Sky Ocean Chapter 9

Story by Hraefn on SoFurry

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#9 of Sky Ocean

Chapter 9

Harvy had to remind herself to breathe as she was caught completely off guard by Gar's tender hug. She could feel the incredible softness of his downy feathers against her fur and melted into the sensation. She breathed in his scent and sighed contentedly. He smelled like the air after a gentle rain storm with a touch of fresh earth. Just as she began to truly evaporate into the enchanting avian's touch he pulled away, leaving Harvy blushing like an idiot and apparently unable to form a coherent sentence. "Wha-...y-you...u-umm...w-wow...uh..." Realizing she sounded like an idiot, she shut her muzzle and violently shook her head in order to regain her composure. "Umm...that's the first time YOU hugged ME Gar..." He just chuckled and smiled kindly. "Have I improved?" Harvy grinned widely and let out a happy laugh. "Yeah! I think you have!" They chatted happily for the rest of the lunch period, rushing to collect their things when the bell rang. Harvy turned to leave but stopped to call back to Gar. "See you after school Gar!" He froze and a look of slight panic crossed his features. Noticing this, Harvy quickly padded back over to him. "What's wrong Gar?" She asked with concern evident in her voice.

He gulped and looked around briefly before regaining his stoic countenance and meeting her gaze. "Nothing to worry about. I just remembered that I have some urgent work to attend to after hours and shall be staying late. It would be best if you proceeded without me this evening." Harvy frowned for a moment before letting out a sigh. "That's okay Gar, can't be helped. I'll see you tomorrow then okay?" He nodded and smiled sweetly. "Yes of course. Take care Harvy." She grinned and skipped off to class. Gar released a sigh. 'It's better this way.' He thought to himself solemnly. 'I can't let her worry over what cannot be changed.' Nodding to himself in silent conviction, he headed off for his next class.

Harvy let out an exagerated canine yawn as she stretched, rising from her desk with a triumphant grin. Finally the day was over and she couldn't wait to get home. She sighed in momentary sadness as she remembered that Gar would not be walking with her today but quickly shrugged it off. Oh well. It wasn't like she didn't see him every day. As she headed for the door she noticed the bunny girl who'd insulted Gar last week looking in her direction. Harvy narrowed her eyes at her and she lowered her long ears and looked away in obvious submission. Harvy grinned to herself and swiftly left the room, heading off toward her locker.

Gar rounded the corner around the back of the school and looked up with a sigh as several dark shadows loomed over him. Gently setting down his bag he looked up at the familiar three figures before him. The cougar in front grinned evilly at him as Gar grinned humorlessly back. "Ah gentlemen! Ready for another evening of 'sport' I gather?" The cougar sneered as he took a step forward. "Me and the boys have been hearing some pretty crazy rumors...'lovebird'..." At this the emaciated looking rabbit and the grungy bearded dragon behind him erupted in less than intelligent chuckles. The dragon spoke up. "That's right frosty! We hear you've gone and got yerself a 'lil girlfriend...a hot little wolf bitch from what I hear!" Gar's eyes narrowed in thinly veiled rage that made even the cougar shudder before he quickly regained his composure. When Gar spoke next, his voice was a chilling whisper. "Gentlemen...your quarrel is and has always been with me...I would much prefer to keep it that way..." As he finished the trio stared blankly before erupting into outrageous laughter.

Gar's words seemed to do a great deal to distract the dimwitted trio from their earlier train of thought. The cougar sneered viciously. "Ya' hear that boys?! The little shit WANTS us to lay 'em out!" His two companions snickered in amusement. Gar grinned and spread his arms in a 'ready' gesture. Just as he did so, the cougar's right hind paw connected with Gar's back in a violent THWACK! Which knocked the air from his lungs and sent him sprawling to the ground, desperately gasping for breath. Laughter filled his ears as he shakily looked up, the grin still on his beak. "The lost see red through heavy rains, their cries ring out through empty stains. The wounded crawl on words worn thin, but the clouds laugh WITH them as they flash their grin..." Gar finished with a terrifying grin that chilled the trio to their very bones, and an ethereal stare that could pierce solid steel. The cougar masked his fear with rage. "Sh-shut the hell up you crazy piece of bird shit!" The trio descended upon him, beating him to a crimson heaving pulp in record time as Gar laughed maniacly all the while...

