Camping By The Ocean

Story by Shadow Bromide on SoFurry

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One of my best friends decided to do a rp with me one night with any character he chose. This is a refined version of all that happened.

This is the first true yiff story I have ever done so please give me feedback I need to know where I need to improve. Otherwise enjoy.

Sierra is my character i own all rights to her and my friend Sajik owns Aurealis in all aspects

The midday sun burns overhead as Aurealis lay upon the beach. His ears pick up the shifting of ocean waves upon the beach in soothing, rhythmic motions. Bleach white clouds dot the sapphire blue sky and the distant rustle of leaves in the nearby forest merge with the ocean's medley. This shoreline is a serene place that few know about. Hot summer days were the perfect time to relax on the golden sands and warm one's scales, Aurealis made sure to visit the beach often for that very pleasure.

He sighed happily as his scaly dragon body basked in the rays of the sun. Dark blue scales ran from head to tail, greedily absorbing the heat. He rolls over on his side, his large feral body shifting the warm sands and exposing his underbelly to the sun. From tail to chin Aurealis' underbelly is covered in a soft, peach colored fur half an inch thick. His angular face half buried in the sand, a pleasant smile curls across his maw. On the side of his head; a pair of ram-like horns, ivory white and glistening in the sunlight. From his crown three barbed fins run down the length of his spine to the tip of his tail, the thin membrane a light teal, much like those of his powerful draconic wings. Taunt with muscle, his wings branch out from each shoulder, strong and lithe, their hide the same color as Sajik's scales and their membranes thin and strong. He sighs deeply, relaxing on the beach and sampling the sweet ocean air with his nostrils.

Smell is not Aurealis' strongest sense; but he could easily pick up the smell of firewood hanging in the air. The smoky flavor of the wind was savory and immediately reminded him that his stomach was empty, growling its protest. His nose probed the air; the distinct scent of meat and firewood making his mouth water. He decided to investigate the source of this tantalizing aroma. Standing erect he took his wings to the sky, determined to find the source.

It was not long before Aurealis could see a pillar of smoke rising from the trees. This had to be the source of the smell. A grey black line connected the lush green woods below and the azure sky above. Warm air currents guided him to the base of the smoke stack. Slowly he flew around the pillar, peering into the trees to make out the source of the smoke. The canopy was too thick, he would have to investigate on foot. He decided to land in a small clearing. Descending from the sky he landed in a small opening amidst the trees. To his dismay the wind brought him lower than he planned causing him to scrape his left foreleg on a broken tree branch during his descent. After landing Aurealis saw to his wound. It was not deep; blood did flow from between his scales however. A small lick from his tongue was enough to still the flow of blood, but his hunger called him toward a more pressing task.

He could see the fire through the underbrush as he stalked through the foliage. Aurealis was a deadly hunter in the water, but he was not as proficient on land. His abilities were enough to catch the odd human or creature off guard, despite his lack of hunting proficiency. Approaching the small opening in the forest ahead he prepared to wrestle with humans. It was most likely a hunting party roasting their kill over an open flame. From the safety of the woods he peered out, trying to spot the hunters and whatever it was they were cooking.

A small camp was set in the middle of the clearing; a single tent for one or two people was assembled against the only tree present in the clearing. Burning fiercely was a large fire in a roughly constructed stone pit. Above it was a spit; a plump boar spinning upon it, from the looks of the skin it was about ready to eat. It made Aurealis' stomach growl fiercely. Even with the wind at his back he could smell of the roasting boar, its scent overpowering his senses. As his eyes studied the feast he finally took notice of the person responsible, its form bent over behind the flames, making it hard for his eyes to adjust to the light and identify the form.

The figure walked around the fire pit. His eyes widened as he saw the figure, a Shealin. They were a rare species that nomadically traveled the oceans. Having run across their kind before Sajik could not easily forget their distinct features. Their body was humanoid in form but their key features were akin with many different shark breeds, such as fins, tails, and their tooth filled maws. known amongst his people as strong and agile fighters, they were rarely confronted. A Shealin's temperament varies from one to another, but generally they are known for being notoriously reclusive. Sajik had never seen this particular Shealin, but we was not about to walk away from a free meal just because there was a Shealin present. As he prepared to assault the camp he inspected its physique, looking for openings or weaknesses to exploit when he makes the run for the boar.

