Intimacy (First Instalment)

**One: Alec** Alec lay back on his bed with his eyes closed as he listened to the music, a quiet storm of electronic keyboard rent by the lightning strike of drums in the soft-rock track playing through his laptop. The music reached a crescendo as...

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Intimacy (Third Instalment)

**Chapter Five: Alec** Alec stood waiting while Russ unlocked the hotel room door, his pulse quick and butterflies whirling in his stomach. He followed Russ into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. After hanging up his coat on the back of the...

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Intimacy (Second Instalment)

**Three: Alec** Alec as watched as Cam once again took to the stage, in character, costumed in a blue period dress that contrasted with her fluffy white fox-fur perfectly. The scene was made all the more eerie by the single spotlight that illuminated...

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Russ leant back in his chair, his notebook open before him. He surveyed the lecture room absentmindedly; the lecturer, a gentle old panda with grey in his fur, was fumbling with slides on an ancient-looking overhead projector. He couldn't help but...

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Intimacy (Fourth Instalment)

**Chapter Seven: Russ** _Russ stood on the balcony of Camilla's apartment, the night cold and foreboding. He leant over the rail and was shocked to discover that he couldn't see the ground, only a half-solid inky blackness. He felt as if he were...

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