Chapter Two - Troubles In The Park
#2 of Part Three - A Journey Through The Unknown
"So apparently using shadow ball freaks them all out, and makes your opponents explode..." Zeke said as he lay down in the backseat. "The Pokemon here suck! They're weak, have NO brains, can't take a hit, cant SPEAK..." He growled.
"Hey no need to get all worked up." Cammy said. "Maybe since wolves exist here, we can find you a wold pack in the woods and you can see if they're the same as you or not. Maybe they're smarter and stuff.
"Yeah maybe." Zeke said.
"I don't think we should go back there..." Cameron said. "They all looked really angry..."
"Hey, I got the money." Zeke said. "Of course they'd be angry."
"Not that..." Cameron said. "You destroyed his Pokemon."
"He was asking for it by putting it in the fighting pen, the sign said so!" Zeke said. "And it kept BARKING at me!"
"Zeke calm down." Kevin said. "Come on bud, it'll be fine. We just have to go somewhere. I don't know where, but we need a place to stay."
"How about like, a Pokemart or something?" Cammy asked. "A big one. No one else knows about us, and we need some supplies. We can all stick together and buy some stuff." She said.
"Yeah, well where do you see anything like that?" Kevin asked.
"Well we ARE on the highway... If that's what they call it... Just take a random exit." She said. "There's bound to be a Pokemart around here somewhere."
"How about we look for a place to eat instead?" Electra asked as she lay down on her back, placing her Pichu on her belly and putting her arms around it. "I could use a little food right now..."
"I'm not even going to say it." Cammy laughed.
"Yeah I eat a lot blah blah blah." Electra laughed.
"We haven't eaten in a while though." Zeke said. "I want some food too."
"Well I have no idea where we go to eat. That place that's usually in the park isn't there." Kevin said.
"That's because this isn't our world." I said. "Palkia did something..."
"I already said that." Cammy laughed. "The Palkia clone sent us to another dimension..."
"WE NEED MILK!" Electra yelled. "NOW!"
"AH! OKAY!" Kevin yelled. "Holy fuck!"
"Well that was loud..." Cammy said as she leaned against Zeke.
"Where do I find milk here?" Kevin asked as he took the next exit. "I have no idea where I even am."
"Find it!" Electra said. "They need MILK!"
"Okay, I'll stop up here I guess. At... Walmart..."
"Wow... That's a retarded name for a Pokemart." Cammy said. "They couldn't have called it dog mart? Because they call their Pokemon dogs... So it could have been... You know what I'm saying!" She laughed. "People here are idiots!"
"I still don't think so." Kevin said. "Let's just go in and get milk. It looks like a normal Pokemart to me." He said as he turned into the parking lot. "Just less blue..."
"Well then go buy some milk." Cameron said. "We'll stay in the car.
"No I wanna come." Cammy said. "Take me in your hood. I want to see how the people here do things."
"I don't know if it's safe..." Kevin said. "Like, what if they freak out like they freaked out with Zeke?"
"Well Zeke used shadow ball." Cammy said. "I'll stay low, I won't be seen, come on!"
"Okay fine." He said as he parked.
"Why'd we park over here?" She asked. "There's like, no cars over here..."
"Exactly." Kevin said.
"Won't that make us stand out more? Especially with this car?" Cameron asked.
"I have no idea." Kevin said as he got out of the car. "Come on Cammy."
"I wonder if people here prefer mating with Pokemon..." She mumbled as she hopped out of the car.
"Of course you would." Electra laughed. "Hurry and get us milk!"
"We need bottles too." Cameron said. "They can't just drink it."
"Yeah I know." Cammy said.
"Okay we're going out." Kevin said as Cammy hopped up onto his back. "Hurry up and get in there."
"I'm trying!" Cammy said as Kevin shut the car door. "It's not easy when you're moving around!"
"Well fine then." He said, standing still. "Hurry up."
"I'm in, I'm in..." She said, sighing. "I can't fit all of myself inside it you know... I usually just stand in it..."
"Ugh, fine. But try your best to stay out of sight." He said as he put his hood up.
"Then I'm hooking my claws into the back of your shirt." She said. "Because half of me is going to have to be in your sweater..."
"I don't care, just don't dig into me." He laughed. "And as long as I don't look dumb it's fine."
"You mean bulgy?" She asked.
"Yes." He said, looking back at her.
"Well I'll stay flat." She said. "I mean, not move around too much."
"You've also got to whisper if you want to say something." He said.
"I know that..." She said. "Can we just go?"
