Intermediate Species Studies - Chapter 8 - Casualties of Warcraft

Story by Tailen on SoFurry

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#8 of Intermediate Species Studies

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Dear Reader,

I don't normally do disclaimers or introductions because honestly, everybody just scrolls past them until they spot the start of the story. Or if you're in a hurry, you scroll right down to the first place it says 'cock' and start from there.

But in this case I hope you will bear with me for a moment (and don't worry, there's plenty of cock for you below).

The reason I request your attention for a moment is because this story is truly special to me and close to my heart:

It is dedicated to all of you out there who have lost dear friends, brothers, or sisters to this game. It's for those of you who have seen them slowly waste away before your eyes, being drawn into this life-sucking abomination of a game and away from the world, never to return.

It is a solemn toast to lost friends -- those who forgot all too easily about the times you shared with them, the laughter, the adventures and the fun you had when you were growing up. Those who have now cast you aside in favor of boss fights, leveling up and gathering potions.

It is dedicated to those of you whose lives are now dictated by when your friend, roommate, or partner has to go raiding. Those of you whose schedule is now being determined by guilds on the internet and by people you have never met and would never care to meet.

But mostly, it is for you who cannot interact in normal conversations with the person you live with because of a game that cannot be paused. It is for you who clutch your love in your arms at night and know they are thinking more about upgrades to their armor than they are about you.

This story is about how these tragedies should turn out. It is the lighter side of things. A comedy in the old Greek sense of the word. I laugh so that I won't cry.

This is the happy ending we would get if our lives had been a story or a movie, but sadly this is rarely how it ends.

This is my story. This is my fantasy. This is my therapy.

Thank you.

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Intermediate Species Studies

Chapter 8 - Casualties of Warcraft

by Tailen

"Hey, orcabutt. You got a minute?"

Cealan looked over to the door at Stelios' face peeking inside his room.

"Sure, anything for my friends." Cealan smiled and tossed his pen on the pile of books that were scattered across his desk. The orca rose to his feet and gave Stelios a firm hug in greeting as he stepped inside. The bull was one of the few that he could comfortably hug since they were about the same size and bulk.

Cealan grinned from one side of his black beak to the other as he walked over to sit down on the edge of his bed and get a bit more comfortable. Stelios, however, remained standing where he had closed the door behind him.

"It's about my boyfriend." The bull's tone of voice was clearly less cheerful than usual. Cealan could already sense that this was going to be a serious conversation.

"Ah. Is the billy goat giving you a hard time?"

"Something like that. I'm having trouble getting through to Orran these days."

"Uh oh, sounds like you're asking for advice on your relationship here. This is the part where I'd like to sign a waiver exempting me from all consequences of the exceedingly bad advice I'm about to bestow upon you."

The remark made Stelios smile, for a moment at least.

"Orran spends all his time on the computer. I come back from school and he's sitting there. The days I get home earlier, he just tosses his bag on the floor and walks straight over to the computer. There's just nothing else in his life."

Cealan frowned. "Dare I ask what he's doing on the computer all day?"

"Playing World of Warcraft."

The orca made a distinct 'ohhh dear'-face. It was almost like an epidemic spreading and turning people into anti-social hermits.

"We don't go out anymore. We just sit at home all weekend, him clicking away and me reading a book or drawing or something. I've started just going to parties by myself instead of being with him, because he just ignores me when I'm around."

Cealan nodded slowly and leaned back on the bed, putting his arms behind him to support himself.

"Ahh, I see. So you've tried the whole guilt-trip thing and it didn't work."

"It's like Orran's not even there anymore, he's just a zombie staring at the screen and clicking mindlessly. Even when I go to bed I still hear him click away for hours. At least he turns off Teamspeak when I want to sleep, but just him sitting there totally unaware of everything around him makes me FURIOUS!" Stelios gnashed his teeth at the last word and did not even realize he was clenching his fists.

"Yeah, I've heard that from other people before."

Stelios heaved a deep sigh and lurched over to sit down on the bed next to his cetacean friend. He sat slumped over with his head hanging between his shoulders and looking down at the floor.

"He doesn't pay attention to me at all. We used to snuggle up in bed every night, now I just go to sleep alone and he plays for another hour or two before slipping under the covers. I've gotten so used to it I don't even wake up anymore when he does that."

Cealan tried to steer the conversation into a more jaunty direction, "Well, you know. It's a big thing with everyone. It's a very complicated game, you really do have to spend hours and hours just to get anywh--"

"We haven't had sex in two months." Stelios interrupted the orca and turned his head to look straight at him with an expression of despair on his face. The room suddenly seemed a lot quieter.

Instead of adding to the depressing mood, Cealan tried smiling brightly and putting one of his hands on the bull's inner thigh.

"Well, I can certainly help you there." His rubbery fingers slid slowly up the brown fur there and he ended up cupping the sizable protrusion in Stelios' shorts.

"Hur hurrr." Stelios smirked lightly, "Yeah thanks, but it's my boyfriend I'm having problems with, not horny orcas."

