Chapter 10: United we stand.

Story by rocko wallaby on SoFurry

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#10 of New Worlds Part 2: The Gryphon Complex

When a gryphon gets transported to the human realm, things don't always go to plan.

Especially when you're "lucky" enough to have it dumped in your lap.

Who said life was meant to be easy?

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

THE GRYPHON COMPLEX. Chapter 10: United we stand .

Pushing past the gaping form of his father, who had fixated dazedly on the two aliens, K rolled his eyes as he opened the side entry, and indicated for the gryphon and Krynn to climb aboard, before settling into the passenger's seat. While the vehicle suspension initially sagged heavily as Mykos squeezed through the opening, it levelled out as he squatted low on his haunches in the van cargo area, gripping the side rails for stability.

K's father continued to stand at the side door staring wide eyed at the pair, until the impatient Krynn reached out, grabbed his shirt and dragged him into the rear compartment with them.

With the designated driver otherwise out of it, I shrugged and jumped into the front seat, keyed the ignition and took off down the darkened road using the night vision in my helmet visor instead of the headlights to find my way. After pulling on to the main highway, I looked behind in the mirror, seeing the lights from several aircraft converging on the park behind, drawn towards the flaming wreckage. Lucky escape, I thought grimly, gunning the engine further and sending a cloud of dust behind us.

I turned briefly towards K, who had his eyes fixed on the road in front, and asked "Where we headed?"

He shrugged, looking at me with haunted eyes, before turning to the rear compartment and calling out "Dad! Where we going?"

I glanced into the rear view mirror, seeing K's father perched next to the Krynn on the rear bench seat, asking questions of him in a low voice. Tass, forever the optimist, was replying animatedly, and responded to K's question with a grin towards the front. Tony leaned forward, gripping the cargo barrier to steady himself as the van bounced down the road, and looked at his son briefly.

"Well, I had thought to go to the hotel where your mother and I are staying, but that's pretty much out of the question now, isn't it. So, what do we do?"

He pondered briefly, before making a decision.

"Fuck it, this actually is as important as you said. We need to get to the UN headquarters in Central, without attracting the military muscle to our position. Your friend here has given me a brief rundown of the situation. Head downtown, past the University. The UN office is approximately 3 blocks further; you know where it is. I have to say, Kay, you've done the right thing this time. Don't see how it could have been handled any differently, although I would have appreciated your advising me of the situation in the first place."

K turned to his father, with a blank expression. "And you would have done what, exactly? Drag Pyre into custody "for his own protection?" At least this way, he had a chance of making it home. I remember quite clearly who had the "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality when we left. I have the scar across my guts to prove it"

An angry expression crossed Tony's face for a moment, before leaving it simply tired.

"I don't know, Kay. Let's hope they're smart enough to have taken him alive, at least"

I lurched slightly, the vehicle twitching under my hands before regaining control.

Tony stared at me "So, what's your part in this, David? Just going on for the ride as usual?"

I made to reply angrily, but caught the Krynn's warning glance from behind him, a slight shake of the head telling me to keep my side of this private for the moment.

"Think what you want, sir. I'm well past caring about that. I have a job to do here, and plan on doing it, with or without your help."

He looked at me silently for a moment, before turning back to the Krynn, and continuing his earlier conversation, the gryphon interjecting his own muted comments as they spoke.

We hit Interstate 101, and I merged into the centre lane, the traffic almost nonexistent this early in the morning. After a few kilometres, I glanced at K, seeing him still moodily gazing out the window with an elbow on the sill, and his chin cupped in his palm.

I reached over to him, gripping his arm for a minute, and he looked at me briefly. I whispered "You OK?" and he nodded slightly, before returning to his reflection of the view outside.

We continued on silently, listening to the murmur of voices from the back of the van, and it took less than an hour to reach downtown, the silent buildings of the university passing by as we made our way to the governmental sector of the city. I'd wondered why K's dad hadn't called ahead. Given his link to K, they might have tapped his phone. Perhaps that was the reason they found us initially, I thought, the grim spectre of the earlier incident running through my head. I don't know if I was more surprised at the casual disregard I had for the dead in the helicopter, but given they were hell bent on killing us in return, my sympathy level was pretty low. Personally, I was just glad we made it out of there in one piece, ignoring the few chunks the gryphon had left behind him.