"Right after I fix my hair." He said.
"Just go, I'll do it for you." Cammy said.
"No, I don't want you to." Kevin said.
"Relax, I won't lick it then." She said. "Just go!"
"Hold on! I'm fixing my hood!" Kevin said. "You're making me look like I'm talking to myself! Just let me do it!" He whispered loudly.
"That's not my fault! If you'd just let me help you we'd be done with this and in the store already." Cammy growled.
"Well fine then, help!" Kevin said. "I don't w-"
"Hey man, how much do you want for that plush?" Some guy asked as he ran over to Kevin.
"What?" Kevin asked. "What are you talking about?"
"Come on dude." He laughed. "We're both men here. You know that if I'm asking for that thing that I'm a Pokemon fan too. Don't be afraid to say it." He laughed.
"Pokemon... Fan?" Kevin asked.
"Yes... You love Pokemon too, don't you?" The man asked. "Or like them at least?"
"Well of course." Kevin said. "Or I wouldn't have any..."
"Well then let me buy that plush." He said. "It look so awesome and realistic and stuff!"
"I don't know what you're talking about." Kevin said.
"Do you have any other Pokemon plushes you're willing to sell then?" The guy asked.
"I don't know what you're trying to ask me. What's a plush?" Kevin asked.
"Okay... Just stop, it's not funny anymore." The guy said. "Are you selling the Pikachu or not?" He asked.
"Why would I sell her?" Kevin asked.
"Well what if I offered you a hundred dollars for your Pokemon?" The guy said as he reached into his pocket.
"Wait, so you DO call them Pokemon?" Kevin asked.
"Well what else would I call them?" The man asked as he ducked down a little, trying to see into Kevin's hood.
"Um..." Kevin said, frowning. "I don't know, dogs?"
"Like Growlithe?" The man asked.
"Exactly what I said..." Kevin said, laughing. "But there are things that are called just dogs here too, and they're all different. It doesn't make sense. They should all be called something different."
"Well their breeds are all called something different. Like, there's terriers, retrievers, labs, blah blah blah..."
"So they're not called dogs?" Kevin asked.
"No, they are." He said. "Why am I even explaining this to you?"
"Wait wait, do you call them Pokemon still?" Kevin asked.
"Growlithe? Yes." The man said. "What other name would I call them?"
"Ugh, holy crap! Do Pokemon exist or not!?" Cammy asked as she poked her head out of Kevin's hood. "This conversation is becoming really retarded!"
"WHOA!" The man yelled as he jumped backwards. "What... What the hell!"
"What?" Kevin asked. "You said you knew about Pokemon... We're just going to pick up some milk."
"AND HURRY IT UP!" Electra yelled from inside the car. "I'll go get it myself if you're going to take this long!"
"Holy crap!" the man yelled. "How'd you make it move like that!"
"What are you talking about?" Kevin asked.
"Your Pikachu!" The man said as he pointed to Cammy.
"Well she moves on her own..." Kevin said. "I'm not making her move..."
"What do you mean moves on her own? Like, it's an electronic one?" The man asked.
"Well aren't all Pikachu electric?" Kevin asked.
"Ugh..." Cammy said as she retracted her claws, sliding down and out of Kevin's sweater and landing on the blacktop, before walking up to the guy and hopping up, digging her claws into his shirt and climbing up so that she was eye level with him.
"Is there something wrong with you?" She asked as she stared into his eyes. "Because you're acting like a real dumbass right now." She growled. "NOW do you believe me? People here are... UGH! So STUPID!" She yelled.
"Whoa, language!" Kevin said.
"Oh my... Gosh..." The guy said as he hesitantly brought his hand forward, his arm shaking as he rested it on Cammy's head. "H-holy... Crap!"
"What... Are you doing..." Cammy asked as she stared at him.
"Is this some kind of joke? I get all into this and think it's the best thing in the world, then you pull out a hidden camera and laugh in my face for believing this is a real Pikachu?" The guy asked as he pulled Cammy off of his shirt. "I mean, it feels real... Warm, furry, cute... Um... She has a... Female tail... So..." He said as he looked underneath her. "Yeah, girl..."
"Put... Me... Down..." Cammy growled. "I do not appreciate being examined." She said.
"She wants you to put her down..." Kevin said. "She said she doesn't like being handled."
"How... What... Okay this isn't funny." The man said as he placed Cammy down.
"What's supposed to be funny?" Kevin asked.
"Because... I don't know what you did but there no way that's real!" He said as he pointed down at Cammy.
