Ace's Story

Story by xcaezarx on SoFurry

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Ace: Male Black wolf

Chissy: Female Black dragon

"Hey, I'm Ace. At this very moment you are inside my head. But don't get comfy or anything. I like my privacy. I only let you in here to tell you my story. THE story. The story of how I met her, and lost her."

It started like any other day. I woke up to my alarm and broke it by hitting it too hard........ again. I picked it up and chucked it out the window of my apartment. Yes, I live in an apartment but its fine. I get it for free by working in my job. What is my job? It's great. I'm part of an organization dedicated to.........less-than-savory deeds. This, needless to say, puts me in some dangerous positions sometimes. Luckily, I have an arsenal in my room. It consisted of every weapon I needed to do my job. My pair of Glock pistols, chest harness for my throwing knives and, of course, my katana. These may not sound like much but I've killed so many people with this combination that I don't remember how many have tasted the edge of my sword or a bullet from my guns. I was abandoned as a child and the leader of this organization took me in. He allowed me to train and eventually join his group. I was put into a position of fairly high power. I commanded most of the grunts in the gang and commanded my own team of assassins, trained by myself, of course. My immediate superior was a beautiful dragoness named Chissy. She had trained me since I was a child and was one of the strongest dragons I've ever met. She was wonderful. While I was trained mostly by furs in the group, I supplemented my training with some of my own, namely books. While reading through one of these, I came across a Japanese warrior, called a samurai. This warrior was strong, brave, wise, and kind. Above all he followed a code, called bushido. This code basically said that he was to defend his lord above all else and fight for honor. I adopted this code as my own as well as the samurai's weapon, the katana. I had to find a person who could serve as my "lord." I chose Chissy, though she didn't know it. I had dedicated myself to protecting her at all costs. I loved her. I loved her passionately and I couldn't tell her. I couldn't tell her because, in one of her lessons, she lectured me on the value of keeping emotions out of combat. "If you feel emotions during a fight, you will lose." I had taken this to heart, and never told her how I felt. I got my clothes and weapons on and walked to my unmarked car. I walked out onto the street. It was dark, for I had a meeting with Chissy at the docks. I got into my unmarked car and drove to the docks. I found a lot of our men unloading a lot of crates from a ship. I looked in one. Guns. A lot of guns. I continued and saluted back to those soldiers that were present and located Chissy. She was on the ship, shouting orders. I loved the way she took command. It was breath taking just to watch her. I stood for a few seconds until she noticed me and I continued to the ship. I walked up to Chissy and stood next to her, just liking the feeling of being so close to her. Regaining my composure I asked,

"So, the plan is beginning then?"

"Yes." she replied simply. As if that was enough she walked off and continued shouting orders. I followed after her.

"When are we starting?" She turned to me.

"Now." I looked at her. She wasn't kidding. She was never kidding. In fact, I had never seen her laugh, ever. Then, she walked over to one of the crates, pulled out a few guns and said to all present, "Let's go."

While I had been in many battles before, this was one of the few times that Chissy was coming with us. This had only happened twice before. She led with precision and expected nothing but perfection in her troops. We were converging on a warehouse that supposedly housed a man that our organization wanted dead. I had summoned my elite assassins and had them spread out around the warehouse to survey it for any guards and sentries. There were none. We proceeded into the building with Chissy and me in the lead. We got in and were immediately met by gun fire. Everyone took cover. A fire-fight ensued and for a few seconds the building was a huge mass of sound, blood and explosions. Then we saw him. The target. I looked to Chissy to let her know, but she had already seen him. The target looked over at her and pulled something off of his vest. He threw it at her.

