The Love Story: First Time Ch.1

Story by Kaiti on SoFurry

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#1 of The Love Story

The Love Story: First Time Sorry I have been having so much trouble posting this... This is a story of Kaiti having her first time. This is an18+ story if you are not 18 leave the freaking site your not suposed to be here anyways. Thank You for Picking my story. * * * Pain in the feet. Not Kidding walking this far was not that bad ,but with the heavy trumpet case in my hand made it worse then ever. Finding myself walking slow as my semi short red hair whipped in the wind with my pale white fur and white tail. Even know the wind was blowing I was still sweating. Wearing a heavy large black jacket with blue jeans. Amazingly it was February and it was hot. I tired to keep my black rim glasses from falling off my pale face that was now a bright red under my white fur. I guess I should say a little about myself. My name is Kaiti. Well, I'm 14 of age 5'7" tall and I go to a high school. I'm an anthro white wolf. I guess I'm kinda slim with a perfect shape. Kind hazel eyes that would brighten up anyones day. I dress kinda gothicy sometimes.I almost tipped over a rock as I kept walking kindly down the side walk A little mad again at that I had to walk. My mind wondering back to school where I guess I turely belong. Running from class to class talking in the hall with friends. Also getting a flash back to the beginning of sixth period. I would enter the room like normal. Though, It was empty this day so I decided to walk back out in the hall way. Exiting the room I saw him. 'He' came around the conner right in front of me. He was a canine with black thick fur. His Long black hair that was just longer then mine. He was also just a little taller then me too. Having one side of his face covered with his hair. Leaving the side that I saw open to me. His gazed turned to lay upon me with a straight look that made my heart stop. I grabbed my chest andturned back into the room. I swear he had a smile on his face after that. With his hat that he wore all the time. That always hide his ears. What made me think he was ashamed of being a fur like the rest of us. I shoved a large black lab out of my way. Who was called Scooter. Another medium size rusty red dog name BJ nipped at Scooter's ear. Duke , a medium black and white Begal Basset hound mix, Growled at that. A short little fat black dog came and jumped up on my legs. " Hey, Pepper, How ya doing girl?" I said looking down at the little dog patting her on the head with my free hand. Managing to find my way down the hall way into my room. My room is a box as I put it. I only had only 3 feet of room to myself. One large queen size bed that took up quarter and half of my room. A lager black desk and shelfs that took it up too. And art easel that was in front of my closet that I don't use. And one dresser that had a Tv on top of it. Posters and drawing littered my walls leaving nothing bare but my sealing. That describes all the big furniture in my room ,but not all the other stuff. Junk pilled on top of each other on my desk.With many kinds of comic books pilled high on it Every kinda small objects around my tv with my Nintendo Wii and remotes. A pile of clothing next to my bed. Many pages of art on my easelwith a large painting of a rainbow that said freedom across it. My Bed hand many pillows made up of many colors ,but the main color green. A comfort curled up in a pile and pushed to one side of my bed. Dropped my trumpet case on the ground next to my bed with my bag. Kicking off my converse and throwing my jacket on a pile of clothing. Floping back on my bed. My ears pinned back neatly against my head. Relaxing a bit, siting up and grabbing my laptop. Turning it on as one of my pics popped up on the screen. I blushed deeply looking at it. Obivesly, it was me. I was nude showing off my large white breast with perky pink nipples that where pierced with black rings. Slim body laying back against my wall near my bed. A extreamly skinny light brown female feline on her knees next to me holding her breast as we were making out hard. One of my hands pinching her nipple. The other running through her blond hair. My legs open to expose my perfect pink slit. My eyes stayed on the screen for awhile till I heard the door bell ring. I closed the lap top quickly and pushed it under my bed. Ears flipping up as my mom forced the dogs out the back door. She hurried back to her room to get some clothing on. Pushing me kinda out of the way. I chuckled and made my way to the door. Peeking through the peep whole. My jaw dropped and my heart pounded hard. I rubbed my eyes then looked through it again. I unlocked the door and opened it slowly. There he was 'Kaleb' at my door step. He wore a black bennie over his long black hair. A baggy black shirt and baggy blue jeans. As he turned and looked at me I saw his jaw drop. I guess it was the first time for him to see me with out the jacket. I was wearing my tight black shirt with my tight blue jeans. " Uh.. Hey..." Kaleb said shyly with a smile having too look away from me blushing. "Oh Hey,.. Whats up?" I said blushing myself unable to keep my eyes off of him. "Well, I