Chpt 6- A Night and Day to Remember

Story by Lunar Stargazer on SoFurry

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#6 of MLP: A Hero's Rebirth

The two of them laid there, basking in the warmth of the late afternoon sun. Tom had placed the items back within Celestia's pack and she lay with her head on his chest. He looked down to her and how peaceful she looked as she slept. He lightly placed a hand to her neck which made her stir and look to him.

"Hi." He said softly.

Celestia just smiled and responded with a soft hi in return.

"So just what else where you planning for this 'date' of ours?"

The sun princess looked deep into his eyes and kissed him once more. "I have a very good idea. But first we need to get up. I have to lower the sun and allow Luna to do her duty. Then I was thinking we could return to Canterlot."

"Oh, and just what would we be doing there?"

Celestia giggled and rolled Tom off the blanket. He chuckled deeply and rose to his feet as she pack the blanket with everything else. With her magic, Celestia slowly lowered the sun into the horizon and waited till she saw Luna's moon crest on the other side. Once she was sure that her sister was ready, she lowered the sun till it dipped behind the mountains and disappeared. The moon then began to its movement through the sky.

"Well then shall we go?"

"Twilight may worry if I do not return."

"Oh Twilight know's you are with me and besides, she trusts you. I can see it."

Tom nodded his head. "Well alright but you might have to teleport us, it has been a very long time since I had set foot in Canterlot."

Celestia smiled and raised her head, her horn began to glow in its normal golden hue before the two of them disappeared.

Luna had yawned when she was woken by the nudging of one of her handmares. "I am sorry to wake you princess. I know it is normally your sister that dose so but she has not yet returned and some of the staff are begining to worry."

Luna looked lazily at the young unicorn and yawned once more. "Fear not Olive Spice. We know where thy sister is and believe us when we say that she is safe where she is."

The unicorn nodded her head and stepped back to allow the moon princess to climb from her bed. As she did, she stretched out her legs and wigs first, then arched her back up and down. With a content sigh she walks from her room and through the corridors of the castle. Through the windows she was able to see the sun slowly setting.

"Well at least she has not forgotten her duties." Luna knew where her sister was and it made her happy to know that Celestia was once again back to her old self.

As she rounded the corner she had bumped into a few of her sister's guards. "Oh forgive us your majesty. We were just going to check on princess Celestia. We had not seen her throughout most of the day wand wondered if she was alright."

"Fear not our subjects, thy sister is indeed well though she is indisposed at the present time."

Both guards look to each other then bow their heads before Luna passed them on her way to the eastern tower. She was stopped a few more times by ponies who claimed they had not seen her elder sister all day. Luna assured each of them that she was safe and that seemed to be enough for them.

Upon getting to the top of the tower, she walked out to the balcony and looked out over the land. Using her magic she slowly began to move the moon along in its path through the sky. She smiled as she seen the sun set, this solidified that her sister was indeed ok and would be returning soon. But a loud groan emits from her stomach and it was then that she realized that she was hungry.

With a quick flash of light, Celestia and Tom appeared within her bed chambers. A fire was softly burning within the hearth and there were many candles lit around the room to provide ample light. Tom looked around a moment before the thought dawned on him.

"Celestia, here I thought you never slept with a pony on the first date." He chuckled softly.

Celestia blushed as she removed her saddlebag. "Well my good Lunar seeing as how you can not recall much at this moment, I assure you that this is not our first date."

"That so? Hmm well I suppose we should get comfortable." He lost his balance as Celestia used her magic and placed him upon the bed.

"I agree." Tom sat there as she walked over to a dresser and removed her tiara and necklace. She then stepped out of each of her shoes and slid them neatly under the dresser before turning to look at her love with a smile.

Tom was untying his boots and placed them at the foot of the bed. He then removed his belt and placed it beside his boots.He removed his top and placed it atop his garments. Celestia slowly and very sultry, walked her way over from her dresser before she stood before him. Her eyes giving off a hint of lust mixed in with the love she had.

It was Tom's turn to use his magic as he picked up the princess and laid her upon the bed on her back. He then laid beside her and looked deep into her eyes. The two stayed that way for a moment before Tom leaned over her and kissed the mare deeply. His soft tongue gently parting her lips and snaking its way into her muzzle. Both appendages fighting with the other, trying to trump one another in their struggle for control.

Celestia placed her forelegs on each side of his shoulders and held him close as their kissing continued. Soon though the mare broke the kiss with a gasp as Tom had lightly run his finger tips along her stomach and inner thigh. She could not help but whinny a little as his fingers moved from her thigh to her rear and back again.

The human chuckled deeply as his actions caused different things to the Alicorn below him. He ran his tongue from her neck and up under her chin. "How long has it been Princess?" His fingers idlely resting just before her sex.

"Too long."

Tom the kissed her deeply once more before plunging three fingers deep into the Alicorn's moist confine. Celestia moaned into his mouth as her body went ridged and her wings, now stiff, locked her in place. The princess's human lover slowly withdrew his finger only to plunge them back into her waiting slit. All the while the sun princess moaned into his mouth. A good thing to because it would look pretty bad if the guards came in or one of her servants but Celestia was already taking care of that. With her magic she placed a spell upon the room that would mute any cries from within to any pony who was not within the room.

Tom continued his finger treatment till he relaxed and looked down to the panting princess. He then looked into her eyes before sliding down her body and taking her hips within his arms He lifts up her back end and brings his face within mere inches of her sex. Her smell he picked up on was that of sunshine and morning dew, a very pleasing scent.