"Grenade!" I yelled in warning. But it was too late. Chissy had body armor on but the blast still threw her back against the wall behind her. She fell to the ground like a rag doll and stayed there. I was shocked. I stood up, turned my body to face the multitudes of enemies and fired my glocks rapidly into their mass. While firing I made my way to where Chissy was. When I got to her, I radioed my men and told them to hold the enemy off. I looked down at Chissy. She was hurt badly. I had one of my men bring me a medical kit. When it arrived I started to treat her. After about five minuets, she woke up. She looked at me and then at the med kit.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" She said in a soft, but threatening, voice. She got up and started walking towards the nearest lackey. She asked him where the target had gone and he pointed down a hallway. She walked down the hallway and I had no choice but to follow her. As my adopted lord, I had a duty to protect her, even if she didn't want it. I summoned my men and we all continued down the hall. Another grenade came from the end of the hallway. Luckily, it didn't come close to anyone. Chissy took one of her pistols and shot out all the lights in the hall. I quietly ordered NVGs on. We continued through the darkness. The target suddenly got very nervous. He stood and fired with reckless abandon. He advanced down the hall firing as he went. This was not good. Chissy was up front. While she was hidden in the dark by her black scales, there was no way that she could avoid the target for long. Eventually she would be hit with one of his wild shots. I stood in the middle of the hall and fired back at the target. I fired until my clip was empty. It was only after the target had fallen that I realized that I had been shot several times; once in the left leg, in the left side once, and twice in the right shoulder. I fell to the ground, but, while falling, I saw Chissy looking at me. Her expression was one I had never seen on her face before. It was sadness. I will never forget that face.

I blacked out.

I woke up in the room we used for a hospital on one of the beds. Chissy was conversing with the doctor but as soon as I woke up, she came over.

"How are you feeling?" She asked tersely.

"I'm fine. I'm just glad that you're alive." I replied, smiling a little.

"You bastard. Why did you do that? You could have been killed. There was no reason to do that. If you had been killed I........" She stopped, having said too much already.

"I couldn't let you get hurt. I did what I did because I was protecting you." I said. Then I explained my code and that she was, in effect, my lord. She said nothing throughout the entire explanation.

"You still should have stayed out of the line of fire. Even if I were killed, they needed a leader and that was you. You should have stayed in your place and you should have left me when that grenade hit me. Your first objective is to kill the target."

"He died didn't he? That objective was completed, regardless of how it was completed." I was a little angry.

"You should have left me."

"Chissy, this is my home and job. I love it and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Well anything but you. Chissy,...... you." I said, blushing deeply. I had never told anyone about this and now I was telling the one person who should never be told.

"What did I tell you about emotions in battle?"

"Not to have them."

"Good. And knowing this you still allowed your emotions to take hold. Not what I have taught you at all. I am flattered that you feel the need to protect me, but I can look after myself." She paused. "And just so you know, your feelings are returned in kind." Before I could say anything, she left the room. I lied there in the bed thinking about what she had said. It was amazing that she loved me back. She had kept emotion out of battle when I couldn't. She was obviously a much better fighter than I. I got out of the bed, wincing when I set my injured leg on the ground. Walking stiffly I walked out of the room, just in time for a soldier to catch me.

"Sir, the commander would like to have everyone in the Situation room." Then he left, presumably to tell more people to meet in the Sit. room. The situation room was really more of an arena. It served the purpose of gathering everyone in the organization into one place. I headed to the room and looked for Chissy. She had to be here. She was one of the most important people in the organization. I didn't see her so I took my seat. Once everyone was seated, the boss came out and stood in front of those assembled. He said in a loud, commanding voice, "We have reached a new level in chemical warfare. We have developed a serum that makes our soldiers stronger, faster and more agile. We have assembled a few soldiers who volunteered to take the serum. They will now show you what they are capable of." Two soldiers carried a large stone slab into the arena. Then four soldiers filed in and stood in place. Chissy was the last one! I looked at her, not fully recognizing her at first. She was definitely Chissy, but she looked............changed. The first enhanced man threw a simple punch at the slab and it shattered into a million pieces. That slab was at least 200 pounds. And he shattered it like it was glass. Amazing. The others performed a few other feats that no one else in the room could even hope to do. When it was Chissys turn, the commander asked that five soldiers come forth. I stayed seated. When five people assembled he ordered them to attack Chissy. I stood and walked towards the commander.

"May I ask why Chissy is using this serum, why any are using this serum? It goes against everything that nature intended." The commander just looked at me.

"Nature intended for us to better ourselves or else it would not have given us the ability to make the serum. And why the interest in Chissy?" He smiled.

"No reason, sir. She was just the one out there now." I looked towards Chissy who was getting ready to throw one of the soldiers across the stadium.

"Stop." The commander said. Chissy looked over at him and then threw the soldier against the wall, killing him instantly. I stood and watched in horror. The commander stepped out into the arena.

"Chissy stop this immediately."

"If you want to stop me, do it yourself." She said.

"I shouldn't have to. You said that you were in control of yourself enough to take the serum." Chissy seemed to calm down at that. The commander turned and walked away. I ran....well, hobbled, to where Chissy stood.

