Life for Sale: His First Time

Story by Bazz on SoFurry

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#1 of Life for Sale

Disclaimer: this story contains scenes of intense violence, gore, sex, killing, etc. and is not intended for minors or anyone who may find such material offensive or disturbing. Also, as if it needs to be said, killing is NOT okay, and neither are acts of violence as described here or non-consensual intercourse, and these actions are punishable by law.

Life for Sale: His First Time

The jackal yelped as his skull was slammed against the wall repeatedly. More blood leaked out and more flesh was torn away from the bone with every smash. The wolf looked down at the pitiful bloodied creature, half of the flesh on its right arm torn to shreds like minced beef and one of its eyes already swinging back and forth out of its socket dangling by the optic nerve.

"So..." the wolf said through clenched jaws, "I think I've had enough fun with you... Time to meet your end."

The wolf stopped banging the jackal's bloody head against the brick wall and immediately grabbed its legs. He swung it through the air in an arc and smashed its head against the wall, the contents of its broken skull splattering against the wall and falling onto the floor beneath. The wolf panted heavily and grinned evilly as he dropped the lifeless creature's ankles to the floor and slowly walked away, leaving the corpse in the dank, dark room.

The jackal woke up the next morning in his bed, as though nothing had happened the night before.

"Ooh..." he moaned as he gently rubbed his head, "he was a rough one. Ah well, another satisfied customer, another check in the bank." He got up, got dressed, and began to make breakfast like many others do, following his normal morning routine as he always did after a hard night's work. However, unlike most of the others following the same routine at that time, his job wasn't merely fast food or desk work. His job involved suffering and dying for the pleasure of others.

Bazz, an otherwise normal jackal anthro, is part demon. He found early in life that this gave him the benefit of being able to die many deaths and simply wake up a few hours later as though nothing had ever happened. And as he learned later in life, where there's a demand that very few can fill, people will pay generously for satisfaction. He sat down with a bowl of cereal, still rubbing his head some, the feeling of the wounds he incurred the night before still fresh in his mind, even if there weren't any scars to accompany them.

He sat down as he ate and began to try and remember how many different ways he had been killed in his days as a "snuff whore." He'd been impaled on things, torn to shreds, suffocated, bled dry, bludgeoned, and, most recently, smashed against a wall. But that was nothing new. He knew walls well, and he'd even come to like the feeling. Though still painful, he managed to find a sort of kinky pleasure in many of the methods of death he had gone through. What managed to intrigue him most were the unconventional methods some clients used. He tried to remember some of his favorites. He had been a main course in a lunch for a predatory couple; he had swallowed a whole set of screwdrivers and drill bits and then had his stomach stomped on with work boots; he had been "sewn" onto a wooden frame with wire that had been threaded through his flesh, then suspended in the air with it before being vivisected, most of his organs removed, then left to die. He found the last one to have a special allure of its own... One that would always stick out with him, of course, was his first client.

The service was called "Life for Sale." Bazz had originally found the business on accident; clients that were willing to pay the right price could come in and kill, rape, maim, devour, or do anything else to any of the "victims"--employees of the organization with a special talent of resurrection, usually due to some sort of magic in their system or an unusual lineage, such as Bazz's own partial demonhood. Each victim had his or her own style of resurrection; some would come back in a few minutes, while others would take longer. Bazz would simply wake up in his bed a few hours afterwards. He always thought, considering the circumstances, a more fitting name for the place would be "Life for Rent": the client would take it, but it would just be returned to the victim later on.

His first client was a sizeable black dragon by the name of Kyra, apparently a regular long before he had arrived at Life for Sale. Shi was still one of his personal favorites amongst clients, not only from hir creative methods of killing, but also hir looks. Jet black scales with purple accents, wonderfully curved body, juicy breasts, the list went on... The first time he saw hir, however, none of this went through his head. All he could think was...

"What have I gotten myself into?"

Bazz waited in one of the rooms reserved for these sessions. They were all soundproofed, so he was left in an eerie silence as he sat anxiously on the bed. He looked around to see what the room contained. Two of the walls were brick, with another made of wood or plaster of some sort. He could only wonder why they had chosen to do that, but decided to move on before he got any ideas. Aside from the bed--not very soft or comfortable, leaving its only real use to be either as a seat or a place off the floor for sex--there was also a multi-tiered table with a number of different knives, scalpels, weapons, and other tools for the clients to use. He knew he was not allowed to touch them (a rule put in place for safety of the clients, though most of the victims wouldn't dare harm their source of income, no matter how bad things were getting) but he wanted to take a closer look to try and figure out what some could be used for. There were various sharp hooks, spikes, and scissor-like blades. The lower tiers were filled with larger objects which made him wince readily, ranging from oversized sex toys (some even with cruel additions like nails sticking out) to power tools (Bazz stared at the drill nervously for a long while before finally turning away.) He hoped his first client would get it over with and be done... but as shi walked in, he felt that he would have no such luck.