He declined the playful advances of Cealan, but did not do a thing to move his hand away or anything. The orca's hand stole a quick grope before retreating.

"Can't blame a guy for trying."

"Worst part is the 'raiding' thing." Stelios went back to where his train of thought had stopped. "I mean, you might as well lock him in a basement, he's completely removed from the world. I can barely get him to look away from the screen, he's aaaalways 'in the middle of something' that can't possibly wait. Just clicking away furiously while some monster the size of a skyscraper jumps up and down once in a while in front of him and everything sparkles and explodes with numbers. Either that or he's busy grinding ingredients with his Tauren shaman."

Cealan nodded slowly. This was not really a healthy thing for a relationship, that much should be obvious. Problem was, it was easy to diagnose, but hard to cure.

"I've tried to get into it, of course. Had to see what all the fuzz was about and all that. As far as I can tell you only have one minor function in a party if you want to get far. There's like three things going on in this game the entire time. Either you just hammer away relentlessly on the big boss while everyone around you tries to heal you, or you stand around turning everyone into sheep, or you're one of the healers, in which case all you do for 6 hours straight is to push a button and then point to one of the boxes that has the name of someone who's dying in it. Poking the ground with a stick would have more intellectual challenge than that."

"I think there's a blurry line between strategic gameplay and repetitive idiocy." Cealan smirked at him, his eyes glimmering a bit and his dorsal fin twitching as he sat up taller on the bed. But the big bull just sighed; apparently the joke did not do much to lighten him up.

"At least I can get him away from the computer once in a while to go talk to others briefly or go get a sandwich, but not when he's raiding then he's in another world with a big sign on the door saying Do Not Disturb. I'm starting to have to ask him at what time he wants to eat, because I can't just spontaneously get dinner anymore. My entire schedule is being dictated by people I don't even know." Stelios threw his arms up.

"Hmmm, did you talk to him about it?"

"Yeah, he just blows it off. Gives me crap about how he's allowed to have a hobby and stuff. I gave up on that long ago, now I just rhetorically ask why he's spending his whole life on a stupid game as often as I get the opportunity. He even proudly shows me this counter that tells him how many hours he has been playing the game. It's already past months of pure game time. He doesn't see the problem at all."

Cealan looked thoughtful for a few moments and then grinned broadly, "Well, I'm not good on relationship advice, but there is one thing I'd do if I were you. Even if it might only work temporarily."

Stelios perked his ears up. "Oh? I'm open to any suggestions at this point."

Cealan got up and took his hand, "Come, we'll need some help from Jerrell, another WoW freak I know down the hall. He can get us just what we need."

It was well into the evening before the door to their dorm room swung open and a towering figure entered. Orran was raiding as usual and did not look away from the monitor for even a moment.

He just called out to the side, "Hey Stel, where' ya been?"

Flashes of blue and pale yellow light kept exploding on the screen and even from across the room one could easily hear chatter in the goat's headset from the rest of the party trying to coordinate their attack.

There was no answer for quite a while, long enough to make anyone turn around to see what was going on, but Orran clearly had different things on his mind. Eventually Stelios just snorted behind him and kicked the door shut, which did manage to get his attention long enough for him to look over his shoulder.

Orran blinked and turned around entirely in his chair, staring right at the bull and trying to comprehend what he was seeing. It was one of those arm-pinching moments.

Stelios was standing in front of the closed door in a full Tauren outfit. Or rather, a lack thereof. He was stark naked, but his whole body was covered in decorations.

He and Cealan had gone to the local flea market and small stores run by new age-type native Americans and had gotten everything they needed to dress him up. It had taken all day, but the printouts they got from Jerrell had made it much easier to figure out what they needed.

The lush, dark mane on his head and down his neck was braided with multi-colored beads. Two large circular bangs coming from just below above his neck had been tied with red bands that coiled tightly around the hair to keep it in place and make it fall from his shoulders down onto his broad chest. The leathery wrapping started right above his shoulders and went about 4 inches down; from then on the thick hair was braided and finally held together in a tuft at the bottom with a wide silver-colored ring.

The long fur on his chin had been weaved as well and he wore a necklace that was basically a hemp rope going through big wooden beads and which had various bones attached here and there around it.

His left horn had a gold ring on it just behind the final curve it made so it would not fall off when he moved. The other horn had a red rubber band wrapped around it repeatedly until it was tight enough to hold a big shiny blue feather in place and both of them had colored markings that seemed oddly familiar. Orran noticed a couple other bunches of white feather with red or black stripes on them that were tied into the bull's mane just behind his cheeks so that they could dangle freely.

His cheeks had warpaint on them, two red stripes going backwards from his snout and a black one between them. To top it all off, a thick grey ring was pierced through his nose -- a false one, but it looked very authentic and even had little scrapes and uneven bumps on it to make it look old and used.

Stelios also had what resembled furry tattoos. They were glyphs of different kinds, drawn with luminescent paint on his shoulders and abdomen. The first ones they had drawn with regular red fur paint were too dark to see in this light and they were also below his shoulder blades on his back that was currently out of sight. That was when they decided on doing luminescent ones.

