Flawed Affections: Chapter 2

Story by foxohki on SoFurry

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---- Flawed Affections, Chapter 2 ----

"I... I love you too..." Did I really just say that?! Is this what love is like? My entire body feels as though it's glowing with a nice kind of warmth, emanating from a vivid hotness sensation taking place in the center of my chest and radiating outwards to pervade every area within me. I feel as though I could burst, but yet, it is still contained inside... Everything just feels so very light and uplifted too... All things good and amazing are stirring and swirling around in an uncontrollable, heated, and profound sort of way... Is this love? Is this what it feels like to be cared for? To feel valued and desired? Oh Kitsunes... It feels wonderful...

I can't help but continue to cry as this intense rush of euphoric happiness vibrates through my being at as steady rate. Before whenever I cried it was because I was sad and feeling unloved, but now it's happening because I feel so entirely overwhelmed with joy; his body's touch upon me as he lays over my undersides, his tongue's gentle laps at my neck and all those words he told me earlier... They weren't lies at all. I can somehow sense how very sincere all of this is... Those intimate actions... Those heartfelt words... They all seem to be hitting me at once now and sinking into a place that had been left vacant and empty. All of his focus is on me, and it's so genuine and affectionate... Making me feel cared for... Making me feel loved... It's as if he's depositing himself inside... I can feel him there... Filling up that once cold, empty hole inside with the glowing hotness... Everything is rising higher and higher...... Oh Kitsunes... It's indescribable...

Suddenly his lapping tongue upon my neck stops, and I hear him start to speak once more.

"I want to know everything about you... How did you get to be this way? I want to take all of your pain away. I want to be here for you from now on; however it is I possibly can..."

I don't even know his name... Or much of anything about him at all really! And yet he offers me something like this... He makes me feel the way I do... Loved... Yes... My body is humming and vibrating with a warmth that could only be described as love...

Hugging him tighter, I begin to cry even harder as think about my life up until this point; the pain of my past memories flooding into my mind and coming to clash against the incredible sensation of happiness and safety I had found within this fox who seemed to take such interest in the very core and essence of who I am; It were almost as if I could feel him prodding at those dark emotions and thoughts I had buried so very deep within me and causing them to rise upwards so that they could be released as I open my muzzle lips in attempt to convey them. Never before had I talked about it or told anyone what had happened... Never before had I attempted to express or deal with all of those horrible happening and the constant pain and discomfort they caused me every single day of my life... I am more than ready to do such a thing... More than ready to let go of all that and be free... I feel love now and there is no room for any of that past sorrow... Yes... I will tell him, and I know it will all finally dissipate and be gone once I finally I do so...

"I... I... Him... I mean... You see..." I mumble and stutter, finding it a bit harder to approach than I realized; tears lessoning a bit, though still continuing to lightly stream down my cheek fur as I imagine the pleasure of finally venting all of this out.

"Shhh... It's okay..." I her him whisper to me as he nicely strokes the back of my head with one of his forepaws. "Just take your time, I'm not going anywhere. I will be here for you from now on. Always..." He goes on to say as both of his forepaws shift and come to rest on either of the sides of my head; his digits then lightly wiggling against my ears as he starts to pet me there with them, I feel his tongue simultaneously begin stroking upwards against the top side of my muzzle, between my eyes, and my forehead; it was a kind of embrace and soothing licking that made me feel as though I was melting underneath him, and I could feel a dampness between my hind legs as love levels seemed to increase even higher and bring a physical arousal along with it.

I feel even more comfortable now... More safe... Invulnerable really... And the hot, indestructible puddle of good feelings that I had become seemed to have released any burdening steam or harmful feelings that possessed me all by itself without notice or any effort on my end at all; no longer was there any room for that negativity inside me all of this positivity surging though me, and thinking about all of it now only seems to make me smile; it was of such little importance or meaning now, all in the past, who cares... I am here now, not in the past... I am with him... And I am with love...

"Just start at the very beginning and work your way forward from there. I'm here to think about and feel all of those bad experiences along with you... They are in the past, and they can't harm you anymore. I am here to help fix any problems they might be causing you. I am here now to protect you into the future until the day I die... You are safe, and I will do everything within my power to make you happy in this life."

"Righ... Right... I know you... Thank you so much... I don't even know you're name or hardly anything about you... But I already love you so much... Is it strange to feel this way and to feel it so deeply for a fox I've only recently met? And a male one who's already mated too..."

