Alexia's Collar - Chapter 2

Story by vega_pausch on SoFurry

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This is Chapter 2 of the story Blackberry and I collaborated on. As our handsome crow experiences the event, he begins to notice something strange. Solitaire begins to discover that the lady he has met is part of something a little bigger than a speech at a fundraiser. He discovers he has unwittingly stumbled into a strange world of corruption, power, and high-society.

Chapter 2 - The Fundraisers' Ball

Enchanted by her grace, beauty, and power, he slips the collar on and curls his arm in hers. He wonders to himself what's in store exactly, is it all just for show? Will he be sold into slavery? Will it simply be another strange night in a strange city?

He blinks his membranes and eyelids shut upon entering the grand ballroom. Even with the lights rather low, the entire place sparkles with gold, silver, gemstones, and glass, both the furnishings and the attendees. As his dark blue eyes adjust, he recognizes some very big names in the crowd; notable men of power with women (or men) other than their spouses on their arms, likewise powerful women with their own dates as well.

Most of those, as well as a handful of the females and males doing the catering and waitstaffing, also wore collars: Many purple, some green, some blue, and only two others with his own red color. Were they all invited outsiders, he wondered? Marked so they can't bid in a charity auction or something?

His nictating membranes fluttered once again at more flashes, this time of cameras recording his companion and the date on her arm. He tried to carry himself more to her standard and simply replied "I am Ms Alexia's companion this evening" when pressed, as she asked, glancing hungrily at the buffet table but knowing it would break decorum to stuff himself with those delectable little shrimp.

"I am Mr. Alexia's companion this evening." It became an almost automatic phrase. It was very curious how that simple phrase raised so many eyebrows and aquired so many odd, surprised looks.

Solitaire recognized the singer up on the stage. "That's Tony Dean!" he thought. The singer belted out a slow, subdued jazz tune, backed up by a brass band of shiny horns. The music was the perfect volume. It provided an ambience but you could easily talk over it. A stunningly sexy vixen waited in the wings behind the band. Solitaire noted the girl was wearing a bright blue collar to match a dress short enough to be able to see the top of her stockings. She was hot enough to make any male drool.

He looked around to discover the girl he'd arrived with was no longer at his arm. He spotted her across the ballroom, talking to a pudgy old tiger. Tigers are typically a proud, fit species, however this one obviously has lived a life of comfort. He recognized the tiger as Senator Hardman from his campaign ads on TV. Be began to make his way across the ballroom when he was stopped by a lean looking ferret holding a tray of champagne glasses. The waiter looked him up and down. Jealous contempt filled his eyes. Around his neck was a yellow collar.

"Hey Red Bird." he sneered. "Must be nice to wear *that* color"

"Cut it out! He's with *her*" hissed another waiter, who quickly stepped up behind the ferret. "Come on, you want to be yellow another month? Keep serving."

After a quick snort of disapproval, the ferret grumbled something inaudible and moved on. "Sorry about him. Wearing yellow for three weeks will make anyone testy."

Before Solitaire could ask him what on Earth that meant, the familiar sexy voice rang out, calling him by name. "Oh Solitaire! Come over here, there's someone you should meet." As he hurried to make his way back to his date for the evening he was completely oblivious to the menu-like piece of paper on the table in front of him. That sheet of paper held all the answers, or at least most of the answers, that disquieted him this evening. Epecially the last two lines of the menu:

"Yellow -- CHASTE Red -- RESERVED"

On his own at the party, Solitaire relied on keeping quiet and just studying people, overhearing bits of conversation didn't clue him in any more to the whole point of the fundraiser.

He cocked his head at the yellow-marked waiter and shrugged, supposing that yellow meant you weren't up for the "win a date" auction.

At Alexia's call, he approached and graciously met the Senator and the others crowded around the obvious star of the evening.

A small crowd had already gathered around the senator and the graceful lady bird. Voices hushed as the striking Corvus made his way up to his lady.

"Solitaire, I'd like to introduce you to Senator Hardman. Senator," her deep green eyes sparkled. "This is Solitaire, he's a proud, hard working corvid. He has a very sweet personality and is such a charmer."

The senator's eyes studied every feather on the young male's muscular but slender frame. If eyes could grope, this old feline's unsettling glare would be molesting the uneasy black male. After a satisfied nod, he turned back to Alexia and snorts, "Good, but he'd look better in orange." He threw a snide wink toward Alexia. "The brighter color will bring out those nice ebony feathers, right Alexia?"

