A Million Stars

Story by celestiawept on SoFurry

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~Rainbow Dash finally mares up the oats to confess her love to Pinkie Pie. Sensuality ensues.~

Dedicated to my friend and his lover. You guys are the best. Seriously. Don't ever stop being adorable <3

Edited by the generous scorchedwing

A Million Stars

(via googledoc or deviantArt)

(headart used with permission via teygrim

A long, exasperated sigh escaped her lips.

It's not supposed to be like this.

Rainbow Dash wriggled herself partially free from the covers of her plush, cloud bed and glanced around her room in despair. Luna's milky moonlight bathed the exterior cloud walls of Dash's home, and, in Her luminescence, all the walls, the floor, everything, seemed to glow softly. It was a pale, pretty darkness, but not quite dark enough to necessitate the aid of lamp or light.

The mare shook her tousled, polychromatic mane from her face and grimaced. Her small, recently acquired bookcase looked a little barren, especially alongside the massive, shuttered window. The window itself was locked tight with the dark, mauve curtains drawn, perfectly mimicking the night sky beyond them.

Dash felt utterly miserable, and her sleeplessness only made it worse.

Rainbow, what the hay? The thoughts drifted through her mind. Another night of this?

Stealing a weary, strained glance over to the bronze clock atop her Cirrus-brand nightstand, Dash let loose another aggravated groan and sunk down deeper into her bed.

Her bed was a sprawling mess of cobalt blue; made of the finest satin from Prance and emblazoned with her cutie mark. It was absolutely ancient. She had it for the longest time, since before she came to Ponyville.

Since before - "No," Dash muttered darkly to herself, burying her head in her comforter. Not thinking about that. Her withers ached terribly, and the turntable on the opposite side of her bed was still churning on and on for what felt like hours since she flipped the record on it. One of her lesser favorite songs was playing.

A little slow, but she liked the way it sounded. "Hoof of Doom," by Blank Sabbath.

Flattening her ears back, the pegasus pony mouthed the words along with the vocalist, hoping for something, anything, to help lull her back to sleep and away from all this confusion. But only the same sick feeling kept creeping back into her mind.

Rainbow Dash looked up fervently to the absurdly large, framed poster of the Wonderbolts above her bedroom door, and immediately turned away in shame. The pain was welling up inside again, threatening to take over as her rose-coloured eyes plowed the impeccably flat floor, searching desperately for an answer.

Anything. This was just too confusing. I thought... I thought I knew what I wanted. But...

Her rose gaze fell upon a picture frame where it lay amongst some lesser trophies of hers scattered across the floor, and her heart caved in.

Trembling, Rainbow Dash stood up and walked over to it. Using her nose to turn it over, a bright pair of smiles stared back up at her. One belonged to a proud looking, cyan-coloured pegasus mare with a long, unkempt rainbow mane - herself, and the other to a vibrantly pink party pony.

"Pinkie Pie," the pegasus breathed her name. She had come to love the way it sounded when she said it.

Rainbow plopped her flank down on the soft cloud, eyes quivering hotly, hoof frozen upon the photograph. For the last few weeks, she had been nursing this... this thing she'd thought she'd long forgotten. Her silent tears gave way into a choked, sobbing laugh, before inhaling sharply. She looked around - her home was desolate. Empty.

Back down at her and Pinkie Pie. She pushed the photo away.

So was her heart.

Rainbow's wings flared out as she leapt up, stomping her hoof with as much pride as she could muster.

"Fuck NO!" she heaved, half-way between tears and a squeak, "I am Rainbow Dash! I am the sky!" The irate pegasus stomped her hoof again, ears aggressively forward and she spat, "I don't put up with all this girly-feeling bullshit. I don't need anypony for anything. They're the ones who forced me out. I don't need them for anything! I am the fastest flier in all of Equestria. I AM the next Wonderbolt! And Luna hoof-fuck me in the ass if I'll have it any other... way."

Dash wilted, pulling her wings in close to her; trembling even worse now, she covered her eyes with her hooves. Her heart wasn't empty. It was filled with want. So much want.

It wasn't all that new either, for this old, niggling feeling that has been eating her all up inside, it was... Dash didn't know how to put it.

Swallowing relatively little of her regret, Rainbow leaned down and picked up the photo with her mouth.

