Wysteria: Intro

Story by Glek on SoFurry

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Wysteria: Intro

A Short Story By: G'lek

"Wysteria!" Came the shout of an all too familiar voice.

"Coming!" The Serperior shouted back, charging up the stairs from what passed as her home in the basement of her trainer's home.

Wysteria was a female Serperior, 3 years old and living in the care of a young boy named James. James had gotten her as a gift from his mother and father, two upper-class individuals who had decided their boy could use a friend. Wysteria had been born in captivity as part of a program to provide starter Pokemon to young boys and girls.

James was a typical boy from an upper-class family. He had everything given to him and this had given him a strong sense of entitlement. When he didn't get his way, he shouted and hit and generally thew a tantrum regardless of where he was or who was watching him.

When Wysteria had first been brought to the rather large home, pratically a mansion really, that James lived in, she had been young, innocent, playful, and very energetic. That had changed over the next two years as she began to live alongside James. True to his nature, he was demanding and completely unwilling to admit fault. He was possessive, never allowing her to leave his sight for more then a few minutes at a time.

Being young, she grew up in this environment, believing it was normal. Over time, though, as she began to spend more time outside the house and saw how other trainers and Pokemon interacted, she began to wonder if her relationship with her trainer was everything she thought it was. James would shout at her, push her around, ignore her, though he never once hit her.

She spoke to other Pokemon and learned about how their trainers took care of them. It was different then herself. Sometimes she would go without food or water for days because James would forget and his parents would be too busy to notice. She'd have to find water for herself. It was normally weeks between baths which meant the serpent got dirty and stayed that way. That could be attributed to James being lazy and not wanting to wash her as it was quite a task given her size.

Wysteria began to think and as she did, she began to realize that what seemed like a good life to her was, in fact, not all that great. So she tried to change it. She began to remind James that she needed food, water, or a bath. This irritated him, but he began to take better care of her, begrudgingly. His attitude, however, did not improve at being told what to do by what he considered to be his pet.

Things came to a boiling point one day. Wysteria had been watching her own tail, flicking it for her amusement when James had coming running past her, tripping on her tail. He fell on his stomach with a loud "OMPH" and then went silent for a few moments. Wysteria uncoiled herself and went over to see if he was alright.

"James? Are you alright? I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming."

"Go away!" He shouted at her, pulling himself to his feet. "You did that on purpose!"

"Wha?! No I didn't. It was an accident!"

"No. You did that because you're mean and you don't like me because you think I don't take care of you!"

"J-James... Please, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"How do you like it?" He asked as he pushed her. She didn't resist the push, falling back into her own coils.

"J-James..." She said. He rarely pushed her unless he was really angry.

"Just go away!" He said, walking away. She listened as he stomped upstairs to his room. A few minutes afterwards, she made her way to his room and gently opened the door. Normally by now he had calmed down.

"James?" She asked, poking her head into his room.

"I told you to go away!!" He shouted, trying to push the door closed, trapping Wysteria's head inbetween the frame and door.

"James! Please, let me out!"

"Then go! I don't want to talk!"

For a young boy, he was surprisingly strong. She was also very weak for her kind. She'd never been exposed to the wild world and James had never really trained her either. She was starting to panic.

"James! Let me out!"

"No! Not until you say sorry!"

"B-but I didn't do anything!" She said, starting to feel a touch light headed.

"Yes you did! You tripped me!"

"James, please! I... I don't feel good."

"Say sorry!"


"Say it!"

That was all she could take. Instinct kicked in and she threw her weight against the door in an effort to get her head free. It worked, a little too well. There was a shout as James was hit by the door with enough force to send him flying a few feet, landing on the carpet where he lay, unmoving.

"J-James?" Wysteria asked, slowly moving into the room.

She got no reply. She hovered over the boy and poked his side with her nose. That was when she felt it. Something moved inside his chest that shouldn't and he groaned in pain. Wysteria reared back, an expression of horror on her face as she realized what she'd done. She'd broken his ribs.

Panic set in again, but for vastly different reasons. Now she was worried about what would happen when James' parents found out what she'd done. She'd heard stories from other Pokemon about Pokemon who were considered dangerous and were put down for safety reasons. Her brain clung to this fact and she realized all those stories of dangerous Pokemon had a similarity. Those Pokemon had all hurt humans.

Wysteria slunk down the stairs, checking hallways before she passed them. She had to leave, had to get away before anyone found out what about the terrible thing she'd done to her trainer. She managed to get all the way to the glass door that lend into the backyard before she heard James' mother calling for him to come for lunch. A vine came from her back and opened the door as she heard James' mother walking up the stairs. She slipped out into the backyard and made for the forest that bordered the property.

She got half way before she heard a shriek of terror. James had been found. She fled as fast as her body would carry her, vanishing into the forest.

Based on my character, Wysteria: http://www.f-list.net/c/wysteria

Written 07/07/2012 - 7:10 PM (GMT-5)