Harvy groaned in frustration and stopped walking. She looked through her book bag to confirm her suspicion. Yup. She had forgotten her algebra book and she needed it for her homework that night. She grunted in anger and swiftly turned around and headed back towards the school. Why did she have to be half way home before remembering? She felt like a total idiot sometimes. Especially in comparison to Gar. She grinned at the thought of him and briefly wondered if he was still working late. Maybe he would be able to walk her home after all! Maybe forgetting her book wasn't all bad. Harvy quickly made it back to the school and swiftly entered, heading straight for her locker. She soon located her forgotten text book and headed back outside. As she rounded the corner of the building she heard something that made her stop dead in her tracks.

She heard cruel laughter coupled with the obvious sounds of punches and kicks. But what REALLY made her shiver was one voice in particular which erupted in cackling crazed laughter... Alarmed and feeling slightly scared, she steathily headed toward the commotion and quietly peaked her head around the back corner of the school building. What she saw made her gasp as her breath caught in her throat and her blood ran cold... There on the ground, stained red with his own blood and barely breathing in a broken, beaten mass of feathers...was Gar... Without thinking she charged forth and sunk her fangs into the cougar's forearm as he raised his fist for another punch. He let out a cry of agony as his blood hit the ground and whirled around in savage anger, coming face to face with Harvy. The cougar wrenched his arm free and back handed the wolf HARD, knocking her to the ground with a grunt.

Gar looked up with blurry vision as the cougar scowled down at...HARVY! Oh dear Gaea no! Why was she there?! The cougar looked puzzled for a moment before realization dawned on him and he turned towards Gar with a sinister grin. "Well well well! What have we here 'lovebird?' It looks like yer 'lil girlfriend has come to yer rescue!" Harvy watched the scene with terrified eyes and looked over at Gar in fear. Gar grinned kindly at her before looking back at the cougar. His voice was shaky and wavered as he spoke. " I s-said before...your qu-quarrel is with me..." The cougar laughed evilly as his lackeys joined in. "Bullshit 'lovebird!' " He pointed sternly at Harvy. "This bitch fucked up the minute she chose to hang out with YOU!" He finished with a razor sharp claw extended and pointed at Gar. Gar's breath caught in his throat as the cougar lunged at Harvy, claws extended and feral blood lust in his eyes. Harvy let out a piercing scream as the blow came down...

Harvy slowly opened her eyes as she realized she felt no pain other than the dull ache in her back from being tossed to the ground earlier. She saw Gar's piercing blue eyes gazing lovingly into her own, a warm smile on his beak. She smiled back at him but gasped as something warm and wet hit her cheek. Touching a paw to it, her eyes widened in shock. It was blood...but not her was Gar's. The raven had lept in front of the cougar and taken the full force of his claws with his back. Tears poured from Harvy's eyes as she screamed. "GAAAAAAR!!!!!!" The raven winced and stood upright. His voice was barely a whisper. "H-Harvy...please...back a-away..." Harvy was frozen in shock and just stared back at her friend. "NOW!" Came his stern reply and she quickly shuffled away, keeping the raven in plain sight.