What am I going to do? I can't just go up to her and say it. I'd sound like some total fuckin' spaz. Not cool.

Rainbow crawled back into her bed, nosing her way under the covers and then popping her head out. Another song began as she laid the photograph before her, just as a wicked crimson blush darkened her cheeks.

If- if I did tell her... it'd have to be for real. I gotta do it. I gotta know if...

Dash scoffed, thinking back to earlier that afternoon She remembered it very fondly and with a smile.

She and Pinks had finally taken some time to get lunch together, and the both of them where growing quite impatient. Rainbow was at least; she wasn't quite sure if Pinkie really was, but the party pony made a great show about it all the same.

"WAITER! WAITER! I demand service!" The effervescent pink pony barely kept from chortling to herself while, banging her hoof loudly on the table. "Oh waiter!" She favored Dash with a provocative eyebrow wiggle and a wink.

Dash waved her hoof at her, chuckling to hide her blush, "Cut it out, Pinkie Pie. You're gonna get us thrown out of here."

"Oh they couldn't do that, Dashie," she chirped energetically, "We're already outside! They can't possibly throw us where we already are."

Dash studied Pinkie intently. She had such a beautiful laugh. A real laugh. Filled with mirth and joy, such sugar and so much confidence - it was one of a whole slew of things she found strangely attractive about her. She had such... charisma?

Is that the right word? She thought so. Damn those books and that egghead, rubbing off on me.

Pinkie was the sort of mare that took no shit from nopony. She could bake up one hell of a cupcake, and she wasn't too bad on the eyes either.

Look at that crazy, curly pink mane.

Fuck, did she want to run her hooves through that mane, and down her bright pink neck. Maybe she'd like to nibble on it a little, getting a sweet taste of that mare-

"What are you thinking about, Dashie?" The pink pony grinned wide, nodding towards Rainbow's more than noticeable feathery display. "You seem awfully distracted."

Dash did her best to flatten her wings back as she thought up a lie. "Just- just thinking about all the work I've been doing lately," that wasn't too far from the truth actually, "I don't know if it's something I wanna do so much anymore."

Pinkie gave her interested look, one that was approaching concern.

"It's just... this weather job is getting me nowhere. I wanna be a Wonderbolt someday, Pinks. Not stuck pushing clouds in some backwater town, ya know? I wanna be somepony."

Pinkie smiled softly at her, melting all her heart and all her tensions away. "Oh Dashie, I know. But to go where you're wanting to go, you gotta start somewhere. Right?" Another brilliant smile ripped across her face, "Besides, if you didn't start here, how could we have become the besty-best of bestest friends, huh?"

"Heh, yeah I know," she chuckled a bit awkwardly. Only if you knew, Pinks, only if you knew.

What with with all the upcoming rain scheduled, her team had been pushing eleven hour days corralling all the clouds together and moving them up to the highlands. Not exactly her idea of a career - or a life.

Their lunch arrived at that moment: Pinkie had some sort of crazy looking pizza pie topped with everything a pony could possibly want; Dash herself preferred some extra crispy hay fries with mareanara. Rainbow watched Pinkie devour the whole pizza. It was unbearable. She was just so hot.

Rainbow opened her puffy eyes, cradling the photo in her hooves. A long time ago, there was this gryphon named Gilda; she and her went way back. There was a time she once thought of Gilda as a friend; maybe even more than a friend. Dash pushed that down, too. She still couldn't get over that stupid bird. She didn't know how she felt about her now, or what she felt about her then, especially after that little stunt of hers at Pinkie's party.

A smile wriggled its way upon Dash's lips; she couldn't help but smile whenever she thought of that energetic little fuzz ball of pink pony.

Dash could feel that painfully familiar warmth bubbling up from the pit of her stomach, and she blushed deeply.

Oh Pinks.

As her ravenous eyes raced up and down the photo, eyeing her best friends curvy equine frame, Dash slid her little hoof down her furred chest. A soft, wet gasp escaped from the pegasus pony. She pressed more firmly against her nethers, relishing the brittle ecstasy that she had gone so long without. Quickly, her thoughts escalated to just more than just being next to that deliciously pink pony; now, she was imagining Pinkie laid out before her, beckoning her to come. Rainbow softly bit her lip, rubbing her hoof harder and harder against her nethers.

