Sometimes the Best Things Come In Fluffy Packages (Commish for fabolous21)

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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#1 of Sometimes the Best Things Come in Fluffy Packages

This was a commission for -------fabolous21

I've never worked with this type of kink before so I tried my best and hopefully it turned out okay.


"Oh gee thanks, Aunt May, this is...well great..." Mark slowly got out, looking to his aging aunt. A smile spreading its way onto his face, a smile to hide his bold-face lie concerning the thing in front of him. It had emerged from a monstrous box, a box that left the young man excited for what was to come till it had opened.

The opening was the moment he realized that box didn't hold a video game console, or a german shepard, or even an inflatable sex doll. No, that huge, polka-dotted, gift-wrapped monster housed a tiger, a rather massive plush tiger, nearly the size of Mark himself. The young-man couldn't wait to be free of this thing, those dark, faux eyes staring at him from within its cardboard cage. Small rounded ears peeked out of the tissue paper, and a few lightly colored whiskers poked at the yellow packaging. The cheerful color bright against the dark stripes of the plushie.

His eyes could barely pull away from the thing, a dull present nestled inside a frightful amount of packaging wrapping up his gift-opening ceremony. The gathered relatives getting antsy as they started to stand, bumping into one another and hugging awkwardly on the way to the door. A few more moments of strained visiting and wet cheek kissing and Mark was done, finally able to begin the process of putting away the various socks he had acquired and burning the few CDs onto his Ipod. Though before this ritual could begin, he had to remove the massive box from his living room floor. The small apartment he had recently moved into much too small for any extra blockage to walking space.

So with an grunt, and some elbow grease he toppled the box. The action spilling the tigress plush out onto the rug. Her furry face laying against the carpet as her backend tipped up, big, furry paws flopping up slightly in a almost comical way. His eyes unfocused and rather bored as he tore apart the box, fitting it into his inflating trash bag. That task finished only led to another, stuffing that plush pet into the hall closet. Her tail the last thing to disappear into the blackness of the storage area. Mark soon forgot that tigress, left up on the highest shelf of his closet, her whiskers gather dust.


Before barely half a year can pass, Mark's bachelorhood of peace and take out was again interrupted. This time without the sheer volume of last time, but with a more permanent visit.

"Aunt May! What a surprise?!" Mark choked out, having answered the door in only his boxers. The paw print covered shorts leaving him beet red as he looked at the elderly woman. Her small hand-knitted hat barely fitting on her hair. The pile of gray teased and hair sprayed into submission atop the woman's skull.

"I thought I would pop by for a visit, dearie" She drawled, her voice high and squeaking in the boy's ear. Her gaze thankfully shifting to his messy home as his eyes widened with terrified shock. A 'eep' of terror leaving the young man as he raced into the living room, shoving the scattered porn magazines into the drawer and tossing his pile of tissues into the wastebasket. Each piece of evidence accompanied with a beat of his racing heart.

Oblivious, Reta May wandered into the living room swinging one wrinkly arm up in the air. "Now that's a gentlemen! Rush to get my room prepared, I'll only be here a week so don't put too much time into it!"

Mark gulped, her words ringing in his mind. A week, seven days, 168 hours....without pizza with the boys, walking around naked, or, god forbid, masturbation. His eyes nearly rolling back into his head at the thought of a full week without relief, especially with with exhausting woman hanging around.

"Right, I'll uh go do that.." he mumbled, head ducked down as he headed to the stairs up to the bedrooms, passing the long unobserved closet with a spark of thought. His eyes going wide as he scrambled into the closet, knowing Reta would ask about the plush she had got him not so long ago.

A few curse words and a stubbed toe later the tigress was flopped down on his bed, in full display through his open door, hoping noticing the gift would make the women a little more friendly. The next step he faced was to prepare her bedroom, a task that took all night to complete up Miss May's standards.

Finally, near three hours after the woman's arrival, Mark was able to say goodnight to his aunt and escort her to her room. His mind and body yearning together for the journey into bed. The few hours he spent with his aunt as exhausting as days straight working customer service. Her constant nagging, and high pitched voice she was irritating at best.