"Chissy what the hell was that?" Chissy didn't answer. She just stood there and looked at the floor. I hobbled over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She started to move away and then stopped. She looked at me. I could see the pain that killing one of her own men had caused. I pulled her into an embrace. After a time, I let her go and turned to face the other men who were still in the arena.

"You are dismissed." I said. I turned back to Chissy who was walking away. "Chissy. Wait. Let me help you." I yelled. She turned to face me.

"I don't want to hurt you Ace. Please don't come near me until I am myself again."

"But....." I started to protest.

"No Ace. Please. If you ever listen to any order I ever give you, please let it be this one. I would kill anyone that hurt you. If I hurt you, even if it was this serums fault, I would kill myself. Please stay away." With that she walked away. I couldn't help but want to follow her. I chose to stay behind and make sure everyone was out of the arena instead. Once everyone was gone I walked to the boss's office. I kicked opened the door and confronted him.

"What have you done to those soldiers?" I demanded.

"I made them better." He replied simply.

"No, you didn't. They have problems controlling themselves. You had to have noticed that by the way Chissy was acting. Your serum messes with their emotions and feelings as well as their control over their own body."

"You obviously have an infatuation with Chissy, Ace. From the moment you met her, you have watched her. You are concerned not with the other soldiers but with Chissy. Am I correct?" This threw me a little. I had to catch myself before I let anything slip.

"No. It's just that Chissy was the most violent of the enhanced soldiers and she made a good example." I said quickly.

"Very well then Ace. Since you want to make examples, you are to execute Chissy tomorrow. This will show to all the others that want to be enhanced that they still must obey our laws."

"No, sir, please. We can help her without killing her." I did not like where this was going. "Killing her may incite a riot. If we start killing high-ranking officers, then the rest of them may rebel. It would be easier if someone were put in charge of Chissy's health." I paused to let this sink in and then added, "I'll watch her sir. She is my commanding officer and it is only right that someone she knows should watch over her. When she has recovered from the serum I will tell our medical staff and they can run additional tests to see if there are any adverse affects on anyone using the serum." I held my breath, waiting for his reply.

"Very well Ace. You make a compelling argument. You are to watch Chissy for any abnormal behavior. However, you need to work on your lying skills more. It is obvious to all that you are infatuated with Chissy. This could bode well or ill for you, depending on your actions." With that he swiveled his chair around to a window that looked out on the city.

Ace breathed a sigh of relief. He bowed swiftly and left the office. He ran to Chissy's room. She was sitting inside on her bed, her head in her hands. I tapped on the door a few times and waited for her to respond.

"Go away. Whoever you are, go away." She said.

"It's me" I replied. She looked up and saw me then turned away, as if she were ashamed.

"Please Ace, I already asked you to stay away from me."

"That's not something I can do anymore Chissy. First of all, I love you. I love you more than life itself and if loving you gets me killed then so be it. Second I have been ordered by the boss to watch you." I said the second part very carefully so she wouldn't be angry. It didn't work.

"Why do I need to be watched? This is insulting. The boss has no right to have me." she sneered "watched."

"It was my idea actually. I thought that it would give us time together. Also he was talking about killing you as an example. It was all I could do to keep from reaching over the desk and choking him on the spot. I suggested that you be watched as an alternative and he agreed." I watched her for a reaction. She looked at me and stood. Walking to me she embraced me. I was stunned but soon recovered and embraced her. I wanted this moment to last forever. Unfortunately she broke the hug before I had a chance to kiss her.

"Excuse me Ace." She said and then started to take off her cloths. I blushed. "I'll just....." as I started towards the door. "No. Stay here." She said. "You have to watch me remember? Well I might as well give you something to watch." She said and with that she undid her uniform top and let it fall to the ground. I couldn't pull my gaze away but, even if I could, I wouldn't. Her bra followed and then her pants and underwear. She stood in front of me naked. I realized that my member was standing at attention, pushing to get out. I took off my shirt, then my pants and boxers. We climbed into bed together. As I pushed inside her, I felt completely at peace with the world. There was no fighting. No worrying about serums or bureaucratic bullshit. There was only Chissy and me. It was amazing. After we finished she looked me straight in the eyes. I returned her gaze, looking into her eyes as well. We stayed like this for almost a full 30 seconds.

