A chance encounter

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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Femme feral raptor action!

There is A distinct lack of Gryphons and Raptors on YC, i shall change this

A chance meeting.

The yellow eyes watched him, narrowed and bright, the owner of them carefully inching her way along the log as quietly as she could, heart on her mouth.

What she observed was A gryphon. He hadn't seen her yet, she hoped, his back was turned, his long ebony talons digging slightly into the grass ground as his four powerful legs held him up. He was eating a dead animal of some kind, a fresh kill, what had attracted the female in the first place. but now she didn't want anything to do with it. Gryphons weren't known for their kindness, after all.

She was almost to the end of the branch when it started to snap.

With a slight shriek of muted fear she tried to throw herself sideway to the main trunk of the tree so she could hold on and keep herself up. It didn't work. With a loud shriek, she plummeted to the ground, landing flat on her tail and bouncing sideways, eyes wide, winded and stunned slightly, lying on her side.

A shadow moved over her, and she looked upwards, directly into the Gryphon's face, his bloodied beak mere inches from her muzzle. She 'eeped' softly, yellow eyes wide as the gryphons own yellow eyes locked on hers, holding her in place.

Now that she was closer she could see him properly, in his entirety. He was a black gryphon, black feathers on his neck, chest, back and tailfeathers, his wings a soft bed of black feathers, though, his longest ones had yellow tips, a neutral mustard colour that was rather attractive with his black colouration.

She didn't know it, but the gryphon was also looking her up and down curiously, staring at the raptor that had interrupted his meal. She was definitely female, with a long, sinuous tail, the distinctive, almost bird-like hips and long, powerful, shapely legs, the dexterous forearms, and the long neck with the almost scary muzzle on the end, filled with sharp teeth. She didn't have any odd colourations, just a uniform brown colour that blended in with fallen leaves.

The gryphon looked at her for a few seconds, his sharp beak gleaming slightly with blood. "Well...are you okay?" He asked suddenly.

She gave a soft eep again, and looked up at him, and he could have sworn she blushed.

"I-I'm okay..." She said with a nod, staring at him.

"Why were you spying on me?" The gryphon asked, tilting his head slightly to one side, curiously. Though his voice held no hint of a threat, her eyes went wide and she 'eeped' again softly.

"I-I wasn't s-spying on you...n-not really...I...I just followed the smell of food...I haven't eaten...I thought i could scavenge something..." She murmured, without looking up at him.

The gryphon looked down at her and frowned a little, before reaching forwards with a taloned forepaw.

She eeped softly again and tried to pull back from the large talons, before they clasped around her forearm and pulled her to her feet with surprising strength.

The raptor stumbled just slightly, surprised that the talons hadn't sunk into her, and started to turn away, side-stepping backwards slightly, assuming she was free to go.

"...Well aren't you going to come get something to eat?" The gryphon asked, tilting his head to one side curiously.

The raptor looked up at him, eyes wide, and gave another soft 'eep', blinking. "R-really?" She asked, surprised, wrong-footed. "Y-you would let me have some of your food?" She asked hopefully, her tail-tip giving a slight flick.

A single nod was her only answer, and she leapt past him, completely forgetting her manners and falling upon the carcass of the fresh kill in earnest, ripping a large hunk of meat off and tearing into it with her sharp teeth, powerful neck muscles helping her devour it all the faster.

The gryphon watches, smiling slightly, the expression merely a slightly-opened beak as he admired her form, eyes narrowed slightly as she ate.

Very quickly, the raptor had eaten her fill, her muzzle bloodied with the remnants of her meal, her eyes half-lidded and content.

"You should come back to my nest and sleep for a while. Where it's safe." The gryphon suggested soothingly.

The raptor nodded, her senses mulled by that happy feeling of contentedness in her body, giving a soft, happy sigh, her eyes almost completely closed, wanting a place to curl up and sleep, her fear of the gryphon forgotten.

"Just follow. It's not far." He murmured to her gently, turning and starting to walk, the raptor following him slowly, almost fully asleep.

It wasn't long before they had reached his nest, a low, ground-based affair hidden in a cave, the light from the entrance barely illuminating the insides. The gryphon immediately moved over to the soft grass and reed bed, flopping down into it happily.

Surprisingly, so did the raptor, flopping down next to him and worming her back into his stomach, head head craned backwards as she gave the bottom of his beak an affectionate lick, eyes closed. "Thank you for the meal..." She murmured.

"Whats your name?" The gryphon asked her gently, laying a forepaw over her gently, following the motion with his wing, laying it's soft, warm weight over her.

"My name is Marythel..." She murmured, snuggling into his soft feathers gently.

"And mine is Tylar." He said in reply, smiling at her.

