Intimacy (Third Instalment)

Story by Rascal, the cat on SoFurry

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#4 of Russ and Alec stories

So here it is, finally, the third installment of Intimacy :-). This has been finished so much later than I wanted it to be because I've been so busy recently, but better late than never . It's my first go at writing yiff, so hopefully people will like it. I will stress however that I'm aiming at Romantic fiction with an erotic element rather than erotica; please bear that in mind with any comments, which are nonetheless always appreciated :-)

This story features consensual sex between adult males.

Chapter Five: Alec

Alec stood waiting while Russ unlocked the hotel room door, his pulse quick and butterflies whirling in his stomach. He followed Russ into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. After hanging up his coat on the back of the door Russ joined him, stroking up and down his back. He pulled him in gently, kissing first his nose, then the top of his head, then brushing his lips against Alec's own. They had left the light off, but each was visible to the other in the patterned moonlight cast on them through the blinds.

As they kissed, Alec felt Russ wrap his arm around him, teasing his stomach with his digits before withdrawing his hand from under Alec's t-shirt and placing it softly high up on the inside of his leg. Alec felt himself growing hard. He returned Russ' caresses, stroking his thumb back and forth across the bump of Russ' inner thigh. He let his paw travel that little bit further and felt Russ' hardness through his jeans.

Russ pulled away from the kiss, shuffled backwards onto the bed and knelt up. He grabbed Alec's paw and pulled him up onto the bed so that they knelt opposite each other.

Alec wriggled out of his own jacket and they kissed again, Russ moving his paws up and down Alec's sides, following the concave of his waist, the convex of his hips and then pressing his own body forwards. He felt Russ against him and gave an involuntary moan when he once again broke away, a faint smile on his muzzle. 'It's getting late,' he said quietly. 'Maybe we should get undressed for bed?'

'I think we should.'

He felt Russ' digits curl under the hem of his shirt, his sides tingling as they brushed against his fur before Russ drew it up over his head and pulled it off him with a sharp tug. He unbuttoned Russ' shirt for him, thrilling at the slow reveal of Russ' toned chest, and cast it aside.

Alec closed his eyes as Russ pressed his soft lips to his chest, kissing the flat of each of his pecks, the bump of each nipple. Russ bit down sharply and he opened his eyes with a gasp as Russ travelled down, teasing the silky-furred flesh of his stomach with the tip of his tongue before rising up again and nibbling Alec's neck, eliciting another moan.

The two of them gazed into each other's eyes.

'I love you, Tiny.'

'I love you too, Russ.'

He felt Russ pushing him gently backwards and he lay down on the bed. Russ pulled Alec's socks off and then his own, the two of them sharing a grin at the inevitable ridiculousness of pausing to remove socks in the situation.

Russ swung a furred foot-paw over Alec so that he was straddling him and Alec watched as Russ undid his belt and the top button of his fly. Russ turned his attention back to Alec, unfastening the clasp of Alec's own belt. Alec arched his back away from the mattress to allow Russ to whip it from the loops of his jeans in one fluid motion. Russ held his paw out over the edge of the bed and let the belt drop to the floor with a thud.

Russ lowered himself over Alec so that they were pressed against each other and they kissed some more, Alec's breath growing short with anticipation. Russ sat back and slid both his jeans and underwear down, kicking them from one leg and then the other before returning to kneel over Alec.

Alec had never seen Russ naked before: he was almost entirely one colour, a sort of caramel off-white speckled with dark as if he had been dusted with some kind of black powder. He looked strong, but gentle. He was fully hard, his cock slightly longer than Alec's.

He reached out and brushed the softer, thicker fur that grew on Russ chest. 'You're beautiful,' he whispered.

Russ winked and began to slide off Alec's own jeans and pants ever-so-slowly, first under the curve of Alec's bum and then over his stomach and crotch before finally surmounting his erect cock, tugging them down over his knees and pulling them from his feet. He dropped them to the floor.

Alec felt himself blush under Russ' gaze, and Russ reached out a paw and brushed a stray lock of hair away from Alec's face.

