The fun before the movie

Story by zacky351 on SoFurry

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#9 of Life Goes On Series

Sometimes life can seem like it is so going your way. And then it reminds you that things are never that easy.

"So whats been your favorite stunt on the show so far?" Chris asks with an expectant look as we make our way to his house. I rub the back of my head and shrug my shoulders as I say with a slight chuckle, "Well. I actually haven't seen the show much at all. Just a clip here and there when I'm flippin around on the T.V." He tilts his head and looks surprised as he says, "Really?! I thought most people had seen at least some episodes of the show. You really haven't watched it?" I shrug my shoulders again as I rub my neck while saying, "Ehh, I've haven't really been that interested to see it whenever its on." He shrugs his shoulders too as he says with a smirk, "Oh well, I guess tonight you'll get your first real dose of all the mayhem." We both chuckle at this as we round the corner and get to Chris' street.

As Chris unlocks and opens the front door he yells out, "I'm home! Anybody here?" When we see that no one is around he turns to me and says with a grin, "Well, I guess we have the place to ourselves for a while. Lets go ahead and go to my room and chill out." I nod a bit nervously before we make our way down the hall. When we get inside his room he plops down on the bed and says, "So, what you feel like doing." I grin as I think, "You.", in my mind. I shake my head quickly and think to myself, "Down boy." before I shrug my shoulders and say, "I don't know. I'm fine with whatever." He closes his eyes in concentration for a moment before saying, "Well, I'm feeling a bit antsy and full of energy. You maybe wanna wrestle for a bit so I can burn some of it off?"

I quickly look away as I blush and think to myself, "Oh god. This is happening much faster and more directly than in my daydream earlier today. I sooo want to so that I can feel his body a little, but I don't know if that's the best idea." As I sit there thinking it over for a bit he sits up and gives me a curious look before saying, "What? Have you never wrestled before?" Thruthfully I never had before due to being a very timid person and doing everything I could to avoid any kind of altercation no matter how small and relatively harmless. I continue to not look at him as I blush and nod my head. My body jumps in surprise when he puts his hand on my shoulder and says reassuringly, "Hey, it's no big deal. I can show you how."

He then grabs my arm and pulls me to the floor as he says, "Come on it's really easy." I can feel my heart pumping faster as he goes about putting myself and him into various positions while explaining what their names and purposes are. Before I know it I'm sitting on his back trying to keep his arms pinned down. He is breathing a bit heavier at the moment and just the situation alone is kind of turning me on a little. I do my best to not let myself start getting a hard on and am both relieved and a little disappointed when he suddenly shifts his weight and throws me off of him before grabbing me into a headlock.

He chuckles as he lets me go and pats my back while saying, "Not bad. If I weren't on the wrestling team you might have actually stood a chance." I grin as I playfully punch him in the arm and say sarcastically, "Yeah. If you were a normal lazy nerd like me it wouldn't have been so one sided." He holds his hands up in defense as he says, "Hey! I didn't mean it like that." I just give him a dismissive wave and shrug my shoulders as I say, "I was only kidding. I know it's my own fault for being the stereotypical nerd who has no interest in sports or exercising. It's not like it matters that much." He shrugs his shoulders and says, "Yeah, I guess your right." Then he grins playfully as he says, "Well, at least you aren't so stereotypical to have the taped up glasses or shirts with pocket protectors." I laugh as I say, "Yeah. At least I'm not that bad of a nerd." Then Chris gets up and stretches his back before saying, "Well, that was fun. You maybe wanna watch some TV in the living room while we wait?" I nod my head and say, "Sure, sounds good."

Twenty minutes later we are sitting at his couch flipping through channels bored out of our minds. Chris is broken out of his bored trance when his cellphone rings. He picks it up nonchalantly before reading the caller ID and breaking out into a grin and saying, "Oh good. It's Max." My ears perk up when I hear this and I listen to him say, "Hey!" He then looks at me out of the corner of his eye before saying, "Yeah he's still coming. He's sitting right here next to me." I raise my eyebrow at this and think to myself, "Was Max just asking about me? Is he looking forward to seeing me again or something?" I shake my head and push these thoughts aside as I continue to listen to Chris' side of the conversation.

They move on to discussing where and when to meet and that only one other person could make it. Chris says, "Okay great. See ya then." before turning me and saying, "Alright. Apparently only our friend Tatiana is free to make it today. They want us to meet them at the Subway near the theater in forty minutes so we can all grab a bite to eat before the show." I nod my head as I listen to him and then say, "Cool. Sounds fine to me. So, is there anything you can tell me about Tatiana before I meet her and make a fool of myself?" He shrugs his shoulders and scrathes the back of his head as he says, "Eh, well. She is a leopardess and a junior. She does have a little bit of a bad rep around school, but she's actually pretty chill when you get to know her."

I give him a curious look as I ask, "Bad rep? What is she getting into fights all the time or doing drugs?" He quickly shakes his head before saying, "No no no. She's not that bad. She's just a little looser than some of the other girls at school, but she's not a total slut." I shrug my shoulders as I say, "Oh, is that all? Eh, it's her life. As long as she's smart about it she's not hurting anyone." He gives me a relieved grin as he says, "Cool. Thanks man. I'm sure she'll like you if that's the kind of attitude you have towards those things." We go back to trying to find something to watch on TV for a bit, but find nothing so we decide to head out early out of boredom. His house is only fifteen minutes away from the theater by foot, so it eats up a small chuck of the time we have to wait before Max and Tatiana would show up.

