Home Sweet Home

Story by VaesilCarinae on SoFurry

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"What a night," I say, "First I get knocked out of the sky, then I practically scare a human to death....ok that wasn't bad, that was pretty funny," I chuckle to myself. "But how did he hit me in the first place...? Guess it doesn't matter, I got out I survived albeit unable to fly right now since I tore a wing in my crash landing, but that'll be fixed soon since that human is going to get what I need to heal faster to ensure his safety. I swear though if he double crosses me, he'll be dead before I will!"

"CRACK!!" I hear twigs snapping. "What was that? I wonder to myself as I look around, listening to branches cracking from a someone walking on them. "Drake?", I hear someone call out. "Oh thank god it's just Max," I release my breath, "I'm over here Max", I call out to him. "Whew," We all thought you were dead." he says. "Nah, I'm fine just a few broken bones, but I scared a human into getting me herbs so I can heal faster." I say while smiling at the thought of the human's terrified expression.

"So you are ok then, right?" Max asks me, "Yes I am ok" I laugh at my friend's concern. "It's not funny Drake, if your killed Luna will have a cow and she'll take it out on us!" "I know that, I just didn't think a human would actually manage to take me down! Calm down Max." I finish. "How can we calm down everyone was freaking out since our raid leader was actually taken down." Max says. "We were all really scared to think what had happened to you, especially your hatchlings." He states flatly. "I know but it's part of my duty to protect our home and to raid for food so we can survive, all we have to do is try going at it stealthily and we may have much fewer dead and injured." I finish. "Then let's take it to the council and see if we can start training stealth raiders!"

"......isn't fair, we have to send a search party for him you need him and I need him too, he's my brother I can't let him bleed to death if he isn't already dead!" I hear my brother, Kaythos, say. "You don't have to worry about me, I'm nowhere near dead." I laugh at my brother's concern. "YOUR ALIVE!?", he shouts happily, "Thank god, we were so worried." he says. "You don't have to worry about me bro, I'll be fine I just got struck down by some lucky shot from a random human, but I dealt with him already." I finish.

On the way back to my den, a good friend of mine named Morca catches up with me and says, "Glad to see you alive and in one piece bro!". "Yeah, I don't know you think I should stop? Doing the raids I mean." I ask him. "Why would you stop Drake, you're the best raid leader we've ever had! I mean you haven't led them astray yet." He replies, looking slightly confused. "It's not that, it's ,well, I want to settle down, ya know?" I finish slowly. "Oh, you want to live the rest of your life you mean." He says. "Yeah, I want to go travel around, we've never left this island, despite how big it is we've explored all of it. I want to go somewhere new, see the world." I continue, "Goodnight Morca. I'm going to sleep on it." As I finish talking I continue towards my den to sleep.