"Oh I'll show you real..." Cammy growled, a few sparks jumping off of her cheeks as she stared up at the man.
"She thinks everyone here are idiots." Kevin said. "Because... Of exactly what you're doing right now..."
"No, I'd be an idiot if I believed this silly little gag." He said. "Show me how you're doing this, I'll pay you!"
"I'm going... To bite you..." Cammy growled. "Please... Just shut your mouth..."
"She said she wants to bite you..." Kevin laughed. "I've never seen Cammy act like this."
"Her name is Cammy?" He asked.
"What the heck are you doing out here!" Electra yelled as she hopped out of the window, holding her Pichu in her paws. "Kevin, GO TO THE STORE!" She yelled.
"WAH!" The man yelled as he whipped around. "There's TWO! And... Awww that's adorable!" He said, smiling as he walked over to Electra. "Can I touch them?"
"Probably not." Kevin said, shrugging.
"Hello there little Pichu." The man said as he knelt down, smiling as he extended his hand.
"BACK OFF!" Electra yelled, growling as she snapped at his hand.
"WAH!" He yelled as he leapt to his feet, jumping backwards.
"She doesn't like when strangers try to touch her Pichu..." Kevin said.
"Yeah, I SEE that." The man said. "This is insane! Are you all... Really... Real? Can I touch the other Pikachu again?"
"I'm going to lose it... I swear to Arceus I'm going to lose it..." Cammy growled as she took a couple deep breaths. "Kevin... You'd better pick me up right now because I'm two seconds away from tearing this idiot apart..." she growled.
"Okay." Kevin said as he picked Cammy up. "Um, Electra get back in the car, I'll be out in a sec with bowls and milk." Kevin said.
"Whatever..." She said as Cameron opened the door, and Electra hopped in.
"Hey you." The man said as Kevin walked off. "Kid..."
"Me?" Cameron asked.
"Yes you." He said. "Are those Pikachu really real?"
"What kind of question is that?" I asked as I hopped over next to Electra.
"Oh look... A third..." The man said, smiling as he reached out to touch me.
"Hey..." I said, frowning as he patted my head gently. "How could you even ask such a stupid question?"
"Cammy says you're stupid!" Zeke said as he hopped into the front seat. "Are you?"
"And a talking Mightyena..." The guy said, sighing as he took a step away from the car. "Lovely... Is there anything ELSE I should know about?"
"Well you were the one that said you loved Pokemon!" Zeke said. "Why are you walking away?"
"Well I have an Eevee..." Cameron said, smiling.
"Wait, so when... Cammy tried to get you to mate with her... Back at the Pokemon Center... And you said you didn't love Pokemon... That reference... When she explained the kid with the Eevee... She was talking about you?" I asked as I looked over at Cameron.
"Yes." He said. "I said I didn't want to fall in love with Pokemon so she referenced my Eevee..."
"Show me." The man said. "I don't see it in there..."
"Oh she's in her ball." Cameron said as he pulled it out of his pocket. "Here she is."
"You're joking right?" The man laughed. "This little joke is going way too far..."
"What joke?" Cameron asked as he pressed the button, releasing the Eevee onto the front seat. "See? I'm not joking."
"Whaaa?" The Eevee asked as she looked around. "Where am I? Oh! Hi Zeke!" She giggled as she snuggled up against him. "Where are we?"
The man just stared at the Eevee, then at the ball in Cameron's hand.
"Oh, hi!" Zeke laughed. "I don't know where we are."
"How did you..." The man asked as he held out his hand. "Let me see that..."
"The ball?" Cameron asked.
"Yes..." The man said. "Let me see it..."
"Fine, but if you try to steal my Eevee I'll have Zeke come after you." He said as he held out the ball.
"Wow..." the man said as he took it, turning it around and looking it over, before pressing the button, returning the Eevee to the ball.
"I never knew you had an Eevee..." Electra said. "I would have eaten it..."
"Exactly why I didn't tell you." Cameron said.
"I'm joking!" Electra laughed.
"Can I have my Eevee back?" Cameron asked as he held out his hand.
"Sure..." The man said as he handed Cameron the ball. "How... How is this all real? How are you here? I thought Pokemon were made up to entertain little kids... And adults, or whoever likes them..." He said.
"We're not made up. Here we are!" Zeke said as he stuck his head out the window and licked the man's face.
"Wah..." He said, frowning as he wiped his face on his sleeve. "I was just... Licked by a Mightyena..."