"I'm not really mated anymore actually... She and I kind of got in a fight after you left running away from me, and honestly I don't believe I ever really loved her at all. It's really hard to love a vixen who behaves the way she does. She's just so shallow and immature I feel... And it makes impossible to connect to her in any kind of meaningful way because of that way she is... I wish her well and happiness, but yeah... I can't stand to be around her any longer." He explains as he positions his head directly above mine to stare downwards into my eyes before looking to the side shyly as he talks about his old shallow mate; the stern confidence he had always shown to me seeming to become disrupted a bit.

Coyly licking the ends of his muzzle lips, I give him a quick kiss, and his eyes come back to focus directly on mine as his white and orange hued cheek fur dampen to a shade of red.

"I know I'm not as attractive as her, or attractive at all really... I'm not perfect... But I--"

My sentence is cut short as the ends of his muzzle lips, now lightly wetted with my own saliva, press down against mine and I feel his tongue come to invade my head and stroke against my own fleshy maw organ; passionately exchanging the damp substance out of view as I feel other areas of my body moisten further as well...

My heart was pounding. Never before had I experienced anything like this, and it could only be described as being physically cared for and loved...

Catching a whiff of the subtle kind of arousal scent my genitals would always possess when I was 'in the mood', I could tell my body wanted to be physically loved down there as well... And that it wanted to be mated in a way like I never have been before... In a way that I never even dreamed possible before now...

Breaking his kiss and tongue rubbings, he pulls his head back a short distance away from mine; a clear thread of saliva connecting my muzzle lips to his tongue for just a brief moment, it quickly breaks as he begins to talk.

"You are attractive... You're the most attractive vixen I've ever met... I don't know. It's hard to explain it or put it into words... But you just seem to draw me in towards you in every way possible... It's just this kind of sense you have about you. The feeling I get when I look at you... You compel and consume me... I want to be with you. I do want to be your mate... You are perfect in my eyes, and you're so very beautiful in every way... These scars you have, your torn ear, they mean nothing to in so far as how desirable you are... Rather, I love them. I love them because they are a part of you, and I love you..." As I lay there underneath him, listening to him speak, my mind, heart, and all aspects of how I perceive and feel reality seem to shift into another realm of understanding... Another state of being and existing... When suddenly he finishes with those words I couldn't hear enough, 'I love you', and I feel his tongue stroking along my face in a very specific way; his tongue purposely stroking along the scar that began at my lower right check and went up and left as it went to my forehead and then continued to go down the side my neck and upper back, he was to licking along the wound almost as if it were fresh and he were trying soothe it... Affectionately running his warm, wet licker against my shame as if to acknowledge its presence and show his indifference towards it... I had always felt so self-conscious of how my scars made me look, but he said he didn't care... He even said he... Loved them...

I can't help but begin to shake and shudder as my body attempts to absorb the rushing plethora of magnificent feelings of love and acceptance surging against me, and my forelegs grip tighter around this Kitsune of a fox's upper chest as my hind legs too now join in to wrap firmly around his lower waist; holding onto him for dear life as I try to both steady myself from the shaking bliss taking place in my body and become as physically close as possible to him.

I felt as though I had just achieved a mental and emotional orgasm of sorts, and I can't help but begin panting incredibly hard in an attempt to release such overwhelming feelings... My physical state was aroused behind belief too now... So very wet now, down there... My body desperately wants to be taken to the same heights of pleasure that the rest of my being is currently experiencing, and by the feel of his unsheathed member pressing into my lower stomach as I remain tightly gripping him with my hind legs, I know he would like to go there as well...

"Mate with me...... I already feel so very connected with you in all other ways... I feel... I feel as though I have to be at one with you physically as well... The only thing that is lacking now is your body not being inside mine... I love you... I love you... I love you..." I quietly ask him to fill that begging hole and to complete our intertwining of beings; getting stuck on those words 'I love you...', they remained only a verbalization and a shallow voiced representation of the incredibly deep love I felt gushing towards him through every emotional fiber that composed me.

"I love you too!" He excitedly barks back at me while lowering his forelegs around my chest to hug me tightly and return the gesture of my four limbs still firmly latching onto him. "And I would love to do that with you... But don't you want to tell me what's been troubling you first?"

"Nn... No... Nothing is troubling me anymore... All of that is so very meaningless now... What once seemed a dark taunting shadow that would painfully poke and prod at me with a cold paw is now a small spec that does nothing to bother me anymore... All that matters is you... Is this feeling of our love......"

Suddenly I feel him shifting against me slightly as his forelegs move upwards and his forepaws are placed on the the sides of my head once more; digits lightly gripping my ears as he wiggles them to pet me once more, the rest of his body begins to move lower along mine, and the distinct touch of his member slides backwards against my most lower stomach before the gentle tip of his red connecter tool comes to poke against the insides of my creamy white crotch fur.