"Tylar..." She murmured happily, and then fell asleep, drifting off happily.

With a soft churl, Tylar laid his head on Marythel's neck, snuggling against her gently, before falling asleep as well.

* * *

Marythel blinked a few times as she awoke, looking about with some slight confusion and giving a soft murr at the feel of feathery softness against her hide, and then her eyes widened, her whole body tensing against Tylar's.

She was in a nest with a gryphon!

The raptor started to breath faster and harder, looking at the entrance and wondering if she could manage to get there without the gryphon noticing her sliding from under his wing.

Marythel was halfway through this moving when she felt something press against the base of her tail, something firm and hot, long and thick.

Looking back over her shoulder, she flushed deeply, eyes widening even further as she stared, lifting the gryphons wing a little just to make sure, gulping softly.

The gryphon murmured something and shifted just slightly, laying a forepaw over her with a soft churl, still asleep for the most part.

She gave a soft 'eep', looking back over her shoulder at his erect length, her breathing picking up a little, a single claw moving back over his form to his length and starting to knead at the tip gently. If she could soothe him, spend him, then she could run while he was preoccupied.

A soft groan came from the beak near her ear and the gryphon's wing shifted just a little, his length seeming to surge against her hand as she stroked against it, the raptor panting a little heavier now, eyes wide as she realised she was getting aroused. Stuck in a nest with an aroused gryphon and she was thinking of mating!

Marythel took a deep breath and gulped softly, squirming just a little against him, his feathers caressing her hide, making her murr softly to herself unconsciously, rubbing her paw lightly along his length and murmuring softly to herself. "Please don't wake up....oh please don't wake up...."

Whether it was her voice of his increasing arousal, the gryphon was suddenly awake, and aware, his eyes wide at the feel of her hand on his length, his breathing picking up as well as he smelt her delectable scent filling the area, one of his forepaws shifting across her belly and between her legs before she even realised he was awake.

She gasped, her back arching and her muzzle hanging open of it's own accord as she flushed heavily, squirming as she felt those deadly talons stroking over her entrance delicately, her eyes wide, scared, and getting more than a little aroused.

Tylar gave a loud churl and rubbed his beak affectionately against the raptors neck as he felt a wetness form along his talons, pressing one inwards and into her body, making the raptor arch and give a loud gasp, her hand tightening on his length suddenly.

Marythel panted heavily, her sex seeping liquids as she took his length more firmly in her grip and began to stroke it harder, now not even bothering with thinking about what would happen. She wanted it now, couldn't stand his talons on and in her cunt, and wanted to feel the length of that thick, firm meat inside her. It was almost a physical need for her now, her fear of the gryphon once more forgotten as she twisted her head, flushing heavily as she gave his beak a slow kiss.

The gryphon's eyes widened and then closed as he returned the kiss as best he could with his beak, wrapping his wing about the raptor once more as pulled her tight against his belly, adding a talon to her sex and making her arch her back and gasp again. Her hand started to move faster on his length, squeezing at the tip gently as she licked at his beak a few times, tailtip slowly twitching back and forth.

Her back arched further and her eyes widened fully as she felt one of the gryphons talons suddenly pressed into her tailhole, her hand tightening hard on the tip of his length, making the gryphon arch in turn, his eyes almost popping out before she relaxed her grip a little and murred heavily, panting as she felt the talons start to move back and forth within both of her holes, her hips starting to thrust against his forepaw as she stroked his length faster and harder.

Tylar churled softly into her ear, feeling the wetness against his talons, and gently licked the side of her head, nuzzling against her, pulling her back against him, rolling her as he went, so she was on her back and her two entrances, stretched slightly by his talons, were completely exposed.

Marythel's eyes opened wide as she felt the gryphon moving away from her. Had she done something wrong? Was she about to be eaten?

The gryphon churled to her soothingly, her hand slipping from his length and the talons in her body slowly being withdrawn, making her give an 'epp!' of protest and squirm a little, before she groaned softly at having her gave a loud sound of surprise and arched convulsively at the feel of his tongue sliding across the swelling lips of her cunt.

Tylar chuckled softly at her reaction, sliding his tongue over her again, forepaws holding her legs spread and her body steady as her tail slowly twitched back and forth against his belly, teasing the tip of his length unintentionally, the gryphons beak quickly getting slicked with liquids as he lapped at her, smiling.

The raptor started to huff softly, her back arching and legs twitching as her cunt pulsed in a steady beat, liquids spilling from it in regular bursts, her quivering sex delighting in the feel of the tongue against it.

Her back arched further and her mouth opened for a loud screech as a talon was suddenly thrust deep into her tailhole again, the gryphon starting to thrust it back and forth hard and fast, making the raptor roar and come almost instantly, spilling hot liquids across his beak as he churled and lapped at her a little harder, grinning, extending her pleasure.