was just... Wanting... " He said pausing and looking back up at me. "Wanting what?" I asked with a smile. "Will you.. Go out with me to the movies?" He finally said blushing deeply againg. I always knew him as the shy type and surprised that he was here at my house. I was Kinda shocked not knowing what to say. "I .. would Love too!" I said with a smile and a little happy bounce. "Umh.. Great... I'll pick you up at 7? Is that okay?" He asked finally making eye contact with me. "Yes!, It is.. Um.. I'll see you tile then." I said with a smile. "Okay, Later then." He said with a smile and wave walking away. "Yea, Later." I said with a bright smile shutting the door. Taking a deep breath then letting out a long 'YES' with a little jump. I danced around in the hallway. Then I finally looked up to see my mom. A large smile on her face. I had to ask her. "Can I go with...." I was cut off. "Yes you can go I heard the whole thing. Just be back ,by 12 thats all I ask." She said with a little motion with her hand then went back to her room. Another long 'YES' came from me. I looked at the clock seeing that it was 6:30. Only thirty minutes to get dress and a shower. I hurried to the bathroom grabbing a towel too. Stripping off my clothing as soon as the door was shut. Throwing everything on the counter. Quickly crawling into the shower. Turning it on to warm a little squeak came from me when it was too cold. Pouring shampoo into my paw-hands and rubbing it into my fur rubbing it up and down her arms. Paying close action to my large breast. Pinching my pink nipples with my claws. The grew hard and perked up. I chuckled then rubbed my hands down my stomach. Down my thighs then slowly sliding back up the slip between my legs. Rubbing between my legs softly as I grew a little wetter with my juice. Then I quickly washed off all the shampoo. I reached down again the rub between my legs. Letting my figure play with my clit. As another slipped right in between them. A moan escaped my mouth enjoying it very much. "Well, Its not like me and him are going to do anything to night so better to get this over with." I said softly rubbing around my clit. Letting another finger slip into my tight hole. A little surprised that I could manage that even thought I was a virgin. Soft moans came from me as I worked my hole and clit. The sound of the water hid the sounds of my moans. Biting my lip after a few minutes or so I came my juice spilling out on my thighs. Pulling my fingers out of my hole and licking my juice off of them. I chuckled softly as I washed my thighs and fingers off. Not with soap though, for if we where going to do anything the smell would arouse him even more. I slipped out of the shower turning off the watter. Grabbing the towel and wrapping it around my hair. Then stepping into the fur drier. I kept my hair in the towel so I could dry it later. Letting the warm hair blow upon my white fur. It only took a few minutes to dry all my short white fur. I turned off the drier and looked at my white fluffy fur. Chuckling and looking in the mirror at my fluffy fur. Patting some of it down then leting my hair out from the towel. It only took my about 10 minutes to dry, brush, and straighten my red hair. Looking at the time only see I had 10 minutes tile Kaleb came. Quickly doing my eyeliner and wrapping myself in a towel and leaving the bathroom into my room. Shutting the door. Slipping on a black laced C 40 bra on. Then with a black tank top. Fling the towel onto my bed. I was saving a special thong just for this kinda night. If my mom knew I had one she would kill me. It was black laced as well. I Slid it up my things and over my hips. I gave a little jump as my breast giggled a bit. I slipped on a pare of black shorts. Then on with the black and white convers. Looking myself once over in the mirror. A large smile on my face staring into the mirror. The door bell rang and my ear flipped up and I looked down the hall way. I skipped down the hall way then stopped brushing myself off and opening the door. My heart raced again as I saw Kaleb.He was dressed in a black band shirt and a black pare of pant and the same converse. He hand a bennie on as well that he liked to wear cause of his curly black hair. Again he stared at me with his dark brown eyes. I smiled and waved. "Bye Mom I'm leaving!" I said reaching around and grabbing my wallet andwalking out of the door. "Um.. Eh.. You look... Ho-.. I mean beautiful!" He said with a smile and blush looking me over again as we walked out towards his dad's car. "Well, I think you look handsome." I said with a smile leaning against him a bit. He blushed and looked away. As we got to the car he opened the back door for me. I smiled and slipped right into the car. My heart skipped a beat and my stomach tingled. I set on the back seat as he shut the door. "Hey there." Said his dad who was in the driver's seat as Kaleb got into the passengers seat. "Oh, Hi" I said with a wave and wide smile that would not fade. It did not take long to get to the movies ,but during that time I got to talk with Kaleb's dad. Learning a lot about Kaleb probably making him blush really hard. As we drove up to the movies Kaleb hurried and slipped out of the car opening my door and helping me out. "Thank you very much." I said with a smile looking up at Kaleb's eyes. He blushed and gave a little nod. I took a few step before I heard Kaleb's dad. " You have fun. Kaleb let me talk to you real quick." His dad said. Kaleb sighing leaning back into the car. I smiled and moved away a bit and leaned against a the building waiting for Kaleb. My gaze fell upon familiar face. My ex boyfriend my jaw dropped and eye twitched. He was a short feline with pale tan fur and long blond skater hair. He wore a tight pare of blue leans, black shirt, and large skater shoes. 