"Okay, I know we might not have existed here until a couple minutes ago, but now we do." Zeke said. "So... Yes, we're real." He laughed.
"Incredible..." He said as he backed away from the car. "Just... Amazing..."
"I know, I'm great aren't I?" Zeke laughed as he lay down. "I don't wanna attract too much attention..."
"Then stop talking." Electra said. "Pokemon in this world don't talk... At all..."
"Yeah I know..." Zeke sighed. "They're all... Stupid. They just growl and bark for no reason..."
"You mean dogs?" The man asked.
"Yes, they're idiots." Zeke said.
"Zeke went into a dog fight and blew one of the dogs to pieces with a shadow ball. We had to drive away fast because the humans were angry." I said. "It was really gross..."
"I hate having to call them dogs. No one can understand us anyway so I don't need to say dog." Electra said. "I can say what I want. And I'm calling them Pokemon."
The Pichu I was holding began squirming, whining as it looked up at me. I sighed as I looked down at him, smiling as I gently placed him on the seat next to me.
"Pichu are supposed to be really active..." Electra said. "Ours are like, all sleepy and stuff..."
"Well this one seems to be moving around quite a bit." I laughed. "Plus they haven't eaten yet..."
"I thought Electra was supposed to have milk for them." Cameron said. "Like, body milk."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Electra said.
"Well female Mightyena have milk for their pups." Zeke said. "They nurse them. I don't know about Pikachu though." He said.
"Well Kevin is in there getting normal milk... If it exists." Electra said. "I don't know what body milk is."
"Look! Here he comes!" Zeke barked as he stuck his head out the window. "Kevin!"
"Why are you still here..." Kevin said as he placed the bags down, sighing as Cammy hopped out of his sweater.
"Oh,. I was just leaving." The man laughed. "Good luck with your Pokemon!"
"Thanks." Kevin said, before opening the door and getting in, placing the bags in Cameron's lap.
"Yeah you're welcome." he said, laughing. "This is so weird..."
"Zeke you got drool like... Everywhere." Kevin said.
"It's not my fault! It's hot!" Zeke whined. "Turn on the cool air!"
"Oh here's the milk." Cameron said as he opened the bag, pulling out the gallon of milk.
"Surprisingly things are pretty much the same in there as they are in a Pokemart." Cammy said.
"Yeah it's pretty much the same. Except the food and stuff is all different..." Kevin said.
"Yeah, I have no idea what what a turkey is..." Cammy said. "Or chicken... Or... Whatever else there was in there... But it smelled good." She laughed.
"Err, so I have no idea where to go..." Kevin said as he started the car. "Just... Anywhere I guess."
"Anywhere is fine." Cameron said as he poured some milk into a bowl. "Just nowhere bumpy because milk isn't a good thing to spill."
"Yeah." Electra said as she grabbed the bowl, carefully placing it on the floor. "There's not enough room in this car..."
"Look, it's gone already..." Cameron said, laughing. "She sure was hungry!"
"I forgot all about that..." Kevin said. "That Pichu takes after Electra... That means in a year or two it'll be a bottomless pit." He laughed.
"Um, here's some for the other Pichu Dallas." Cameron said as he handed me a bowl.
"Thanks... I think." I said as I took the bowl, sitting it down in front of the Pichu, smiling as I watched him drink.
"They're real cuties." Electra giggled. "How much should we give them?"
"Well you should feed them until they choose to stop eating. That's when you know they're full." Cameron said.
"Yeah that's never going to happen." Electra said.
"She's probably right." Kevin laughed.
"You know... Watching these Pichu makes me want to have one..." Cammy said. "But not in this weird world..."
"I expected fifty." Kevin said.
"I thought there was going to be hundreds." Cameron said.
"Yeah well there's two." Electra said as she grabbed the gallon of milk, her ears flattened to the back of her head as she lifted it into the air and chugged about three quarters of it, before handing it back to Cameron.
"Well... That was a pretty big... Whatever that was..." Cameron said as he put the cap on.
"It tastes different." Electra said. "But still milky..."
"Hey, give her more!" Electra said as she held up the bowl. "She's not done."
"Mine is." I chuckled as I picked him up.
"Looks like the male hasn't inherited the ability to inhale any edible thing in sight." Cameron said.
"Oh ha ha." Electra said as she rolled her eyes. "You know, you're edible too."
"I don't think your Pichu are ready for meat." Cammy said.
"No, but I am." Electra said as she stuck her tongue out at Cameron.
"Hey, can you eat him after I'm done with him?" Cammy asked.