A light, pent-up moan erupted from Dash, her rump rising. She tried to wriggle out from under the covers, but succeeded only in pulling it tighter against her stiffening wings. Rainbow mewled out in pleasure. She lightly drew the tip of her hoof against the opening of her marehood, already shaking under the throes of ecstasy.

Pinkie Pie is lying there, waiting for you, Dash. Go get her.

Dash strode up to her confidently, a tight smirk smeared across her muzzle.

"Hey, Dashie," the pink pony said smoothly, her forehooves crossed and her frizzy pink tail curled coyly around her plump flank, "You ready to get this party started?"

Rainbow chuckled coolly, "You know it, Pinks. Now, where should we begin?"

Pinkie Pie gave an adorably seductive eye-flutter. Dash climbed on top of her and bit her ear, eliciting an excited groan from Pinkie. Dash's wings flew out beside her, drinking in the sweet sound of the pink pony's pleasure-stained voice. She bit down a little harder and pulled, using her hoof to anchor Pinkie's mane to the bed.

Dash was panting now, slicking her hoof along her swollen marehood and every so often dipping in for added effect. "Oh Pinkie Pie," she breathed hotly, half-lidded eyes glued to the photo.

It's been way too fucking long for this!

Dash nibbled on Pinkie's ear, making the pony beneath her tremble. Without warning, Dash felt hooves grasping her cheeks and had no time to react before being flipped over roughly.

Pinkie Pie stood over her hotly, licking her lips. With her mane tousled and candy-pink cheeks burning furiously crimson, she bore down upon Dash with another pretty ribbon of a smile. Dash's heart was racing, flying faster than it ever had before, as the pink party pony leaned closer, and lightly placed her hooves on either side of Dash's withers. She came insanely close - close enough for Dash to taste the sugar-sweetness on her breath.

Dash pressed her hoof in deep, rolling her hips forward urgently, unable and unwilling to restrain this feeling any longer.

Pinkie Pie leaned in and Dash leaned up. She wanted this. She needed this.

Their lips met, and it was just as incredible as Dash imagined it to be. Soft, simple, and so profoundly sweet.

The fur on her flanks and neck stood on end as the blistering heat coiling in her tummy exploded across her entire body, making her squeak in pure, agonized delight. Tidal waves of pleasure began to radiate from between her haunches and a chill ran up her spine. Rainbow Dash gasped when her nethers twinged, unleashing a stream of hot sticky, fluid down her thigh.

Dash slumped down slowly, panting heavily as her pleasure-wrecked mind came back into focus. She looked down at the photo and absently hoofed the damp fabric wrapped around her. The pegasus pony's gaze swiveled around her empty room, her heart sinking.

It wasn't supposed to be this fucking way. Dash's eyes fell back to the photo of the mare she thought she was falling in love with. Not like this.

"What the fuck has happened to me?"

She wanted to hear her own voice, even if it was just to prove she was alone. The silent, blue cloud floors and barren walls of her room proved just that. She curled up in her bed quietly, almost shaking.

I hate being alone.

A few frazzled moments passed by, before Rainbow had decided that enough was enough. She was going to tell this damn pony how she felt, and she was going to do it now. Freeing herself from her tangled bedspread, Dash made for the door but stopped just before it.

"Heh, maybe it'd be a good idea to clean up before storming out of here."

Dash darted quickly to her bathroom and jumped up into the shower basin. With a few swift bucks, light rain water came drizzling down and washed away all evidence of her little clopping session, before being re-absorbed by the clouds beneath her. Satisfied and a little damp, she was no less determined to see this through. Rainbow flew out through the small window up near the rafters and dashed her way over to to Sugarcube Corner, where a certain pink pony resided.

Dash arrived with a grimace on her face. By the position of the moon, it was late at night. Probably around midnight or so, she wasn't too sure. Regardless, it was cold as hell, and that shower did nothing but guarantee that she'd be half-frozen by the time she reached Pinkie's place. She cursed herself for that, but then the task at hoof was more important.

Pinkie Pie rented out the small room just above Sugarcube Corner, which also happened to be the place where she worked. Sugarcube Corner was a monstrously garish building that resembled a gigantic gingerbread house. No light was visible from either the bakery, her balcony, or from any of her bedroom windows. That put somewhat of a damper on Dash's otherwise damper resolve.