What happened next was truly surreal. Harvy watched in numb shock as Gar faced all three of his attackers. Utilising an uncanny swiftness and grace she had glimpsed when she watched him at the quarrey, he proceeded to evade and counter everything the frenzied totems threw at him. Evading an awkward round house kick from the rabbit, he quickly soared into the sky before dropping down onto the lapine with terrifying speed, his hind talons piercing the flesh of his back, eliciting a blood curdling screech as he collapsed to the ground in a bloody mess. The other two totems' eyes bulged in horror and fear as Gar stared them down with an emotionless frown. The cougar let out a scream and dived forward, only for Gar to side step him and grab his tail with his right talon, the claws sinking into the flesh as the cougar erupted into a blood curdling scream of his own. Gar jerked upward sharply, breaking the tail in an obvious way as the scream doubled in volume and the cougar fell to his knees shaking in pain. As the feline struggled to stand, Gar slashed his face with his claws, leaving three deep gashes through his left eye which was undoubtedly destroyed as blood poured forth like a crimson river. The feline collapsed to the ground writhing and screaming in agony. Gar then turned to the bearded dragon who was frozen in terror. With one swift movement he slashed his chest, blood pouring out as he too collapsed in agony. With the attackers dispatched Gar let out a shaky breath, jumping when he felt a paw on his shoulder. He looked over to see Harvy gazing intently at him, a mixture of fear and worry on her face. He grinned slightly before he felt his world go black as he fell into uncounciousness...

When Gar came to, the first sensation he became aware of was a dull pulsing ache throughout his body. The next was the softness of some form of bedding beneath him. What puzzled him however, was the feeling of warm fur on top of his chest and furry digits carressing his feathers. As the aforementioned digits brushed a ticklish spot, he let out a chuckle and opened his tired eyes. Harvy gasped as she saw Gar's eyes open and quickly lifted her head up from his bare chest. "Ms. Barnwell! He's awake!" Just then a solid white barn owl appearing to be in her late twenties came running up to the medical cot that held Gar. Her beak opened in an avian 'grin' as she looked down at Gar. "Mr. With! Oh I am so pleased you are awake sweety!" Gar glanced around in momentary confusion before Ms. Barnwell answered his silent question. "You are in the school infirmiry sweety. Ms. Sellow brought you here after you lost counciousness." Harvy nodded dumbly. "I thought you'd have been heavier than you are though Gar..." The owl just chuckled. "That's honey comb bones for you sweety!" Harvy nodded sheepishly, embarassed at having forgotten such an elemetary facet of avian biology. Ms. Barnwell returned her attention to Gar. "Speaking of which, yours seem to be completely intact! Thank Gaea for that!"

Gar nodded absently. "Where are the others?" He asked in a hoarse voice. Ms. Barnwell handed him a cup of water which he drank greatfully as she answered his question. "I called an ambulance after I heard what happened sweety. They were in far worse shape than you..." Gar grimaced, a look of shame evident on his face. Ms. Barnwell rested a gentle talon on his shoulder. "But don't you DARE apologise for your actions honey, they were ENTIRELY justified. The severity of your injuries, coupled with Ms. Sellow's testimony, is MORE than enough to guarentee not only their expulsion, but a visit to a juvenile detention facility as well." Although this did little to erase the look of guilt from Gar's face, he nodded in quiet acceptance. Harvy fixed him with a sad frown and Gar turned to meet her gaze. Ms. Barnwell smiled knowingly and decided to give the two teens some time to talk.

Harvy let out a sigh and decided to speak her mind. "Gar...what happened?" Gar looked away and took a deep breath before answering. "I knew you would worry. You were not meant to see that..." Harvy raised her voice in slight anger as tears stained her cheeks. "What the HELL are you talking about Gar?! You mean that wasn't the first time that's happened?!" Gar just shook his head 'no' with a solemn expression on his face. Harvy was in disbelief. "And you just LET them?! Even though you could have taken them out at any time?!" Gar turned to meet her gaze again. "It is useless to fight what cannot be changed..." Harvy was fuming. She slapped him across the face. "That is BULLSHIT Gar!" His eyes widened in shock as he listened. "You HAVE to fight back sometimes! You can't just let people walk all over you!" Gar sighed again as he propped himself into a sitting expression, his eyes looking distant as he spoke. "If I had fought them...the anger would have would have been returned three fold and bred further suffering...had I dispatched them...others would have come...the cycle of violence is carries on just fine without my I was weak...I surrendered to that cycle...and yet for the first time I am unashamed...because I was able to protect you..."