I'd also honestly thought we'd be intercepted before we reached the UN office, and was more than relieved to pull up before the entry to the underground car park beneath it. Even this early the security gate was manned, and I spent a tense few moments exchanging eye contact with the weaponed guard, before Tony slipped his head through the partially opened van door and spoke to him hurriedly. After a few moments, the guard saluted and we were waved through.

Pulling up into a car park a few spaces down from the main office lift, I breathed a huge sigh, receiving a grin from both K and the Krynn, who pressed against the cargo barrier mesh and chuckled at my relief.

Tony left the van, walking around to K's window, which he wound down hurriedly. Leaning forward, he said "OK, I need to go upstairs and set this up before we go any further. I need you lot to stay here, and keep under cover, until I get back with some assistance. Do NOT leave the vehicle. This is a high security facility, and you're as like to get shot here as outside. I expect to be no more than twenty minutes; any longer, and you call me before doing anything, OK?"

K agreed, and after looking back at the Krynn, who nodded vigorously, I gave his dad a stare, inclining my head in return. He breathed heavily, before putting a hand on his son's shoulder, who looked surprised at the gesture. Turning away, he made his way to the lift, using his access card to call down the elevator, which took him into the building above.

I slid the mesh barrier behind the front seats to one side, and clambered over the centre console into the rear compartment, joining the Krynn and gryphon. Mykos looked obviously uncomfortable, squeezed into the too small space, but despite the long period without being able to stretch his wings, he bore the situation stoically.

Sitting besides the Krynn, I said "So?"

He returned my stare, before taking another sip from his water bottle.

"I think K was wise to have us contact him. I believe he will help us, although he clearly has an agenda of his own in mind. If I had to guess, I would say he plans on using this as a boost for his own promotion to higher office."

A snort from the front showed K, who'd obviously been listening in, thought the same.

The Krynn continued "Regardless, he seems to have the contacts we need. We have to trust him."

When I took a glance at him, he shrugged and chuckled quietly "Not that we have much of an option now, do we?" and Mykos nodded in agreement.

I sighed, leaning my head back against the cold steel chassis of the vehicle, and recalling my experiences with the man. Personally, I didn't have much in the way of flattering feelings towards him. It always seemed he wanted something from those around him, and when K failed to deliver on his expectations, treated him with obvious disappointment.

As I said, a bit of a douche.

But the Krynn was right. We had no choice. Douche or not, we had to trust him.


It was a half hour before K's dad returned to the vehicle. However, he didn't come alone. When we heard the chime of the lift doors, I peered through the side window to see a squad of eight heavily armed soldiers leave the lift with him, along with several other individuals in suits.


Telling the Krynn and gryphon to keep silent, I slipped out the partially opened side door to join with K, who had left his spot in the front to stand beside me. Tony and the suits took up a position several meters in front of us, with the soldiers forming a loose semi circle behind them. Giving him an angry stare, I said "So what's the deal? What's with the troops?"

He gave me a dismissive stare in return, and I began to simmer. Fuck him. Same arrogant arsehole.

So, I strode forward taking up a position before him, the troops tensing behind. Reaching into my top pocket, I removed the documents the Quorum had given us, shoving them into his startled face.

"Do you see these? These state I am an authorised representative of the Alliance Assembly, duly recognised by their Quorum, and acting diplomat for their council. So, I'm asking you again, on behalf of the Quorum, what's with the weapons?"

Tony looked at me coldly, and I saw the soldiers tense, one gasping and lifting his weapon slightly, as I felt a soft paw grasp my shoulder. I turned to see the Krynn had left the vehicle, and stood behind me, giving a reassuring smile.

"I think he asked you a question, Sir" he directed at K's father, whose eyes tightened further, before gesturing to the soldiers. "Stand down. NOW!" he ordered, and they hesitated, before returning to a watchful stance.