His hindquarters lightly rubbing back and forth against my own, I suddenly feel that end part of his penis rub up against the slippery, aroused flesh of my sensitive female entrance, and my maw's lips part as his member softly enters within me; red male flesh coming to gently press through the delicate pink folded walls as more and more of him enters with in me and my insides happily accommodate and welcome each inch, my muzzle remains agape to pant as he suddenly stops penetrating any further and instead moves his head up and closer towards mine before then promptly invading my more ambiguous muzzle lips with another one of his body's organ; his tongue entering inside my muzzle once more as my consumed form hums with the ever present emotional and mental love that his presence seem to instill within me, I was now about to receive his physical love in its fullest as well.

I feel as though I can achieve orgasm already. My body has never desired or hungered for something to this extent before. My body has never felt so very intense, elated and sensitive as it does now... His love had all but filled most aspects of my being, and now we were on the verge of blurring the lines between us as his member remained painstakingly out of reach from the furthest depths of my vaginal tunnel. It were as if two foxes who hadn't seen each other for years were now running towards one another to give the deepest sort of heartfelt embrace and rejoin in a long since anticipated reuniting. That is how I feel now as he remains embracing me passionately and I hold onto him so very tightly with all four legs; my lost soul finally finding its mate as I lie on the cusp of joining and intimately touching with another fox, I feel his member slowly, and gently slide deeper and deeper through the hugging folds of my welcoming vixenhood; time itself seeming to slow down as pleasure shoots up into my body from every small, miniscule area of sensitive sex flesh that his penis touches and rubs against as he journeys with my lonely depths, never before have I been mated in the proper, loving way like this... I was a virgin to love no more...

Further and further his length slides into me until I feel dangly balls lightly bump into my tail hole and the fur of his sheath come to tickle my vaginal lips, and with his crotch pressing directly into mine as his entirety fully enters within me to complete male and female as one, my body feels as though it crumbles away beneath him as genitals continue to hold a steady mesh and my physical being joins the rest of my mental and emotional states in their ever present climax...

My voice is silent as the volume of my existence is turned up to an all-time high. The only sound remaining is the quiet shuddering of wet female vaginal flesh as my folds ripple in spasm along my male counterpart; faint smacking slaps audible in the air as my sex dances against his organ and wet cum washes over him in streaming waves of liquid love, I can feel the fur covering my upper rear become slightly wet now as the happy juices leak out between tightly fitting genitals; the awesome substances attempting to escape through females walls as they repeatedly hug and clench in an ultimate orgasm.

Shifting a bit, I move my gripping forelegs upwards along his body as I place my forepaws on the sides of his head just as he had his positioned on me while my hind legs remain tightly wrapped around his lower sides as I continue to ride out an my blissful climax; my digits now lightly moving against his ears to pet and rub him as my tongue pushes back against his to force my way outside my maw and take us inside of his.

He has done so much for me given and given me everything I could have ever wanted... I am currently at a place of maximum meaning, happiness and fulfillment, and I want to return the favor however I can... I now live for him; live to please him and to see him happy, just as he told me that that's what he wants for me... All I care about now is loving him...

Still laying on my back on the ground, in heaven beneath my new mate as we remain deeply engaged in every sense of the word, I casually lean over onto my right side so that he falls onto his left, and then quickly use my right forepaw to push off of the ground and roll myself up and over so that is now me who is laying on top of him.

Breaking our muzzle kiss and just staring into each other's eyes to keep a vivid kind of mental and emotional connection through them, I can feel his member jump and twitch inside my body as it stays firmly embedded and interlocked with the farthest reaches of my vagina; just resting there within me and connecting us so perfectly...

I had been mated only but once before this, and it was so rough...... So unloving and one of the worst experiences of my life really... But I don't want to think about that right now... Who cares about that anymore... This mating, this fox... I loved it. I loved him... This experience is in such stark and complete contrast to that way I was mated before. It is everything good and amazing... It can only be described as love...

I want to feel like this forever. To be with him in this all-encompassing state of magnificence forever... But I also want to make him feel as good as he had just made me, as well as feel his warm white fluids fill my insides... And so, lightly raising my hindquarters off of him, I then gently lower them back downwards; the length of his excited member sliding between the damp, cum coated confines of my rhythmically clasping vaginal walls to shoot tingly sensations of pleasure into that fleshy female box of mine as I then begin to repeat the process and timidly start humping into him to take it back and forth inside me again and again, our crotches bump and lightly bounce again each other as I grind his hardened shaft along the tightly fitting walls of my soft fleshy hole with a quiet wet squishing sound as I start going to work. I had turned a love lusting vixen who would stop at nothing until she had harvested her mate's seed...