Shutting the door to his bedroom, his annoyance disappeared with the click of his lock falling into place. "God...I'm so tired.." He grumbled, one hand working over his temple in an amateur massage. The other hand working to tug off his clothes, stopping when his boxers were once more in view. His gaze falling onto the tigress on his bed. Her soft floppy paws hanging off the side and her head drooped to the side, as if she were a puppy jumping up to greet him into the bed.

This thought making him chuckle he reassessed the plush, noting that it was an enduring sort of cute. Mind foggy with sleep he crawled into bed, fingers stroking down the side of the plush. The soft velvety fur caressing the skin of his fingertip and making them tingle. His eyes drooping with the weight of his sleepiness as he drifted off to dreamland, all the while his fingers making that slow trip up to the top of the tiger's neck and then sliding back down to the tip of her tail. His last clear thought being, "Smooth..flowing water in a Brook..."


"Dearie, I made pancakes! With whole grain and oatmeal!" Reta cried up the stairs, her shrill voice meeting Mark's ear in record time causing eyes to flicker open, mouth to shut, and a low groan to leave the male. A glance at his bedside clock proving this was much too early to be awake on a Sunday, 5:45. Hurrying out of bed he took one moment to glance to his plushie, giving her head a little pet. "See ya later.....Brooke"

The day went by exceptionally slow, between organic breakfast, lunch, and dinner, a black and white film festival consisting of 8 films with no plot line in any of them, and the dessert out with a group of Aunt May's old friends Mark was hanging to his sanity by a thread. HIs single minded focus was bedtime, to escape into the warm confines of his bed and to snuggle up to his peaceful, soft Brooke and stay that way all night away from hell on nurse shoes.

"Hiya Brookey" He whispered, looking to her furry face, one finger following the line of white around her cheek. His eyes studying the rest of her more closely than ever before, taking note of her long, lush tail. With a smile sneaking it's way onto his face he snuggled to her once more, closer than the night before. His head resting on her back and one arm curled around her chest. "Wake me when the banshee arises, Brooke" He mumbled tiredly with a small, content smile as he fell into sleep.


"Just think Brookey, tomorrow she'll be leaving, then it's just you and me" Mark whispered, a week with his tyrant of an aunt, whom he loved very much as long as she stayed far enough away and didn't pop in for visits, wearing him down to a man who survived only because he had nights away from her. These nights of peace, and regeneration of sanity were with Brooke. The stuffed plush now more a cuddle buddy and pillow than a simple decoration. Mark's head resting on her back as he rested, arms usually curled around her, and often times a hand holding her paw. Each night nestled against the furry plush queen he slept, deep and restfully and he wasn't planning to get rid of her once his aunt left.

Besides peace, there was another thought in Mark's mind, a wild burning thought that made him throb in his shorts when he even glanced at the thought bubble. It had been a week for the lad. And now the thought of being able to finally relieve himself was simmering there on the back burner of his mind. What would he use, porn magazines, the computer, live chat, call a slutty friend for phone sex? The possibilities were endless, but whenever he pondered it his mind kept coming back to his bed, the simplest of solutions.

So once, as Aunt May finally left, and he waved goodbye sufficiently he raced upstairs. Moving onto the bed he booted up the laptop, clicking onto a bookmarked porn page and unceremoniously whipping it out.

With the first moan of the actress he was off, fingers squeezing and pumping over his shaft with the steady rhythm of a practiced activity. His eyes closing slightly to listen to each moan from the woman as she bent before her partner, mouth falling open to drag her tongue over his cock. Each lick working Mark up more, the sight of her pink tongue working up the side of it making him ooze with pre. His hand soon coated in almost copious amounts of the stuff. Mark thoughtlessly shifting his hand away to wipe his hand down the back of Brooke, barely noticing what he had done till the room seemed to shift as if reality had gone out of focus for a moment.

Mark attention locked onto his plushie now, the porn video forgotten in the background leaving Vicky gagging loudly in vain. Slowly, as if being replayed on the slow-mo replay on a sports show that furry, cotton filled head lifted. Big, dark eyes slowly blinking as Brooke began to look back at him.

