Love Of Pandaria

Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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#2 of Guild Mate Lovers

How will those two react to the new, exciting extension?

Hey everyone,

Here it is a little something I wrote recently, something that my dear Gritou inspired me t write thanks to his request to see more of this two. It was fun to go back to them, almost a disclosure in a sense :-) So, today my thanks to Gritou are even more deep, since without his suggestion there won't be any story. I love you babe!

_ Disclaimer: I put this even if there is little WoW this time, but I never played at World of Warcraft, so any errors about the game are my fault, I apologize in advance for them to every player who will read it._

The sun was setting in the late September sky, painting the city of a warm shade of red and making it even more beautiful than usual. Jeff wasn't really paying attention to such a wonderful scenery while walking along the curb, nor did he for anything around him. His full attention was focused on the road to do and what was waiting ahead of him. He shifted the position of his shoulder bag, heavy with clothes and the various things he needed for his daily toiletries and, the most important thing of all, his laptop.

Well, not the most important thing per se, what was inside of it was the real precious one, the new extension of World of Warcraft, Mists of Pandaria! He had got it right away, the day it came out, and already played it, even if work and the need to sleep didn't let him do that as much as he wanted. But that was going to change, since it was Friday and he would have as much time as he wanted!

That wasn't the only thing programmed for this week-end, though. He was going to spend it with someone very special, and the mere thought of it made his pants a bit tighter than before. He had long agreed with Malancath, aka Matthew, that they would spend the week-end after Mists was out together, side by side in real life as in the game. The idea was really exciting, just the thought of passing so much time with the orca doing one of the things they liked the most made him smile.

Well, there was another one, something involving two hard rods, but no computer and it was much, much more pleasurable than playing a game. And they were going to do it too, that was part of the program for the week-end!

The idea of plowing the orca, or being plowed by his cock, put a spring in his pace, and a hard-on in his pants, with his cock fully erect now. The sex these past few months had been amazing with the cetacean, hot and sweaty and sweet, they had explored each other more after that first evening, when they finally got to meet in real life. The wolf was still a bit shy with Matthew, he sure knew it, but his friend called it cute and just loved it, and that was certain, else they wouldn't have continued to see each other.

Jeff's tail began to wag without his owner realizing it, but the wolf was just happy that he and Matthew had clicked so much, and that they had built a strong friendship in the past few months, with frequent meetings and as many nights passed together, either at the lupine's place or the orca's. They just had much in common, and loved to talk, and laughed a lot, and went to the cinemas and at the restaurants, and ...

He stopped himself, even shook his head, with his ears flicking for what his mind was thinking. He knew that they were having such a good time together, but he didn't dare to think that there was much more than friendship between them, and he was too scared to ask if they could upgrade their relationship from friends with benefits to lovers. But this week-end will change everything, he had promised himself it would.

It was the first time that they would pass more than a night together, and he would tell Matthew how he felt, that he wanted something more now! He finally averted his attention from his inner musing and looked around, and he realized that he had passed Matthew's building a few blocks before.

Cursing himself, he turned around and started to run back to his destination, his bag bouncing behind him and some furs looking amazed to see that stout wolf sprinting like he was chasing a deer, or escaping a fire. It wasn't anything like that, he just wanted to get back to where he wanted to go and his stupid thoughts made him go past by distracting him.

Finally, he saw the building appearing, and it took him only a few more lopes before he finally reached it. The wolf stopped and waited a bit more so that he could gain back some breath, his mouth panting and his cheeks reddening.

"Why am I always so distracted?" He thought, feeling ashamed about the whole thing. For sure he wouldn't say anything to Matthew, he didn't want the orca to discover this absent-minded part of him.

So, he waited, leaning to the wall for a few minutes, and he ringed the interphone only when he was absolutely sure he was breathing normally.

"Hello, is it you Jeff?" A disembodied voice asked from the device.

"Yes, hi Matthew, sorry for being late!" The wolf apologized.

"Don't be silly, you are on time, just come in!" The orca on the other side dismissed the apology while opening the front door. Jeff hurried himself in and quickly reached the elevator, which brought him at the desired floor in no time. And there, waiting on the threshold of his apartment, was Matthew, as hunky as ever with his well-fitting red shirt and beige shorts, the colors exalting the black and white of his skin.

"Hi Jeff!" He greeted the wolf, happiness to see his friend showing on his face.

"H-hi Matthew." He answered back while getting close to him, his tall ears a little flattened.

"Awwwwwwww, don't be that shy buddy, come here you." The orca said before locking the canine in a big hug. He then kissed him, his tongue slipping in the canine muzzle and his hard-on rubbing against the newly appearing one in the wolf's pants.

That kiss lasted for a while, with the orca dragging the wolf in at some point and closing the door behind them, but in the end it ended, with both of them panting a bit for that kiss.

"What was that for?" Jeff asked between puffs, his ears flicking a bit because of the surprise kiss.

"Well, you know me, I love to give warm welcomes to the furs I care for." The orca winked. "Plus, I'm really happy that you are here, I have been looking forward to this for a long time!"

"Me too, I waited for the opportunity to play Mists seriously a lot!" The wolf said, not wanting to show his muscled friend what he had waited for in reality.

"Oh. Yeah, me too. So, let's take this bag to the bedroom!" The other spoke, a bit of disappointment on his face.

"Did he want me to say something else?" The lupine wondered while following to the bedroom, a room he had seen many times and which was becoming as familiar as his own. The big bed was in the middle, of course, and it had a nightstand on each side, one of them he knew contained all the necessary items for good gay sex. He laid his bag on the bed, not sure where he was supposed to put it.