It took quite a while before Orran could pull himself out of his paralyzed state and he reached up with a meek hand to pull the chattering headset off his ears and just let it fall onto his shoulder while he stared with his jaw dropped open.

Around Stelios' wrists were large colorful armbands made of fabric with a simple zigzag pattern of red and yellow on top of a dark blue background. They looked a bit Mayan, actually. A leather string with a few beads hanging from it was tied tightly around his arm between below his shoulder where his biceps held it in place.

His tail had a thick golden ring around the base of it and another one just above the tuft -- it had been arduous to find a ring the right size for that because it had to be small enough to not fall off, but also big enough to actually be able to push over the fluffy end. A bit of warpaint had also been applied to the front of his hooves, displaying angry red and yellow stripes over the black corneous nail.

It was a testament to Orran's geekiness that it had taken his eyes this long to roam over the amazing outfit before they finally came to rest between Stelios' powerful thighs where his massive bullcock hung down. The fuzzy brown sheath had been pulled back a bit from the bulbous tip that was dripping lucid precum onto the floor, it was clear he had been sure to get himself aroused enough to look especially appealing before he entered the room. His boyfriend just stared agape at him and blinked once at the sight of his member. He could suddenly feel the weight of those two sexless months come crashing down over him.

Perhaps the most impressive prop was the short log that Stelios was holding over his shoulder. It too carried large glyphs drawn with blue paint, along with some feathers glued to the side here and there and a bunch of them at the one end of the log, making himself look as much as a shaman as he could. He put the hollow log down and leaned it against his bed.

The goat was still speechless and wide-eyed. He had obviously managed to nudge his sense of reality a bit more towards the fantasy scale, so all he had to do was keep it up now. Stelios narrowed his eyes and crossed his muscular arms over his chest.

"The horde demands your services." He stated in a deep, bass voice and stayed completely in character.

Cealan had been absolutely right. His boyfriend completely forgot about the computer behind him and just stood up to walk a step closer, still completely astonished by the costume Stelios and the orca had put together.

He took a few steps forward and got caught in the cable for the headset, which yanked him back and nearly off his feet. Orran's first reaction was to pull the headset off his neck and toss it on the table next to the keyboard. His hands flipped across the keyboard, rapidly pressing a well-trained sequence of keys to indicate he was away for the moment before he turned around again and looked straight into the face of Stelios who had stepped all the way up to him now.

"I think a seduction spell might work." His burly hands grabbed the back of the goat's head and pulled him close to press his muzzle against the bull's big snout.

Orran flailed a bit, but quickly calmed down and closed his eyes, his muzzle opening up and surrendering to the large, smooth bulltongue pushing inside and feeling around. The pause gave him a few moments to gather his thoughts and at this point he had no reason to ruin the mood. He had been completely swept off his feet by this unexpected entrance and it was not very difficult to fall into the role of a mesmerized character when Stelios broke the kiss and took a step back.

"Strip and present yourself." He demanded.

Orran played along and tried not to giggle too much in the beginning, but his boyfriend's cold, calm demeanor soon drew him fully into the game as well. He put on the right face to look spellbound and blindly obedient throughout the process of getting undressed. He could see Stelios lick his bovine snout while watching the goat first toss off his shirt and then slip his shorts down around his ankles to stand fully nude in the room right before him.

That sight never failed to get the bull aroused, he adored the coarse grey fur of the other male and could barely wait to feel it against his own. The goat's scrotum was swinging low and he had those almost obscene large balls that were characteristic for his species, paired with a more modest, but certainly still sizable member. Naturally it was still dwarfed by the bull's own endowments, but somehow it all worked out for both of them. He could not help but notice the goat's advancing arousal, apparently finding a naked Tauren in his room had made him stiff fairly quickly.

Stelios insisted on dragging his boyfriend to the gym once a week, which meant that the caprine was not that muscled or anything, but he did maintain just the right balance between a fit shape and a cute roundedness.

Orran felt that familiar three-fingered hand lay down on his head between his curved horns and start to push him insistently down on his knees. Stelios had a head in one hand and grabbed his gargantuan bulldick in the other to insert it into the willing muzzle. The first few tugs of the horns indicated the speed he wanted and he felt the billy goat take over as soon as the precum started streaming freely down his throat.

"That's right, you little low-level critter. Show the big Tauren what you're made for." He grunted and let the other male bob his head back and forth, getting his length all slathered with goatdrool and making his loins heat up.

After a short while Stelios grabbed both of the curved horns of his submissive servant and pulled them hard towards him, demanding a faster rhythm, which Orran quickly complied with.

"Mmmr, I love herbivores. Their teeth are so blunt, you can muzzlefuck even the small ones without hurting yourself."

Orran blushed in his grey cheeks, yet he could do little but comply with the big boy and just give the bull a full on blowjob. The veined meat throbbed between his lips, stretching his jaw farther and farther as it continued to grow bigger and stiffer in the goat's muzzle.