Slowly, with growing consciousness her mouth curled into a smile. Her small little fangs showing, made of hard plastic and nestled within her dark mouth. Her ears flicking a bit as her control started to spread through her body

"B..brooke?" He choked out, mouth hanging open with surprise. His fingers still curled around his rock hard cock, though he had forgotten about this in his awe of what was happening beside him.

The freshly animated plushie noticing what he had forgotten quickly. Those little fangs seeming to gleam as she curled them into a smirk. A soft purr starting to rumble within her furry chest. Her eyes looked almost mischievous as she leaned into him. The small plastic whiskers on her cheek tickling to his own smooth skin. "Surprise.." She purred into his ear, her voice soft and smooth, like honey.

Animation spreading through her fully now, her tail tip flicked. The long appendage swaying in the air like a flag signaling the stuffed thing's arrival into the land of the living. Mark's disbelief practically creating a cloud he fought to see through, his cuddly companion for the past week now alive and in front of him, speaking, moving.

"'re alive" He stammered, looking down the length of her body. Legs having tucked themselves beneath her body more to sit in a more comfortable position. Though moving, she wasn't flesh and bone, rather fabric and fluff. Her plushie qualities the same, the soft fur he loved so much, the cute little plastic nose, and the long smooth tail.

"Yes, darling, I am....and I want to help" She crooned out softly, her eyes on his keeping his gaze.

"" he questioned, completely confused to what help he required, though soon realizing what she meant as her eyes dropped down. Gaze falling to his cock, still oozing with precum. Every inch of him throbbing still, despite being forgotten for a moment.

Seeing his lack of words as a yes Brooke leaned in. Her hard, plastic nose lightly bumping to his thigh as she sniffed at him, breathing in his scent before her long, raspy tongue fell out. The rough surface sliding against his shaft slowly. The rough felt used for her tongue tickling and teasing his shaft back to full attention, drooling even more, which the tigress eagerly lapped up.

The first touch of her tongue was alien, and strange yet familiar.The long lick she made drawing out a gutteral moan from the already plenty worked up male. His length throbbing to her tongue as he let his eyes fall shut. A soft tap from her tail flicking into the wall the only sound other than her slurps and his occasional moan.

Soon enough, teased by that tongue and the sounds she made as she slurped and suckled Mark was again panting and moaning out. His sounds loud and ringing out in the room, bouncing off walls and back to him each time. The licks from his living plush only getting rougher, more excited with this, urging him to be louder. A near scream leaving the pent up male as he finally burst. The explosion of thick, white cum landing right onto the tigress's face. Her ears dripping with the stuff, her cheek fur smeared with traces, and her mouth overflowing. Little fabric tongue lapping at it to taste him. Her eyes lighting up happily.

"G...g..Guh...Guhd..." He gasped out, catching his breath with gaspy, nearly choking breathing till he finally calmed down. His eyes rolling up and back till he could finally focus again, eyes slowly opening, landing upon the drenched plushie tigress. The sight only exciting him once more, the slightest thought at arousal making his cock throb almost painfully.

"God damn, Brooke.." He whispered, gently wiping her face clean, or mostly clean traces still visible in her fur, with a nearby towel used for this purpose. "That was...quite the surprise.." He mumbled softly, truthfully wondering for a moment if that had been a dream. Though the feel of her soft breath washing over his knee as she looked up at him expectantly soon dashed that worry. A huge smile worming its way onto his face as he realized his companion for the past week was now real, though with the same perfect furry body he had so loved before.

Slowly, with the awe of a child on christmas morning, he pulled Brooke in close. His arms wrapping around his soft, furry body and pulling it into his. The movement of her body shifting and pressing to him only further reminding him of the life coursing through her, making him first smile with affection warmth for the tigress and then shiver with the memory of what she had just done.

With another purr rumbling out of her fluff-filled chest the tigress shifted on Mark's chest, sitting up on him as her paws kneaded to him like a exotic house cat. Her eyes only half open as she looked up at his face with a dopey little grin. Her expression both amused and loving, finding humor in his obvious confusion at her animation and simply returning the affection he felt for her. Her lips curling into a larger smile as she shifted up further, sitting with her nose pressed to his, plastic to skin as she whispered.