Which lasted all of two seconds, when they all took an involuntary step backwards, several letting our veiled oaths. I heard the creaking of the vehicle behind, and looked around to see the gryphon clambering through the doorway, cursing at the tight fit. Taking one look at the tense soldiers before him, I heard him mutter "bloody amateurs", before he took up a position behind us, glaring at the humans before him.

In a deep, grumbling voice, he said "I think you were given an order, gentlemen. I'd suggest you comply, NOW!" as he spread his wings over us threateningly. The human soldiers immediately lowered the weapons they'd brought up and resumed attention, although they couldn't take their eyes off the hovering monster before them.

I sighed, rubbing my face with a dirty hand, and said "Alright. Let's start again. What's the plan?"

K's father looked back at me, before pointing upstairs. "There are some people who want to talk to you" he said, regaining his calm. "They should arrive within the hour. However, it seems your military friends by the lake have also found us, and are positioned outside, demanding your immediate surrender. Apparently, they're not very happy that you shot down one of their aircraft"

Mykos let out a deep, rumbling growl, which echoed through the concrete car park, causing not a few of the humans to flinch. "You mean the aircraft that opened fire on us without provocation?" he said, before tapping the video feed mounted on his shoulder. "I think I can clear up the entire "who shot who first" thing without too much of a problem".

Tony nodded, before continuing. "At least they have now identified themselves as special forces agents, which is more than we knew before. They can ask all they like. This is inviolate ground. If they step one foot into the building, they know what will happen to them. These soldiers with me are for your protection, not mine."

The gryphon shifted position slightly. "We appreciate the offer, even if it is somewhat unnecessary. It was only one little helicopter, after all"

A quirk of a smile crossed Tony's lips, before he regained his composure "They've brought a few more men with them this time. All of them, in fact. I think you scared them a wee bit earlier tonight".

He paused, before pointing to the lift. "Gentlemen, let's go somewhere a bit more comfortable." and he strode towards the lift, motioning for the soldiers to fall back and let us pass. Walking by the tense, armed human guards, we crowded into the large goods lift, which suddenly felt quite small with the gryphon inside. Pressed back against his feathered chest, I looked up at his face, to see him grin broadly, before he leaned down and whispered in my ear "Are we having fun yet?"

I gave a silent laugh, reaching up to pat his neck gently. "Not as much as you, crazy bird!" and he chortled to himself in a gruff laugh, the vibrations running through my back.

As the lift opened on the seventeenth floor, we emerged into a vacant hallway, leading to a huge set of gilded timber doors which were opened on our arrival. Motioning us through, we found ourselves in the main assembly area for the UN Assembly, tiers of seats lining the wall around us. The main podium sat before a huge wall hanging depicting the United Nations charter, blue and white fabric draped across the entire rear wall of the room.

Motioning for us to take a seat in front of the podium, K and I did so with a sigh, exhausted from the day's events. The gryphon settled next to us, exchanging friendly banter with K, while Tass used the time to investigate the display cases lining the walls, oblivious to the nervous eyes of the watching guards.

I hadn't realised my eyes had shut, until I woke with a start as I was asked if I wanted anything to eat. Opening them with a snap, I took in the young soldier, who was trying without success to ignore the huge gryphon squatting nearby. Deciding on just water, as my stomach was pretty unsettled, it took three attempts before he wrote it down with a nervous hand. However, he froze, unwilling to approach K and Mykos. Sighing, I stood up and said to him in a whisper "He doesn't bite. Honest" and used a hand on his elbow to guide him to the pair, where he stood staring up at Mykos, speechless.

Mykos raised an eyebrow towards me, before bending down, beak closing on the quivering guard, to say "I'll have a ham and cheese sandwich, thanks. Toasted, preferably. Better make it two. And a coffee. A REALLY big coffee! Oh, and bring the Krynn some, too. Hmm. Got anything sweet?"

The guard shook his head swiftly, before quickly dropping his eyes to his pad, and noting the order. Once finished, he sped off to the exit, glancing back repeatedly and nearly collecting the door frame on the way out.

Mykos chucked deeply, as K turned to the gryphon and said "Awww, the big bad gryphon wants a toastie!", and the three of us burst into loud laughter.