Just when he had gotten a good speed and rhythm going, Stelios took a step back and against his better judgment pulled himself out of the warm, inviting place his cock was in. The tip kept squirting clear fluid between the goat's eyes and up his forehead at the abrupt halt.

"Bend over."

The command was simple and by this point Orran just threw himself over on the bed with his rump in the air. The bed was slightly taller than he could kneel beside it, so he had to dig his hooves into the floor behind him while resting on his belly. His little tail flitted about energetically as the big shadow stepped up behind him. He felt those broad fingers grip his stumpy tail and lift it up, allowing the bull to find his target and mount the smaller caprine with his saliva-slickened cock.

Orran could not suppress his instinctive cry at having his tender little back entry expanded wide enough to fit that monstrous shaft sliding deeper inside him by the moment.

"Yeah that's it. Bleat for me my little Almathean billy. Make me work for your healing powers."

That reference got Orran's mind cranking at full speed and he just groaned happily.

"Oooh, god I've wanted to do this with all the hot bucks and stags running around." He confessed.

"I'm surprised you don't have a Mage character. Sheep don't say no."

Orran blinked and then burst out in laughter, but it quickly turned to more groaning when Stelios just pushed another two inches into the goat's fluttering tailpucker.

"I saw the way you've been customizing your nude Tauren skin. I've never seen anyone spend that much time to get realistic swinging balls and dick on a game character before." Stelios licked his muzzle, teasing his boyfriend to the point where his ears turned red with embarrassment. He had been quite frank about the conversions he was doing, but Stelios made it sound like a dirty like secret just now and the blush came completely involuntarily.

"Admit it. You get hard from watching that naked Tauren jump around on your screen all day."

"Hrmmf!" Orran protested with a whiny snort, but it was in no way a denial of that fact.

"Ever since you started playing you've been dreaming about that character coming to life and humping the stuffing out of you." Stelios stated with the most salacious tone he could, just making his billy blush even harder. It was a good euphemism, but Stelios knew perfectly well how true it was. He was not completely oblivious; He had indeed heard his boyfriend jerk off while playing that game at night when Orran thought he was asleep.

Orran bit his lower lip, unable to shake the thought that had taken over his mind when Stelios said that.

"Mmmfr.. oooh. Can I call you Ralrrtas, like my character?" The goat started blushing even before he finished the sentence.

"Sure." Stelios smirked from ear to ear behind him. This was getting kinkier by the minute.

"Nnnh, oh Ralrrtas.. I always knew you were such a big stud." Orran quivered and closed his eyes in pleasure.

Stelios grabbed his wrists and held his arms up, spreading out the goat even more and baring his chest while holding him in place, each rough slam rippling through his furry form.

"MMMN! Yes, grind me! Grind me for everything I've got."

Stelios grunted like a bull behind him. "Don't worry, I'll get what I need out of you."

"From now on I want you to be naked when your character is."

Orran found the decree quite exciting, but of course impractical.

"I don't think that's such a--"

"You WILL do as I tell you!!" Stelios *snorted* loud enough to make the goat's headfur blow to the side. He grabbed him tighter and immediately sped up his thrusts, forcing himself deeper and deeper up his boyfriend's tailhole with every repeated motion.

"You feel that?" He snorted. "Those massive balls smacking your thighs? All that's gonna spray up your tail soon."

"YES! Fuck your captured little beastie. Fill its ass with Taurencum!"

Stelios grabbed both the goat's shoulders to hold him down against the bed when the thrusts grew more rapid and intense. It was easier to keep slipping back and forth in the hot little billy's ass if he was pinned down and did not slide along with the movements.

"MMmmm.. you just don't get tail like this in Thunder Bluff. I ought to take you back to the auction and see how many of my brethren Stampi could sell you to for a night."

"Yes.. yessss, oh by Baphomet."

"I bet you'd love that, wouldn't you? To be the cow for a whole horde of Shu'halo."

Orran whimperbleated and curled his hands around the bedsheets he was pressed against, his hooves scraping the floor and even lifting up to dangle in the air while he took it hard from behind.

" let us fill you with thick bullcum all night, in both ends, again and again till you're soaked in it." Each syllable was emphasized by a more ruthlessly powerful thrust up the goat's backside.

"NNNNNgh! aaaah! YES! Oooh, please! Fuck me, you magnificent beast. Ram your thick Tauren dick up my ass and cum in me!" He pleaded, but was met by a boisterous snort from behind that made his neckfur bristle.

"I'll cum when I'm damn good and ready, slave." Stelios countered and grabbed onto his left horn with one big hand, tugging it back to assert his dominance over his captured quarry.

"Such insolence! I oughta tie you up in the town square and just let every Tauren passing by dump his load in your ass."

Orran shivered at the thought of being tied to a post and made a public fucktoy for every hunky Tauren that laid eyes on his naked rump. He could just imagine how they would walk over, pull their loincloth aside and have their way with him.

"Who's the mightiest species in Azeroth?" Stelios growled and pulled the poor goat's horns once again.

"Tauren! *gasp*.. TAUREN!" He bleated out, squirting his own watery precum on the bedsheets.

