The Undie Chronicles; Chapter one, A chance meeting.

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#2 of The Undie Chronicles

{{Warning; Though this chapter is a bit more tame, this series will have continuous cub m/m yiff of all kinds.}}

The little fishing village that Tyll had anticipated wasn't quite so 'little', nor was it really a 'village'. It seemed much more like a full fledged city!

The midday rush was just beginning as Tyll entered the city through the southern gates, immediately merchants and vendors who sold their wares to the traveling class were shouting out, offering special deals on nearly imperishable foods, traveling gear, and clothing. Things Tyll wished he had the money to buy, to makes things easier on him.

Tyll walked on, passing by a plethora of different species', from Wolfs to Lions, Bears to Ferrets, Skunks to Zebras, there seemed to be every kind of species here! Many had their own unique cultures, clothing, lifestyles, but there were those who had evolved into the typical big city mentality. Where all different races were more or less the same, and lived the same way.

This lifestyle became more and more evident towards the center of the city. Four main roads from each of the cardinal directions all met at the center of the massive city, which was in and of itself massive. To Tyll it seemed like thousands of people had gathered in the central market place to do just about whatever it was one could desire to do.

Tyll watched parents shopping while their kids played games in the streets, he continued to see vendors yelling out to passing consumers as a desperate attempt to get them to stop by their shop, he saw people chatting, and simply enjoying the day.

Then, something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He turned to look down a alleyway that lead out of the central marketplace, it was dimly lit the buildings surrounding it shrouded it in shadow and Tyll at first wasn't quite sure what he had seen.

It was what appeared to be a Lion, probably in his late twenties. He had on fairly drab clothing which was similar in color to his fur, a dirty tan. His mane was darker, and in a mess. It looked like he had cornered something smaller in front of him, holding it against the wall of one of the buildings. Tyll drew closer and he could see that it was a Wolf, a female around the same age as Tyll from the looks of it.

She was skinnier, her fur was a bright silver, though Tyll could tell it too was a bit dirty. She wore a tight maroon top, with noticeably short shorts that were equally as tight. She looked frightened of the Lion and obviously did not want to be there at all.

Tyll stopped and clung to his bag tightly. He was debating with himself, he wasn't sure if he should get himself involved or not. Guilt, however, set in and Tyll realized he couldn't just do nothing. Readying himself, and giving a nod of encouragement he slowly made his way towards the two.

As he drew closer he began to hear what was being said,

"Come on, baby.. You know you owe me." Said the Lion in a voice one would expect from a run down pauper.

"N-No!" Cried the girl, who was squirming, "I'm not going too!"

"You're not gonna pussy out now, bitch!" The Lion said as he held the girl by her wrists and pushed her against the wall. The girl cried out, but the man put his freehand over he muzzle so no one would hear.

Tyll's pace grew faster, as he quickly tried to get there in time.

"Hey!" Tyll yelled out, just as the Lion had unbuttoned and zipped the girls shorts.

The Lion paused, then turned looking towards Tyll who was currently only a few feet away.

"The Hell you want!" The Lion snarled.

"L-Let her go!" Tyll warned, as forcefully as he could despite being intimidated.

The Lion laughed,

"Her!?" He sneered as he let the girl go. She gasped again as she fell onto her backside against the wall, looking to Tyll worriedly. "I think you've just invited yourself to the party, boy!"

Tyll breathed in and dropped his bag. He held his breath, his ears pressed against the sides of his head and his tail twitched nervously. He intended to hold his own.

"S-Step back!" Tyll again warned.

"Oh? Or what?" The Lion mused, "You intending on fighting me, kid?"

"I-I said--!"

"What seems to be the problem here?" Came a deep, raspy voice from behind Tyll.

Tyll turned and came face to face with his own reflection. Gasping, he looked up and saw that it was one of the Guards wearing the traditional armor. The Guards were the police for the entire country, Tyll had had previous run ins with them. They had continually tried to put him in an orphanage, but Tyll always manage to get away. Though he knew that going to an orphanage would be preferable to living on the streets, it wouldn't allow him to get the answers that he wanted about his past.