Dash hovered over to Pinkie's window and peered inside, but it was absolutely dark. Taking a quick peek around, she thanked Luna all the streets where empty. Dash tapped on the window, praying that Pinkie Pie would wake up.

Waiting out there, incredibly anxious, and soaking wet, was not a thing Rainbow could do easily. Dash's nerve finally caved in.

"Oh this is so stupid!" she whispered to herself, whipping her damp, wind-blown mane out of her eyes. "Gah! I'm so stupid! I knew this wasn't a good idea."

However, just as she turned to fly home, that sugar-sweet voice called out to her. "R-rainbow Dash, what are you doing here?"

Her heart leapt up into her throat, and Dash hovered down to the pink pony waiting on the balcony. A slight gust of wind stirred the frizzy pink mane that cascaded wildly around Pinkie's face. Her soft blue eyes were full of concern.

"Is everything okay-"

"Yeah, Pinks," Dash interrupted her brusquely. "I mean, yes. Everything is fine. I just," she looked away, not wanting to meet the pink pony's warm gaze, "I need to talk to you about something."

A small, knowing smile bloomed on Pinkie's face which helped to settle and steel some of Rainbow's nerves.

"Of course, Dashie. You know you can always talk to me about anything." She trotted back inside as Dash touched down and followed her in, pulling the glass doors shut behind her.

For a wild party pony like Pinkie Pie, you'd think her room would be nothing less than disaster area. That wasn't the case. A lively little oil lamp was set upon a table next to Pinkie's bed, throwing a warm, flickering glow over everything. There was an enormous wardrobe against the wall, just beside the table; and across from it, Pinkie's amazingly plush looking bed. It had a ridiculously large headboard which sported a large balloon-themed sunken relief; her pillows a muted, pastel-pink coloured candy-cane ball of softness. The comfy looking duvet also stuck with the candy and balloon motif. It suited Pinkie Pie to the P.

Feeling much more at ease, Dash smiled to herself and watched Pinkie Pie. Pinkie managed a quick glance over to her ornate bedside mirror, before leaping up on the small, cyan lounge chair across from the foot of her bed.

"Now, Rainbow Dash," she patted the cushions invitingly, whipping out a cherry-red pair of glasses and a notebook from behind the chair, "Tell Auntie Pinkie Pie all about these... issues that have been troubling you."

Dash flattened back her ears indignantly, "But Pinkie Pie, I-"

"Nuh uh, Dashie," she mouthed sternly, "You came here with an itching you just can't scratch yourself, and it's my responsibility, neigh, my privilege to help cure you of it."

Rainbow's ears flattened back even more, her wings raising slightly, a wicked blush splashed across her cheeks. "Uh... Pinks," she managed a weak chuckle, "I don't think you understand."

"Well what could be so hard for me to understand?" she eyed Dash heatedly.

The pegasus pony fidgeted her hooves helplessly, unable to handle these blistering feelings galloping through her heart and her haunches. Pinkie's frazzled mane fell over her cute, round face, framing her brilliant, blue bespectacled gaze perfectly. Rainbow gulped inaudibly, bracing herself for what she was about to do.

Oh Celestia have mercy on me.

"Pinkie Pie," she whispered softly, looking wantonly into her best friend's eyes. She stepped closer to her.

"Yes, Dashie?"

Rainbow had to kiss this mare. She had to know for sure... if she didn't do it now, she'd would regret it for the rest of her life. Just do it, Rainbow, she mentally urged herself.

Do it.

"I..., " she locked herself up in those great big, scintillating eyes staring at her.

Fuck this.

Rainbow Dash leaned forward, pressing her lips against Pinkie's.

At first, she thought she may have done it - she had gone too far, but all of that melted away the instant Pinkie shifted and kissed her back. Dash's wings flew out beside her in ecstatic glee. It was just as she had imagined.

Pinkie swung her hoof over Dash's withers and moaned gently into their shared kiss. Rainbow could barely contain herself as Pinkie teased her soft tongue against Dash's lips. Their tongues met with hot intensity, making the sick, aching emptiness between Dash's haunches only quiver. She tasted so sweet.

A moment later, their first kiss broke exquisitely, a short ribbon of saliva trailing from each other's lips as they both panted breathlessly.