It wasn't long before the order arrived, with the platter piled high with toasted sandwiches. Mykos grunted in pleasure, stomach rumbling as he snagged one which he shoved in his beak, munching contentedly. The gryphon's coffee was brought out in pint sized beer glasses, which made me giggle, but Mykos happily grabbed one in a huge claw, tilting his head back to drain the entire mug contentedly. The Krynn ambassador, having concluded his exploratory of the chamber much to the guard's relief, grabbed his own drink, and took a sandwich to lean against the table nearby.

I looked at him, and said "How are we doing?" and he smiled toothily, cheese and ham visible in his teeth. After swallowing the mouthful, he said "I'd say very well so far, although that mess with the aircraft wasn't helpful"

When Mykos made to object, he reached out and patted the creatures flank absently. "Yes, my friend, I know it was unavoidable, but it would have been better if it hadn't happened. Still, it was their error, not ours, and they haven't shot us yet, so that's a good sign"

K and I nodded, mouth full of food, and I made to reply, just as the doors to the chamber were thrown open, and humans began flooding the chamber.

Some stopped and stared at us in shock, before being rudely pushed aside by those behind. Most just glanced at us, before looking away hurriedly. Obviously, many had been briefed before they arrived, as I would have imagined they would otherwise have stampeded out as fast as possible once they spied the two aliens.

The room quickly fell silent, as the UN delegates took their seats. Once they settled, the door to the rear of the podium opened, and Chas Franklin, Chairman of the UN Assembly, entered and took his position on the stage.

The three of us had shifted to seats behind the table facing the podium, while the gryphon squatted on his haunches to the side. K's dad joined us, while several military personnel in different uniforms occupied a table nearby.

Well, looks like shit was flying now!

The Chairman began casually. "Well Tony, this is an interesting problem you've dumped into our lap this morning. Certainly, I have no doubt our new friends here are from a bit further afield than Australia"

Smiling thinly at his own wit, he made to continue, when one of the military men at the table adjacent stood up abruptly, an angry grimace on his face.

"Friends?" he spat, glaring at the four of us seated nearby. "These bastards took out one of my helicopters this morning, killing all four crew in an unprovoked attack! They should be locked up and dealt with immediately!"

Mykos snarled, answering in his deep voice. "Unprovoked my furry arse, human! Let's not forget who fired first, and were aiming to kill. If we hadn't returned fire, we'd have been steaming carcasses on the lake shore!"

The soldier turned to glare at him, name tag identifying him as "Colonel Gunnard" clearly visible on his right breast pocket. "Don't tell us your lies, animal!" he snarled, and the gryphon jumped to his feet, wings half spread and claws unsheathed, causing a gasp from the assembled audience. I almost thought he'd rip the Colonel to pieces there on the floor, when the Krynn stood, putting a firm hand on the flank of his colleague, before turning back to the distressed Chairman.

"I think there is an easy way to settle this, before we continue. David?" he turned to me, raising his ears. "You were in view of the incident. Would you mind replaying your helmet camera for the audience here to view? I think it will clear things up quite nicely"

Sporting a malicious grin at the fuming Colonel, I retrieved my helmet from where I'd placed it on the table, and keyed the replay on the side camera. The unit flickered for a moment, before projecting a high definition holographic image into the air before us. Quickly scanning through the files, I replayed the action at the lake, showing the violence from the aircraft, our defence and Mykos's subsequent injury, as well as our hasty retreat. Without a doubt, the assembly were made clear on who shot whom first.

The Colonel watched the footage tight lipped, knuckles clenched on the table edge before him, as I turned to the assembly and spoke.

"The actions of this man and his men have not only put into jeopardy the safety of my friends and I, but has placed at risk the chance of our people reaching a peaceful resolution to this matter. Nor is this the first time he has taken such a violent course of action as a first strike. After the accidental arrival to Earth of Pyre, son of the Quorum First Speaker, both Professor and Kaynard were shot without provocation. Pyre has since been subject to who knows what, and through the idiocy of this inbred retard, you're on the brink of a war this planet has sweet fuck all chance of winning. I've seen these people, and met their leaders. They're good people, who want to live in peace as much as we do! But this prick has been fucking them over royally, and no one will be prepared to tolerate that indefinitely, especially when such action is made against their designated ambassadors. So, I'd strongly suggest you muzzle and chain your rabid dog here, and let us get on with the discussions."