"Ace, what should I do?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"About us. I have taught all my life that emotion in battle is deadly. Now I'm involved with one of my subordinates and I'm scared. If you are injured or killed, I won't be able to leave you. The mission would fail and so would I. I don't think I could take it." She looked at me with a sad expression.

"It's alright. I won't die. Not while you're with me. I am much more worried about you than me. I think that we both have the same problem. Neither of us can die without the other flying out of control. So we both have to promise not to die." I smiled at her and it seemed to lift her spirits a little. She smiled weakly back.

"Good, see? You can smile" I said.

"I agree." She said. And with that we made love again.

Morning came and I got out of bed. I looked at Chissy and smiled. I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. She stirred slowly, rolled over, and fell asleep again. I realized that I would do anything to keep her safe. A knock at the door. I stopped. I shouldn't be here.

"Shit" I said softly. I went over to Chissy and woke her.

"I'm sorry to wake you, love, but there is someone at the door and I can hardly answer it." When I was sure she was awake, I went to her closet and hid myself among the clothes. She walked to the door and opened it. A soldier stood in the doorway. He said something to Chissy but I was too far away to hear what was said. When the soldier left she came to the closet and opened it up. "The commander wants to see you" she said, a little stunned. "How did he know where I was?" He knew that the commander knew about his infatuation with Chissy, but......that wasn't important. He knew and that was how shit happened. Now he had to get out of it or at least make it easier on Chissy. Ace got dressed and kissed Chissy one last time before leaving. He got to the door before Chissy stopped him.

"I'm going with you" she said.

"No. just me. It will be easier if just I go. I can get us out of trouble or at least make it easier on you." She didn't stop getting dressed. "I'm coming with you whether you like it or not. I'm your commanding officer and I am just as much at fault as you. If you go down so do I." She finished dressing and walked to the door. She opened the door and looked back. "Coming?" I walked to the door as well and stepped out into the hall. She stepped out after me and we were both confronted by the barrels of 10 rifles as well as 10 pistols. "The commander wants to see you sir, and ma'am." I looked at Chissy. "Like we have a choice?"

We were marched into the commanders' office. He was your stereotypical bad guy from the movies. Sitting behind a desk, in a leather seat turned towards the window that was behind the desk. He turned towards us and I almost started laughing. Cliché? Yes.

"I assume you both know why you are here?" He asked.

"Well, actually sir, we do not. Please enlighten us." Chissy replied in a patronizing tone. The commander looked at her.

"Very well. You are both here because you are carrying on a relationship in secret, though not very well. Most have been suspecting of your feelings for each other long before you started sleeping in each others rooms." He looked at me pointedly "I am concerned that this may impact your field performance. Therefore, I'm going to have you two separated.

"Sir, please...." I started to say, but he cut me off with a wave of his hand. Four guards moved to contain Chissy, and two to engage me. I drew a pistol and pointed it at the commander. This prompted all the guards to draw their weapons and Chissy to draw hers. She, too, pointed her weapon at the commander. Time stood still for a few seconds and then he said "Well Ace. Are you really going to shoot me?" I laughed.

"Sir, I would kill everyone in this room just to be with her. I love her. If I can't be with her, that's exactly what's going to happen. You and I both know I can do it too."

He looked to Chissy.

"Do you feel the same?" He asked Chissy. Chissy looked at me for a second with the same look I had for her.

"I do"

"Then I have no choice" The commander said. He snapped his fingers and 10 more men came through the door. "That's where your wrong sir. You did have a choice, but not any more." I turned, drawing my other pistol and opened fire. I continued turning and took out both of the guards next to me with a bullet to the head each. I looked over at Chissy, who was currently trying to rip the head of one of her guards off with her bare hands. She succeeded with a resounding, ripping sound. She picked up her gun, and started to fire at the remaining guards that had rushed through the door. In just a few seconds of action, 16 guards had been killed. This was what we were trained for. We both turned in unison towards the commander but he was gone. Suddenly we heard over the loudspeaker,

"This is you boss speaking. Effective immediately, if you see Capitan Ace or Commander Chissy, you are to shoot them on site. They are both very dangerous and I would advise extreme caution and suggest that you travel in groups until they are apprehended." We looked at each other.

"Well, I guess were famous now too." I said and smiled. She smiled back and I knew that I would give anything to see that smile again, outside of this complex. I looked towards the door, and saw 10 more guards. No problem. Chissy and I both opened up on them as they came through the door. They fell in piles.