Rainbow flushed deeply and tried to stammer, "Pinks, I- I'm sorry but-"

"That was just wonderful, Dashie. I had no idea you felt this way about me." Her look was completely sincere, even if her lulling voice suggested otherwise.

"But- I... you wouldn't... consider um da-"

"Of course I would, Rainbow Dash." Pinkie Pie nuzzled up under Rainbow's neck and gave her small lick on the chin.

Rainbow's mind was such a furious blur of excitement, confusion, and happiness; she didn't know what she felt most of all. Wait. Yes she did. It was contentment.

"Oh Dashie," Pinkie muttered softly, "I wondered how long it'd take you to pony up and say something." Dash almost felt that as a stab to her pride; she didn't know nor did she care right now. Pinkie's grip on her withers tightened, "I'm so glad you did. It... would be a nasty lie to say if I didn't feel the same at all."

Dash could feel her heart hammering in her chest.

"Would... would you like to... ya' know?" Pinkie muttered softly.

Rainbow looked down at the suddenly nervous pink pony curled up beneath her, and smiled tightly. Never before had she wanted anything or anypony more in her life; and to see Pinkie shed that exuberant shell of hers and come back down to Equestria for a moment... it was something she found incredibly attractive. Pinkie's quivering, anxious eyes stared up at her and Dash leaned down to plant a little kiss on her nose.

"You better fucking believe it."

A soft, heart-melting giggle escaped Pinkie Pie, "Oh Dashie," she whispered, "Thank you."

She and Rainbow Dash kissed once more. Rainbow could hardly believe this was happening.

She felt Pinkie slip out from underneath her and Dash quickly nipped her foreleg to see if she was dreaming. She couldn't have been. Turning around, Dash hungrily watched Pinkie hop up onto her bed, wriggling her deliciously round flank as she burrowed under the covers.

She was so adorable.

Pinkie Pie motioned Dash over and smiled sweetly. The pink pony's ears were flattened back, her eyes searching the floor as if looking for the words to say.

"You- you don't think I'm..." she bit her lip, hesitant to say it aloud, "Fat?"

Rainbow Dash snorted, "No way, Pinks."

She leapt up on the bed to join the party pony, reassuring her with her winning grin, "I think you're perfectly fine the way you are." Pinkie Pie could do nothing to hide her blush. Dash was loving this more and more. She crept in close to her, whispering, "Just the way you are."

Dash reeled as the pony giggled sweetly, and she moved in to kiss her. Their lips met again, their tongues playfully exploring each other's mouths.

Rainbow was so hot now; she could feel her marehood dripping. Pinkie Pie gasped into her mouth, and Rainbow quickly swallowed her with another passionate kiss.

Rainbow was utterly intoxicated.

"Mmmm, you know what would make this even sweeter?" Pinkie broke away almost reluctantly, whispering sweetly into Dash's ear. Dash loved how it tickled. "Cupcakes."

"C-cupcakes?" Dash muttered in bewilderment.

Pinkie giggled loftily, throwing her a entreating look, "Yes. Cupcakes."

Dash looked around a little nervously, "What do you mean, Pinks?"

"Here, look," Pinkie reached over to her bedside cupboard, and brought back a small cupcake, and pushed it up to her nose, "Cupcakes."

Rainbow knitted her brows, dripping consternation. What was she going for?

Pinkie just rolled her eyes innocently, "Just take a bite, silly."

Dash raised her eyebrow, eyeing her over that... that moist-looking baked good. It was a vanilla cupcake for sure, but it was iced in a generous mountain of chocolate; and more, there was just a light splash of jimmies on top to give it that wonderful textured look. Dash didn't quite understand, but it was Pinks, so she wagered it was nothing but a little harmless fun. It sure did look delicious.

Pinkie nudged it towards Dash with her hoof, but wouldn't let her have it. With a nod, the pink pony affirmed what Dash thought. Dash ventured out to take a bite, her face wrought with embarrassment.

At first, she licked it a little, tasting the dark chocolate sweetness whilst Pinkie eyed her with a mischievous-looking grin; then Dash bit off a chunk. It was pretty good, she'd have to admit. Definitely one of Pinkie's own making.

"Good, Dashie?"

