Chapter 2: What Will Be...?

Story by Rask on SoFurry

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#2 of Animus Mutatio

Chapter 2: What Will Be...?

Disclaimer: This story is a fictional account that contains materials

of an adult and homosexual nature. If you are not legally permitted to

view it, whomever or wherever you are, I'm not to be held responsible.

So, please, carry on if you are interested and free to let me know if

you liked what you read.

"So... When are you going to let me down?" I huffed a bit as Tsumi

continued to carry me for a large part of the walk.

It was a tad bit embarrassing; I was just hoping that someone wasn't watching;

it looked like he hunted me! He smiled, giving me a pat upon my rear, and

then placed me on the ground.

"Guess you had enough."

"Yeah... heh, I don't want to tire ya out." He laughed almost instantly after

that; I could see a few tears streaming down his cheek.

I was drawn-back by this, not quite sure what I had done that had been so

funny. I was kind of torn whether not I should ask. His laughter

just continued for a while, causing a sour look to appear about my face.

"Okay, what's so funny," I asked with a hint of hurt. He tried to steady himself,

catching his breath here and there, until he finally was able to answer.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I doubt that you'd be able to make me 'tired,'

if ya know what I mean." Why was it that everytime that someone said, 'ya know

what I mean,' does it feel like a dirty innuendo. Just then, I stopped dead in my

tracks. It _ WAS _ a dirty innuendo! I could feel myself turning red, as he looked

over his shoulders only to laugh again. He must have seen that I did get what he meant.

Once more, I took a few steps, trying to catch back up with him, my mind still a

little disturbed by this. I couldn't recall much, but I just couldn't get over this

feeling of some of this being a little wrong. "Something on your mind, Rask?" I

shook my head as I finally broke even with his strides. He cocked his head

and smirked to me, a touch of disbelief in his gaze, but he quickly returned

to his regular demeanor. "If ya say so." I had to make a recovery, and

so I blurted out the first thing that popped into my head, I didn't want

him to feel as if I didn't trust him. He had done so much to help me.

"Umm, well, It's just that... What's your village like?"

"My village? Hmm. Let's see... It's kind of small. There's about 340 to 550 people

in my clan, not all of them are there now though. There's a beautiful garden in

the center of town... That's where I spend most of my time." A bright smile

appeared about his maw, almost as if he was recalling something, his eyes kind

of glazed over.

"Umm... Tsumi?"

"Uh? Oh, heh, yeah! Let me think, what else," he paused and gave a shrug,

"Why don't I show you, it'd be so much easier."

"Okay, but isn't it a couple days away?" He made an 'mhmm'ing sound and continued

to walk. I could only image what was to be there, besides the garden. I just kept walking

and thinking. It had only been 24 hours, and I had so many questions running through

my head, that I almost forgot... I was hungry. It'd been a while since I had something

to eat, and my stomach growled loud.

"Hmm, sounds like someone's a tad bit hungry." Tsumi said, shooting a glance my direction.

"Ya heard that?"

"Heh, the whole forest heard that. Lucky for you, we're here." I looked forward; we had

made it to the second campsite with quite a bit of time to spare. I smiled, placing a paw

upon my belly. "I'll go hunt down something to eat. Would you mind setting up the fire?"

I nodded and began to gather the wood. This would give me a chance to practice some.

Tsumi disappeared, leaving me to my task. I wonder what kind of things lived out here?

Giving a shrug, I picked up another piece of lumber, which was more than abundant.

I hauled the logs and placed them as I remembered from the day before. _Okay, Rask...

Just the same as you did yesterday._ I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, focusing, my

paws extended out before me. Now, All I had to do was invoke the fire, to summon

the spirits again. But this time... it seemed a little hard without Tsumi, still, I had to

do this on my own. _Focus Rask, he wouldn't have left you to do this if he didn't

think you could do it._ Clear my mind and opening it to the mystic forces of nature,

the spirits manifested before me again. The shades of color numerous, I could

even see different animals even the ones hiding below ground. I summoned the

particles of fire, and then channeled them down to the logs, exactly as I did yesterday.

Suddenly, a loud crashing came from off on the side, I shot open my eyes to

see, losing my concentration... Big mistake. I couldn't see what it was, but a

sharp pain on my arm drew my attention. I had inadvertently ignited my arm!

I howled in pain as I franticly batted at it to extinguish it! My poor left arm,

the pain was intense! A flow of tears streamed down my furry cheeks as I

writhed up the ground. A moment later, the fire ceased as the heavy padding

of foot steps thud against the ground. It was Tsumi, he tossed whatever it

was he was carrying, and quickly pick me up in his arms.

"Are you okay!?" I couldn't find the words to speak. I was gripped with to much

terror, I'd never felt such pain, at least none I could remember. Looking down

to my singed arm, I just began to hyperventilate. "Calm down, just calm down...