Alexia politely smiled as the pudgy tiger turned his attention back towards the crow. "So how do you know Ms. Alexia?"

A quick glance around the room found a few others marked with orange, many on the arm of the same gender, some playing the third to a couple, another being fed cocktail shrimp one by one by a thrilled older gentleman. The crow started to realize something about the collars and shot a glance to Alexia, but decided he needed a lot more information first, so he let it slide.

He was no stranger to playing with either gender, of many different species, but for the first time, Solitaire felt what every woman must feel from a male's predatory gaze, what even Alexia must have felt in the bar from the bored crow ogling her from the corner -- an object, a toy, a pretty one perhaps, but to be used and recycled for another one.

He pictured the fat, sweating, panting tiger on top of some small feline lady, the on top of his own black squawking form...

Solitaire blinked himself out if his reverie and gave a cool smile. "I am Ms. Alexia's companion for the evening."

The tiger's belly laugh was every bit as condescending as his ogling was objectifying. "Not much of a talker are you? Well Alexia really must have you trained." His large frame shook as he spoke. "Whoever you're wearing red for is a lucky gentleman."

"Solitaire had the grace to wear it for me tonight." Alexia stated indignantly to the high powered male. The crowd around her instantly hushed. Eyes went wide. The fear exposed in the eyes of the tiger was enough to provide at least a small amount of vindication to the crow.

Even through a mask of civility, the tiger was clearly fuming. "Graceful indeed." he replied. He forced a smile, "It's a delight to meet you. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of you soon." His predatory teeth gleamed in the hot light of the ballroom.

"Don't mind him Solitaire. Politicians can be a bit curmudgeonly at times."

At the hush of the gathered audience, and the senator's taken aback expression, his own spirit revived a bit and he puffed up, giving his folded wings a proud flutter and clasping Alexia's hand.

Once Hardman had sulked off, frustrated at being denied the chance to break in the new meat, and the small crowd dispersed a little, he leaned in close to Alexia's ear and whispered, "Can we talk somewhere for a minute? Exactly what kind of party is..."

The ringing of a bell cut him off, and everyone's attention, and even a spotlight, turned to Alexia, and to him at her side.

Whatever was happening, it was about to start.

"Astria will take you to the VIP table. I'll join you once I'm finished speaking." she whispered in his ear. Solitaire instantly recognized the female from earlier. She was the one waiting in the backstage for the band. Sex emanated from every movement, every breath, and every strand of fur on the vixen's body.

"This way sir." she said. Even her voice was a youthful, energetic song.

The two made their way to the VIP table up at the front of the room, near the stage. The crow was shocked to find that all the most important people were at both this table and the table adjoining them. Senators, celebrities, and even the singer had a seat. Astria sat him at his table, then left to sit at a table behind him.

As Solitaire scanned the table, he noted only one other fur was wearing a collar, and the color was the same color red as his. The male who wore it was a Ringtail, a very rare species around this area. From his meticulously manicured paws to the extravagant fur, the ringtail exuded an air of regal dignity and exquisite refinement. He looked aloff and in his element around this crowd of exclusive people.

The ringtail's eyes caught the crow's. He nodded, acknowledging Solitaire's collar and gave him a wink. Suddenly a dreadfully familiar voice bellowed in his ear from the other side. "Well hello Mr. Redcrow." Solitaire's heart sank a little at the realization of who was sitting next to him.

The male crow's attention is drawn by the vixen, as is the attention of almost every other male in the room. As everyone finds a seat, the attention quickly turns back to their hostess.

Solitaire gives a small start in his seat at the voice and turns. "Senator Hardman, how delightful."

He flags down the yellow-banded ferret for a drink.

"How are you enjoying the party?"

The male crow's attention is drawn by the vixen, as is the attention of almost every other male in the room. As everyone finds a seat, the attention quickly turns back to their hostess.

The all too familiar leering stare immediately sets the handsome crow at unease. "I'm enjoying myself quite well thank you. Your company puts on the most exquisite events. The lobster bisque is the best I've ever tasted."

Before Solitaire has a chance to try to explain that he's not employed by Ms Alexia, the lights dim, turning everyone's attention towards the stage

When Alexia walks out to the podium, the spotlight gives her a fresh radience like none other the crow has ever seen. The purples in her plumage are richer, and her dress sparkles like it was made of a thousand little diamonds. She eminates an aire of sophistication and seems to command the crowd's attention.