"Heh," she blushed, "Yeah, it was. You nailed it again, Pinks."

The party pony only met her with a piercing gaze. Dash swore that if she could blush even more, she'd explode.

"Then take another bite," the pink pony simply demanded.

That... that tone kinda excited Rainbow. She did as she was told, and began to nibble a little more on the cupcake.

To Rainbow's immediate surprise, Pinkie began taking a few slow bites of the cupcake in her own hoof. Dash was trembling as her line of thought led her to where this was going. The two mares slowly chewed through the cupcake, savoring every last lick of chocolate until their lips met again. Rainbow Dash giggled girlishly when Pinkie stuck her chocolate covered tongue into her mouth.

This is so weird, but... it's nice.

Pinkie's lips left her own, trailing little licks and kisses across her chocolate-smudged cheeks. Dash giggled even more, hardly able to contain her excitement. The pressure in her nethers was beginning to grow unbearable.

The pink pony pushed Rainbow gently onto her back, allowing herself to eye Rainbow's gloriously spread wings. Dash just couldn't believe this was actually happening. Pinkie nibbled down her neck and across her chest, interchanging every other nip with a kiss or two. Down and down and down the pink pony went, circling Dash's quivering stomach.

Rainbow let out a soft moan. This felt so incredible.

Pinkie nipped and nibbled her way back up to Dash's neck, but didn't stop there. She leaned over and began to gently run her nose along Dash's primaries and secondaries, which wrenched an earthen moan from Rainbow. Pinkie paused a moment to sneeze cutely and whisper lovingly to the pegasus, before lightly grasping a feather here or there in her teeth and chew on it gingerly.

Her wide, watchful eyes never left Dash's face. Pleasure speared Rainbow's body and soul to the bed, as Pinkie ruthlessly teased Dash's wings with her tongue.

"Pinks, I... " was all the stricken pegasus could muster.

Pinkie switched sides swiftly, planting a quick kiss on Dash's lips before burying her little muzzle into her other wing. It wasn't very long before she had Dash writhing around in heated agony. Pinkie brought herself up and kissed the pegasus pony lightly.

"You ready to get this party started?" Rainbow looked at her incredulously.

Was she fucking kidding?

Pinkie Pie giggled lightly, and began to kiss down Rainbow's neck again, down her chest, down her thighs. Rainbow only leaned back and let the sensations wash over her.

As Pinkie reached her stomach and her haunches, Dash noticed Pinkie's little nips growing more forced, more harder than actually little nips. Pinkie was actually biting her! It felt... nice though.

Then the pink pony stopped, perhaps noticing Dash's slight discomfort, and looked up at her with need. Rainbow just stared down at her... this was a little strange. She had never been with a mare before - a stallion, yes; two of them actually but nopony else had to ever know that. She liked her social life and her private life separate.

This though? This was different.

"Dashie... I uh... do you," but she didn't say anything, a sudden hurt look taking up her face.

"What is it, Pinks? What's wrong?" The look in Pinkie's eye changed and was just as subtle as the hunger that now danced in her eyes. Dash would be a liar to say she didn't feel the slightest tingle of fear, though it was washed away in that small, infectious pink smile of Pinkies'.

"It's nothing. You just... taste great." Dash squirmed around because for some reason, she thought that was incredibly hot.

Now, if mind melting pleasure was what she experienced before, it was nothing compared to what Pinkie did next. With one long, slow, drawn out lick, Pinkie took a taste of Rainbow Dash. Pleasure rocketed wildly from her nethers up into her stomach before exploding throughout her entire frame.

"Oh my goddess," Rainbow muttered.

Pinkie's ears flattened back as she buried her little pony tongue into Dash's nethers, obviously content and eyeing her every reaction. Dash bucked her hips up with every single loving stroke of her best friend's tongue, panting in exertion as she reached her climax faster and faster and faster. The wicked heat rushing along her veins only multiplied as the pink pony began to thrust her slick tongue into Dash's marehood, causing her yell out in pleasure.

The sweat was glistening on Rainbow's brow, using her forehooves to press Pinkie's head down deeper into her haunches. "P-please Pinkie," she hardly managed more than a gasp, "Please let me-"

But Rainbow cut herself short, crying out with aching need as she felt Pinkie Pie slid her tongue out of her slick entrance and traced it up her stomach and chest. Dash squeaked as Pinkie pushed her wet tongue into her mouth, giving Dash a good taste of her own excitement. She reciprocated the kiss eagerly, nipping Pinks' lips and wriggling her tongue against her best friend's.