He took both of Alec's paws in his own. 'You gorgeous pup,' he said. 'You know you mean the world to me.' He let go of one paw, raised the other to his lips and kissed it. He lowered his other paw, but rather than setting Alec's down on the bed he guided it to his cock, curling Alec's digits around the shaft under his own. He unclasped Alec's paw and, unprompted, Alec began to move his paw up and down, slowly at first but increasingly fast. He worked it with all the strength of his arm, ecstatic at the feel of Russ' cock in his hand and at Russ' rapid panting; knowing that it was him, Alec, that was making Russ do that.

All of a sudden Russ groaned, and his seed erupted from the tip of his shaft, splashing onto Alec's torso. Alec felt that Russ had marked him - it was such a delicious sensation.

'Good boy,' Russ murmured, bending low next to Alec's ear so that his warm breath tickled Alec's neck. He wiped his seed from Alec's torso with the underside of his forearm and then bent his muzzle to Alec's crotch, nuzzling at his balls and shaft.

'Oh God,' Alec panted, realising what Russ had in store for him as he lapped at his balls and then the tip of his cock before taking Alec entirely into his mouth, sliding the soft clamp of his muzzle down to the base of the shaft and then back up. Alec twisted his head from left to right, grasping at the duvet under him as the feeling of ecstasy overtook him. 'Oh fuck, fuck,' he panted - he couldn't help it, even though he never swore.

The glow of pleasure inside him mounted until he felt fit to burst - it was amazing how good this felt, so much better than when he masturbated himself. He bit down on his lip and screwed his eyes closed as he neared the point of climax, then his whole body convulsed, his cock pulsing into Russ' mouth once, twice, three, four times. Russ released him from his muzzle with a final, delicious suck, and Alec heard him swallow. He opened his eyes to see Russ reaching for a bottle of water left next to the bed. Russ took a drink, swilling it round his mouth to cleanse it, then leant over and kissed Alec lightly before flopping down next to him on the bed, turning Alec to hold him against his side.

Alec played with the soft fur of Russ' chest. 'That felt really good, Rusky.'

Russ smiled. 'I don't think I could have waited a second longer to do that,' he said. He pulled Alec in tighter, and Alec nuzzled into his chest.

As the two of them lay there in the soft light of the moon, he had never felt more content with life.

* * * * *

Chapter Six: Russ

Russ was woken by the sunlight that streamed through the hotel blinds, bathing him in a warm glow that added to the warmth he felt pressed against his mate's smaller frame, a sweet look of innocence on the sleeping Alec's face. He manoeuvred to try and extricate his right arm from under Alec without waking him, but Alec stirred and blinked his eyes open, staring up at Russ with a tired expression.

'Morning sleepy head,' Russ said, ruffling Alec's hair. Alec groaned and buried his head back into the covers. Russ chuckled - Alec never was very good at waking up. 'I'll go and get us some breakfast,' he said. He pulled on a t-shirt, jogging bottoms and shoes (the two of them had both slept in their pants), pushed his digits through his hair a couple of times and checked that it wasn't too messy in the mirror and left the room.

Breakfast was provided at the hotel, so all Russ had to do was to make his way down the stairs to the dining hall and select a few croissants, cheeses et al from the continental table, forming a small pile of food cradled in a serviette. He had known from the moment the receptionist informed them when they checked in that breakfast was only served until nine that he would end up doing this - nine o'clock was usually when Alec was just beginning to rouse himself. He took the lift back to the first floor, laden with food as he was, and let himself into their room, dumping the assortment onto the bed in front of Alec, who now rested against the headboard, his hair messy, his perfectly formed chest visible above the duvet. He really is beautiful, Russ thought. He couldn't help feeling lucky.

'Thanks, Rusky.' Alec helped himself to a croissant, slicing it in half with a plastic knife that Russ had had the good sense to bring up with him and spreading it with jam from a small plastic tub. 'It's not every day that I get breakfast in bed.'

'Well, I like to look after you - when I'm not bullying you, that is.'

Alec shot him a bemused look. 'What shall we do today?' he asked in between mouthfuls of croissant. 'Your choice, seeing as it was me that wanted to go to the theatre.'

Russ chewed a slice of toast with cheese as he mulled it over. 'I feel like I should pick something cultured after last night...what about the art gallery?'

'Sunchester Art Gallery - the main one?'


'Sounds good.'

Russ finished his toast as Alec took a swig from his carton of orange juice. 'I'm done,' Russ said. 'I'm gonna jump in the shower. I'm sure you want to stay here and carry on stuffing your muzzle,' he teased, motioning to the remaining food.