It quickly became apparent that the Shealin was female; its form was an hourglass with strong hips and shoulders. A firm muscular tail, long enough to reach her ankles and covered in colorful scales, swayed back and forth leisurely. Her body was covered in these colorful scales, from her forehead down the back of her neck and along her spine to the tip of her tail. They were varying in color, from thick red and yellow scales, to thin orange barbs. They ran in a well-defined pattern from head to toe. The rest of her body was covered in a slick white hide, slick enough to appear wet. As Sajik inspected her form he could not help but find it alluring, the creature was much alike to a dragon in how their scales ran over their body, and its physique was in peak condition. As she turned to face the fire he could make out her front and quickly became aware of the Shealin's growing magnetism.

As his eyes studied her body, large plump breasts to thick muscular hips, he became aware that he wanted something other than food from this Shealin. He had heard that a Shealin was considered half dragon by some, which would explain the ease in which he considered this creature as a sexual conquest. The idea of taking her for himself was all to arousing, even leashing her and keeping her as a pet sounded enticing. His mind was made up, he wanted this Shealin and he was going to take her.

From his hiding place in the brush Aurealis burst forth, crossing the opening in a few short strides. He was upon the Shealin before she could react. He knew they were good fighters but this one would not be able to put up a resistance before his lightning quick advance. His maw opens as he prepares to make contact with the Shealin, trying to wrap his powerful jaw around her neck and securing a swift victory.

She steps aside and grabs his horns firmly in her hands, using his momentum to twirl him and ramming his face into the ground. His nose was buried in dirt as his body slammed downward. Her laugh playing with his ears as his mind caught up with him. How did this creature so easily dodge him, let alone slam his face into the ground?

"What kind of hunter do you think you are? Trying to sneak up on me from upwind with your blood in the air, pathetic!" the Shealin laughed her voice soothing but at the same time sharp and aggressive.

Aurealis growled deeply, embarrassed and irritated at making such a mistake. The Shealin was right, with that cut on his arm any creature could have smelled him coming. His temper flaring, Aurealis snapped back "Mind your tongue Shealin! I'm not finished with you yet!"

His body rears upwards, causing the Shealin to lose her grip, less she be lifted up by his powerful neck. Turning on his hind legs he swings his powerful tail at the Shealin. His tail is barbed from base to tip and could easily rip through scale or flesh. The impact would be enough to launch her across the clearing, and maybe even lacerate in the process.

"Too slow little dragon!" The shealin taunts, gracefully rolling backwards and avoiding the attack completely. Crouching out of the roll she yells with fierce pride "You are going to lose this dragon, and the name of the warrior who claimed you will be Sierra!" she shouts to Aurealis.

"I am Aurealis! And I will make you remember that name!" he shouts as he lunges toward her, stretching out his right paw to swipe Sierra along her waist, a good strike would devastate any creature, the blunt force could knock the breath right out of one's lungs. The claws sharp enough to rival any blade in cutting power.

The violent attack from Aurealis was intense, Sierra made sure to backpedal enough to dodge it. Twirling on her feet, Sierra thwacked him across the face with her muscular tail. The strike stopped his attack, and succeeded in making a gash across his cheekbone. Her form was trained and agile, the strike she performed was easily counterbalanced, her limbs ready to strike again at any moment.

Aurealis recovered from the blow, angrier than ever as he ran in circles around Sierra, his wings half unfolded, their muscular limbs ready to be used as a weapon at a moment's notice. On his second pass through the Shealin's flank he saw his chance and moved to strike. His left wing stretched out, threatening to catch Sierra's chest and flip her upon the ground. In reaction she ducked down, only to see the dragon's tail swiping low to her feet in the shadow of his wing. She smiled; it was a clever move for a simple dragon.

Sierra hit the dirt, hard. The attack was well executed and she had fallen right into it. Perhaps she was underestimating this dragon. Strong as she was the dragon was clearly stronger; Sierra could not take many hits like that and keep getting up. She smiled, her fangs gleaming in the light as her paw wipes a small trickle of blood from her lips.