"Great, so I have one threatening to rape me, and one threatening to eat me... Does anyone else want to do something to me?" Cameron asked.
"I want to lick you until you're covered in drool!" Zeke said.
"Err... I want to... I don't even know." I said, shrugging. "Crawl on you. And so do the Pichu."
"Okay, Zeke that's just weird, and Dallas... I don't even know." Cameron laughed. "But really, n-"
"You didn't ask ME what I wanted to do!" Cammy interrupted. "Everyone else got to say what they wanted to do so I want to too." She said.
"I already know what you want to do." Cameron said.
"But you don't know the details." Cammy chuckled. "When you're asleep, I'm going to take my paw, and stick it allll the way up your-"
"I don't want to know!" Cameron shouted. "Please don't tell me! You're making it worse!"
"I was going to say shirt..." She said. "But whatever. It'll be a surprise."
"Cammy... That's not right in soooo many ways..." Kevin said.
"If I want it and it feels good then in my opinion, it's right." She said.
"Look!" Electra laughed. "She's like, inhaling it!"
"Is that even good for her?" Cameron asked. "To drink that much?"
"If she wants to then yes." Kevin said. "After all, she DOES take after Electra.
"True." Cameron said. "But still, she's so little..."
"Can we like, stop somewhere?" I asked. "Like, a park or something..."
"Well the park is... Actually..." Kevin said. "We just can't stay at the back of the park. The front of the park where the Pokemon Center used to be is just fine." He said.
"Good then let's go." Cammy said. "I want to take a look at these... New, much dumber Pokemon."
"Yeah me too." Electra said. "I wanna see how they taste."
"Of course." Kevin laughed. "I don't have a problem with it, as long as Zeke doesn't blow them all to bits." Kevin joked.
"He deserved it." Zeke growled. "He chewed on my leg! Plus that guy said he could beat me. He didn't though." Zeke said.
"Whatever, we're going to the park." Kevin said.
"Whoever doesn't want us there can kiss my furry yellow ass." Electra growled. "My Pichu want to go there, and they're GOING to play there. No matter what these dumb humans think."
"Whoa..." Cammy laughed. "The mean side of Electra is like, taking over."
"No, I just want my Pichu to have what they want, no matter what the retarded humans here think." She said. "When it comes to my Pichu's needs, I'll do whatever it takes to make them happy." She said.
"Yeah me too." I said, smiling as I snuggled up against her.
"What happened to not swearing around the Pichu?" Kevin asked.
"Ass isn't a swear word." Electra said.
"Since when..." Kevin asked.
"Ass is declared to be a normal word by the jury in the court of Electra." She said as she folded her arms. "So ha."
"The court of Electra..." Cammy said. "That's new... Does everyone that gets declared guilty get eaten?" she laughed.
"Yes. The court of Electra takes crime seriously." She said as she stuck her tongue out.
"Well so does Officer Jenny. Just she doesn't feed everyone that commits a crime to her Growlithe." Cammy said.
"I don't even think Jenny exists here." Cameron said. "It's probably... Someone else."
"Look guys! Officer Jenny!" Zeke said, looking out the window, as we pulled into the park.
"Zeke those are dudes..." Kevin said. "And they're all going to the place we were before... So we're fine here." Kevin laughed.
"Maybe they're officer... James?" Cammy asked. "I don't know what to call them..."
"They're all different looking." Cameron said, laughing. "They're different! ALL of them!"
"This place is creepy." Cammy said. "Let's like, just park and get out." Pretend we're innocent..."
"Well we are." Zeke said. "All we did was fight, like the thingy said to do."
"Exactly." Kevin said. "Let's like, just... I don't even know... I mean, I hope they're not looking for us..."
"Love this yellow car..." Cammy said.
"I say you all shut your mouths and let us out." Electra said as she picked up the female Pichu.
"What she said." I laughed as I picked up the now much more energetic male. "They're getting pretty squirmy!"
"Whatever." Kevin said as he shut off the car.
"If those officers start a problem we'll just take them out." Cammy said. "Right Zeke?"
"I wonder what every happened to the other Kevin..." Electra said,
"He's back on OUR world." Cammy said. "Heh, I'm going to go off on my own for a bit I think..." Cammy said. "Just... Yell for me or whatever if something happens."
"Sure." Kevin said as he got out. "I hope you're not going off to try what I thin you're g-"
"Yes actually, I am." She said as she hopped over the seat and out of the car. "I'll let you know how it goes."
