Flexibility - Art by Paranokun, Text by Amethystine

Story by Amethystine on SoFurry

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(A poem about) The Allure of Amorphousness + Illustration

Flexibility - by Amethystine, dedicated to Paranokun


_The snake takes so much pride, in his flexible hide.

So very limber, loose and lithe, Able to bend and fold and writhe.

Curling and coiling, gets his blood boiling.

To be able to move, so flexy.. he finds it, without doubt, so sexy.

He also dabbled in the appeal that stemmed from the form of an eel,

finding their sinuous fluid-based flow to be a rather lovely little show.

Wanting to try it out, he makes an alchemical potion that will turn him eel-ish upon entry into the ocean.

A fabulous vacation is had under the sea, where everything is less stiff, less rigid, all so free.

Eventually, the reptile returns to his old life on land, all dry. He thinks that he has seen all there is to see, tried all there is to try.

That is 'till he sees someone made of slime, then it is only a matter of time.

The snake sees how the gooey guy can shift and change, all on the fly.

This oozy person can do all that the constrictor could, The python knows he has to try it, and just how he would!

Approaching the melting, malleable male, the snake offers up a deal that cannot fail.

The coily creature will get the amorphous one to convert his form, to join in the slimy fun.

As payment to the clay-like thing, he'll give up the bulk of his spring.

His spiralled coils, which made him bounce and slide, he'll donate ev'ry ounce.

The sentient slime will have a great feast while the snake is made a lesser beast.

What's left will be made into living ooze, which the former serpent will love to use.

He will sluice and cascade and splash and crash and spray, having a grand old time with the watery play.

And slowly but surely, he will re-acquire much more mass, eventually, back into snakedom, he'll be able to pass.

Of course, the path back to how he had been could be so great, that he might never want to revert to his normal state!_


And so, here we see the constrictor in question on the cusp of experiencing the ultimate in freedom of form and flexibility!