"Oooh... You must be new, I haven't seen YOU before," Kyra said with a grin. "Gods, how I love breaking in the new guys." Bazz squirmed a bit where he sat and looked down at the floor. "Oh? What's wrong? Scared?" Kyra leaned down and kissed him gently on the forehead. "You'll do just fine. It's gonna hurt like hell at first, but you'll learn to enjoy the pain. Most everyone here does." The jackal looked up as the dragon looked down at him with warm eyes, their gazes meeting briefly before shi grabbed his arm.

"That doesn't mean I'll go easy on you, though." Shi immediately ripped his pants off. "Let's start with a nice fucking, shall we?" Shi pulled hir own pants down, revealing hir thick cock that was already swelling with an erection. Bazz gasped and stared, the dragon's meat nearly half as big as he was already. He stuttered for a moment before Kyra looked back at him and grinned again. "Oh, don't you worry. We'll make it fit." Kyra dug hir claws into the jackal's sides and immediately slammed him down onto hir cock, which rubbed hard against his ring as it spread him wide without any lubrication. Bazz screamed loudly as he the cock ripped into him. The dragon murred deeply as shi hilted hirself in him, the jackal's blood seeping out around hir cock from the damage she had from entering him so quickly. Shi began to pull out slowly, causing Bazz to moan loudly as his already pained hole and insides were stimulated cruelly by the enormous shaft moving inside him. Kyra finally pulled out all the way and began to rub hir bloody cock against his stomach as shi spoke...

"See, that wasn't so bad so far, now was it? Let's try a change of position, shall we?" Shi turned Bazz around and held him up against the wall with one paw. Kyra picked up a knife off the table, then moved hir grasp of Bazz up to his arms, holding them together at the wrists so his paws overlapped. Shi reared back her other arm, knife in hand, then swung forward powerfully and stabbed it through it through Bazz's paws and deep into the wall. Bazz screamed in pain and kicked his legs, though his struggling only opened the wounds in his hands more.

"Aww, don't struggle so much little one. It just turns me on more, and that'll just make things harder on you. While I fuck you, how about a few tips on making your future clients happier? I might seem a little cruel in breaking you in, but this is nothing," Kyra said, a slight taunting feel to her voice. The jackal moaned loudly, tears filling his eyes and pouring down his cheeks. Kyra sighed and gently rubbed his back. "I'm not really such a bad dragon. You need a little break?" Bazz nodded vigorously. "Alright, alright. You rest a moment then. There, see? I'm not so bad. I'll even give you those tips while you rest. But you get to stay up there, can't let you get too comfortable." Kyra grinned wickedly as shi sat down on the bed.

"Well, first off, try to learn to read your client. Some are here to just let off some steam, while others are here for fun. It's likely that those here for stress relief usually don't care if you struggle or not, but the ones here for fun will probably like that. Some of the bigger and stronger ones might even like it if you try to fight back, though that would just encourage some--such as myself--to go harder on you, so it's not a very good idea at this point. What you'll want to do most is learn to like this. All of this. The pain, the sex, the dying... all of it. Once you learn to enjoy it, it will become much more bearable. The pain will always be present, though, that shouldn't change. But, as I said, if you can train yourself to have fun with it, that can become a good thing." Shi shifted hir position on the bed, gazing up at the jackal, who had ceased his moaning and simply hung there. He trembled and whimpered, still sobbing softly. "Aww, poor little thing. But, I'm nowhere NEAR finished with you..."

Kyra slowly stood up and walked back over to Bazz. Shi gently stroked his back with a single claw. "Now... I want you to keep as tight as possible, little guy. I want this to hurt like hell." Bazz nodded and braced himself for what he knew was coming. Kyra gently teased the jackal's aching tailhole before gently sliding back into him, his own blood acting as a lubricant for Kyra's cock. Bazz hissed through his teeth before moaning loudly, now sure that Kyra had ripped a hole in his intestines from the searing stinging he felt. "P...Please! Not too hard," Bazz pleaded, "It hurts so much..." Kyra smiled and hilted the jackal again. The warmth of his innards pressing against hir throbbing cock drove hir mind wild... Shi leaned in and lay hir head on Bazz's shoulder and whispered gently, "Sorry, no can do."

The dragon immediately began pumping in and out furiously as the last word left hir lips, and the small jackal screamed and moaned loudly as shi violently fucked him. Kyra dug hir claws back into Bazz's sides and bit deeply into his shoulder, only making his ululations louder. "GODS! PLEASE!" Bazz continued to scream and plead, but Kyra only continued, growling around Bazz's shoulder as blood poured out of the jackal's wounds. Bazz began to struggle a bit, but found it only caused him more pain, so he simply relaxed and let the dragon have hir way with him. Kyra growled loudly as he relaxed, causing him to tense up again. He clenched his hole tightly around hir cock, remembering what shi had told him to do. Kyra nodded gently, then clenched hir jaws more tightly around Bazz's shoulder and sped up. Shi began to thrust even more powerfully so that even hir balls thumped painfully against the jackal's tight ass.