Alec gave him a shove. 'Yeah, go if you're just going to be mean.'

He stood and made his way over to the bathroom. 'Just don't eat too much and make yourself sick,' he teased, closing the door to the sound of a thrown pillow hitting the wood. He pulled off his clothes and turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature so that it was nice and warm. He stood under the cascade of water, massaging shampoo into the fur on his head, chest and shoulders, working it with his digits into his ears. He paused when he heard the squeak of the bathroom door opening. Alec's silhouette was briefly visible through the frosted glass of the shower screen - a blur of black and white - before it was opened to reveal him in gorgeous clarity of detail. He was naked, his tail wagging behind him.

'Mind if I come in?' Alec asked shyly, his puppy-dog eyes glistening. Russ reached out a paw and pulled him in, shutting the door behind him and kissing him hard as the steam enveloped them both.

* * *

Later that day, the two of them ambled around the Sunchester Art Gallery portrait room, admiring the depictions of various animals from history, most of them with a connection to the city. They paused in front of a painting showing an adult male husky in scarlet military uniform. The husky leant against the stone archway that framed his image, one paw resting on a glistening gold sword-pommel. The plaque next to the painting identified the husky as John, Duke of Sunchester, with a date in the late eighteenth-century.

'I like this one,' Alec murmured to Russ. 'He looks like you.'

'He looks really arrogant,' Russ responded, taking in the husky's swagger and self-assured expression.

'He doesn't, just overly self-assured.'

'Oh wow, thanks,' Russ proffered sarcastically.

'You're welcome. Plus he's really handsome, too.' That made Russ happy.

'You just like the uniform,' Russ said.

'Well, I wouldn't mind seeing you dressed like that,' Alec replied. Alec was usually the shyer of the two, and his new found forwardness surprised Russ, but in a way that felt naughty and exciting. 'I think the sword might get in the way a bit,' he said, quiet enough that no other animals would hear.

'Well you'd have to take the sword off, but I'd make you keep the boots on...and the hat and jacket.'

Russ broke into a smile and then rolled his eyes. 'I'm going into the landscapes room before you make this any more sordid.'

'Okay, I want to have another look at the painting of that Cat over there. Just don't go sneaking into the nude section Rusky, there's nothing for you there.'

Russ shook his head and went into the next room, but instead of trees and lakes and mountains all he saw in his mind's eye was Alec reclining on the hotel bed, his fur tousled and his muzzle curled into that familiar, painfully beautiful smile.

After a while Alec caught up with him, placing a paw around his waist and leaning his head against Russ' side. They admired a landscape, or rather seascape, on the wall facing them: a wash of different hued blues entirely devoid of anything but water and sky. It made Russ feel peaceful, but somehow sad; the emotion mingling with the sparking happiness he felt at Alec's touch, the same happiness he felt whenever he was reminded through a simple word or gesture that Alec was his mate. His.

'Are you hungry?' Alec asked. 'I'm getting a bit hungry.'

Russ had to admit that he was. He glanced at his watch; it was just before five o'clock. 'Shall we go and get something to eat?' he asked. 'We could have our main meal now, save us having to find somewhere later?'

'If I have a big meal now, I'll probably be okay for the rest of the day after that breakfast,' Alec replied.

'Me too,' Russ said. 'I guess it was more of a brunch than breakfast.'


They left the gallery, exiting through the main doors into the city square, flanked on three sides by gargantuan neo-classical buildings and on the fourth by a busy road with cars crawling along it.

'Shall we try somewhere in the canal district?' Russ asked.


They followed a couple of street signs before they reached a pedestrianized part of the city, where they slipped down a side-street before descending a flight of steps onto the canal path. The setting seemed strangely rural given that they were in the middle of a metropolis; the black, arrow-shaped signs dotted along the canal path somehow out of place amongst the brightly painted narrow boats and occasional clump of bushes.

They followed an arrow that simply said 'Restaurants,' until they came to the first of several squat buildings of red-brick and glass with outdoor seating areas that faced the canal. Each restaurant was themed according to the cuisine it served, so that along the path a Tuscan villa abruptly changed into a Chinese temple and then into an English beer garden.

'You okay with Italian?' Russ asked.