"We should find a better place to be than right in the middle of the base." She said.

"I'll follow you anywhere, love." I said back.

"Not now Ace. We have to leave." She said sternly, but I could see a slight smile on her face.

"Sorry, I can't help it." I smiled broadly.

"Well, shall we?" I bowed and gestured to the door. She hoisted her gun up, gung-ho-style.

"Lets." we both walked through the door and broke in opposite directions covering both sides while we continued towards the nearest exit. It was tedious work. We didn't want to kill any of our comrades but we would if we had too. We mostly avoided all the groups of people running around trying to find us. Our dark colors covered us rather well in the shadows. We got to the exit and were about to leave, when a large unit of 30 to 40 men appeared out of nowhere.

"Not good." I whispered to Chissy. "Take cover." We dove for the nearest shadowed area. The guards moved into position right in front of the door we were going to use. My hand moved to cover hers. I looked at her and kissed her. "This is it, my dear." Without waiting for a response, I jumped up with both guns blazing taking out 10 men before going empty. I threw the guns away and drew my throwing knives. Killing 5 more. Shots flew everywhere around me, but missed. I drew my katana. I sliced through 5 more before Chissy joined the fight. She took out another 10 men. There were only a few left. I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my right leg. I looked down at a not-quite-dead soldier and saw the knife in his hand. It was buried deep into my calf, blood pouring out of it and onto the floor. I screamed in pain. Chissy came over, pulled the guard up onto his feet and punched him square in the jaw. His jaw broke, and he flew into the nearest wall with so much force that he actually left a print where he hit. She then reached down and yanked the knife out. She dispatched the few men that were left and then carried me out of the base. We landed near a cave with a nice hot spring. She helped me strip off my bloody cloths and helped me into the spring. I let out a gasp of pain as my leg entered the spring.

"Fuck, that hurts." I said between short breaths.

"At least we both got out alive." Chissy said. "I don't know where we can go now, though."

"We can go to my apartment."

"No. That's the first place they'll look."

"Then I think I need to find some old friends." I said smiling. As a kid, in addition to being adopted by my ex-boss, I also spent some time on the streets. There, I had made some acquaintances that could help me later, if I needed it. I needed it. We took a cab to a street corner about 10 blocks from my apartment, close enough that we could go there if we need to, but far enough away to avoid any furs we didn't want to see. I stood at the corner for a little bit and saw a car pull up. A fox got out. He was wearing black sunglasses, a white t-shirt, and blue jeans. He motioned us over into an ally. We followed, hands on weapons.

"Well, well, well. Ace, how've ya been? Haven't seen you in a long time." Said the fox.

"Ha. Could say the same for you, Jack. How's the business?"

"Goin' good, Ace. Could have used you in it though. But tell me; word on the street is that you're out of a job. Is that why you called me?"

"Not this time Jack, though I may take you up on that offer some day. What I need is a bit of a favor."

"Anything for an old friend. What'cha need?"

"Weapons, ammo, armor.......the works."

"You takin' on the military or somthin'?"

"No. That bastard who took me in. He's fucked with me one too many times and now he's going to pay for it." I suddenly realized that Chissy was standing behind me. "Oh, Jack, this is Chissy. She..........offered to help me."

"Shit, no kidding. She looks like she could take out quite a few guys. She's pretty hot too, Ace. You got yourself a good deal here." He smirked a little "So how many have you killed, dear? A few dozen?"

Chissy glared at him. "Try a few hundred. And if you call me 'dear' again, you'll be added to that list."

Jack recoiled away from Chissy. "Ace, you can certainly pick'm. Remind me not to piss off your girl here."

"She's not my girl, Jack. She's an ally."

"Whatever. Anyway, come by the shop later today around 10:00 pm. I should have some things you might like." He looked at Chissy and bowed. "Until next time." And with that he walked quickly back to his car.

"I don't like him, Ace. He's too annoying."

I laughed. "Don't worry, love. We only need to go see him once more. And he has that effect on everyone. Come on. I'm hungry. Let's go get some lunch." We walked to a café down the street and ordered two cups of black coffee and a medium pizza to split between us. I looked at her. I couldn't let her die. No matter what. I went back to eating pizza. When we had finished eating and paid the bill, we went to a hotel near by and booked a room for a day. We paid in cash. It was harder to track where we were if we used cash, instead of credit cards or checks. We crashed in the small, one-bed hotel room, and laid there for about a half an hour. I took her hand into mine and kissed it. She looked over at me. I stared back at her. I drew her into an embrace, and she followed. I started to unbutton her jacket.