Marythel came down slowly from her high, mouth opened wide and eyes clenched shut, delicious shudders wracking her body, the tongue against her cunt and the talon in her firm passage sending shudders throughout her body.

She came slowly, panting heavily and opening her eyes, staring at the ceiling and then craning her neck to stare at him as his tongue still worked idly at her sex, sending little shocks throughout her body, his talon still moving slowly within her tailhole.

The raptor rolled a little, closing her legs and pushing his beak away, rolling about so that she was on her belly, nuzzling past his beak and along her chest, under one of his wings. She twisted her head, grinning, nosing her way under him to the tip of his length as she suddenly draw it into her mouth, tongue wrapping about it.

Tylar gave a soft gasp and rolled onto his side, revealing the full length of his cock to her eager muzzle, her paws moving to the base of his shaft, one of them wrapping about his balls and squeezing lightly as she pulled her head back a little, suckling powerfully at the tip, working her other hand up and down the portion of his shaft that wasn't in her mouth.

The gryphon gave a soft gasp again, a wing quivering and his eyes widening, staring down at the toothy muzzle upon the end of his length, the sight exciting him beyond measure, the dual excitement of her current stimulating actions and the painfully arousing act of bringing her to orgasm making it hard for him to hold back.

"Ugh...can't hold back..." he murmured, his eyes closed, beak opening and closing convulsively as his wing gave a feeble flap, his length pulsing against her hand as he came suddenly.

She had opened her mouth a little, preparing to draw free of his length for a second to say something to him, when she felt his length pulse in her maw, a single jet of hot white seed spurting forcefully into her mouth, over her tongue and coating the back of her throat, making her swallow convulsively and gasp a little at the alien taste filling her mouth, pulling back with a slight gasp as another large spurt filled her muzzle, the raptor unable to take any more in her muzzle without first swallowing, creamy white seed spilling from her muzzle as she tilted her head, swallowing eagerly, the slight break causing the gryphons next few forceful spurts spill across her face and neck, covering her in his hot cum before she recaptured him with her maw, holding his tip tight to her tongue as she murred, loving his taste as she swallowed convulsively in time with his spurts, her rhythm allowing her to swallow most of the rest of it, though white liquid slowly seeped from between her scaly lips and dripped down her chin and onto the ground.

Tylar churled softly and looked at her, covered in his white seed and with it slowly seeping from her muzzle as she suckled happily at his spent cock, cleaning him.

Her eyes locked on his, and her tongue paused on his length for a second, before she closed her eyes and returned to her wonderful task, lapping the seed she had missed from his length. Very soon, she was finished with that, and moved up to him, murring softly in her raptorial way, tail flicking back and forth. She nuzzled her neck against his for a second, and then climbed to her feet, turning away from him and bending forwards, her tail lifting to reveal both of her tight entrances, begging for attention still as her tail flicked in entreaty, the raptor looking over her shoulder at him almost pleadingly.

This was enough to get him hard again, and he leaped at the chance to take her, climbing to his feet heavily and mounting her, wrapping his forepaws about her chest, thrusting his solid length deep into her cunt without warning.

Both of them hissed, though in very different ways, the gryphons beak open and his tongue hanging out slightly in pleasure as he started to move against the raptor, his thick, hard length moving back and forth within her tight confines.

For her part, Marythel was far from quiet, eyes bulging at the feel of such a hard cock so deep in her needy cunt, stroking her insides in the ultimate intimate caress as she hissed and moaned, pressing her hips towards his motions.

Tylar nipped at the back of her neck gently, in an affectionate way, and she hissed softly at him, tail flicking as she thrust her hips against him by way of reply, her tight cunt tensing around him slightly in a reflexive convulsion.

The gryphons paws wrapped around her tighter, his wings slowly unfurling to rest along her sides as he thrust harder and deeper, making the ratpor under him moan louder as his length somehow found its way deeper into her eager body.

It wasn't long before Tylar started to pant in her ear gently, eyes closed tight, Marythel's own eyes clenched shut as she hissed loudly, head thrown back, mouth opened slightly, depths undulating against the cock within them as she felt another climax spiralling up from within her.

The gryphon bit at her neck with his beak, cock pulsing and firing a sudden jet of hot cum deep into her body, making her jerk and her eyes bulge as she shrieked loudly, her sudden jerking movement causing his length to slip free of her cunt and spill it's thick creamy ropes of seed over her leathery lips of her cunt and the soft inner flesh usually hidden, but now revealed by her arousal and her orgasm, the revealed inner lips quivering in the raptors orgasm.