"Fuck yeah. I'm gonna pillage your little ass." Stelios grunted and slapped his low hanging sac repeatedly against his caprine lover's. There was no mercy in his voice or his actions. This was one of the most savage sessions he had ever done, but the combination of staying in character and his contempt for all the nights his boyfriend had wasted with that game manifested in a display of uncompromising rage as he fucked him in the tail with animalistic lust.

The hefty bovine balls jostled to the cries of the trapped goat, slapping his rear in a punishing manner while that whopping ramrod banged him fiercely enough to make the bed bounce against the wall. Orran looked back up over his shoulder with his jaw hanging down to watch the snorting, sweating body of the Tauren whacking away in the most brutish manner he had ever experienced.

There was no holding back from his partner and despite the soreness he was going to have for days, Orran just could not get enough of the dominating, bestial atmosphere he was caught up in.

Stelios was distracted with trying to hold himself back even though every nerve in his being had been screaming for him to climax for the past two minutes. He wanted to draw this out as much as possible, but Orran's flinching made him fix his eyes upon the goat's that were lit up with amazement, awe, and a quite a bit of primal fear as well. It merely made the bull sneer.

"Moo for me." He ordered. "Moo like the little cowbitch you are!"

"Mmmm! ..Mooo--OOOooh!" He attempted, but kept being distracted and losing his concentration, his voice breaking at the violent jabs he received up his tender tailhole.

"LOUDER!" Stelios demanded and reamed the submissive male to the hilt, fully in character and fully determined to make the goat limp for days.

"NNnh! Gaah! Mm..ooh... M-MmmmmmMMMMmmmmOOOOOOO!"

Stelios closed his eyes and listened to the sound of unconditional submission. He was amazed that he could drive his boyfriend this far, he had never tried being this dominant with him before and the fact that it worked out so perfectly added to his arousal to the point where even his bovid stamina was not enough.

He managed to bellow out a triumphant "FOR THE HOOOOOOOORDE!" warcry just before his voice broke and his spine convulsed wildly, sending pint after pint of gooey bovine seed up his billy's tailhole. Each copious shot was accompanied with a grunt from Stelios and a cry from his boyfriend as he felt the brunt of the hot Tauren sperm washing through his bowels.

The combined sexual excitement at this entirely new roleplay and the fact that he had not gotten his rocks off in Orran's back for two months, both made for a most powerful and plentiful release of seed.

It took only a few moments before the goatboy was full and the seed sprayed out over his own rump, down his balls and ran quickly along his thighs towards the ground.

At that point Stelios pulled himself free with a squishy *plop*, his flared cocktip requiring an extra forceful tug before it came out as well. He dropped his heavy, cumming meat on the boy's back and just let the rest gush wetly all over his grey fur. The warm fluid spilled down his sides and onto the bedsheets as soon as the pool on his back grew too large to contain.

The last time Stelios gave him a cumbath of this magnitude was when they first met, and the goat shivered at the feeling of this gooey display of carnal desire that painted him entirely and marked him as the bull's both visually and olfactory.

Even after all this there was no indication that Orran was free to go. A hand reached down to his side and rolled him over on his back, smearing the large quantities of bulljizz all over his bed. He needed to wash the sheets anyway.

With a bit of a blurry vision still, Orran weakly tried to sit up on the bed. Stelios stepped up right in front of him, grabbed his still dribbling maleness and cockslapped the goat a few times, hard enough to make his head ring.

Orran lost his balance, but was quickly caught by a hand on his back to help support him before another slap stung his cheek and the bull finally settled down to just wipe his drizzling cum into the goat's facefur.

"Good hoofie. Now jerk off for your Tauren master."

Orran gulped and reached down to his rockhard erection, a quiver going through him when he touched himself for the first time today. He started stroking himself off and moaned softly, his entire sensory apparatus filled with the taste, view, scent and sensation of the bull's groin rubbing against his muzzle. He could not help but start licking and nuzzling the large balls and the wet shaft as they were pushed insistently into his face.

Stelios knew just what to do after that, he took a step back, stood up fully, and made the most flexing pose he could. His eyes narrowed as he watched the goat pleasure himself, and his muscles were tense all the way from his belly to his arms that were crossed over his chest. He looked like a picture-perfect statue like that, chiseled in the most brawny way possible. A brief, stray rational thought in Orran's mind informed him that he must have been using the modelviewer on the computer, because he was an amazing replica of Ralrrtas right down to the markings on his horns and the glyph tattoos.

With the big Tauren observing him it did not take long before Orran bleated and came in torrents over himself, much to the smug satisfaction of his boyfriend.

This was going to be an interesting few days.

Orran was sitting naked in his chair with the seat all the way back so he could lean back in a nearly diagonal position. His headset was hanging down around his neck while he himself was moaning loudly and raising his head up towards the ceiling, trying so hard to keep suppressing the urge to bleat out like mad. Stelios was right in front of him on his knees between the chair and the desk, blowing the goat at full speed.