She stood up before I finished "I need to take a shower, Ace. You're welcome to join me."

I smiled, "Alright." and started to get undressed. I stripped off my shirt and pants. I walked into the small bathroom and turned on the shower, letting it warm up. I walked back out and helped Chissy with her cloths. I took off my boxers, showing my member peaking out of its sheath. We walked into the shower together. The warm water washed over both of us, cleaning off the dried blood and grime that had gathered on us. The shower was small, and we were forced to touch constantly, not that I minded. I started to massage her back. She moaned a little, and I got some of the hotel-supplied body soap and put it on her. I continued massaging her. She moaned a little more. I worked my way down her back until I reached her tail. Lifting it, I inserted my finger into her tail hole slowly. She murred. The soap made a good lubricant and my finger penetrated her easily. She murred louder. I poured some soap over my now-hard member and inserted myself into her tail hole. She moaned loudly. I pulled out of her. Poured more soap on my member, and inserted into her again, this time in between her folds. She murred and moaned louder. I reached around and started to play with her breasts. I felt myself getting closer to a climax. I started to thrust harder into her. She moaned so loudly that I thought the entire hotel must have heard it. I came into her, letting all my seed into her folds. We both collapsed on the small showers floor, with her on top of me. We cuddled there for a long time, letting the water continue to run. Finally she got up and turned it off. She walked out of the shower and into our room. She dried herself off with one of the towels. I followed and grabbed another towel and started to dry off. When we finished, we lied on the bed, snuggling close together. I wished the world could stay like this forever; that it wouldn't end. We fell asleep in each others arms. I woke up around 9:30. Chissy wasn't there. I figured she had just gone out for food or something. I remembered that we were supposed to meet Jack in half an hour. It took 20 minuets just to get to the shop.

"She won't mind if I get the stuff." I said, thinking out loud. I took another taxi to the pawn shop that fronted Jacks real operations. I walked in and saw Jack at the counter.

"Ahhh, right this way, Ace." Jack motioned towards a back room. I followed him. Inside was every weapon imaginable. Jack handed Ace an envelope.

"It contains a fake ID, and credentials. It should be of some use. This room holds all the stuff I was able to get you." He motioned towards yet another room with the door closed. I walked towards it and opened it. I was shocked. It was Chissy. Bound, gagged and bloodied. I turned back to Jack to ask him what the fuck was going on, but all I could see was the barrel of a .50 cal. Desert Eagle.

"I spend way too much fucking time at the wrong end of a gun." I said out loud. "Jack. What the fuck are you doing? Why is Chissy here? If you've hurt her, I'll kill you myself."

Jack started to laugh. "He was right. It is obvious that you love her. A major weakness is love, Ace. She taught you that, and so did living on the streets. You chose to ignore both, and now you're paying the price."

"You damn mother fucker. I'll kill you." I growled. I dove forward and grabbed the barrel of his gun. Twisting it away from me as well as Chissy. He fired but it impacted harmlessly against the wall. He fired again, with the same result. I continued to twist the gun and his hand. He let go and I turned the gun on him.

"So, now what, Jack? Old friend? Business can't be going too good for you if you went to the boss. Well? Don't bother trying to make excuses. Your sentence has already been decided. It's just a matter of whether your death is slow and painful or quick. It's your choice. Where is the boss? How did he know where we were? And how the fuck did you capture Chissy?"

"That's quite a few questions, Ace. I'll answer them one at a time if you don't mind. First, I don't know where the boss is. Second, Chissy left her guard down when she walked out the door of the hotel. It was simple to hit her in the back of the head and knock her out." At this point my blood was boiling and I pistol whipped the bastard in the jaw. He blacked out for about 5 seconds and then woke back up.

"Sorry about that, Jack. Just got caught up in the moment." I smiled.

"Fuck you." He screamed.

"Such language, Jack. You won't live very long talking like that." I moved the DE closer to his face. "Please, continue."

"I don't know how he knew you were here, now let me go. You said." This was sickening.

