
Story by PsychoGothWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Reperecussions



Kilo started up the giant fan, while his punk twin brother Rex-Kahn secured their prisoner, a young wolf-boy, Rex-Kahn's boyfriend. His name was Mitch.

"Hurry up!" the goth cobra said, he was very impatient to kill something.

"Shut up, Kilo!" Rex-Kahn yelled back. He once again focused his attention on the wolf they were about to execute for trying to tell the police about this place. "Are you gonna try to tell the police about us again, Mitch?"

"I w-won't." he stuttered, "J-just please l-l-let me go."

"I wish I could believe you..." he said, one scaly hand caressing the wolf's face, while the hooked a chain harness around him, "OK, SKETCH! LET 'ER RIP!"

The muscular dragon stepped out, grabbed the chain, and started to spin the wolf over his head. Kilo, meanwhile, turned the fan's speed up to 'MAX'

After getting up to speed, Sketch let go and sent the wolf spinning into the fan. There was a loud sound, a kind of grinding noise as the wolf's body was cut to pieces by the spinning blades of death, and a splat as what was left of Mitch hit the wall behind the fan. Kilo stopped the fan and jumped off the platform to examine the carnage. The wolf had been completely shredded by the fan. "Poor, Mitch" Rex-Kahn said with mock-sadness. They all burst into laughter.

Sleven walked over to the fan. The skunk bent down and dipped her hand into the puddle of guts. She then licked her fingers. She smiled.


Vex glided down from the cat walk, and he landed next to Sleven. "Hey, save some for me, pig"

"Fuck off, Fag." she replied. The bat pretended to take offense.

"I sowwy" Sleven said trying to look cute.

"I forgive you" he said patting her on the head.

"Good." She said. Then she threw some of the guts at him.

"Oh, you little..." Vex said as he threw some of the wolf's remains at Sleven.

And soon there was blood fight going on. But it started to get late, and they didn't want their parents to get suspicious. They went to the showers to clean the blood off themselves.

While they were in the showers, Vex decided to sneak up on Rex-Kahn. He lunged playfully at Rex. And they rolled together, on the slick tile. "You're boyfriend's dead that means you're open, right?"

"Why? You want some of this?" Rex asked his friend.

"Ch-yeah! You're fucking hot!"

"Well.....let's se what you got." Rex-Kahn said as his cock grew to it's full seven inches.

Vex wasted no time in getting on his knees for a better taste of his friend's huge cock. As he sucked he noticed a small cut in the shape of a 'V' on his own hip. Weird, he thought, but his thoughts were soon once again on the impressive maleness in his mouth. Soon Rex reached his climax, and sent jets of cum into Vex's mouth. Vex swallowed hungrily. As soon as he had swallowed the last drop, he got up and finished his shower. As he showered he noticed Rex had a similar cut on his hip, but his was in the shape of a cross. That's weird, he thought.

Vex got home, his mother was waiting in the kitchen, with his little brother.

Venom stood impatiently next to his mother "O.K., mom Vex's here, what's the news?"

"You might want to sit down." Venom and Vex sat at the bar they used as a table, "Your father....the base....I don't know how to say this...there was an explosion the entire base was destroyed."

"WHAT?" Venom and Vex screamed in unison. Venom fell off his barstool and hit the ground with a thud.

"You all right?" Vex asked, concerned.

"I'm fine," he said as he tried to get up, and realized he couldn't, "My nose ring's caught again; help me take it out." Vex got up, removed his brother's nose ring, and helped him up. Venom replaced the piercing, and went to get some leftover pizza out of the fridge

"So when's the funeral?" Vex asked.

"Tomorrow," she answered "So you won't have to take that algebra test."

"Sweet!" Vex cheered, "Where's the funeral gonna be at?"

"St. Lucifer's Church. Where else?"


They had booked Sawblade Sandals, a local band to play at the funeral. They played as people gathered into the church.

"...Killed by death!

Killed by Death!

Killed by Death!

Killed by Death!