"Game time, Aurealis" she growled fiercely.

In a flash Sierra was upon Aurealis, a surprising speed that the dragon had not anticipated. Leaning into her dash of speed she seems to blur before his eyes. Aurealis rears up in an attempt to swipe forward with the weight of his body, tear toward the Shealin with his sharp claws. It was futile; Sierra easily dodged his claws and slammed her body into the square of his chest. Falling backwards from the impact, Aurealis landed upon the tent, crushing it.

He looked to his sides; the broken remains of the tent rose around him, a bed of broken wood and ripped cloth. He swung his head back to Sierra, who perched on his chest, her knees pinning both of his shoulders to the ground. She rested upon his chest with arms crossed under her breasts as she looked at the damage, a scowl on her face.

"Look what you did to my tent" she muttered angrily, looking down at him from the corner of her eyes.

"What I did?!" he shouted back. "You tackled me! This is your fault!" his teeth bared as he snapped at her.

"Oh I am to blame? Ha! You are hardly in any position to pass judgment. That is reserved for those who are in control" she smiled as she looked down at him, her earlier ferocity seeming to be replaced by something else entirely.

Aurealis struggled underneath her. He was determined to make this Shealin learn her place, and he was not going to accomplish that from where he was. With a wry grin he pulled his legs up, trying to grasp the Shealin's neck and throw her from him. She did not weight much, but he knew how agile she was, if he was going to pull this off he would need to be quick.

He was not. As his footpads pincer around her head she ducked forward, bringing her tail up and winding its length around his feet. She laughed heartily, and it ate at him. Shivers ran up his spine, he was subdued. Though his tail was free he could do little with it as he was and the situation frustrated him completely. All he could do was glare at her defiantly, baring his teeth in shame and anger.

"Poor Aurealis is upset he got bested by me eh?" she growled softly, her eyes studying him as her tail wrapped tightly around his ankles. Arching her back slowly she leaned backwards, her tail forcing Aurealis' hind legs to move with her. "What to do..." she mussed. Arching backwards as she was he could not help but fix his eyes on her breasts, they were as large as they were perky, and he could not help but entertain a fantasy of wrapping his long tongue around them.

Sierra smiled down at Aurealis, wicked intent plain on her face. She could see his eyes studying her. With a sudden movement she released his legs from her tail's bindings, her body turning about. Before he could react she had her paws on his ankles, and her tail wrapped around his neck. He could feel her binding his ankles with rope but could do nothing against it, her legs still pinned his shoulders and her body was strong enough to prevent him bucking her off. As she tied his last ankle to the ground he tested the bindings, they were tight and each leg was bound to a different part of the ground on his left and right sides. He could not help but thwack the ground angrily with his tail.

"Do that all you like, but I have tied your feet to the ground, my tent is proving itself useful even in this state" she snickered as she arched backwards to glare at him with a smile.

It was true, he could feel the coarse rope on his feet, and she must have used the rope and stakes from the ruins of the tent to secure him. He threw his head back, rubbing it against the ruined remains of the tent as he tried to think of a way out of this situation. He looked back at her, staring straight into her eyes. He noticed something different in them, as if they were displaying a different emotion than before. Curiousity took over and his eyes ran across her lithe, graceful body. Leaning backwards to look at him exposed her neck to the sky, muscular and smooth, her skin glossy against the sunlight. Her breasts were like twin mountains upon her chest. His eyes widened, he saw what he was looking for: hard nipples, erect with excitement. In this moment he realized what was actually going on.

His eyes bulged in surprise; he had drastically misread his situation. The heat on his chest only proved his assumption. This Shealin was turned on! A quick sniff of the air was all he needed, the scent of the roasting boar, the sweet smell of blood, they had hidden it from him but he could smell it clearly now: Excitement. He arched his head forward, looking over what was happening. His legs were bound, but they were spread apart enough to be exposing. Her paws rested on his thighs, her thumbs resting firmly on the inside of his flanks. Her body lay upon him, its warmth unnoticed till now, her legs were spread apart in order to pin down his shoulders, and her groin was pressed to his chest, its heat unnoticed till now. As he looked upon it he could see her lips were wet, soaking his soft fur with their juices. This is not what he planned.