There were two Guards, both bears of differing species. They were much larger than the Lion and if Tyll didn't know they were going to help, he would have probably been scared stiff. The sword at the Bear's hip was enough to startle anyone.

"Is there?" The first of the Guards asked again, annoyed that he hadn't gotten a response.

"Of... Course not, sir. I was simply asking these children not to play in the alleyways." Said the Lion, his voice disguised to sound a bit more convincing, "If you would, could you take over?"

The Bear glared at him for a second, and Tyll wondered if he believed his story. To his dismay, he accepted it,

"Very well.. Children."

"B-But--!" Tyll was cut off by the voice of the girl Wolf, who had stood next to him and taken hold of his hand,

"It's fine, sorry mister!" She said, glancing back at the Lion, "We'll go find out parents."

The Bear nodded,

"Very well."

"Bye!" The Wolf giggled, rushing off into the crowded marketplace, taking Tyll with her.

They ran well into the central plaza, until they reached a rather large fountain of water that was letting off a soft mist. Tyll was catching his breath as the wolf girl turned to him,

"Thank you..." She said softly, looking down.

Taking another deep breath, Tyll looked up to her and stood straight,

"You looked really scared... I wanted to help."

The Wolf smiled softly,

"You'd think I'd be used to it by now.."

"What do you mean?" Asked Tyll, a bit confused.

"Nothing.. I um.. I'm Qim, with a Q." The girl said, smiling softly as she looked to him. She was only a little bit shorter than Tyll, but she did look the same age.

He smiled in return,

"Tyll." He said softly.

Tyll then noticed that the girl had forgotten to button up her shorts, and he saw the bright pink color of her panties. His face turned red, and when Qim realized what he was blushing about she quickly moved to adjust herself.

"S-Sorry!" She gasped, laughing and blushing herself. "I forgot. It's good they didn't fall down!"

Tyll was still blushing, but laughing a bit,

"You're such a weird girl!"

Qim looked up to him, then blinked and watched him.

After a moment of silence, Tyll couldn't take it,


Qim was biting her bottom lip, as if thinking about doing something or not. Tyll, curiously asked again,

"What is it?"

"Can I.. Show you something?" Qim asked.

"Um.. Yeah, why couldn't you?" Asked Tyll, still confused.

"Okay.." Qim took hold of Tyll's paw once more and quickly dashed through the scores of people.

Over time Qim had lead Tyll through another alleyway, into a dusty old shack that barely stood behind two decently sized shops. The shack looked like it was about to fall apart. It was filthy, with insects and spiders occasionally seen crawling across the floor. Tyll frowned,

"What is this place?"

"This is where I stay." Replied Qim, a bit nonchalant.

Tyll froze,

"W-Wait.. You don't have a home?"

"Of course I have a home! It's right here." Qim replied, giving him a frown.

"I mean, like.. A family?"

Qim giggled gently,

"Well.. I did, but um.. Well, it's a long story."

Tyll nodded, he could tell the Qim didn't really want to talk about it.

"So um.. What did you want to show me?" He asked, watching Qim.

Qim breathed in as her ears folded to the sides of her head, much like Tyll's did when he was nervous or frightened. She held her hands into a fist and looked down.

"Promise you won't get mad..?" She asked timidly.

"Of course not." Replied Tyll with a smile.

"Okay.." Qim said, "I'm a boy."

Tyll paused,


"I'm a boy.. Like you."

Tyll smiled, thinking Qim was playing some kind of game,

"No you're not, you were wearing girls underwear and--"

"One of the stores around this place is a woman's clothing store... I get a lot of girls clothes from it." She paused, "Here..."

Slowly, Qim began to unbutton her tight shorts, then slowly pull the zipper down. Tyll blushed deeply as he watched this. She then pulled the shorts down to her mid-thighs letting them hang there. Tyll could see her tight pink panties, which had frills on both sides of them. He then could notice the obvious bulge protruding from them, obviously her (his) soft sac.

"Y-You are a boy!" Tyll blushed deeply.

"That's right..." Came a deep, sickeningly familiar voice, "He is a boy."

To be continued.