It's okay. I'm here with ya." He lightly stroked my head with his paw, before

he reached down and started to rip his loin cloth. "Wait right here, don't move!"

He laid me upon the ground as he bolted over to some bushes and grabbed

a paw full of these weird looking leave. He stuffed them into his snout and

started to chew them, coming quick back to me. I had gained a bit of

control over my breathing, having Tsumi there was comforting, not to

mention the fact that he saved me for a second time. He spat out the

chewed leaves into his paw and applied it to my burns, using some of

the fabric of his cloth to tie it down. It was cool and numbed the pain,

anyhow the pain in my arm. I rolled over to my side and cradled my injured

arm. I guess he could feel my embarrassment, and head back over to the stuff

he dropped. "I found some food." I didn't reply. He sighed and staked the meat

and a few berries, placing then over the fire. I had strangely lost my appetite.

I just wanted to lay there for the time being. How could I have been so stupid?


Time passed and it got much darker, and the food started to smell so good,

but I didn't want any...

"Rask? You need to eat. It's not healthy; you've almost not eaten for forty-eight

hours!" I could tell he was worried. "You haven't moved or even spoken."

He sauntered over to me some food in his paws. He disappeared behind me,

and I wasn't in the mood to turn over to look. A second later, his paw stroked

my side. My fur stood on end at his touch; it shot a tingle down my spine.

The vulpine's next move was to drag me up into his hold, leaning my back

against his chest. "Please, eat something..." His paw reached about, offering

the food to my muzzle. I was a bit leery, but I snatched it up and started to

eat. I didn't realize how hungry I had made myself; I found that I wasn't even

chewing some of it. His chuckles bounced me a bit; it was good to hear him

laugh. "Well, that's a start... but I have to apologize to you." I was silent for a moment...

"Apologize for what?" I found him once more petting my head. His touch was soft

as his long fingers ran through my fur. I smiled a bit, looking over my shoulder, still

waiting for an answer.

"I shouldn't have left you here by yourself... I also shouldn't have expected you

to be able to handle magic after your first day. You got hurt because of me."

It was then that his powerful arms wrapped around me, giving a kind hug.

I started to feel so bad. All this time, I had been beating myself up, not saying

a word... he had been doing the same, possibly even thinking I held him responsible

for it. A petite sigh left me. I lowered my gaze as I reached up to his arms and softly

patted them.

"I want you to know that I don't blame you for this. It was an accident."

"Thank you, that means a great deal to me." With his mighty arms still around me,

he inched back just a bit to a nearby tree, reclining against it. He breathed deep, and

then gave me a squeeze; I could tell he was smiling... even though I wasn't looking.

It was one of those feeling.

"So... Tsumi, when will we be getting up?" It was silent for a while. I peeked over

my shoulder again. "Tsumi?" He was already fast asleep. Weird, how did he do that?

I smirked and cuddled against him. I wasn't going anywhere with his arms about me,

so I might as well get comfy. I closed my eyes, he had a good idea. This day was very

taxing, some rest might do me good.


That night I had my first dream: It was dark and raining, I could barely see. I called

out, but it was as if the darkness was swallowing my voice. I turned about anxiously,

unfamiliar with where I was. Then a brilliant ball with silver vines rose from the bloated

sinister-looking ground. I squinted my eyes; there was something in the ball. I took a

step closer. I had to know what was inside! A heavy growl echo in the air, and that was

all it took to stop me. A shadowy and quite large figure leaped up and over, landing

with an immense ground shaking bang. The force was more than enough to take

me off my feet. The creature stood tall about its hind legs, but I couldn't tell what it was.

It lifted a massive claw and rend deep into my flesh. I had to get away, crawling

along the ground. With a howl, it leapt once more to land on me. A snarling maw

opening and then with great speed, its fangs sank craved out a piece of me.

I woke with a start, my chest heaving and sweat pouring down my head. It

was morning already. Tsumi wasn't anywhere around, but there was some food next

to me. I wonder what it was that my psyche was trying to tell me? I wolfed down the

food, still hungry from the night before. Standing up, I looked around the area. It

had been a while, where was Tsumi? It was then that I realized that my new form had

a few plus to it. I took a sniff of the air. I could still smell him... his scent was unique.

It filled my snout as I started to follow it to a small area. Sure enough, I found him in

a side area in a patch of flowers.


"Oh! Morning Rask, I didn't think you'd be up for a while."

"Yeah, well... I had a nightmare."

"Eh? I'm sorry to hear that."

"So, what were you doing out here?"

"I was just sitting here with these flowers. I love nature, and I feel at most peace

among it." I chortled a bit with a gentle scratch upon my cheek. He was a gentle

giant! So powerful and yet all he wanted to do was sit about with some flowers. He

finally stood up, dusting himself off, a few blades of grass falling from his figure. I

followed them to the ground, which drew my attention to some weird writing on the

ground. Instantly I quirked my brow and focused upon it further.