He wanted to use this Shealin for sexual relief, it was true. It was quickly becoming clear that she was going to use him instead. A dragon could not be used like this, he thought, pulling his legs upwards in an attempt to wrench the stakes from the ground. Bending his arms he grabbed hold of her hips, trying to force her off.

Sierra laughed as he grabbed hold of her, she even wriggled them in his grasp. "Go ahead and try to force me off Aurealis, but you may want to beware of what that will do to you" she murred back to him. This confused him, what could she mean? It was in this moment he noticed where her footpads were, she had them crossed over his neck, their talons resting on either side of his jaw's base. If he tried to throw her off he was at risk of her tearing his throat apart. He had severely underestimated this Shealin. In light of this new threat he relaxed his grip, for now she had him.

"Good boy" she growled under her breath. Her head turned away from him as she laid down over him. He could feel her breasts press against his lower belly. They were plump and warm against his soft fur, he wanted to grasp them in his paws and squeeze, how could he have wound up subdued like this?! She was tall, even so his feral body was big enough that, lying as she was, her torso was barely long enough to span from his chest to his groin. "Let's see what you are sporting" she murred as her fingers slowly traced the muscles of his belly, making their way down to his slit.

As a dragon his genitals were stored inside his body until he was ready to mate, or if they were coaxed out. The shelter for his genitals is a small slit at the bottom of his pelvis, two flaps of skin that would be parted by his dragon cock as it swells to life with the strong pump of blood, immerging from within. It is within this slit that both of Aurealis' cocks lay soft and protected until needed.

Aurealis could feel her finger as it slowly rubbed across the folds of his slit. He growled at her advance, but the heat growing in his face betrayed him. His slit was very sensitive; he could feel every inch that she dragged her finger across. The sensation was intoxicating, despite the situation and how much he hated this Shealin for pinning him, he could not help becoming aroused. Try as he might his body betrayed him; he could feel his arousal as his cocks began to swell with blood.

"Excited already, Aurealis? Here I thought I would have to force that cock from you, but I guess you are just submitting to me earlier than I planned" she giggled as she sunk her fingers inside his slit. She pushed deeper, her entire hand plunging inside. He could not hold back the gasp as her hand brushed against his sensitive head, it was still soft and only just beginning to harden. Her other hand spread his slit apart as she slipped further inside. As she explored deeper inside his body he could feel her probing, gasping as she discovered his second cock. "To think I was able to tie down such a well endowed beast" she laughed as her fingers stroked the soft flesh, bringing Aurealis to moan softly. He slowly began to realize, that despite his pride, he wanted to see just what Sierra would do to him.

Sierra's slow massage of his soft cocks quickly brought them to harden. Their lengths pushing through his slit as they grew, thick veins throb with blood as they reach their full length under the soft coaxing of Sierra's paws. Aurealis' shafts were a warm fleshy pink, and their heads a warmer red. They were connected to him vertically, one being above the other at their base. As a feral dragon the size of a large draft horse, his cocks are proportional to his body. His upper cock, twenty eight inches long and up to four inches thick. The bottom cock is thirty two inches long and six inches thick. Both cocks have large heads much like that of a horse; they have a slight tip to the urethra giving the head a tear shaped appearance.

"Oh you are a treat!" she murrs loudly as the cocks reach their full length before her. She wiggles back to accommodate their length, letting them grow between her plump breasts, their heads pressing against her belly as she takes her paws and presses them together, squishing the thick cocks between her breasts. Aurealis cannot help but let a moan escape as Sierra's warm pillowy breasts press against his twin lengths. Precum seeps from their tips as she slowly rocks back and forth, letting the wet sticky fluid smear across her smooth stomach. She takes her paws and rubs them across each head, collecting the precum and smearing it upon her chest. Returning to her earlier teasing she slid her lubed flesh up and down the length of his cocks. "I beat you love that don't you, dragon?" she moans softly, her own arousal only increasing from her efforts.