"I love you, Mark"

Her words came out in a purr and were music to his ears, his first thought to say the words back and his second to kiss her. The actions clashing together as they fought for dominance in his mind, resulting in a sloppy kiss to her furry mouth and a mumbled 'I love you' both of which made the tigress purr all the more. Her soft furry mouth working back to his, returning his loving kiss with a burning passion that had been building up slowly since he first pulled the motionless Brooke into his bed while Aunt Amy waited downstairs.

Human tongue tangled with felt. Soft lips pushed to fur. Hands slide down the line of her back, pulling her tighter to him with a soft moan erupting into their kiss from the young man. His excitement taking over all over again as they kissed. Her soft, felt tongue teasing the roof of his mouth as her paws shifted down, lightly tugging his shaft as she found it once more hard against her stomach.

With a smirk dancing on her muzzle she pulled back, giving his lips one last lick with her little, rough tongue she shifted downwards. Her squishy rump lifting up into the air, tail swaying, before her nose tipped and fell down. Small plastic nose tracing down the line of his chest as she headed to his crotch, tongue flicking and curling out against his throbbing tip.

Her eyes stayed locked to his, the intimacy of their shared gaze only making the moment hotter for the flustered human. His body quivering visibly beneath her gaze as that tongue once more flicked to his tip. The rough fabric dragging up the side of his shaft, making it throb against it.

slowly, with a silent offering, Brooke's maw opened. The insides of her soft, furry mouth his to use as he pushed his tip to her lips, slowly sinking it down into the warm confines of her mouth. All the while her scritchy little tongue stroking and teasing the tip, working him up all the more till he couldn't help but move his hips. Rocking them back and forth he pulled his shaft from her lips then pushed back in. Her thickly furred lips teasing and stroking his shaft with each motion.

"Ohh Brooke..." He moaned out, his eyes open just enough to see her face below him. Her dark, deep eyes that seemed to pull him down into her, to be another part of her. Her small nose, so cute as her mouth stretched open wide around his thick shaft. Her cheeks puffed out just a bit as she took his as deep as her mouth went. His hips rocking harder to her lips, paws lifting to stroke the base and back along against his balls. Fur teasing his sensitive skin all the more with such soft touch. His cock soon pulsating within her mouth, one last cry ringing out in the room before he exploded.

His spunk spit out into her mouth, white painting the insides of her cheeks and the roof of her little fabric maw. Her tongue dribbling with the stuff. Her eyes meeting his as she pulled back from his shaft, pushing her tongue up to slowly send what filled her mouth out, oozing down her chin and dribbling down onto her neck. The sight of her so messy making Mark throb a few more times with lingering pleasure before his shaft went limp, a soft content sigh leaving the young man as he pulled Brooke up to his chest, hugging her gently to his as he began the process of cleaning her face.

His touch was as gentle as one might use with a baby, stroking and rubbing through her fur tirelessly till it was as clean as the day she was made, her eyes finding his in a loving gaze. Her tongue flicking out just once to lick over his lips, urging him in for a kiss which he gave her, soft and lovingly.

"Goodnight my sweet" Brooke purred out softly, laying her head down onto his chest, his arms wrapped securely around her and her tail coiled around his thigh. The two lovers together as they slept through the night, neither stirring till the sun had pierced through the darkness of the room. The beam of light landing onto Brooke's face, waking Mark to look at her. The light shining on her fur making her look like an angel, a gift, which she was. This thought reminding Mark of his Aunt May.

"I should do something to thank her..." He mumbled, and hours later, with Brooke waiting at home patiently he set out to do just that. The thought of his waiting tigress making his window of time small.

Walking into the store he pondered whatever could he get that woman his eyes falling onto the life-sized horse plushies. A massive black stallion resting on the top of the pile. Smirk growing on his face, he headed to it, buying and sending that massive horse off to his aunt with a small note reading.

"Just to return the favor, with love, Mark and Brooke"

Just before he sent it, Mark sat at the kitchen table, trying to draw a small paw print around Brooke's name, to show who he was referring to when he was interrupted by a excited tigress pouncing onto his lap wildly. The words 'I'm busy...' trapped in his mouth asa tongue was shoved in instead and he was kissed wildly and hungrily. A tail coiled around his wrists to ease them to her waist.

Aunt May would have to wait to receive her stallion, but some things were worth waiting for.