"Oh Arceus..." Kevin laughed. "Do you ever stop?"
"No." She said as she dashed off into the park.
"There she goes!" Zeke laughed. "So pretty and stuff..."
"Zeke, hush." Electra said. "Kevin, get OUT!"
"Right!" He said as he scrambled out of the car. "Jeez, aggressive much?"
"Shut it." She said as she held up her right paw, imitating a closing mouth with it.
"I'm not going to let you push me around..." Kevin said. "I can talk if I want to."
"Actually, yes you are. Because there's not much you can do about it." She said. "I might not be bigger on the outside, but I sure am on the inside. Plus you're human." She said. "Pokemon disobey their trainers all the time. And since you're not really a trainer, I don't have to listen to you at all." She said. "Plus you don't even have my ball. So there's nothing you can do about it."
"Electra, you are acting a bit... Moody..." Cameron said, frowning. "I mean, you don't have to be so mean to him..."
"Yes, I DO." She snapped., "Or else no one would listen." she said as she hopped out of the car.
"I'd have to agree." Zeke said. "I'm not mean, but I know being mean yields more responsive results from humans."
"Yeah that doesn't really make sense." I laughed. "I have no clue what you just said."
"Okay, say I walked up to a human having a picnic. Wagging my tail and trying to act all cute, I ask him for half his sandwich. Now, maybe he might say yes to a cute looking Mightyena like me. Then he'd give me half and I'd scarf it down and run off." He said. "But let's say it was a human from this world, in THIS park. A human that gets freaked out when I talk." Zeke said. "I'd have much more of a chance in taking his sandwich if I approached him angrily. If I walked up to him growling and barking with my fur all bristly and my ears folded back, and I demanded that he give me half his sandwich or I'd tear him to pieces and dine on him instead, he'd probably throw me his WHOLE sandwich and run away." Zeke said.
"See, I was right." Electra said. "So HA."
"Well that doesn't mean you have to do it all the time." Kevin said. "And Zeke, stop encouraging it!"
"I wasn't!" Zeke barked angrily as he leapt out of the car, growling. "I'm sick of being accused of EVERYTHING! I swear I'm going to tear you apart if I get blamed for one more thing!" He growled.
"Holy fuck SORRY." Kevin said as he took a step back. "Wow..."
"See?" Zeke said. "You get better results when you act aggressively."
"That wasn't funny!" Kevin said. "I thought you were serious!"
"Which makes it funnier." Electra laughed as she placed her Pichu down in the grass.
"Tat WAS kind of... Funny." I laughed as I stood next to Electra. "Zeke DOES have a point..."
"A point that I proved!" Zeke said proudly.
"No but really, stop encouraging it." Kevin said. "Be mean to other people."
"Hey dude, nice DOG!" Some guy laughed as he approached us. "Fierce lookin dog with a fierce soundin bark." he said. "Where's ya get em? Looks amazin."
"Does everyone here talk like that?" Electra sighed. "It's annoying..."
"Hey wait, you're that dude that made that big purple thing that went BOOOF! Your dog is the evil one!" He said. "The one that destroyed the other dog back there a the fight!"
"I'm not evil..." Zeke said as he looked up at the man. "I was just mad."
"And it talks!" He shouted. "HAH! I'm reporting this right away! You ain't gettin away with splatterin MY friend's pup! You and your weird alien dog!"
"Oh yes we are." Zeke growled as he leaps onto the man's back, knocking him over, growling as he stood on top of him. "I swear if you say as WORD you're going to be NEXT!" He growled. "Do you understand?"
"Let me up!" The man yelled. "Help this crazy mutt is tryin ta bite me!"
"If I wanted to bite you I would have." Zeke growled. "Shut UP!"
"I don't think aggression is working..." Cameron said.
"You're not using enough of it, that's why." Electra said as she nudged her Pichu over to me.
"Oh lovely." Cameron said.
"Shut the HELL up!" Electra growled as she smacked the guy in the face. "Say another word and I use my claws!"
"I think you should do it anyway." Zeke said.
"You're right." Electra said as she held up her right paw, unsheathing her claws and wiggling her fingers.
"Hey, what's going on here!" a policeman asked from inside his car, as he was just probably driving by to meet up with the others.
"Great." I mumbled.
"He's saying stuff into his radio!" Zeke said.
"Help me! These psychos are tryin'a kill me!" The man yelled.
"I SAID SHUT UP!" Electra yelled as she swiped her paw across his face. "YOU IDIOT!"
--END Chapter Two.--