Orran put both legs up on the table next to his mouse and keyboard to support himself better on the slightly wobbly office chair and he tried not to convulse wildly at the lewd slurping sounds from the bull guzzling up his precum. The kneeling brown figure lifted his ears up and thoroughly enjoyed the strained sensations from the other male that manifested in the cutest little bleats each time Stelios went down on him. There was no way he could restrain himself entirely from the carnal joy of getting sucked off this well.

The headphones around his neck blared with several voices yelling so loud at this point that even Stelios could hear the curses from the raid leader as if he was trying to drown out Orran's moans. The bull stopped and pulled his head back, sliding the throbbing goatdick out of his snout for a moment.

Orran snapped his head down to stare at him with wild eyes that showed his obvious frustration at being left so close to the edge.

"It sounds like everything's going to hell. I think they need you." Stelios smirked mischievously and licked his wet lips, making a clear signal that he was about to move away. Orran instantly grabbed both his horns and yanked him forward, making all the beads and feathers dangle and clatter against each other.

"Shut up and suck me off, Taurenbitch!" The goat made a prey-like growl and stuffed his needy cock into the bovine muzzle again, tugging the horns to make Stelios resume blowing him.

There was a great satisfaction in Stelios' mind that he was able to distract his boyfriend to the point that he didn't even care about the game anymore. He closed his eyes and obediently sucked off the goat, hearing his ecstatic *squees* until the first gush of goatcum splattered over the back of his tongue.

The bull swallowed dutifully, letting his caprine lover empty a full load into his belly while that large tongue of his rubbed wetly against his underside to stimulate him further.

"Ooooh fuck, yeah. Everyone should have their own Tauren pet." The goat grinned and ran his hand affectionately through Stelios' headfur.

Stelios smirked and got up halfway on his feet before his boyfriend grabbed both hands around his neck and pulled him down for a wet kiss to taste some of himself on the bull's breath. Their tongues met and caressed each other in an improvised dance.

"MMmm, you give amazing head, Ralrrtas." Orran winked and finally let the bull go.

Stelios chuckled and stepped off to the side, scratching his own semi-erect shaft.

"So when's it my turn?"

"We have a break in an hour, then I'll be all yours." Orran looked after the bovine as he trotted across the room and over to his bed. Gods, that muscled ass was to die for.

The entire raid party on the screen were either making their way back as ghosts or waiting to be resurrected by the time Orran got back to the keyboard. He made some lame excuse on the chat and then looked over his shoulder.

Stelios was reclining on his back in the bed, those muscular thighs spread out and his hooves laying down along the sheets. He had his back leaned against the wall and a pillow behind it to help keep him up in a nearly sitting position.

The bull winked over at Orran and had one big hand around his sheath, already having stroked the brown sleeve enough to make half of that red length push free, and now it was dribbling generous amounts of precum down on his own gargantuan bovine balls just below. He did not say anything, though. He did not need to.

Orran bit his lower lip and whimpered lightly at the sight. He looked at the monitor, then back at Stelios and then back at the monitor again.

Stelios grinned broadly when his nekkid goaty mate crawled up on the bed between his spread legs and fondly started rubbing his head all over the precum-leaking shaft of the bull, getting watery fluid in his facefur.

A big brown hand grabbed him by the left horn and pulled him up over the sharply sculpted torso of his cattle boyfriend.

"Mmm, good billyboy. Let's see if we can't fit this under your tail, hm?"


"Now close your eyes."

Orran obeyed, crawling up and straddling the lower belly of the bovine.

"It's been a long day for the various parties around Mulgore." Stelios narrated in a calm tone, having rehearsed this a few times already.

"The warriors come home exhausted and eager for intimate company. They are scarred, brutish and brawny, but they pay well. Slaves like you are rented in groups to the Inns for the night and you have the fortune to entertain a Tauren in his room tonight."

Orran shivered at the cocktip poking lightly under his lifted tail. Stelios was good with stories -- he could practically smell the scent of beer, sweat and sex in the air, and hear the muffled sounds of the tavern just below.

Orran opened his eyes and immersed himself in the story, leaning down to kiss the big bull's chest while his hands stroked gently over his pecs.

"So what's your name, lover?" He cooed softly and winked up at him.

"Ralrrtas. Mmm, you know how to please a Tauren well. I am not your first?"

Orran gave a shrill laughter. "Hardly. This is Mulgore after all."

The goat moved down a bit more, starting to rub his hanging caprine sac up and down the underside of the Tauren's erect shaft.

"I have paid for a full night. Show me all the ways you have learned to please the Shu'halo." Stelios licked his snout in anticipation and put both hands behind his neck to stretch out and lean back comfortably. "Show me.. slowly."

Orran nodded and positioned the stiff tip of his lover against his tailbud before slowly sinking downwards, allowing his rear to steadily swallow inch after inch of thickening bulldick.

"Oooh, Ralrrtas.. I'm going to ride you all night while you blow your loads in me again and again." The goatboy reached down between his own legs to grab his sheath and stroke it, already halfway down the other male's shaft.

