn. The soap fell again as Keith droop down in front of the dripping wet cunt. He lapped her sweet juices up and licked all around it. Reana let out low moans of approval and purred around the cunt licking feline below her. He sucked a little at her lips making Reana squirm. He drove his ruff tounge into her slit and licked all along her inner walls. "Yummy," he said smacking his lips. He continued to lick and suck at her beautiful wet cunt until he was rewarded with sweet necter from her flower. She leaned her head back against the wall and let her juices flow freely for Keith to lap up. He cleaned her juices and grabbed the soap. Shall we finish cleaning up she panted. Yeah," he said nuzzling her chin.

They finished there shower and walked out feeling tired and relieved. how about we take a afternoon nap? Reana pulled the blankets back and motiened for Keith to get in. He happily obliged and laid down. He hugged and kissed her until he fadded of to a peaceful sleep. Reana rubbed his stomach and sighed on how cute Keith was. She yawned and joined her lover in peaceful sleep. Down the stairs the phone rang and Jack answered the phone. "Hello," he said into the reciever. A female voice answered and said a few things to the lion who smiled. Sara was comming over later on that night and he couldn't wait. Two nights in a row was an all time personal best he thought. He walked down the hall to his room and shut the door. He sat on his bed and took off his shorts and looked in the mirorr. I'm so goodlooking he said flexing for no one but himself. He took off his shirt and laid back down on the bed. He thought about Sara and how much he cared for her. They had always been friends but he never thought they could be more than that. All these thoughts of Sara were getting him arouse. He slowly traced his paw over his abs. He sure knew how to please a women but he knew how to please him self even more.

He pulled of his boxers and tossed them to the floor. He rubbed along his chest and murred at the pleasure he was giving himself. His lion meat was slowly rising from it's protective sheath letting the lion kow it wanted some attention. He reached down with a mighty paw and grabbed his hardening meat. He wanted some lube but he used all of it last night. He remebered he still had a spare bottle of lotion for just the occasion in the drawer of the guest room. He grabbed his bathrobe and walked out of his room. He padded to the guest room and opened the door. Keith and Reana must be sleep he thought as he grabbed the lotion from the dresser drawer. It sure was quite he thought as he walked back down the hall way and entered his room. Now he could have his fun.

Jack took of his bathrobe and laid back down on the bed. He squirted some of the lotion onto his paw abd smeared it over his legnth. He purred as the cool lotion touched his shaft. He slowly moved his paw up and down his well lubricated cock and murred to himself. He gently tugged at his balls with his free paw and continued stroking himself with the other. His big meat smacking as he moved his paw faster along. It didn't take him long before he felt himself reach his climax. He quickly picked up the bathrobe and let his cum shoot all up and down the bathrobe. More tha n a fair amount landed on his paw as he pawed the rest of his nut out. He wiped himself off with the robe and laid back on the bed. He happily licked the cum off of his paw and rolled himself up in his blanket. Tonight will be fun he thought to himself. He yawned and rolled over. He scratched his chest and went to sleep.

Well I hope everyone enjoys this story. If you have any questions or ideas for the next one e-mail me.