Then Dash melted like chocolate as Pinkie forced her own generous weight on her forehooves whilst she pressed a back hoof against Rainbow's dripping sex.

In between hot, broken kisses, Pinkie grunted, "Yeah, you like that?" Dash nodded and her cheeks burned with embarrassment.

Pinkie's lips left hers, leaving them prickling curiously, as the pony dipped down and nibbled her jaw line. She pushed her hoof harder against Dash's marehood. Rainbow only squeaked in response. "Yeah, unh, now that's a beat."

The pink pony rocketed her hips forward, thrusting her marehood into Dash's face. Instinctively she cringed, but then nervously nuzzled Pinkie's plush tummy, before probing her best friend's sex experimentally. She found it quite... how else could it possibly be? Sweet.

Dash eagerly and amateurishly feasted upon Pinkie's flesh with escalating excitement, made only more profound as the pony began humping her face. "Yeah, you like that, huh, Dashie?"

Dash could feel the pony's excitement just dripping down her chin, and it all felt so new and so erotic. "You dirty, little mare-muncher," Pinkie gasped between each eager lick. Dash drank up as much of the pony as she could, becomingly increasingly entranced by the tight, slick feel of the pony she was tonguing.

Pinkie slid down and settled her haunches down in between Dash's. She then began grinding them together.

Rainbow just wanted to die, it felt so good. Way too good.

"Oh goddesses, Pinkie Pie, this is... I love you!"

Pinkie eased their tribadism some, staring with profound admiration into Dash's eyes. Rainbow met her gaze with a fierce intensity, and muttered firmly, "I love you, Pinks."

A heated smile lit up Pinkie's face. A genuine smile. Just another thing Rainbow loved so much about this mare. Her infectious smile.

They shared one little kiss.

Dash could feel her encroaching orgasm, and she wrapped her hooves tightly around Pinkie Pie. The pink pony nuzzled up under her neck and Dash could not help but to begin to cry. Hot tears trailed down her cheeks and were absorbed into this adorable little pink pony clinging to her.

Finally. Finally somepony to love. Thank Celestia it was her.

Rainbow could feel her orgasm approaching dangerously fast, and from how the pony was trembling on top of her, Pinkie was too. This was it. The climax.

Pinkie Pie spoke softly, her voice trembling as pleasure was overtaking her, "Dashie, I-" but she was silenced by Rainbow's kiss.

Rainbow experienced the most explosive orgasm of her young life. It spread out from her center and filled her out with unquenchable, unspeakable heat. Every hair, every feather, every nerve of her body was lit ablaze as she held the pink pony in her hooves.

It was powerfully silent. It was calm. It was perfect.

The next afternoon, Rainbow Dash woke up to find herself ensnared by a certain sweet little pink pony. Dash lay there, breathing deep and utterly relaxed. She felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted from off her shoulders, and it felt good. At least she didn't have to work today; well, not fully anyway. She just had to keep eye on the arranged storm front as it passed on through.

Dash nudged the blissfully sleeping pony, "Hey, Pinks, get up." Pinkie Pie stirred gracefully, and as her eyes set upon Dash, a brilliant smile ripped across her face. Rainbow herself smiled uncontrollably; she could get used to waking up to that.

"Come on, let's get some break- er... lunch?"

A smart giggle burst from Pinkie as she toppled out of bed, "Wait a bit first, Dashie. I've got something to show you."

A little while later, the two mares found themselves perched on a low hill just outside of Ponyville. In the distance, thunder rumbled and painted the sky with lightning. The storm was close, and Dash felt proud of herself.. Proud of her work here. Proud of her new found lover next to her.

Light drops of rain began to kiss the ground around them. Dash drooped her ears. She had to know for sure.

"So Pinks, does this mean, ya' know." Pinkie Pie shared her gaze with warmth, wanting her to say it. "That we're an... an item now?" Pinkie smiled again, and it filled Rainbow with trembling glee. Pinkie wrapped her hoof around Rainbow's and Dash wrapped her wing around her, pulling her close.