"May I make you wet too?" He asked, jerking himself off at a quickening pace.

"Certainly, but you will lick it all up afterwards."

"Yesss." He leaned forward a bit, one hand on the bull's chest, the other one beating himself off and feeling the precum squirt over his fingers and drip onto Stelios' belly now. He bounced over the giant brown furry form, taking that big rod up his rear in a rhythmic motion.

Suddenly two big hands grabbed his horns and yanked him forward, then pushed back, his customer clearly not satisfied with the pace and Orran had to speed up accordingly.

"Yeah, that's better.. grrrn! Mmm... you're about to get filled." Stelios grunted in warning, already feeling his nuts tighten up and prepare to shoot. Being trapped under the desk and made to service the other male a short while ago had gotten Stelios aroused to a point where he needed little more encouragement to climax.

"Oh yes, my studly Tauren." Orran gasped and bounced faster, taking two thirds of the bovine fuckpole up his tailhole. "Don't hold back. Fill me up with all you have, that's what I'm for. Your personal little fucktoy, eager to please."

Stelios reached down to grab the jutting goatdick in his hand and began jerking off Orran at a rapid pace.

"You go first, my pet. I can cum a lot more if your ass is milking me."

Orran concentrated greatly on his own pleasure from then on, paying less attention to moving at the right pace for his lover. He humped the big brown hand with lustful moans and felt the other hand grab his horn and pull his head down just before he passed the point of no return. The hand on his horn just yanked him farther down and made him bow and curl up on himself until he finally gave a *bleat* of ecstasy and felt the first powerful shot of goatcum hit his own tongue. The ones following it painted the inside of his muzzle and he just gargled and drooled his own cum down over the bull's stomach while peaking hard.

The obscene sight of his lover gagging on his own cum coupled with the intense contractions of his tight little rump gave Stelios enough momentum to push himself over the edge and he too gave in with a loud *bellow* when he let it all loose and flooded Orran's bowels with pints upon pints of thick, gooey bullspunk.

Before Stelios was even done, he was already thinking of the next way in which he would make the goat submit to him. All through the night.

Cealan's door opened and Stelios stepped into his room. The orca looked up from his desk and was greeted by all smiles.

"Hm, you look pretty pleased with yourself." Cealan smirked and dropped his pencil on the notepad before leaning back in his chair and turning to face the other.

"I am." The bull replied mysteriously and stopped at that, yet one could clearly see the excitement bubbling inside and he could barely hold himself back. He was wearing his Tauren outfit and nothing but a loincloth around his waist with some tribal symbols on the front.

"I think you're about to explode. Maybe you should tell me what's going on?" The orca grinned.

Stelios laughed and stepped up to pull the orca out of his chair and waltz about with him in the room. The killer whale was a bit surprised at this, he was not really used to others picking him up and tossing him around like that.

"Don't you get a lot of looks in your classes?" He nodded towards the beads and long braids held with jewelry.

"Oh yeah, it's kinda odd. Everyone thinks I've discovered my native roots or something." Stelios grinned and batted at his dangling decorations.

"But the sex is uuuuuunbelievable." The bull swooned and let himself fall fully onto his back on the bed, finally gotten to the point of his visit, it seemed.

"Ahhh, I see. So you and your billybitch are okay again?" Cealan teased.

"My boyfriend hasn't ignored me in favor of the computer for a whole week now. I'm the one who's been raiding him every night!" Stelios snickered.

Cealan giggled and could not help but lick his lips at the sight of the scantily clad bull all stretched out and showing off on his own bed.

"Worked that well, did it?" He asked curiously.

"Yeah, he's been very keen to teach me what spells he'd like to have cast on him to be seduced. He's even gone and bought these small flasks and mixed some flourescent Halloween fruit colors in them."

"Sounds like he's really into it."

"Hey, if it gets me laid and him off the computer, I'm all for it. Last night he wanted me to do a war stomp to stun him before I ravaged his hot little goaty-ass."

"So you don't see Jerrell about the game anymore?"

"Oh, yeah I do. Every day after school, actually. He keeps giving me these great lines that always make Orran drool with lust. It's much more effective than guessing or saying something about general fantasy stuff. I don't even know what half of it means, but Orran goes absolutely mad when I call him my little Almathean billy. It's some mountain goat in the game, apparently. Been thinking about talking Redmond into playing a Furblog." Stelios tapped his chin and then looked up to notice the blank stare the orca gave him.

"Eh nevermind, just thinking aloud. Orran's been collecting stuff for a druid outfit, by the way. We're going shopping again today. Got some lovely velour yesterday, great craftwork. Expensive stuff, but murr."

Cealan grinned. "There's a renaissance fair around here soon, you know. Some weekend early next month, I forget which. I bet you could get a lot of fantasy stuff there."

Stelios made an 'ooooh' mouth. "That's perfect. I hope it's not next weekend, tho. We're driving up to Orran's folks."

"That's a new twist. I thought you didn't like his parents much?" Cealan tilted his head with a puzzled expression.