"No. I said I'd decided your sentence already. You've earned yourself a quick death. Good bye, Jack. Tell the Devil Ace sent you." I pulled the slide back and fired one shot right between his eyes. He died instantly. I ran over to Chissy. She was injured but alive. I unbound and ungagged her. She collapsed into my lap. I started to pet her head, waiting for her to come to. She woke up.

"Wh....Wh...What ha.....happened?"

"You were attacked, love. But it's ok now. I found you and your safe. I won't let you out of my sight again." I kissed her forehead. She began to stand up, but apparently was still a little light headed still from the blow. She started to fall, but I caught her before she hit the ground. "Careful. We should go back to the hotel. They know where we are, but it's the closest place available at the moment. Maybe they'll think that I'd take you back to my apartment. But first....."

I looked around the room. The weapons were everywhere and I no longer had to pay for them. I grabbed 4 duffle bags that were lying around and started to fill them. One with ammo for the weapons we already had. One with a few extra pistols and Uzis. One with ammo for those, and the last one was filled with an RPG launcher, an armful of extra rockets and some C-4. I gathered up all 4 bags and handed two to Chissy. I looped the other two over my head and around my shoulder so that I could support Chissy as she walked.

We made it back to the hotel without incident. I took the bags from Chissy and laid them on the ground and then laid Chissy on the bed. I took off her shirt, which was soaked in blood. I would burn it later. I took a fresh shirt out of our few belongings and put it on the bed next to her. Then, I went out on our small balcony with the bags and started loading all the magazines and guns, prepping everything to use at a moments notice. Chissy came out about half way through this process.

"Anything I can do, Ace?" She asked, sitting on my lap. I smiled, thinking of how I wanted to answer that question. "Not at the moment, but maybe when I'm done...." I grinned at her and kissed her. She took the Uzi I was loading out of my hand and laid it on the ground. "There's plenty of time for that later." Then, she pulled me back inside. I was hardly going to resist her. She was beautiful and I loved her. I would do whatever she wanted and more. She stood me with my back to the bed and pushed me lightly onto it. I fell back with her on top of me. We kissed. She hadn't put on the shirt that I had given her yet, so I undid her bra, letting her breasts fall out and onto my chest. She pulled my shirt off and then started to unbutton my pants. I watched her and couldn't help but think that I would never get tired of making love to her. She pulled my hard member out and started to suck on it. I murred as pleasure rushed through me. She started moving her head up and down. I moaned louder and put my hand on her head. She licked up and down my member, then sucked on the tip. She repeated this motion a few times.

"I'" I managed to gasp out. She just went faster. I moaned as I shot my seed into her maw. She took every drop of it in and then lay next to me. I unbuttoned her pants and pulled them off her. She looked beautiful, lying next to me naked. I cupped her breasts. She murred softly and started sucking on my ear. I took my member and placed it at the entrance to her folds. I pushed inside. She moaned louder and I thrust inside again. She grabbed hold of me at the shoulders and I rolled on top of her. I continued thrusting into her. She murred loudly. I came into her and then left my member in her for a little bit, lying on top of her.

"I want to cover you like this always, love, to protect you. No one will get to you unless they go through me first."

"I know, Ace. But, if you think I'll play your little defenseless woman, you're dead wrong. I will be fighting right beside you. Neither of us can die, remember?"

"Yes. Unfortunately, to stay alive, we must kill our former employer." I got my cloths back on, and walked out and continued loading the guns. Chissy sat beside me and helped. We worked until every gun was set and ready for use. Every C-4 pack was primed and ready. Chissy picked up 2 Uzis with straps and slung them around her shoulder. She took 10 extra clips and thrust them into her belt, and started loading a bag with all the C-4, extra rockets, and the launcher. When she finished she slung that bag over her shoulder too. I took 2 extra pistols as well as my normal glocks and placed them on my belt in easy-to-reach positions. I placed 15 extra clips on my chest harness and then stuck my throwing daggers into it. My katana was strapped to the back of the harness. We were set.

We walked out of our room. We pushed the button on the elevator for down. When the doors opened there were 4 furs standing. They took one look at us, and ran off the elevator. We looked at each other and smiled. We got on and pushed the button for the lobby. I pulled out a 100 dollar bill from my pocket and got ready to get off the elevator. We hit the lobby level and walked calmly out the front door. I handed a stunned clerk the hundred.