Aurealis wiggles beneath her. The warmth of her body upon his shafts drives him up the wall. He is barely able to cope with his excitement and the inability to sate it. Her hips were at the base of his neck, having slid back to accommodate his cocks she had placed her wet pussy right below his head; he could not help but take in her scent. His maw watered from it. The only thing preventing him from leaning forward and burying his muzzle into her wet pussy lips was the muscular tail she still had around his neck, let alone her footpads threatening to tear his throat open should he misbehave. He was forced to sit still and let Sierra do what she pleased, and his urges screamed at him for it.

"I can feel you squirming under me, so eager to make use of my body aren't you? It is too bad you are the tool here, and I will use, as I see fit" She laughs as she looks back at him. He could feel the heat on his face, still unable to accept the fact he is being used like some toy to her and worse yet, that he wants her to.

Sierra extends her long serpent-like tongue from her angular maw, dragging the tip along Aurealis' lower cock. She smiled to herself, such thick meat under her tongue, its girth making her hunger for what she planned for him. Unable to resist she lifted his cock to her mouth, its tip dripping pre. Her maw opened to allow her thirteen inch tongue to wrap around behind the head, pulling it inside her maw and sucking upon it eagerly. The pre mixing with her saliva as her lips lock around it, pulling it deeper inside her.

Aurealis groaned with pleasure as he felt her tongue upon his cock. The heat of her maw and wetness of her tongue soaked his shaft and head. Unable to remain idle any longer he firmly grasped Sierra's ass with each paw, spreading her cheeks and slowly rubbing his left thumb upon the wet lips of her pussy. He could feel her moaning upon his cock as his thumb worked its way up and down her sensitive lips. She pressed against him, her body demanding more from him as she leaned forward, exposing her pussy to him and sliding his cock deep into her throat. As she began to deep throat his throbbing head her footpads released Aurealis from his restriction. Without hesitation he leaned his head forward, burying his muzzle under her tail and eagerly lapping at her pussy with his rough, forked tongue.

He could not believe the excitement that coursed through him, as if Sierra's control over him erased his care for pride and made way for the pure ecstasy of the sensations riddling his body. Rocking his hips forward he forced his cock farther inside the shealin's throat, penetrating deep into her throat. How she could manage his size he did not know, but he could care less in this moment. The other shaft was nestled between her breasts, sliding up and down her belly with every rock of his hips. Her paws massaged the shaft she was deep throating, rubbing its underside firmly as if milking him of every drop.

Sierra pressed a paw upon the base of his cock and pushed, slowly dragging his cock from her maw. She gasped for air as his head was freed from her lips. A shudder of pleasure ran the course of her body, his attention to her hot pussy driving her crazy. With a heated moan she arched her back upwards, grasping her breast with a paw and squeezing her nipple with her fingers. He paid little attention to her as he lapped upon her tender pussy lips, his tongue dipping inside and tasting of her. Searching eagerly, his tongue would find the one place that would drive this Shealin crazy.

He found it. As his hot, wet tongue slide down inside her she let out a shocked gasp. Her maw opened as she began to pant heavily. The sounds of her excitement drove him to press against her hot spot, massaging it with his tongue as she shook with pleasure. He worked till she began to moan deeply, he even wondered if she would climax if he continued. Looking back to him he could see the lust in her eyes, the fire of desire that burned within her. Sitting upwards she pushed his muzzle from her with a paw and grabbed him by the neck. She forced his head back as she pivoted atop him, positioning her ass in front of his twin cocks, their lengths throbbing with anticipation. Her stomach, slick with pre, slid across his chest as she leaned forward, pressing his chin between her breasts.

Sierra looked into his eyes and spoke, her soft breathless words only hinting at how turned on she was "I want you Aurealis, and I am going to take you. Your hot cocks are going to please me deeply for as long as I want, and you will cum when I want you to, and where I want you to. Agreed?"

He could only nod in agreement, unable to think of anything to say. Her orders would be obeyed, he wanted her, and he wanted her pleasure. Like an obedient toy he waited for her to do as she willed, trying his hardest not to move on his own, this submission would profit them both greatly so long as he followed her every request. Before he could think any more on the matter he felt her move, the anticipation of her next advance overwhelmed his thoughts, his body primed for what would happen next.