'Yeah, that would be my choice, to be honest.'

They waited at the entrance to the restaurant garden until being guided to a table by a waiter, a sharp and friendly ocelot. A few of the other animals seated nearby stared rudely at the sight of two males so obviously together - Russ ignored them determinedly; Alec seemed oblivious. The waiter disappeared and Russ perused one of the two menus they had been left. Once the ocelot returned, he ordered a meaty pizza and a coke, Alec cannelloni and a lemonade. The waiter took their menus and vanished for a second time into the interior of the restaurant. The smell of food from inside was mouth-watering, and Russ found his stomach grumbling.

'Aww, are you hungry Rusky?'

'I am - in fact if they don't bring it soon, I'm gonna have to eat you.'

'I'm sure you can wait a little longer.'

'For the food, or to eat you?' Russ probed. Alec looked down and back up, smiling mischievously.

* * *

In the end the service was quick and the food good. Russ tucked into his pizza eagerly, declining Alec's offer to share his side-order of chips and then casually stealing at least half a dozen. After they had finished and paid they rose from their table and Russ asked the waiter if they could get back to the White Elephant Hotel along the canal, to which he responded in the affirmative, pointing down the left branch of a nearby canal intersection.

They started down the path, admiring the quaint old buildings that flanked either side of the waterway in the red glow of the dying sun. At one point they spotted a swan pairing on the water with a train of cygnets in their wake and halted so that Alec could take a photo of them on his phone. Russ laughed at him calling out 'Swans!' to get their attention.

'Why are you laughing, Rusky?'

'I'm not sure they're going to respond to that.'

'And why wouldn't they?'

'Well, it's an exonim...we call swans "swans", but they wouldn't call themselves -'

'- Yeah, I know what an exonim is,' Alec interrupted, yet again falling into Russ' trap and becoming harmlessly (and adorably) annoyed. 'I do English just the same as you.' Russ grabbed him and ruffled his hair. 'Oi! Get off me!' Alec yelled, wrestling him off playfully.

As they collected themselves, Alec smoothing down his crumpled jacket, it hit Russ that it had now grown quite dark, and they hadn't yet seen any sign of their hotel from the pathway. He glanced up and down the path, but there was no-one to ask if they were heading the right way, so he craned his neck to see up to road-level. He was scanning around for anything familiar to try and get their bearings by when he felt Alec grab him from behind and lift him up, something it always surprised Russ Alec was able to do given their comparative size, albeit not for very long.

'You're going in the canal!' Alec joked, his arms giving way so that he had to relinquish Russ even as he teetered towards it.

Russ was about to respond in kind when he heard a voice - rough and inherently threatening - shout down from the ramp above them.

'What we got 'ere then lads? Couple 'a batty boys!'

Russ wheeled around and followed Alec's alert stare to where three males a little younger than themselves stood watching them from above. They were uniformly dressed in tracksuits with expensive but ragged trainers: a hulking lion, a slender leopard sporting a red baseball cap - Russ was reminded of Sam, despite the species difference - and a scrawny, jittery-looking fox. The leopard, who had been the one to shout, swaggered down the ramp towards them, followed by the others, apparently his subordinates.

Russ tensed as the leopard sidled up to him cockily. 'And we don't like batty boys, do we?' the leopard continued, a menacing look in his eyes. Russ took in his slight frame: he was taller and more muscled than the leopard, which probably meant he could take him if it came to a fight, and he reckoned he didn't have to worry about the fox. The lion was a different matter, however. And what about Alec?

'Look,' Russ said, 'we're not looking for any trouble...' He was aware of Alec having drawn closer to him; he could hear his low breathing.

'Aww, you're not looking for any twubble,' mocked the leopard in a baby-voice. 'What's wrong poofter, you frightened I'm gonna hurt your boyfwend?' The leopard turned to Alec and gave him a hard shove, forcing him back a step or two. Anger flared up in Russ and he stepped between them. 'Don't you dare touch him,' he hissed, baring his teeth.

The leopard looked slightly taken aback and he moved a step away, but then recovered his arrogant smirk. 'Fuckin' hate gays, don't we?' he asked, addressing the question to the fox.

The fox looked nervously from the leopard to Russ and back, as if deciding who to be more afraid of. When he didn't respond, the leopard looked to his lion friend. 'Do we?' he asked again, with added emphasis.