As Harvy listened to his words her eyes widened and her breath caught. Her tears flowed once more as she leaned in and wrapped Gar in a tender, loving hug. She now understood his actions. He refused to fight not because he was weak, but because he was STRONG. He was better than those who surrendered to their rage. He was a creature of peace, not war. Ms. Barnwell re-entered the room after a moment in order to discuss Gar's transportation home. Gar had said his father wouldn't be home and Harvy had quickly offered to call her mom. Reluctant but without any alternative, Gar had agreed and they now waited for Mrs. Sellow to arrive. Harvy sighed deeply, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had fallen over the room. Gar looked up expectantly but before Harvy could speak, the doors to the infirmiry flew open and in dashed an incredibly worried middle aged she wolf known to Harvy as 'mom.' Mrs. Sellow's frantic eyes instantly locked onto Gar and she was hugging him in an instant. "Oh my goodness! What kind of vicious creatures could do this to such a sweet boy?! Are you okay honey?! Will you be alright?!" Gar looked VERY uncomfortable and merely nodded silently while looking pleadingly at Harvy.

Harvy caught on and decided to rescue him. "He's okay mom! Just very SORE." Mrs. Sellow blushed in embarassment and quickly released her death grip on the poor avian teen. "Oh goodness! I'm sorry Gar!" Gar smiled sheepishly. Ms. Barnwell entered with a chuckle. "Oh he'll be just fine Mrs. Sellow! The boy seems to recover with truly remarkable speed. He'll just need a couple of days' rest before he can return to school." Mrs. Sellow assumed a look of conviction. "Say no more! He will be perfectly safe at our house!" She looked over at Harvy. "Won't he sweety?" Harvy gulped and fought off a blush. " What about Gar's dad?" Gar held up a talon before she could answer. "I thank your for your considerable kindness in this matter mam but it is not necessary. I will be perfectly fine at home." Mrs. Sellow's eyes narrowed. "But I thought your father was rarely at home sweety? Who will look after you as you recover?" Gar gulped nervously. He couldn't argue.

Not wishing to linger on the subject of his father for much longer, Gar sighed in defeat, giving Mrs. Sellow an understanding nod before giving Ms. Barnwell a pleading look. Smiling in understanding, she patted his shoulder with a talon. "I'll give him a call and explain everything sweety." Gar gave her a greatful smile. She then turned her attention to Mrs. Sellow once more. "Mrs. Sellow? May I give Mr. With your home number in the event he should need to speak with his son?" Mrs. Sellow nodded sweetly. "Of course." With everything settled, Gar let out an exhausted sigh as Harvy helped him up and gently guided him to the awaiting SUV out front. They drove home in silence as the events of the day slowly sunk in. Harvy's mind was racing as she slowly processed the knowledge that Gar would be STAYING at her house for the next two to three DAYS. She gulped nervously and tried desperately to fight off the furious blush such knowledge induced. Come on Harvy, get a grip! She thought to herself angrily. He's INJURED. Get your head out of the damn gutter! She quickly silenced her thoughts as they pulled into the driveway, and swiftly helped Gar into the house.

Gar felt say the least with the two she wolves fussing over him so much. He was not really used to so much social interaction. Harvy helped him to the couch and gently lay him down as her mother approached with a wide smile. "Well then I'll prepare dinner sweety!" Her attention turned to her daughter. "Harvy make sure you keep a close eye on him honey!" Harvy laughed nervously as she sat down next to Gar. An awkward silence fell as she racked her brain for something to talk about. Sighing in defeat she clicked the T.V. on. "Umm...what do you feel like watching Gar?" The avian stared back in confusion. "Um...whatever you decide will be perfectly fine. I do not have a telivision at home..." Harvy's eyes widened in disbelief. "...Really?" Gar shook his head. "" The awkward silence returned and Harvy sighed in annoyance. Gar took notice of her rigid posture and quirked an eyebrow. "Harvy?" She jumped in surprise and met his eyes. "Um...yes?" Gar gestured to her rather stiff posture. "You don't seem very...comfortable." Her eyes widened and she instantly felt embarassed. The last thing she wanted to do was make him think she was nervous about his presence. Well she WAS but she didn't want him to know!