'EH.. What the hell!' I though as I saw that he was with his other friends I knew from school. Looked away trying not to be spotted too late. " Oh, Hey its Kaiti." He said strolling up next to me he had to look up at me as I looked down. It was so sad that I had dated such a short boy before. " Uh.. Hey William what are you doing here? I thought you would be somewhere in La port?" I asked with a nervous smile. " Naw, I just came down to hang out with some buddies. So who are you here with?" He asked with a evil smile. "Uh-" I was cut off by a wonderfully strong heart melting voice. "She is with me!" Kaleb appeared out of no where with a strong voice. Taking two long strides then wrapping his arms around my waist. I was a little shocked by his actions. My body shivered to the soft touch of his hands. A moan almost escaped my mouth. Kaleb seemed like a whole different person now. Rubbing his nose against my neck. "You are?" Kaleb said looking down at William. "I'm William, Kaiti's ex boyfriend." He said with a bit of a growl to his voice. Kaleb chuckled and pulled me close. I could tell he was not used to this for he was blushing under his black fur. "Well, William I'm Kaleb Kaiti's new boyfriend." He said with a keen smile to his face. I swear my heart would burst out of my chest just by hearing the words of Kaleb. I was still in shock. "Fine... I'm out of here." William said walking away from me and him. Kaleb let go of my as soon as William was away from us. He leaned against the wall. I leaned back with him. "Thank you, Very much..." I said softly looking over at him. Kaleb seemed to be panting a bit. He Probably got a whiff of my earlier deeds that drove him so nuts. "I'm sorry about.. that.. Its the First time I was ever so close to someone.." He said softly as it seemed that her turned back to his shy self. "Um.. Did you mean that?.. Back there.. About you being my.. Boyfriend?" I asked blushing hard through my white fur. I saw him smile kinda wildly trying to hid it from me. "Yea.. I meant it.. Only if .. you want me to be." Kaleb said finally looking back at my eyes. "Oh You know that answer." I said quickly wrapping my arms around him neck and just giving him a gently kiss on the lips. He kissed me back at the same gentleness. " Come on the movie is starting." He said with a smile grabbing my hand. Pulling me along to the window. Getting our tickets and quickly entering the building. We quickly went down a long hall to out theater. "Where do you want to sit?" He asked with a smile looking at me. "All the way at the top." I said with a smile as he pulled me along up to the top. We sat in the middle where no one for two rolls where near us. We set next to each other a little bit closer then just anything. We where watching a horror film. Like we where even watching it. He always had his eyes on my chest. I always caught him with them there. I though, I should mess him a bit. Flexing my should causing the strap on my shoulder to slip off. Exposing a little more of my cleavage. I gently slipped it back on the looked up at him. He was looking away with a hard look on his face. A small chuckle escaped my mouth. My eyes slid down his form to his crotch. Biting my lip as so many thoughts had entered my mind on what I could do to him. Sighing and looking back at the screen. The movie was kinda long I jumped at a few parts and grabbed his hand. It probably made him feel manly ,even though I was not really scared. Since I'm bi I'm the dom one in female relationships ,but with a guy I'm not. So I let him seem like I was scared. Right after the movie we strolled out into the open night air. It was not really late and I was not ready to leave him. I saw Kaleb's dad pull up and he held onto my hand tighter a bit. It seemed as Kaleb was intimidated by his father. He opened the car door for me and let me slip inside again. He crawled into the front seat again. "Hey instead of going straight home ,How about you come and hang at our house a bit?" Kaleb's Dad asked looking back at me. "Um, Sure, If thats okay with you ,Kaleb." I said looking over at him. "Yes I'm okay with it." Kaleb said looking out the window of the car. We pulled up at Kaleb's apartment. I don't know why his dad called it a house. Though, I did not mind much. Kaleb again helped him out of the car. I walked up with him to the door. Entering the apartment, I did not get much time to describe the area before being pulled down a short hall into Kaleb's Room. I liked his room many posters of bands every where. A bed pushed against his wall with drawings scattered on his bed with video games everywhere. A Tv on