Killed by Death!

Killed by Death!

Killed by Death!

Killed by Death!

Killed by Death!

Killed by Death!"

"We are gathered here today in this place to honor the memory of the recently deceased Saw Motörhead. HAIL SATAN!"


The funeral was long and boring, but at least the band was good. He still felt as though he could never be happy again. He was probably going to spend the whole day crying.


Rex-Kahn was walking to his Vex's house. He was going to se if he couldn't cheer his friend up. And what better to cheer his friend up then a blowjob, right? On his way to Vex's house, he decided to take a shortcut through a long, dark alley.

As the punk cobra walked past some trash cans, he felt a hand on his shoulder. A voice said "Well, look what we have here." He was turned around and found himself face to face with a large, muscular tiger. The tiger put his hand over Rex's mouth. "This is how this is gonna work, I'm gonna move my hand; you scream, you die; you move, you die; got it?" Rex nodded, he knew he was going to enjoy this. The tiger removed Rex's clothes, and his own clothes, revealing his cock, already erect and ready to fuck the poor little snake.

"Ooh..." Rex said as the tip of the tiger's cock touched his ring. The tiger put his arm back over the cobra's mouth. Then he slid his cock fully into the snake's ass. The tiger began to fuck the cobra, hard and fast. Just as he reached his climax, the tiger saw someone walking down the alley. He finished quickly, pulled up his pants, and threw the snake in a nearby open dumpster. The figure was running now, and the tiger knew they had seen him, so he did the only thing he could and ran.


Kilo paced back and forth, in the waiting room, waiting to hear the news of his little brother.

Kilo was only a few minutes older than Rex-Kahn, but he still considered himself Rex-Kahn's older brother.

His younger sister, Whiplash, sat impatiently next to her father, until she finally said, "I'm fucking bored." A couple of people looked at Sabato, their father, like they were expecting him to do something. One fox even had the nerve to stare at Whiplash, herself. Then Whiplash said, "What are you looking at, fuck-face? I will go over there and beat your mother-fucking ass, you cock-sucker bitch!" He just kept staring at the nine-year-old in disbelief. He looked at Sabato for some reassurance. He just shrugged and patted Whiplash on the head. Whiplash then looked up at her father, "Dad, do you still have my boom-box?"

"Uh.....yeah....somewhere...." he said digging through his backpack. He then pulled out a small, black boom-box with red trim and handed it to his daughter.

"And my CDs?"

"Hang on....." Sabato said as he dug through his bag, again. He pulled out three CDs and handed them to his daughter. She put in her favorite, Whiplash by Metallica.

She started headbanging as the stereo played.

The doctor, a young raccoon in her twenties, came out "Hideki, Sabato" she said "You can see Rex-Kahn, now."

Soon they were in Rex-Kahn's room. Whiplash's stereo played "...Bang your head against the seat, like you never did before! Make it ring! Make it clean! Make you really sore!..."

"Turn it up I like this song." Rex-Kahn said weakly. Whiplash turned it up and put it on the table next to Rex.

"What happened?" Kilo asked.

"I was raped." Rex groaned, "And thrown in a dumpster. Hard."

"What's the damage?" Kilo asked

The doctor answered for Rex, "He has a cracked rib and has suffered minor concussion. He should be out in about two weeks."

"You can keep my boom-box Rex, ya know, so you won't be bored." Whiplash said

"Thanks sis. That's really nice of you." Rex said

"Just let me get my CDs." She said as she reached in Sabato's bag and pulled out eleven CDs. She handed them over to Rex-Kahn. He flipped through them and selected The Dethalbum by Dethklok. He put it in the stereo.

"Thanks." He said weakly.

"Your mother's taking a break from her tour, to see you." Sabato told him.

"I haven't seen Mom in months, thanks Dad." Rex said.

"Your welcome, son. Now we have to get going. I promised Kilo and Whiplash I'd take them to the mall."

"Get well soon, Rex!" Kilo yelled as they left the room.

"I'll try." Rex replied.