"What's that?"

"Hmm? Ah! That's a rune spell," He said as he looked over his shoulders then

back to me. He walked towards me and took my paw, leading me back to

the main path. I looked back, still wondering what it was for. He left so suddenly.

He kept escorting me, his tail swishing behind him. I just had this odd feeling...

He was swift, not wasting any time. We headed down the well manicured path,

only a single day left before I'd finally see his village. I was actually kind of

worried now; there were so many things I didn't quite understand. All I could

do was place my trust in Tsumi. I felt a small squeeze upon my paw, so I looked

up to his face. "What's got you down now?"

"It's just a little unsettling... This is like a new world for me. I'm naked in the

breeze..."He smiled some, a light change in his facade. I wish I could read what

was on his mind.

"So you're worried about what exactly?"

"Well, I guess I feel kind of alone... I don't know if there's someone out there

looking for me, or even if I belong with your clan."

"Rask, I promise that I'll help you find out the answers that you're looking for."


"Promise." He stopped hold my paw long enough to turn to me and lock pinkies

with me, giving a strong nod to me. "Besides, the chief of my village is a smart

leader. If anything, he'll be able to tell you what to do next." He grinned from ear

to ear before rotating forward and started walking again. He had a magic all his own.

When he spoke to me, I felt so relieved and all my problems seemed to melt away.

I followed him, getting closer to this journey's end to finally start my new adventure

to finding myself. I walked a beat behind, casting my gaze to and fro.

This area of the forest was a tad bit thinner than the area further in, not nearly

as filled out, but there were more animals about now. A regular fox bolt across

the path, it was strange to see that it wasn't standing as I was. The songs of birds

echoed through the canopy, beautiful musical cannon. An orchestra of sounds,

the forest was so alive now.

(I wonder what's so different here?)

"Did you say something, Rask?" I looked over to Tsumi, who was walking

backwards now.

"Ummm... Well, I was just noticing that so many animals are here now,while a

few days again there were hardly any."

"That sacred area seems to keep animals away; I think they know it's a special

and stay away from it. Animals have a sixth sense."

"Speak of animals in general, why is it that we are able to walk about as we do."

"I'm not sure... I was born like this... as were many others. They're many legends

about a huge tree called 'Yggdrasil' that has to do with our race, but mythology

isn't exactly my specialty. That's another question you might want to save for

the Elder." I nodded softly; it seems that at least I had a few answers and some

refined questions too. I looked to him, a renewed vigor filling the veins of my body.

He locked gazes, studying me with his emerald eyes; the raw power he possessed

with his eyes alone was unimaginable. This 5'7", well-built fox was a perplexing

mystery. His inner and outer form screamed with the strength he held, and yet

he was nice, peaceful, and a nature-lover. After I discovered who I was, I'd

have to come back and pick his mind. I'd have to learn everything that made him

tick. "We'll be at camp in a couple of hours, then we can rest some more and eat up.

I want you at your peck when ya meet everyone. Heh, I don't want to have haul

you into town." I laughed a bit, I bet he'd actually have no problem doing that. "Oh!

And there's a stream near the camp, just in case you wanted to wash up some."

"That'd be good, I'll take a bath tomorrow morning!" With that said, he turned

again a walked. We passed the time with idle chatter. He pointed out random

animals and flowers, while I just looked about in interest. The longer I got used

to this form, you could say, the easier it was to pick out things with my senses.

Hearing, sight, smell: All of them were kenned to my surroundings. We even made

a game out of it, giving hints to one another to see if we could find what the other

was talking about. But, by the time we had gotten to the camp, he had shown

his supremacy. "Remind me never to play this game with you again... 150 to 25..."

"You did pretty good lil' one."

"Yeah, I bet..." I huffed a bit, gathering logs for the fire, and placing them into

the pit. After I had then placed, he snapped his fingers and the flames roared to

life. He must have mastered this art, it was effortless for him to do this. He

smirked devilishly to me as I shot him a 'show-off' look. He also must have

enjoyed this idolizing, because he winked to me before went to go hunt.

I chuckled subtly, shaking my head in dismissal. It would be about an hour or so

that I sat there, but it was well worth wait. Tsumi came back with an arm full of fruits,

berries, and some rabbit meat. I got up to help him carry a few things back to the fire.

It was there he gave me a few instructions, while he started to dissect the meat

and steak it. He wanted me to cut the lemons with my claws and sprinkle the meat as

he applied some herbs that he had also brought. It was a teamwork effort. When

dinner time finally came, I couldn't believe how much food I put away. I felt like

a gluten!The meal was amazing: the taste, the smell, everything! I groaned as I

laid back, patting my tummy. "So full... can't eat any more."

