I Love You...

Story by DarkWolfie on SoFurry

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The moonlight looked so pretty the night that we met. As the waves crashed against the lonely shores, I sat there in the sand while tears fell down my face. Then you walked into my life, and changed me.

You were so beautiful the way you walked, with a certain feminine grace, I almost couldn't tell that you were male. Your long black head fur blew in the ocean air, and glistened under the pale blue moonlight. The night was so perfect; you came into my life and took all my pain away.

The ocean shimmered under the moonlight, and I could see whales off in the distance, only noticeable by the spouts of water. The stars glittered in the velvet sky, as you walked beneath them. I glanced over to you, as you stood on the shore gazing upon the beauty of the moonlit ocean. I tried not to let you see me, but I sniffled and you turned to me. There must have been a glimmer on the fur of my cheeks, or how else could you have known that I was crying. You walked over to me and sat down next to me, I could tell you knew I was crying. I didn't want to say anything, for I did not know why you would want to sit next to a weirdo like me. I cried silently and turned away from you and wiped my eyes, and you said, "It's such a nice night out, and the ocean is beautiful." Then your gaze went from looking out upon the ocean to me. And you went on by saying, "What's wrong, wolf?" you said it with a cute smile, which made my heart melt inside. I wanted to kiss you right there and then. But I couldn't.

I shook my head and said, "Nothing." Then I sniffled and wiped my eyes. You smiled again as you said, "That's a total lie, believe me I know when someone's lying." You let out a light laugh and took my paw, and my eyes went wide. Then you said, "Let me introduce myself, the name's Alex. What might yours be, cute wolf?" Then I said timidly, "D-David."

I became nervous so I pulled my paw from yours. I tried to get up but something inside me wouldn't let me. Something told me to stay, so I did. I wiped my eyes, and said, "Nothing is wrong, I just can't stand my life right now. I would tell you but I don't want to bore you."

Then you giggled, and said with a smile, as you gently held my paw again, "I won't mind, come on tell me."

Then I smiled, and looked into your raccoon eyes, as they shimmered under the moonlight, and said, "Well... my boyfriend just dumped me. We only went out for a few weeks, but he made me believe he loved me, fucking bastard. And if that wasn't bad enough my parents just found out I was gay, they found a note that my ex gave me when we first started going out. They are extreme right wing Christians, which is everything I stand against; I'm a total left wing atheist. And now they hate me, they didn't kick me out though, I ran away. I doubt they miss me." then I pulled my legs to my chest and dug my toes into the sand and rested my head on my knees. "Goddamn it. I hate this world." Then tears welled up in my eyes and I wiped them again, and you took me in your arms and held me for a few moments, then you I looked up to your beautiful face, and said, "Wow, I've never opened up to anybody like that before."

Then you smiled and kissed me lightly on the lips. And I blushed and turned away, to gaze out upon the ocean. I couldn't believe this was happening. I had a cute guy with me, on the night of the worst day of my life, and I had just barely met you. And I knew I loved you. Then I blushed and said, "Can I please stay the night with you? I can't go home. If I did go home, I'd just get yelled at and force fed religious nonsense." Then you smiled and my heart nearly skipped a beat. And you said after kissing me again, "Yes, I have an apartment not to far from here."

You were 19 and I was 18. We fell in love, I moved in with you, and I finished high school. We were so happy together. I painted pictures of you, and wrote poetry for you. We did everything together. We went to punk shows, and went to the theatre. Then one day you were ripped away from me.

We were walking down the street one night after being together for a few years; we were both in college. We were coming home from seeing a movie, and all of a sudden a fur walked up to us. After pushing us into a dark alley he pulled a gun on us and demanded our money. Then you, being the brave lion that you were, jumped on him, trying to be the hero. Then it happened, the one moment that would haunt my dreams forever. You were shot and you fell to the pavement. Then the bastard ran, after he said, "Your boyfriend shouldn't have tried to play the hero." He snickered and ran off into the shadows of the darkened alleyway.

Then I ran to your side, and began to weep over your body. I held you in my arms. I watched as your life slipped away. I kissed you one last time, and then you whispered through the pain of dying, "I love you, David." Then you closed your beautiful eyes and you slipped beyond my reach. I held you close to my body, and rocked you back and forth as I wept saying, "I love you... Alex." I could say no more, for it hurt too much. You were gone.

Two weeks later there was the funeral. After everyone was gone, I walked up to your casket that was already lowered into the ground, but not buried yet. I dropped a rose down onto it; you loved roses. Then my eyes began to burn as tears began to flow. A single tear dripped from my eyelashes and fell onto your casket. I began to weep more as I thought of what I held in my hands, it was a piece of paper. A sketch. The first sketch I ever drew of you. You were sitting on the couch just smiling at me. As I held my hand over your grave, I whispered, "I love you." and dropped the paper to the lonely whole that held your beautiful soul. And I wept. I could no longer stay there, for it hurt far too much, so I turned my back to your grave. Your words echoing in my ears, "I love you, David." Those were the last words you said to me, before you...died.

The cold autumn wind blew on my face, ruffling my fur, and chilling the tears on my cheeks. Leaves were falling all around me, like orange and golden rain. The sun shined through the trees, shinning red and orange threw the leaves. Your favorite season was autumn; you loved the warmth of the autumn leaves. And you loved winter; you loved the beautiful death of the trees, and the way the sun shined threw the gray clouds, and the way I looked in the rain.

Then I ran from the cemetery, I couldn't stay any longer; it just reminded me of you. We used to hangout in cemeteries. I wanted you back so badly, but nothing I could do could ever bring you back, you were gone. And I was alone. I stood against the wind and closed my eyes and breathed in the cold air. And I told myself to be strong and not give in to the pain; you would want me to be strong. So I walked away, you would want me to move on. I whispered again, "I love you, Alex." And I walked on. With your last words still ringing in my ears. "I love you, David."