The lion studied Russ briefly. 'Jay,' he began - so that was the leopard's name - 'they ain't hurtin' no-one. Let's just leave 'em. Ya know ya can't afford to get in no more trouble, or are ya stupid?'

The leopard looked chastened, and Russ breathed an inward sigh of relief at the lion's words as he realised it wouldn't come to blows. Now he just wanted to get Alec away from here.

'I weren't saying we should fuckin' fight 'em,' said the leopard sulkily, 'I wo' just sayin' we don't like faggots is all.' The lion maintained a tactful silence; the fox a frightened one.

The beep of a phone went off from somewhere in amongst them, and the leopard looked down at his jeans in recognition that it was his, fishing around in his pocket. Russ took advantage of him being distracted and turned to leave, and was halfway through saying 'Come on Alec, let's go,' when something terrible happened.

He watched in horror as Alec struck out at the leopard, his paw balled into a fist and his teeth bared in an angry snarl, striking him on the chest. The leopard staggered back with a look of almost comical surprise on his face, tumbling one foot-paw behind the other towards the canal until he ran out of path and launched himself into the air. He fell backwards in an arc - it seemed to Russ in slow motion - waving his arms ineffectually before he hit the water and a great surge of foam closed over the top of him.

The next second the leopard's head broke the surface; coughing and spluttering, he was thankfully able to tread water.

'You stupid faggot!' the leopard shouted at Alec, bobbing ridiculously as he did so, 'Get them, boys!'

The lion's eyes connected with Russ' in a nonplussed look, and before he had time to decide what to do, Russ grabbed Alec's hand and pulled him forward, launching them both along the canal path without caring in which direction they were heading. His full stomach churned and his heart pounded, the stabbing pain of lactic acid building in his side, but he didn't stop to see if they were being followed until they reached a flight of cast iron steps leading back up to road level. He pushed Alec in front of him and followed him up to the road, then glanced back down and was relieved to find that they were alone.

For a short while neither of them spoke, both bent over and panting hard. Eventually Russ felt able to straighten up, and he took in their surroundings. He recognised a glass office block near where they were staying and his eyes travelled up the road until he spotted the White Elephant. By lucky chance they could not have come up in a better place.

He looked over at Alec and was surprised to see his muzzle spread into a big grin.

'Well that was satisfying.'

Russ felt his anger flare up inside him. How could Alec have done that? Didn't he realise the danger he'd put himself in? That he could've had the shit kicked out of him? Was he really that naïve?

'Are you proud of yourself for that?' he shouted more than said. 'Are you trying to get yourself beaten up, you stupid dog?!'

There was a terrible moment of silence, Russ' anger already beginning to dissipate at the sight of the crestfallen, scared expression that had formed in Alec's face

'He...he was going to...' Alec stammered, struggling to get the words out.

'He wasn't going to do anything, Al.' Russ cursed himself even as he said it; it had sounded much harsher than he had meant it to. He knew he needed to calm down, but he couldn't do it. 'What on earth made you hit him?'

'I...I thought - '

'- No you didn't Alec; you didn't think.'

Alec looked down, tears forming in his eyes. Russ was filled with remorse: he had upset Alec and he had to make things right, now. He reached out and tried to enfold him in his arms, but Alec pulled away.

'I'm sorry, Al,' Russ said. 'I didn't mean to be so angry. I was just so scared you'd get hurt...'

'I did,' said Alec in a broken voice. He looked at Russ and his expression hardened. Russ opened his mouth to respond but before he had the chance to Alec spurned on his heel and began marching off in the direction of the hotel. After a second of startled hesitation Russ followed, forced to jog to match Alec's pace and only fully catching up with him as they reached the hotel's revolving door and passed through into the foyer.

'Al!' he implored to Alec's back, reaching out a paw and grabbing him by the shoulder, 'Don't just walk away like that!'

Alec rounded on him, shaking his paw from his shoulder and fixing him with a look of terrible, feral anger. 'I'm going up to the room,' he said, with an obvious effort at self-control. 'Don't follow me. I don't...' His voice cracked under the strain of emotion. 'Just don't!'

Russ was left standing on his own in the centre of the polished marble floor, watching Alec tripping up the sweeping stairs until they turned a corner and he disappeared out of sight.