a shelf against the wall with many stations hooked up to it. I knew he was a video game freak ,but not this much. Chuckling hard as he pushed the drawings off the ground. I picked up one of the drawings of a female anthro wolf. It was in black and white. She was tall with short hair all she wore was cotton wraps around her chest and hips.She looked a lot like me from one of my pics on myspace. Kaleb quickly took the drawing out of my hand. "I thought it was beautiful." I said with a gentle smile as I took a seat on his bed. Looking around the room. Pointing to one of his band posters. "Oh I saw them in concert." I said with a smile as Kaleb looked up at the poster then back at me. He moved closer to me sitting on the bed next to me. My heart raced again as we where alone in his room. A knock came on the door Kaleb quickly stood and looked at the door as it opened the door. It was his dad. "Hey, Kaleb, Your mom is out at your grandmothers and I need to go out to the Shop for a bit to take care of a few things. I'll be back then we'll take you home Kaiti." He said with a smile and nod looking at me then shutting the door. It was silent for awhile tile we heard the front door shut. Kaleb let out a sigh from his mouth. "Wow, I feel like I need to be all up tight around him." Kaleb said relaxing again and set on the bed next to me. "Well, you don't have to be up tight around me." I said with a little smile letting my thoughts take control of me again. I slid closer to him on the bed. Placing my hand gently on his cheek. He shuttered a bit under my touch. He wrapped one arm around my waist again pulling me close. Our eyes staring with in each other. I felt like I was going to melt. Our lips met in a passionate kiss. Tongues twirling around each other eyes closing taking in the moment. Kaleb gently pushed me back on the bed. My arms wrapped around his neck As his hands slid up my side. Kaleb leaned over me pushing my tank up exposing my flat stomach. Lips locked tongues swirling around in out mouths. Hearts pounding in our chest. His hands glided up my flat stomach and slide under my bra. A soft groan came from me under our heavy lips. Breaking the kiss he slid off my tank and bra with it. He was moving back down to do what he wanted ,but I stopped him. "If my top comes off so dose yours." I said with a chuckle slipping my fingers under his shirt then pulled it up gently. Kaleb let my slip the shirt off of him with a chuckle form his mouth. His eyes stayed on my perfectly perked pink nipples. He leaned down and gently pinched one of my nipples then gave it a gentle lick to it. A hard moan escaped my mouth as I threw my head back. Just seeing this with my own eyes turned me on. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. Since Kaleb couldn't keep his eyes off my breast all night he must be enjoying this very much. He played gently with my large breasts. Grasping his hand around my left one sucking gently on my right one. His fingers gently squeezed my breast a little hard. Pressing his hips against mine locked in the state of lust. Moans escaping my mouth with hard little pants with it. Pressing my hips up and he pushed his down. Mostly grinding our hips together as he enjoyed my chest. Slowly I let my hands slide down his side. Tugging at the side of his pants. Bitting my bottom lip giving a little growl escape my mouth wanting his pants off now. Kaleb would slide down my body down my flat stomach just above my shorts. Kaleb pulled at the top of my shorts pulling them down just to see my clit. A soft loving growl broke from his mouth as he gently licked my clit a little rough. My jaw dropped in a moan arching my back letting it escape my mouth. He was making me wait for him more then just anything. Giving me one hard lick to my clit again then standing up and pulling my shorts and thong gently off. I looking up just to see that hard bulge in his pants that drove me wild. Kaleb would kick off his shoes down with his pants just leaving his boxers on still. I would move more on to his bed now lay across his bed my head just against the wall. Laying on my stomach pushing my rump up a bit into the air. Kaleb gently rubbed his hand up the back of my thigh over my rump. Running his hand gently through my white fur. Giving a little pop to my rump turning it a light red. Soft growl escaping my mouth looking back at him curling my tail up to expose my slit to him. Oh, did this drive him crazy. He slipped his boxers off with a hard smile on his face. Letting them slide off him as I got a look at his hard shaft. My jaw dropped as I saw his shaft I was guess some where around 8 to 9 inches. A smile planted on his face as he looked up at me and the shock of my face. Kaleb moving upon the bed behind me. Placing both of his hands on my rump gently rubbing my rump. The head of his shaft gently bumped against my tight hole. A Soft moan came from me as it sent shivers up my spin. Sliding his hands up my side leaning over me now keeping his shaft just right out of my sex. He pushed the head of his shaft gently in then pulled out teasing me breathing heavy on my neck A moan broke from my mouth jaw dropping a bit letting a soft whine out. Kaleb chuckled at that he himself