From his right, the sentor's voice coughs, whispering abruptly into Solitaire's ear, "Your mistress can be very hard headed. When she returns to the table, I want you to give her a message for me. Tell her I need access to her .. newer... service offerings." Even though he was looking straight ahead at the stage, the crow could feel the tigers eyes on him at the emphasis in his sentence. "A wound up tiger needs to be able to properly relax in order to give her Greenspace bill the attention it deserves."

The crow just nods, coming to several realizations himself. "Don't worry, I'll be sure she knows." He's not sure now whether to be flattered or insulted, by both the leering tiger and the radiant phoenix.

With that the tiger excused himself from the table and Alexia's speach about the charity began. The speech was compelling, rehearsed, and technically flawless. It was obvious that even the less passionate advocates of the Greenspace conservation organization were moved. Alexia left the stage to thunderous applause, and finally joined her very patient corvid back at the table.

As she finishes, he applauds along with everyone else and remains standing for the lady to be seated, then he sits next to her.

With the general hubbub of the room and the patrons chatting, dropping donations in the buckets, and selecting companions for the evening, he gives Alexia a smirk.

"Hardman wants me for the evening. He'll get a bill through committee for you if you agree. And speaking of bill, what's the hourly rate for me anyway?"

The bird doesn't even miss a beat as the accusation she has been expecting finally comes. She looks Solitaire in the eye and gives him the most genuine open beak smile a bird can display. She leans in close to him. Her body language conveys her sincerity as she whispers, "You're all mine tonight." She brings her body back to better make eye contact with him. "Unless you choose differently," she teases.

The collared ferret arrives with the drink, still wearing a scowl. Although the moment Alexia eyes him, his face comically brightens to a forced smile.

"Just relax and be yourself. You look very handsome in that tuxedo. I don't doubt you're getting a lot of attention." she cooed gently. "Don't worry about the senator. He's like all politicians.. all talk and not much action. I can always find a way to pursuade him into seeing things my way."

Dinner came, and with it, a full five course meal from some of the best chefs in the world. What came after was much more enjoyable. Being so close to such fascinating people was an overwhelming experience. There were so many great stories. After some time, Solitaire caught Alexia glancing at him, with fire in her eyes.

"Would you like to come join me in my apartment tonight Solitaire?"

Solitaire comports himself fairly well, even sharing an anecdote or two of his own as the conversations permit, but trying to remain anonymous about it and not overshadow anyone. He knows that much just from working with middle management.

He clicks his beak at the question, an expression of not shock per se but a little taken aback at the straightforwardness of the request. He sets down his drink and nods, "Yes, Ms Alexia, yes. Your presence is intoxicating."

Alexia's demeanor softens. "Speaking of being intoxicated. I couldn't help but notice you've met Fenris. He can be quite a feather ruffler can't he?" A contained giggle escapes her beak as the ferret servant with the dreaded yellow collar.

"Fenris! Bring us two more glasses of wine. Then go and wait for us at the car. We'll be leaving shortly."

Having her whim satisfied in such a display of power, even as small as this exchange, left Alexia with a satisfied smile. "Fenris is very sweet. He'll cater to your every whim." Her returns with the wine and forces himself to smile to the crow, then disappears into the back.

The two enjoy their wine, finally having a good, relaxed conversation. Alexia seems much more open and relaxed now that her speaking obligation is over. Finally the two finish their glasses and get up to make their exit.

Solitaire, emboldened now, gives Fenris a friendly pat on the rump as he delivers the wine. "Don't be too down, Fenris. I'm sure you'll get your chance."

As the car ride begins, he can't help but start asking questions, his species curious problem solvers by nature.

"These collar colors, what do they represent? Going rates? Claims? Interests? It seems like orange means you'll do anything. Red means reserved?"

"And... what did you think I was when I bought you that drink, and did you choose me even before that?"

The sour little ferret really strains to keep his smile as he feels the paw on his rump. He bows before he takes his leave. "Yes Sir" he says flatly.

The two birds climbed into the extravagant stretch limo. "You may sit back here tonight Fenris," Alexia cooed.