Sierra slid down his chest, her body wet and hot from earlier. He felt her hot pussy press against the tip of his upper cock, the thicker lower cock sliding between her cheeks and beside her tail. To his surprise she wrapped the tail around the lower cock, constricting it as she pulled him inside her. He gasped in pleasure as he felt it happen.

Sierra possessed a unique vagina, its walls were tight and strong, with a larger opening to accommodate the normal girth of her species, some of which were known to have two penis. With Aurealis she would test their limits; his extreme length and girth were much larger than her breed. The very idea of his size was intoxicating. She was excited to have her pussy filled by his muscular shaft; she bit her lip with excitement as she pressed the upper cock's head to her pussy lips. With a shudder of pleasure and anticipation she wound her tail around his other cock, and with a push of her paws upon his chest she forced the head of his cock inside her. As tight as she was she could feel every sensation, every inch of his head that pushed inside. The pleasure was so great she could not help but moan heavily, her mouth hanging open as she laid her head upon his strong chest. As she pushed him further inside she felt his hard stomach constrict.

With a groan he rocked his hips and pushed his cock inside, the head plunging deeper inside the Shealin as he took initiative. She growled defiance at his action but it was quickly overwhelmed by a lustful moan as his girth penetrated her. She shuddered in pleasure atop him as he took over, thrusting his length deeper, his head ramming against her cervix. He could hear her gasp as he did her body unaccustomed to how deeply he was taking her. He placed both paws on her shoulders and pressed her to his chest, holding her in place as he rocked his hips back, dragging his length out of her, its muscular flesh wet with her juices. Her tail quivered upon his cock, the pleasure so deep that she could not control herself. He grinned to himself; she thought she could handle this kind of dragon.

He growled rocking forward and thrusting inside her, his head rushing through her pussy and slamming against her farthest depths. It was here she would lose all control, as he began to fuck her tight pussy with the extreme length of his cock. The Shealin could do nothing but quiver in pleasure and moan as he took her. Unable to move with his massive paws upon her back she was at his mercy. Each thrust causing her to scream in ecstasy. He pushed his head against the ground, unable to watch her any longer, his mind overflowing with sensations as he felt her pussy constricting around his cock, his pre mixing with her juices with every thrust inside. The heat of her walls against his cock made him groan deeply, he wanted more but he would not get it if he continued to hold back like he was.

Sierra could not believe how she ended up in this situation; she was literally in the palm of his paws. Her body was pressed against the hard muscular chest of Aurealis and his cock has hammering her pussy so deeply that she couldn't bear to move. With every powerful thrust he sent a wave of pleasure through her body. It was all she could do to just hold onto him and be ravaged. She could feel his claws digging into her back as he sped up. Through the corner of her eyes she could see him, his lips curled back and bearing his fangs as his head lay back. She could hear him growling in his chest, it sent a shiver of fear down her spine; he could do anything to her in this state. What surprised her most was that in this moment, she could care less. She squeezed her eyes shut, tears of painful pleasure running down her face as she held onto him with every ounce of strength.

Unable to control himself any longer, Aurealis dug his feet into the ground and gripped Sierra's shoulders. He used his hips and legs to arch his back, rising her up. He opened his eyes and looked at her, she returned his gaze, a mixture of fear and lust playing across her face. He barely gave it a thought as his paw grabbed her tail and freed his cock from it; he could see the confusion on her face. He slowly relaxed back down, but this time he directed his lower cock to her tail hole. It head oozing pre and cum from all the excitement, its tip pressing against the tight hole, wetting it in preparation for his penetration. Her face was pure shock, but she would be unable to stop him as he rocked his hips forward. Both cocks penetrated her in unison, the tight walls of her pussy and the even tighter walls of her tail hole parted before the massive heads as they forced their way inside her. She screamed in pain, her body quivering as both holes filled with him.

