This Place called Home

Story by Annoth on SoFurry

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A poem I wrote after my girlfriend broke up with me.

Tonight I sleep alone.

In my bed, at my home.

The air moves with my fan

as it spins above my bed

in a place that i call home.

My body lies on my bed

more silent then my fan

more cold then my bed

in this place that i call home.

Though alone I now lay

it was always not this way

for two once laid upon my bed

in this place that i call home.

Now alone I do lie

on this bed of emptie dreams

in this place that i call home.

As I lay down to sleep

I can only cry and weep

as I paw at that space

In this place that i call home

In a home You'll find warmth

In a home you'll find love

All these things you'll never find

In this place that i call home.

In this place that i call home.