Kyra murred deeply, gave a few more powerful thrusts, and hilted one last time with all hir might as shi hit orgasm. The dragon filled Bazz to his limits with hir hot, sticky cum, some dripping back out mixed in with some of the jackal's blood. Bazz screamed again as the dragon's seed burned hotly against his internal wounds and invaded him deeply; it filled his intestines and even flooded into his stomach. The jackal bit his lip and whimpered as shot after shot continued to hit his insides forcefully, his own cock dripping precum generously from the intense stimulation he was feeling. He moaned loudly as Kyra grabbed his cock and began to stroke, but shi only needed to stroke a few times before Bazz reached his own peak and sprayed his own cum powerfully against the wall. His orgasm caused him to clench his ass even more tightly around the dragon's enormous dick, the pain it caused eliciting another scream from his mouth. Kyra finally shot hir last jet of cum into the jackal and leaned against him, hir body pressing him against the wall and hir breasts against his back. Hir breath was hot against his shoulder as shi panted heavily and licked up some of the blood from around hir fangs.

Kyra murred deeply after a moment and released Bazz from hir fangs and claws, causing him to yelp again. "You make such a good little bitch..." Kyra licked hir lips, then licked some of the blood that tinted Bazz's back a deep rust color through his fur. "Yes... such a good bitch... I like to draw out newbies' first times with the death, but I just want to have some fun with you. I'll just play with you as long as it pleases me." The jackal whimpered a bit, not knowing what Kyra was going to do until shi grabbed his sides tightly.

"Get ready." Kyra yanked down hard on Bazz, causing the knife to slice through the bones and tissue in his paws that kept him suspended. Bazz screamed and bit his lip. Kyra pulled hir cock out of him, a stream of cum and blood mixed together gushing out after it. The dragon took the jackal into hir arms and sat down on the bed to cradle Bazz in hir lap. The small jackal braced for the worst, but only felt a claw gently trace a line across his chest. He opened his eyes to see Kyra looking down at him with a gentle look in hir eyes. He then noticed a stinging pain from his stomach and looked down to see Kyra's claw had ripping a large hole in his belly. Before he could react, shi had hir paw completely inside his stomach, moving it around as though shi were searching for something. He stuttered for a moment before feeling a sudden severe pain in his lower back. The pain went away almost immediately, and his legs went limp. "Wha... What?" Bazz looked up at Kyra with a dumbfounded expression. Kyra smiled down at the jackal. "I've always liked playing around with the inner workings of you guys, if only to see what happens." Kyra's smile turned into a wicked grin as shi fondled Bazz's liver before yanking it out and tossing it onto the floor beside the bed in disgust. The jackal screamed again, less from the feeling and more from seeing it actually happen, but Kyra continued unphased. Shi slipped hir paw back into Bazz's belly, and hir fingers quickly found his prostate.

Shi began to gently stroke it and squeeze it, making Bazz wince and moan and finally stimulating him to the point of orgasm. Kyra quickly grabbed the jackal's cock and aimed it into the cavity as his cum began to flow. His seed shot out onto his intestines, but the orgasm ended quickly. Kyra ripped the prostate out with a displeased look on hir face and held it up in front of the jackal. Bazz simply stared, still panting hard from his second orgasm. "Naughty boy, you should last longer than that." Kyra grinned wickedly again as she squeezed it between her index finger and thumb and crushed it, causing Bazz to wince in nausea. "Maybe that will teach you a lesson for next time. But for now..." Shi reached up through the opening in his belly and up past Bazz's ribcage, the organs moving to the sides to make room for the dragon's arm until shi reached his trachea. "This is goodbye, little guy. It's been fun!" Kyra took hold of Bazz's trachea and jugular vein and jerked both powerfully, breaking them with a "pop." Bazz began to spasm as though he were hacking and choking though he made no sound. After a moment, he stopped moving and stared up at Kyra. Shi laid hir paw on his chest and pressed in with hir strong arm, crushing his ribcage and all the vital organs they protected.

Bazz sighed as his memory came to an end. He had always wondered what the faces of those that used him looked like after they were done with him, or if they did anything else to his corpse. Some told him before they killed him what their intentions were, while others seemed to work on him moment by moment, such as Kyra. He glanced up at the clock and rushed through the rest of his breakfast before dumping his dishes in the sink to be cleaned later. He grabbed a coat and quickly ran out the door. A job that had once filled him with dread and displeasure was now something he looked forward to every morning he woke up. Though it had taken time, it was just as his first client had told him: he had come to love the pain.