Sierra's eyes were wide with shock as she felt him penetrate her ass. She had never expected this and was caught completely off guard. She tried to pull away from it but Aurealis' paw held her firmly in place. He pressed inside her, deeper than she had ever been penetrated, her insides burning with pain. She was being fucked, impaled, by this dragon and despite the pain; she found just as much pleasure from it. Her mind was a flood of sensations as Aurealis began to pull out again, he would soon be thrusting inside her like before. When he began to pull back to begin thrusting she bit her lip, this was going to be the most intense sensation she has ever felt, and the idea made her wetter every second she thought of it.

With a roar Aurealis thrust his twin cocks inside Sierra. He felt her shudder as he sped up, he wanted everything out of this Shealin and he was going to take it! He fucked her, it was not gentle and it was deep. He panted heavily as his hips rocked back and forth, his cocks sliding in and out of her. As he increased his speed he felt it, her insides constricting around his cocks. He could hear it, her moaning louder and less controlled, she was beginning to climax. His nostrils flared as he went all out, his entire body rocking with every thrust, the head of this cock slamming against her cervix, his throbbing length launching her into deeper pleasure.

With a scream of complete ecstasy she climaxed. Her insides tightening around his cocks like a vice as he felt the heat of her climax. He could not help but roar to her scream, the intense sensation of her heated ecstasy driving him up the wall. He could see it in her, the entire length of her body shaking from it, her toes curling into a ball, her tail wrapping around his leg, squeezing tightly as she clung to him. Her eyes squeezed shut as she was overcome with it. Watching her only made him fuck harder, determined to service himself alongside her.

Sierra couldn't think, she could barely breathe as she climaxed. Her orgasm was shutting her down as she clung to him, her eyes rolling upwards as he rammed her into deeper pleasure than she ever experienced. He continued fucking her, each hole receiving a fiercer pounding than she could remember. She could feel something growing inside him, the length of his cock swelled, the muscles tightening as if holding something back. Her eyes grew wider as she realized that he was about to cum inside her. A brief moment of panic grew within her as her orgasm waned. His load would be massive, she didn't know if she could take it all. As she thought to resist her body gave in, her muscles weak and unwilling to move from where she stood. He could take her, she surrendered, and she yearned for what was coming.

Aurealis grit his teeth as he put every ounce of strength into his thrusts. He was close and he wanted to be as deep inside her as he could be. She would feel everything as he made his final thrust, his body unwilling to hold back any longer. His head rammed into her cervix, the tip entering her womb as his shaft rushed with hot dragon cum. He roared, his body constricting as his muscles pushed thick loads of seed inside Sierra. Her womb was flooded with his hot cum until it could take no more, her womb overflowing as thick streams of cum sprayed out of her pussy in hot ropes. He was so deep inside her he could feel the tip of his cock pressing against him through her belly. The lower cock unleashed an equally large load inside her ass. Sierra screamed out, a second orgasm rocking her body as she felt the hot cum rushing through her. He could feel it inside her body as her stomach distended. She moaned as he continued to fill her, his cocks both having two loads of cum. He could feel her being overwhelmed by the sheer amount. He pulled out slowly, the pressure of his cum inside her pressing against his heads. As they pulled out thick streams of cum came with them, soaking them both as she lay, barely conscious, upon his chest. He could see her stomach, large and full with his seed, as if she were pregnant. He smiled to himself, he got what he wanted after all, and this Sierra was more than happy to have taken it.

Sierra was barely able to maintain consciousness as she lay upon the dragon. The pressure of his seed inside her was so great she could barely move. With great effort she rolled onto her side, looking down at her body she took in the site. Her belly filled with cum, its heat and pressure barely comfortable. Her nipples were still hard, she could not help grasping her breasts, gently feeling herself. She moaned softly as she ran a paw over her belly, feeling her smooth sensitive skin. Aurealis had done to her more than she thought to expect, and her body would need to recover from it. She turned her head to him, his head turned to the side, maw upon and tongue hanging out. His breathing was strong and even, he may very well be asleep. Sierra murred softly, running a paw up his chest and gently stroking his scaled neck. She grew tired, gazing at the dragon before her, and she wondered what would happen when they woke up. She would have to find out later, sleep called to her and she could not resist it. The last thing she saw before slumber found her, was giant wings unfurling and wrapping around her.

The End