"That should cover our expenses." We walked out of the hotel. We were about to hail a taxi when we noticed that there was no one around. I drew my pistols and stood back to back with Chissy, who had both Uzis ready. They poured out from every building around. We fired and took most of them out immediately. The rest went down soon after. "That was too easy." I said. I had spoken too soon. A tank, yes, a fucking tank, came around the corner. I looked at Chissy. "RPG." We both said at the same time. She pulled the launcher out and I loaded it. She took aim and fired. The tank blew up in a fiery explosion that would have any pyro pissing himself. Another 2 tanks followed the first. I loaded another rocket into the RPG and Chissy fired. Another tank went up in flames but the third got a shot off. It impacted against the hotel wall, causing rubble and debris to fall on both me and Chissy. We were trapped under the rubble. Chissy managed to load one more rocket and destroyed the last tank with a well aimed shot.

"Now what?" I asked. As if in answer, a limo came around the corner. I could guess who was inside. I was right. Boss stepped out of the limo and looked at us. He started to laugh.

"Well, look at what we have here. Two traitors stuck under some rubble. Very interesting. Do you know what happens to traitors? They get killed. The real question is who to kill first."

"Me." Chissy said. "Kill me first. I was the reason Ace went rogue. I forced him into it."

"Chissy..." I started

"Shut up, Ace. C'mon kill me first." The boss looked at both of us.

"How cute. Sacrificing yourself. But I know that Ace went with you of his own free will. You will both die. There is no use trying to save the other."

"Go fuck yourself, ass wipe." I spat out. I struggled against the rubble in vain.

"That's right. Wear yourself out. It will make it all the easier to kill you." I could barely move, except for my hand under the rubble. I moved it over the C-4 bag and took out one of the bricks. I waited for my chance.

"If you're so good, then get me out of this shit and fight like a man, instead of a bitch, hiding behind all your men."

"WHAT? Ace, you have just signed your death warrant." He motioned to 4 large, muscular wolves to dig me out. I drew a throwing knife out of its sheath with my free hand under the rubble, letting the C-4 stay where it was for now. I was hauled out of the rubble rather roughly and stood on my feet, where I proceeded to slit one of the wolfs throats and stab another in the chest. The third took a knife to the back of the skull and the last was fully decapitated. It bears mentioning at this point that my knives are rather unique. They are made of very, very strong steel. It can gouge out stone or concrete. I remembered this little fact as I looked at the boss.

"Now you stay here like a good boy. I've got a present for you." I drew two more knifes and drove one into each of his foot paws. They pierced his paws and went right through to the concrete, pinning him where he was. He screamed in pain. I reached into the spot where I was buried and grabbed the C-4. I walked over to the boss.

"Shut up, mother fucker." And shoved the C-4 into his mouth and set the timer. I looked back at Chissy, who was struggling to get free.

"Chissy, I love you. I know I promised not to die, but I have to, in order to protect you. Good bye, my love." I slammed the bosses mouth shut with my paws and held it there. I counted down the timer aloud.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2" I was shoved aside and covered bodily by none other than Chissy.

"No." I sobbed. 1. A loud explosion and both of us were blown across the street. I was stunned and bruised, but alive. I rushed over to Chissy.

"Chissy, wake up. We did it. We won." She opened her eyes slowly.

"Good." She coughed. Blood came out. "Now I want you to go and never look back. Find yourself a woman that doesn't go into combat. One that is easier to protect than me. Forget that you ever met me."

"That is not something I can do. You are the only one I will ever love. We promised not to die. You're breaking that promise." A tear fell from my cheek and landed on the sidewalk.

"And about 10 seconds ago, you were willing to do the same thing for me. I love you too. It's not fair that you get to make all the sacrifices. I did this and I am glad. Go take over that bastards place in the organization. They need a strong leader."

"Then you had better heal quickly, because I will not make it if you die here."

She smiled. "Ace. You are a good fighter. You can lead, with or without me. Good bye." And with that she died. The only one I had ever loved or ever would love. She was gone. I wept openly next to her body. I took her head into my arms and kissed her forehead. Why? Why couldn't it have been me instead?

Epilogue: Ace was killed a few months later, in a fire fight with the police. They had come to his apartment after finding that he had too many illegal weapons (go figure). They had to call in 5 S.W.A.T. teams and the national guard before he went down. He suffered dozens of wounds from bullets and shrapnel. When the S.W.A.T members had finally taken him down and surrounded his body, Ace reportedly said one word......