In the car, Alexia smiles to herself as you deluge her with questions. "Your questions will all be answered in due time. However I do want to answer your question regarding a 'rate'. There is no going rate for anyone in my employ. I do not run a common brothel. Organization members are not whores. The Organization provides lifestyles. We make lifestyles like Senator Hardman's lifestyle possible and in return he and our many wonderful clients provide a lifestyle for our Organization members."

She continued, "A Member must wear an identification collar at all times. This is for the Member's safety. You are correct in that colors of the collar represent Organization status, but they also can indicate specialties or preferences. Each Member is wearing exactly the color they most desire. Yours is red because I didn't want anyone touching you but me."

"We will be staying in the top penthouse suite in the Stately Building. I don't live in this city but the Organization owns it, so I stay there when I'm in town. Otherwise it is reserved exclusively for red collars to do with as they please."

"Our encounter at the bar was indeed intentional. We service the senior management for your company. You were the only one to leave so early, so I decided to construct a meeting to make sure you weren't some rowdy, loud feather-ruffler, as some of your species has a reputation."

She went on, "The life of a red collar is exquisite. A red collar manages two clients at most and is required to only to work two nights out of the week or less. He lives in those lavish penthouses full time and has every other member below him. So Solitaire.. Would you to join the Organization?"

Solitaire slumps into the cushy limousine seat. He reaches for a can of cola and a mini bottle of rum, mixing them in the can and gulping it.

He got played, top to bottom. He was set up and obediently took every morsel of bait.

Feather-ruffler. Like Bob in Accounting. He's that kind of crow -- loud, nosy, a little cruel just for fun, whereas Solitaire is sly, a coy and clever trickster. Bob is over there right now, probably bouncing in bed with one of Alexia's employees.

He gulps his hasty drink as he thinks. He wanted to be successful, climb the corporate ladder, live a comfortable life, be a bit of a player. But in reality, MicroNode's management openings were always filled by some boot-licker who didn't deserve it.

With this, he could live in elegance, travel, meet senators and princesses, probably be richly rewarded, and all he would have to do is be someone's companion now and then.

And the boss already wants to share her bed with him.

"Is there a dental plan?"

Alexia smiles delightedly. The small taste of such a lavish lifestyle was always a guaranteed way of recruiting a sexy new "member".

"Wonderful! You are going to be very happy to have made such a wise decision. From now on this will be your personal limo. The Organization send for your belongings and take care of your old place." the Phoenix's colors seemed to flare with excitement.

"Fenris will be your personal assistant. He will provide you with anything you desire, regardless of cost." a furrowed brow glanced at the ferret. "Anything."

"A bodyguard will be assigned to you. Don't hesitate to make use of our security services. You shouldn't ever need them but it's nice to know they're around sometimes."

"Your clients will be assigned to you after the weekend is over. In addition you will be responsible for managing Fenris and making sure his service to his clients are at the highest level. Don't worry, Fenris is very professional. You won't have any issues." The slim little ferret almost seemed to blush at the praise.

The limo arrived at the front of the Stately building, and the three climbed out. A doorman, dressed to the hilt, opened doors for them. Opening the door to the top-floor penthouse was like stepping into a different world. Unimaginable luxury surrounded them. A spectacular view of the city laid itself out in the floor to ceiling windows.

"The last thing I need, to seal the agreement, is for you to turn the small key in side of your collar and give it to me. This is a sign that you understand your new responsibilities to the Organization and willfully accept them."

The corvid's thoughts tumble over one another. "Is this what I want to be? A prostitute? No, not a prostitute. The clients don't pay me; they contract with the organization, and I'm an employee."

"In fact, I was more of a prostitute working in IT at MicroNode, figuratively sucking up to middle managers to get projects funded so I could finish them and the managers walk away happy; I just service the next one in line."

"This business is 100% labor, and they need to have their employees in top mental shape. MicroNode grinds you down and spits you out when they've finally broken you emotionally."

"And," he thinks, "I was hand-picked by the CEO this time! She recruited me. Okay, she thought I might be a troublemaker who needed to get tossed on his tail, but still..."

His taloned fingers feel for the key. With a deep breath, he turns it and hands it over.

"What should I tell my friends back home?"

"There will be no talking to anybody outside of the Organization. We just can't afford the liability. You understand.. Don't you?"

The tiny click echoed in Solitaire's ears. The Phoenix opened her beak in a vibrant, delighted smile as she reached her paw out to accept the key. She locked the key in a tiny box, produced from her purse, then put it away as if sealing the crow's fate.