My voice, which had been getting angrier as I spoke, dropped to almost a whisper, and I turned to the Colonel and said "Oh, and if anything has happened to the First Speakers son, forget diplomacy. You're a fucking dead man! You, and every other prick on this motherfucking planet. I swear on it, arsehole!"

The room went deathly silent, before the Chairman turned to the Colonel slowly, and said quietly. "You have their leader's son held captive?"

The Colonel spluttered for a moment, but became silent after a wave of Franklin's hand, as he addressed the assembly in a faint voice "I think we need to defuse this situation immediately. All in favour of the immediate release of all captives involved in this situation held by the Military?"

The ayes had it. Thank God level heads finally prevailed!

Turning to the Colonel, the Chairman addressed him directly.

"These are the UN Assemblies instructions. You are to release all prisoners IMMEDIATELY, do you understand? You are then to have them brought here before the assembly, in fit, healthy condition, within the hour. Do I make myself clear?"

The Colonel stared at the rear wall behind the podium, before biting out "Yes, Sir!"

"In addition, this matter is now the sole responsibility of the UN. You are to withdraw ALL troops and military hardware surrounding this building immediately, on threat of the most severe disciplinary and retaliatory action from the UN Chartered countries. Is that also clear?"

The Colonel nodded.

The Chairman sighed, and said "Gunnard, you've repeatedly lied to this council in an attempt to escalate a situation that could have been handled diplomatically from the start. In doing that, you've not only compromised yourself and your men, but put at risk the safety of this entire planet. Understand that you will be held accountable for this at a later time. However, if it turns out you've messed up this situation beyond recovery, I will have you and your men summarily discharged in disgrace, before having the lot of you locked up for the remainder of your short, miserable lives. Short being the operative word, as if we end up at war with these people, I have doubts you'll be reaching a ripe old age anytime in the future. Understood?"

Gunnard slumped, defeated, before replying "Yes, Sir"

Under the steely gaze of the assembly, he was dismissed, removed from the chamber under UN guard, who had been eyeing his discomfort in undisguised disdain.

Returning his gaze to the Krynn and gryphon, the Chairman sighed again, and said "OK gentlemen, let's get down to business."


My heart wasn't in it. Not even slightly. In fact, I really didn't truly comprehend anything exchanged between the two parties, even when the discussion became animated, and voices were raised.

I just need to know Pyre was OK.

The debate dragged on and on, and I could see the seconds slowly passing on the clock above the chamber doorway.

My silence didn't pass unnoticed. I received several concerned glances from K, and at one point, Mykos reached out from beside me to firmly grip my shoulder, giving me a hopeful smile as I looked up at him in reply.

I couldn't respond in kind.

As I said, my heart wasn't in it.

Finally, my frazzled brain couldn't take it anymore. I excused myself, leaving the chamber to head to the toilet block located just outside. After relieving myself, I stood before the wash basin, staring blankly at my reflection in the mirror. My fatigues and gear were caked with dust, which had smeared in streaks down my cheeks. My eyes, bloodshot and tired, sat above sagging lids bearing dark shadows beneath.

I looked like shit, really.

Reaching out a trembling hand, I wet a paper towel from the dispenser, wiping some of the more prominent grime from my face. Partially successful, I scrubbed my hands again under the warm water and, letting out a sigh, returned to the hallway outside the chambers.

I was about to re-enter, when I heard a commotion in the distance. Turning, I spotted a group of UN soldiers accompanying two figures down the hallway towards the chambers.

One, in a wheelchair, was Professor Seeley, looking pale and wan underneath his hospital gown, but sporting a large smile as he spotted me in the hallway.

The other...


I don't remember running down the hall towards them, or flinging myself into all those feathers and fur.

Nor do I remember him reaching for me, wrapping his strong arms around me, and hugged me tightly to him, beak pressed into my hair.

I just remember whispering his name into his chest, breathing in his strong scent, tears streaming down my face.


Continued in Chapter 11: Reunion.