She laughed awkwardly and tried her best to lean back in a 'relaxed' manner. Gar maintained a doubtful expression. He chuckled lightly and sat up some, gently wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer to him. He lay her head against his shoulder and gently wrapped a wing around her. He looked at her with a slight smirk. "There. NOW you should be comfortable." Harvy's heart was beating faster than she thought was possible and her face felt hotter than ten suns. Not really knowing what to do, she spoke nervously. "W-wow...y-you really improved with the w-whole physical contact thing h-huh?" Gar chuckled sweetly. "I had a very skilled teacher." Harvy blushed even HARDER. Wait. Was GAR...FLIRTING...with her? She shook her head. No way! She just HAD to be imagining things. Gar's expression seemed to indicate he saw nothing wrong or out of the ordinary with his actions, so it HAD to just be her. She sighed again. Be it out of relief or disapointment she wasn't brave enough to ponder...

Dinner passed in relative silence, with Mrs. Sellow speaking up every now and then to get all the details of what transpired at school and make sure that Gar was feeling all right. Harvy groaned in embarassment but realized her mother was just very worried, and it warmed her heart to know she cared so deeply for Gar. As Harvy helped her mother clear the table, the older wolf turned toward Gar with a look of quiet contemplation. Noticing this, Harvy spoke up. "What's up mom?" Mrs. Sellow grinned thoughtfully. "Well sweety I was just thinking we really can't expect poor Gar to sleep on the couch tonight, injured as he is..." Harvy's eyes widened in fear. "Umm...what are you saying mom?" The older wolf gave her daughter the 'puppy dog eyes' along with a sweet smile. Harvy shuddered. This couldn't be good. "Harvy, sweety? Would you be so kind as to offer Gar your bed tonight?" Had Harvy been drinking water at that moment it would undoubtedly have been dripping off her mother's muzzle by now.

Her ears pinned back as her face got so hot, she thought it would melt off. "M-MOM! What the HELL?!" Mrs. Sellow stared blankly back at her daughter. "...Honey...sleeping on the couch isn't that bad is it?" Harvy paled as she realized what SHE had so quickly assumed, and laughed nervously. Mrs. Sellow's eyes widened and a lecherous grin spread across her muzzle. "Honey...what exactly did you think mommy was suggesting?" Harvy panicked and fiercely waved her paws before her. "N-nothing! Nothing at all!" The older wolf chuckled but mercifully stopped her teasing. She turned her attention to Gar who shifted rather awkwardly from his position on the couch. "Gar honey? Would that be all right with you?" Gar gulped nervously and Harvy could swear she saw that same phantom blush masked beneath his expression of discomfort. "...That won't be necessary mam. You have been so very kind as it is and I could not impose on you further..." Mrs. Sellow beamed like a child. "Sure you can! By all means, impose!" She nudged Harvy in the shoulder. "Harvy doesn't mind! Do you honey?" Harvy face pawed and let out a groan. "N-no...not at all..." Gar grinned at the older wolf's antics. "I greatly appreciate the offer mam, but the sofa is more than enough comfort. It ranks higher than my own bed."

Mrs. Sellow took on a sympathetic look and Gar winced, but thankfully she dropped the subject and decided to let him be. Harvy sighed in relief as her mother turned to face her. "Harvy honey? Could you fetch Gar some blankets and pillows? After that you need to get ready for bed. You still have school tomorrow." Harvy nodded and headed for the linens closet. She noticed her old blue baby blanket in the pile of sheets and held it to her muzzle, smiling in contentment at the incredible softness. Looking it over she realized it was a very similar shade of blue as Gar's eyes and giggled at the thought. "Harvy! Hurry up hun!" Pulled out of her reverie by her mother's voice, she quickly collected the blankets and returned to Gar. He gave her a warm smile as he accepted them and Harvy gasped as she realized she'd left her baby blanket in the pile. Gar wrapped it around himself and sighed contentedly. Harvy blushed as a small, warm smile spread over her muzzle at the sight. "...Goodnight Gar..." She said quietly. Gar looked up through half closed eyes with a warm smile on his face. "...Goodnight...'Dire Wolf'..." Harvy giggled and gave him one last look before heading off to bed.