He shrieked himself, thrusting his length back into her, getting the angle wrong and just forcing the tip hard against her cunt, the very tip just in her as he continued to spurt, streams of his cum spilling into her while even more just oozed back over his length and spilled out of her cunt to drip to the ground.

The gryphons wings flapped a few times, and then his full weight came down on her back, his length slipping loose of her thoroughly-covered cunt, connected to it by a long string of sticky cum, before he slid to the side, collapsing onto the ground as his seed slowly oozed out the raptors well-fucked cunt.

She looked over at him, yellow eyes narrowing as she huffed softly, leaning down and capturing his length with her mouth again, suckling at it gently at first, making him gasp and arch a little at the cleaning, but then her tongue lapped at his tip again, firmly, teasing his over-sensitive flesh and making his wings quiver, her mouth descending, taking the entire length of his cock as she lapped at him furiously, her actions having the desired effect, his length staying hard, and even hardening a little more, pulsing softly against her tongue as she smiled and stood once more.

Tylar just stared as the raptor turned once more, bending over, revealing to him her slickened entrance, still dribbling mutual orgasm-liquids, and his eyes widened a little as he realised that she wanted him to mount her again. He climbed to his feet, and moved over to her once more, raising up and laying his weight on her back, making her dip a little before holding him up firmly. "I want you to....to take me there..." She said with a flush, raising her tail higher, the tip flicking sinuously.

He looked at her, and then smiled in a gryphon way, pulling her back against him as he set the head of his length at her tight, firm tailhole, wrapping his forepaws about her and pulling her back as he thrust, the head of his length slipping into her, making them both moan.

Marythel looked over her shoulder at him, eyes wide as she gasped and jerked a little, trying to relax as much as possible, her breath catching in her throat as she felt the large length of his cock pressing her tight tailhole open.

The gryphon thrust his length a little more firmly against her, pushing it deeper, the raptor giving a soft, almost pained groan, pushing back against him still, eyes wide as saucers, as if she couldn't believe what she was doing.

He gave a soft huff against her back, and then flapped his wings once, pulling her tight against him as he thrust as hard as he could, his length spreading her open to his sheath, filling her tight ass with his hard cock. She gave a loud shriek at the feel of him hilting within her, eyes clenched shut as she tried to buck against him, tail flicking back and forth convulsively.

Tylar rubbed his forepaws soothingly against her belly as he suddenly pulled all the way out of her, until just the tip of his cock was in her tight entrance, before thrusting it back in to the hilt in one powerful movement.

Marythel didn't give him a chance to do the same slow movement, taking the cue from that movement and forcing his length from her again, and then slamming her hips back against it once more, groaning loudly as her tailhole was vacated and then completely filled by the hard, thick gryphon cock.

She lifted her tail higher as the gryphon took over the movement, forcing her to bend over further as h thrust his cock harder and faster into her tight body, making them both moan softly and buck their hips against eachother.

The gryphon gave a soft churl at the feel of the raptors tight tailhole so firm around him, and thrust all the harder and faster, spreading her around his invasion as they both delighted in the feel of the unique union.

But very soon it started to get to good. The constant feel of being so completely filled had the raptor soon gasping for breath, panting heavily and thrusting against him almost desperately, eyes wide as she felt something like her last orgasm rising in her, only different, stronger, making her breathing pause in its rapid approach.

Tylar held her close to him, thrusting half of his length back and forth within her as hard and fast as he could, hissing loudly, his eyes clenched shut as he felt his length start to pulse, and his heart flutter suddenly as he came harder than he had ever came before, pulling the raptor tight against him with a loud screech.

Marythel's eyes shot open wide and she shrieked loudly, a long, undulating sound of pure pleasure as she came all of a sudden at the feel of the first spurts of the gryphons hot creamy cum filling her depths.

The gryphon jerked against her, held tight to her body this time, determined to fill her with his seed, beak agape as he came hard, his length pulsing and jetting hot cum into her tight tailhole,her cunt convulsing with delight at the feel of his seed coating her insides. It took only a few second for his heavy spurts completely fill her, and he hissed, jerking tight against her, forcing her completely full of his seed as his cock spurted it's hot seed directly into the very depths of her tailhole.

The raptors orgasm expelled itself, and she almost collapsed, the gryphon following her, his length slowly softening and slipping free of her body in a rush of cum as he panted heavily and pulled her close, kissing her suddenly.

Marythel's eyes widened and her heart thudded in her chest and she returned the kiss compulsively, high from her orgasm, loving the feel of his hot seed slowly spilling from within her.

A few moments before she fell asleep a crystal-clear thought passed through her mind, quickly wiped away by unconsciousness. I just mated with a gryphon...and I enjoyed it....