has never done this before from what I know from. A feeling in the bottom of my stomach made me groan a bit. I could feel his hips push forward letting his cock gently push into my sex. I gritted my teeth as the feeling of his large cock breaking my hymen. The small amount of pain drew a moan out of me. Enjoying it very much as he still pushed more of his shaft in inch by inch. As soon as he was deep into me I let out a sigh. Panting lightly ready for the most pleasureful thing of my life. Kaleb gently pulled out slowly letting out a groan that rung through my ears and made my heart jump. Almost pulling all the way out then pushing in with a little force pushing my body against the wall. Then he built his pace on that pushing my more aginst the wall. Groans escaping his mouth and hard moans slipping from mine. My tunnel tighten down on his shaft. Feeling his shaft push through my tight walls. His sack slapping gently aginst my thighs. His hands wrapping around my body rubbing his hands on my flat stomach. My mind was struck in pleasureful state just causing me the shut my eyes and taking it in. His pace started to speed up shacking the bed and rocking my body. I could feel the knot at the base of his cock grow. It popped in and out of me tunnel. Lifting my hands up and pressing them aginst the wall bracing my self. I could feel my climax building up inside of me. My moans became short with pants. Kaleb was gritting his teeth letting out short groans. His thrusting grew hard and rough slapping aginst me causing my skin to turn a bright red. Kaleb's hands griping at my side as I could feel his climax building. The knot slamming aginst my neather lips. I knew he would not force it in know that this was my first. Kaleb's thrusts grew harder only lasting a little longer. One last hard thrust deep into my tunnel pushing right into my womb. Holding back from tieing me with his large knot. Hot shots of his seed bursting out into my womb.This forced me over on to my climax my juice rippling past his shaft. Small grinding thrust of his hips aginst my mine. Our climax only lasted a few minutes. Though, it seemed like for ever I would be stuck in that pleasure. He leaned over me panting hard with me. ".. Uh.. that was the best thing ever..." Kaleb said softly into my ear. "You where amazing.." I said in a half pant. Kaleb pulled his soften shaft out of me slowly. Letting out mix juice fall upon his bed sheets. A groan came from me as he pulled out of me and fell to his side on the side of me. I ploped down on my stomach panting still. My eyes watched as his knot shrunk as it slipped back into a black sheath. I've only seen it untile now. I looked over at him with my hazel eyes. A sound of the front door opening startled us. "Shit my Dad!" Kaleb quickly jumped up and locked his door. Quickly pulling on his boxers then pants. I stood just as fast grabbing my shorts a pulling them on not thinking about my thong. On with my bra quickly pulling on my tank. Looking over at Kaleb seeing him pulling on his shirt. I chuckled and he fixed the blankets on his bed. He unlocked the door and opened it right when his dad was in the door way. I had my wallet in my hands and looking over at his dad. "Well I'm already to go." I said with a smile looking up at his dad. Hoping that he would not see that both me and Kaleb where glowing. "Okay then... lets go." His dad said turning around. I winked at Kaleb then quickly said. "Thanks for showing that awesome video game ,Kaleb. I never knew that Halo was that awesome. I would love to play it again with you." I added a keen smile to my face. Kaleb blushing looking at me as we walked out the door. "No problem, I would not mind playing it with you again." Kaleb's said rubbing the back of his hand aginst my arm. He opened the door for me and I got in. The rid did not last that long for it was quiet ,but I was staring at Kaleb through the mirror. He was looking back at me as well. As soon as we got to my house he opened the door for me and walked me to my door step. I turned and looked him in the face with a smile. He hand his hands in his pocket doing the swaying thing with the large smile on his face. He was still glowing from earlier and so was I. "I had a good time." I said. "So did I, Would you like to spend the weekend together?" he asked me. "Sure, I would love too." I said with a happy bounce again. "Awesome, I will see you then." Kaleb said leaning close to me then gently pressing his lips against mine. I pressed back in a short kiss. He blushed deeply then smiled wildly looking deep into my eyes. He gave me a little wave then strolled off to the car. I gave him a little wave as well stuck in a glowing state. "Yea.... till then..." I said pushing aginst the door as it opened and I sliped inside. My night was amazing. My new boyfriend amazing as well and the best thing that had ever happened to me. This weekend will be just as amazing with me and him... * * *

You have to emit that was good. Come on, Though, Thank you very much for reading it. This was my first yiff story I have ever done. So please leave me a comment and tell me how you like it. Or just leave me a comment telling me how to improve on my writing. Again Thank you very much