The human moved his tongue in and gave her sex an experimental lick which made Celestia gasp and shudder. Her taste was not all that unpleasant either. Giving another lick of his tongue the female Alicorn squirmed a little. He held fast to her hips and tongued her slit. Using his fingers he parted the lips of her sex, he say the pink moist flesh under it. Diving his tongue within, Celestia gave out a heated moan.

She couldn't take much more of his teasing and wanted him worse then ever now. But no matter what she tried, he would not allow her to move. All she could do was pant, moan and squirm from her human's onslaught.

Before he could continue further, Celestia was able to mutter something under her heated breath. "Lunar enough teasing, I need you now."

Tom was more then happy to oblige. He placed her rear back onto the bed and unbuttoned his jeans. Pulling them off along with his boxers, his hard shaft sprang to life from under the fabric. Celestia watched closely and shuddered as she felt his tip brush against her. Tom leaned in once more and kissed her deeply before thrusting forward and sliding in hilt deep, his sac resting against her rear.

Celestia moaned into the kiss but soon broke it and moaned into the blackness and fire light of her bed room. Tom slid his hands under her and held a portion of her body in the air and started to wrack her body in pleasure with each hilting thrust.

"Oh yes. Oh Lunar don't stop. Please by the sun don't stop."

Tom didn't stop, he continued his hard slow thrust in and out of her welcoming snatch. It was almost a dream come true. Every brony's well most brony's dreamed of being with one of the ponies from the show. Only difference was that he was living it, though it was much more then just that. The love that the two shared was something far deeper. Something that went back over a thousand years. This single act confirmed everything.

"Harder, please."

Her pants and lust filled demands made for an even more intimate thought then he realized. He was soon thrusting into the princess with enough force that she slid back and forth upon the bed. Each thrust brought the sun princess closer and closer to pure bliss. Since Lunar's death she had never been with another, she couldn't bring herself to move on from him so she kept to herself and her sister, never letting known her sexual frustrations.

"Oh yes. Don't, don't stop please, please, please."

Each time she said please, her voice would rise in pitch just a little bit till it was almost a squeak. It did not take long from that point till she let out a loud moan and came hard around her lover's thrusting rod.

Tom was feeling his peak come also and the feeling of his lover's warm fluids surround his hard prick helped to send him over the edge and moaned out as well. Ropes of his pearly white seed shot from the tip of his member, coating the walls of her sex and her womb.

The two lover lay in each other's embrace, panting heavily and sweating from the force of their love making. Tom chuckled and looked deep into the eyes of the mare below him and ran his fingers through her mane. "Was it good for you?"

Celestia smiled. "Totally worth it."

The two laughed before Tom pulled himself from Celestia and laid beside her. She rolled onto her side, the stiffness in her wings diminished and she pressed back against his chest. Tom wrapped his arms around her and held her close, kissing her neck.

"I love you Lunar."

"And I you my angel."

The two then slowly let the embrace of sleep take them.

Luna trotted down the hall through the castle to her sister's room and knocked on the door. It was nearly sunrise and Lunar was stopping by to see if her sister had indeed returned last night from her trip. Upon hearing nothing, Luna knocked again and waited. When there was no answer, she used her magic to open the door and peeked her head in.

Once she looked inside she sniffed and caught the scent of an odd oder. "What is that odd smell?"

The princess of the night walked in and closed the door quitely behind her. She looked to the bed and notice her sister still asleep. She walked around the bed and stood before her sister then nudged her gently.

"Tia, awake. It is nearly time to raise the sun."

Celestia's eyes fluttered open and she beheld the image of her sister. Once her brain had caught up with her she gave a soft eek and sat up fast. "Oh Luna, it's only you." The sun princess yawned.

"What time is it?"

"Nearly dawn dear sister. We had hoped you would have returned before we were awakened but it seemed as though thou was having a grand time."

Celestia smiled and nodded her head. "Indeed I did Luna thank you.'

"One question sister. What in Equestria was that odd smell we found once we came into thy room?"

"Smell?" Celestia was confused for a moment till the night's event hit her like a train.

"Oh that, well I was not feeling quite myself you see and didn't make it to the bathroom in time."

Her alibi would have worked to had Tom not groaned and slowly sat up. Luna's eyes grew wide as she beheld her eldest sister and the human Lunar. Then it clicked, the smell was that of sex.

"Oh good morning Luna....Luna!" Tom nearly jumped out of his skin, luckily he just fell out of the bed with a resounding thud.

"Tia we can not believe that thou would do such an act when thou knew that there would be ponies listening."

Celestia just gave her sister a dismissive wave of her hoof. "Relax Luna, I had placed a magic spell within the room to mute anypony on the outside from hearing."

"Well just be thankful we found you and not somepony else." Luna looked over the bed to see if Tom was ok. Good thing he had slipped his boxers back on before she saw anything. Tom was sitting on the floor, rubbing the sore spot on his head.

"If thou must make an appearance might we suggest that thou leave the room one at a time, so is to lower suspicion."

Tom pulled himself back up onto the bed and sat on the side. "That sounds like a good idea. I don't wish there to be talk if somepony saw us leaving your bedroom at the same time."

Celestia nodded. "I agree. I shall raise the sun then depart first."

"We shall meet thee in the dinning hall dear sister. Also it is good to see thee again our dearest friend." Then Luna left.

Celestia climbed from the bed as Tom was just putting his boots back on. The princess then walked over to her dresser and clothed herself in her royal attire once more. She then walked to the door of her room where she met Tom but not before using a bit of her perfume to mask the smell of sex on her body. She even sprayed Tom with a little of it.

As the two stood by the door, Celestia's horn glowed and the sun began to move through the sky, signaling the dawn of a new day.