"Heh, that's what I like to hear. It looked like you needed to actually eat something

hardy, instead of those small snacks." I just groaned again. I felt so tired after eating

so much food; I just want to pass out.

"Good night," I said through a yawn as I closed my eyes, and continued to lay

there sprawled out on my back. He bursts into laughter, laying down himself.

"Good night."


I wasn't sure what time it was, but I was woken from my sleep by a hot splatter

of liquid on my face. I sheepishly opened my eyes, letting them focus. I lurched

in surprise, and sat up on one arm. There in my face, the last dip falling off the tip,

was Tsumi's cock. I was shocked and gulped as I looked up to his face. He still

gripped his swollen shaft in his paw.

"What's the..." before I could even finish, he placed the finger of his free paw

over my mouth.

"Shhh, shhh... It's okay." It might have been okay with him, but it bothered

the hell out of me. I reached up with one of my own paws, dipping

the tips into it and pulling some away so I could see it. I looked on to it as if

were blood, my paw quaking. I'd never have expected this from him.

Sure, he was flirting, but what brought this on? I slide back some, still looking to

the vulpine seed upon my paw. "Why don't yougo freshen up, the water will do

you good." I think I nodded to him, I wasn't sure... All I remember was getting

up and walking to the stream. I wandered onto the banks and into the water,

it was surprisingly warm. I guess I must have lost it, because my legs gave

out and I found myself almost chest deep in water. I looked down to my

reflection, seeing only a few pieces of myself through the ripples. After a

few moments, Igathered my wits and stood up straight. Perhaps this was

but a dream. I bent over and looked to my face again. A drop of cum fell

from myface into the stream, it sure looked real. I dipped my paws into the

water splashed my mug before I tried to scrub it out. It was sticky, and

it messed my fur. It was going to take some work to clean up. I put my paw

to my nose, and even my paw reeked of the musky scent. It wasthen I felt

a warmth part my cheeks and rest against my hole. I just about leaped forward,

when a pair of paws clutched my hips. "It took all my restraint not to do this sooner."


"I wanted to tell you how hot you are with wet fur." I started stand up, but I felt

something poke my tailhole. I stopped to look over my shoulder.

His member sat there, just at the entrance. "I know this is a little more to take in,

but I just had to... I couldn't take it any more."

"I... I... don't understand."

"Shhh, just relax..." He leaned forward and whispered into my ears, "Let's see if you

can tire me out." I felt him push forward, his tip spreading my hole open. I flexed

every muscle in my body. "Calm down..." He placed a paw upon my back and

gently started to rub up and down. I started topant some, my figure quaking again.

I gulped as he pushed further inside me; a rush of both pleasure and pain filled me.

I gasped for air,supporting myself up with hands upon my thighs. He pulled out slowly

then pressed back in, each time his cock going deeper and deeper. I felt his other paw

reach under me. I looked between my legs as he grappled my own cock. I had been

so preoccupied that I hadn't even noticed my ownarousal. He pumped into me and

stroked me all with the same rhythm. I was panting and gasping with each rock.

It was this mind numbing sensation.I felt so good, but so wrong at the same time.

I felt a bulge hit my rump. I again looked back between my legs. It was a huge

mass of fleshon his cock, almost as big as a melon. I started to panic again, as I

felt it start to ram into me. My first reaction was to prevent it, tighten up everything...

Yet another big mistake. The pain of something that big being forced through

something so tight was more than what I could take. My vision blacken and

that was it...


I whimpered softly as I held my head. It was dark and strangely I was in a hut

of some kind. I sat up. My ass hurt, it was like a burning pain. Throwing the

covers off, I wobbly stood up, and looked about the room. Where was I? How did I

get here? Then it came back to me... Tsumi, he had... There was no one around, so

I started to roam towards the only door. It lead outside to a small village, it was

late at night... how long had I been out for? There was no one around out here

either. It was then my ears perked, I heard voices coming for the building over.

Slowly I crept to a window on the side. One of the voices I didn't know, but the

second was Tsumi.

"You brought 'it' here!?"

"He's not an 'it,' and I'm sorry. I had to. I didn't realize it until today." It?

Realize what?

"You're sure you saw the mark?"

"Yes, I'm positive"

"The Animus Mutatio must be prevented... Where's the mark, I'll check it

myself just to make sure!"

"It's..." A massive paw fell upon my shoulder then, and jerked me around.

My maw dropped wide as stared up at this enormous lupine.

"What are you doing here!?" This 6'9" tank booming voice rang. I just froze.

He pulled back his fist and then slugged me hard in the gut. I collapsed to

the ground, feeling myself lose consciousness again. This wasn't my day.

But the last thought going through my head was:

'What was Animus Mutatio?'