We decide to stop by the Vons nearby and grab a few candies on the cheap to sneak into the theater. We wander around the parking lot for a while looking into the different shops around the shopping complex before we see that we only have about five more minutes until Max and Tatiana would be at the Subway. We walk over to the shop and stand around outside chatting until Chris spots Max and shouts sarcastically, "Hey man! What took you so long?" Max gives him the finger before saying, "Screw you man." Chris chuckles and says jokingly, "Hey man, not today. I'm still sore from the last time." while rubbing his butt a little with an obviously fake look of pain on his face. Max just rolls his eyes and ignores Chris' antics before turning to me with his tail wagging excitedly and a big grin on his face as he says, "Yo. Been a little while. Glad you could make it." I blush a little and give him small smile before saying, "Yeah. Glad you could make it too. So, I hear a friend of your guys' is going to be joining us?" Max continues to grin at me as he rubs the back of his head and says, "Oh, yeah. She should have been here already. She lives really close by. I wonder what's keeping her?"

The next thing we know we hear Chris yelp in surprise and turn to see him staggering around trying not to fall over with someone clinging to his back. Then the mysterious figure puts their paws over Chris' eyes and says, "Guess who?" Chris growls a little as he stuggles to shake the person off while shouting, "DAMMIT TATIANA! Of course I know it's you. Who else do I know who would be childish enough to do this old gag?" I then get a good look at the leopardess' face as she looks over Chris' shoulder at him and says, "Oh poo. Your no fun." She then hops down off of Chris and skips over to Max with her spotted tail swishing about happily behind her and says, "Hey Max!"

Max just chuckles at the little show she just gave and says, "Hey there T. As energetic as ever aren't ya?" She gives him a lopsided grin before saying, "Of course. Gotta keep the fun alive." She then notices me and puts her hand out with a big grin on her face while saying, "And you must be Joey. Max here has told me all about you." I smile shyly as I stick my hand out to shake hers and say, "It's nice to meet you Tatiana." As I grasp her hand she pulls me forward into a hug and chuckles as she says, "Oh no. Just call me T. Everybody does."

After she lets me go I stand there a moment stunned by here sheer abundance of energy and friendliness. I get my bearings back when Max pats my shoulder and says, "She's a hoot ain't she?" I nod my head and say, "Yeah. Are you always so friendly T?" She gives me a warm smile as she says, "Why of course. Should I not be?" I shake my head as I say, "No of course not. I'm just not used to so much of it from a person I just met." She chuckles as she puts her hand on my shoulder and says, "Well mister man. If your gonna be hanging around me your gonna get used to it real fast." I scratch the side of my face in embarassment before we are broken out of our little bubble of conversation by the sound of Chris coughing loudly to get our attention. He gives us a stern look as he says, "Well, now that we have the introductions out of the way. How about we continue this inside while we eat?"

T turns back to us for a second and rolls her eyes before saying to Chris, "Alright alright. If you were that hungry you should have just said so." Then she gives him a mischievous grin before saying, "No need to be such a sour pussycat." Chris gets a pissed off look on his face at this as he says, "OH! You did not just call me that. Come here you little..." T runs off to Subway all the while laughing hysterically. As we watch Chris chase T into the store Max and I both look at each other and can't help but starting laughing our asses off. Once we have calmed down I wipe tears of laughter out of my eyes before I say to Max, "Ohhoho, I think I like her already." He keeps giggling a little as he says, "Good. I thought you would." He then straightens himself out before saying in a cheerful tone, "Okay. Now lets get in there before Chris catches up to T and strangles her."

I nod my head and we walk inside to find the two of them already sitting at a table chowing down on their sandwiches. Max gives them a curious look as he says, "What the? I thought you two would still be going at it. What the hell happened to make you stop chasing her Chris?" Chris just gives Max his usual big smile and a shrug of his shoulders before saying, "Hey, what can I say? When I caught up to her she offered to pay for my meal." He then turns to T who gives him a smile and a thumbs up which he returns. Max just gives Chris a flabbergasted look before saying, "Really man? A little food and all is forgiven. Just like that?" Chris just keeps on smiling as he says, "Of course dude. It's free food. Why the hell would I say no to that?"

Max crosses his arms and huffs before saying, "Fine. I was hoping for a little more entertainment, but whatever I guess." Then Max turns to me and points his thumb behind him as he says, "Well, since those two are already eating how about we get in line so we can join them?" I smile and nod my head before following him to the counter. After we get our food Max and I rejoin Chris and T and we all just sit around chatting for a while to kill time before the movie. Once we are all finished Chris looks at his cellphone and says, "Oh shit. The movies gonna start in ten minutes. We better head over quickly and get our tickets before it starts." T just waves her hand nonchalantly and says, "Oh you. There's no need to rush. The trailers are gonna eat up twenty minutes anyway." Chris lets out a small huff as he says, "Well sorry, but I actualy like to see the trailers. So can we please get a move on?" T just shrugs her shoulders as we throw our trash away and walk outside to the theater.


Been a little while since my last chapter. I realize now after looking at it that this chapter is a good amount lengthier than the last couple so thats a plus I guess. I've been a bit distracted by other things so I haven't been as on it as I would like to be with my stories. I think I will probably be doing somewhat more sporadic updates from now on. To not leave anyone wondering when these updates will happen I am going to shoot for a couple of chapters every 2 to 3 weeks.