"Yeah, they're a bit backward about our relationship, but I have a pretty good idea why he wants to take me up to the farm."

"And why's that?"

"Simple. He wants to do it in a forest."

The orca laughed.

"I'm serious, dude. He's getting his own outfit, he's already asked twice if I've remembered to pack all of mine. He just wants to get me to himself in a big forest and do some kinky fantasy druid roleplay, I bet."

"That does sound kinda hot."

"He's even started calling me his Tauren in public. And I just know he gets a boner every time he says it."

"You wear this in public too?" Cealan nodded down at the skimpy red loincloth.

"I did briefly a few days ago. People assume you're wearing something underneath, but they still have to check. Imagine their surprise."

Cealan snickered and stepped closer to his occupied bed.

"We went to the movies last night. Orran always wants to sit in the front row, but this time we got seats way, way in the back."

Cealan smiled and nodded.. he waited.. but Stelios just shot an unreadable grin at him. The orca frowned and then blinked when it dawned on him.

"He.. he didn't!" The whale's eyes went wide.

Stelios grinned toothily and nodded. "Right in the middle of "300". I think all those abs were chipping away at his willpower."

The orca's beak fell agape.

"I had a suspicion when he started stroking my thigh right after the room went dark, but.. wow.. my first blowjob in public, too."

Cealan chuckled and was now close enough to kneel down next to the bed. He slipped a hand underneath the loincloth, grabbing himself a pair of big orbs to roll between his webbed fingers.

"Mmmmr.. naughty orca." Stelios murred and brought up both his hands to intertwine the fingers behind his neck as he closed his eyes. He did not mind the nice caress in the least.

"I think I'll ask to be his mount tonight. Then he can ride me all the way to Ironforge like a cheap Kodo."

"I've no idea what you just said, but it sounded hawt." He interrupted the bull in his thoughts by a firm nip of rubbery lips around his balls. The motion had flipped the loincloth off to the side and left him completely exposed to the air and the gawking eyes of the whale.

"Mrf. Careful there, orcaboy. You keep that up and you'll get your little beak fucked."

"Is that a threat or a promise?" The orca looked almost innocent just before pushing a thick finger up the bull's tailhole and making his sheath stiffen instantly in his hand.

"OOOoooooh, now you've done it..!" Stelios grunted and looked down at the naughty aquatic critter.

"Do I get to feel some of that legendary Tauren rage?"

"I oughta drag you out in the hallway and fuck you in the beak so everyone can see what a cumguzzling orcaslut you are."

"Pffff. Everyone in the building already knows that. Intimately." Cealan shrugged indifferently.

"Good point." Stelios untied his loincloth at his hip and tossed it off to the side.

"You have half an hour before Orran gets back from classes. Get to it, orcabutt."

Cealan pulled his fingers back and bent forward when he felt two large hands on the back of his head pull on him, aiming the heavy bovine shaft right for his beak and not stopping until Stelios had the whole thing buried in the choking orca's throat.

"That's more like it. Gag on your Tauren master, little sea critter. I'll give you something to complain about."

He smacked his bullsac against the killer whale's smooth chin repeatedly, showing no lenience in the way he indulged in the tight sensation of the wet throat wrapped around his cock. Yet despite the choking, gurgling and the occasional meek *squeak* coming from the orca, he just smiled all across his beak when Stelios pulled out again and pushed his head away with his burly hands. However, it was not enough to get away from Cealan who just leaned forward again and kept nuzzling underneath the bull's dripping shaft.

"Why do I get this feeling that no matter what I do to you, it'll just get you hornier right now?"

Cealan giggled up at the bull and tried to make an innocent expression, which was sort of difficult with a cock resting across his face, but he still managed to pull it off quite well.

Stelios just gave an exaggerated mock-sigh and rolled his eyes. "Oh, al-riiight you can have it. Get undressed."

He did not need to tell the orca twice. The big whale practically leaped to his feet, spun around and dropped his shorts on the floor with well-practiced ease. His elbows rested on the bed of his roommate right across from where Stelios was lying. When he bent over and began lifting that large, muscular tail up he felt the aid of two hands from behind that helped get it out of the way so Stelios could take up position behind him. Those rough hands of his each grabbed a rumpcheek and spread them apart to get ready for what Cealan already knew would be a swift and fierce entry.

"Don't hold back. Mmmm, my big horned stud." He looked up with nothing but admiration in his eyes at the naked bull in his native outfit. The muscles rippled and flexed beneath his brown fur when he grabbed tighter around the waist of his aquatic lover.

Stelios adored the smooth, rubbery sensation of kneading the orca's skin between his fingers. The whale almost felt like a big plastic toy of some kind, it was nothing at all like the fur most other species around here had, and he was certainly looking forward to grinding himself against it with lustful fervor in just a moment.

"I'll fuck you so hard you can't swim straight for a week. I suggest you bite down on a pillow and squeak for me, orcabitch. Otherwise the whole floor is gonna know." He sneered and mashed his flared crown against the whale's smooth little tailslit.

The bull was not kidding either, as the rest of the hallway heard a moment later.