"I cleared a shelf just for you in my wardrobe." The orca came to the rescue since he opened said furniture and pointed the bare shelf. It seemed to Jeff that his friend was slightly blushing, but that could have been a trick of the light on his smooth skin.

"You shouldn't have to man, I will stay only for two days!" The wolf exclaimed, a bit embarrassed by the kind act.

"Ehehehehe, I know, but isn't that better to put your stuff there than leave it in your bag for the whole time?" The orca chuckled, landing on his bed.

"O-okay, that makes sense Matthew." He opened his bag and began to take the clothes and the other things from it, with the cetacean observing each and every move.

"How was your day, Jeff?" The orca asked from his seated position.

"It was good, boring as hell but good, though I was distracted the whole time." The wolf answered while he placed his things on the self.

"Don't tell me about it, I prayed for that damn clock to go faster all day long!" The other said.

"Yeah, me too." The lupine agreed.

It wasn't very long before he finished arranging his things, but in the end he did, so he turned back and saw Matthew browsing his laptop.

"What are you doing?" He asked, a bit of apprehension showing in his voice.

"Nothing, I saw your laptop laying there and wanted to see what's in it. You really should put a password, by the way." The cetacean said without stopping his examination.

"There never have been the risk of someone... putting his nose in it." He admitted, extending his paws to take it back.

"Ohh, there is something you are ashamed of in it? Now you are making me curious!" Matthew declared, resuming his search.

"Yes, I mean no, I mean, it's private..." The wolf tried to stop him, knowing all too well that there was a file his friend shouldn't read.

"What's this among the recent documents?" The cetacean said, immediately opening it and starting to read it. His face didn't show anything, but the lupine knew which file was talking about, the one named Confession To Matthew, the one where he poured all his ideas for the fatidic moment. He just stayed there, his ears flattening and his tail going between his legs.

"I didn't want him to discover it that way." He whimpered in his mind. Waiting to see the reaction of his friend. The minutes passed and finally he stopped reading, since he putted the laptop besides him and stared at him.

"Why did you write that?" He simply asked, his face impassive, his body still, not one of his emotions transpiring.

"W-well, I-I w-wrote that as a-a rehearsal of w-what I wanted to say to you, e-everything in it is true, I-I have feelings for you and... and..." Jeff couldn't finish, he just broke into tears, his ears trying to get inside his skull and his bushy tail disappearing between his legs. Between tears he saw the orca standing up from the bed and getting closer. He flinched when the cetacean leaned over him, illogically thinking, in his shaken mind, that he was going to hit him, but instead he felt two strong arms around him and a muzzle muttering soothing things to him.

"Easy there, it's nothing bad, please don't cry, it's nothing ..." Matthew murmured, a hint of a teary tone in his voice, which made the wolf a bit surprised. He extended his own arms around his friend and just stayed there, crying on the shirt covered shoulder. It took some time for him to stop sobbing, but he did in the end, and once the orca noticed that he raised the lupine's muzzle a bit and kissed him.

That worsened the confusion in Jeff's mind, but it was okay for now, he just kissed the orca back, a tender kiss, with their tongues leisurely engaging each other and exploring their respective mouth, caressing the firmness of the teeth and the flatness of the upper part of Jeff's muzzle.

It didn't last long, but enough for the wolf to calm down a bit more, and when the orca finally released him there was no hint of tears in their eyes, just a bit of redness caused by the crying.

"Are you mad at me?" The wolf sniffed.

"What? No, of course not, maybe a little upset that you didn't say that earlier, and that you didn't see we were already dating." The orca snuffled.

"We... are?"

The orca chuckled in front of him, a bit amused by the wolf's naivety. "Of course we were. We went to the movies, see each other often, slept in each other houses, and that for the past months! Plus, I always kiss you and say sweet things, I thought you knew."

Jeff blushed heavily and lowered his head, realizing only now how foolish he had been, and for having been worried for something like that.

"Awwwww, don't do that Jeff, it's my fault, I knew how shy and insecure you are sometimes, I should have stated that out loud!" Matthew said, hugging his wolf again.

"So, are we boyfriends now?" The lupine coyly asked. He was met with a laugh, a joyful one luckily.

"Yes, we are boyfriends, you marvelous wuff." He leaned forward and attracted Jeff in another kiss, this time a much more passionate one. Where their tongues had gently explored before, now they assaulted, battling against each other, sucking and exchanging saliva. The other parts of their body weren't idle, their paws caressing and groping whatever part of the other body they could, their hips moving so that their hard-on could smash and rub against each other.

With a powerful move of his hips, Matthew turned the wolf and made him fall on the bed, with the amazing feat of not breaking their lips dance. They huffed a bit for the smashing of their bodies, but that slowed their actions only a bit, with their paws quickly working to get rid of the nuisance called clothes.

They first unbuckled their pants, the one operation which didn't need their kiss to end, but they had to stop after that, with both of them trying to take them off as fast as possible. The discarded pieces of cloth flew on the floor, and that was the signal to resume their kissing again, now with their lower bodies completely nude while the upper ones were still clad in their shirts. They didn't care at the moment, they just enjoyed what they had.

And what they had was their cock smashing in each other, rubbing, with the orcahood nestling in the furs of the wolf and matting them, while the big cock with the knot slide up and down, its juices not attaching to the smooth and water proof skin.

The need to be in full contact with his lover's skin mounted inside Jeff, so he stopped the kiss.

"We should take off these shirts too, my love." He proposed between moans.

"Oh yes, I agree." The other responded, rising his chest a bit so that both he and the fur below him could take the shirts off. And they did, and instantly resumed the kissing, and the frotting. Their precum flowed like rivers, so that Jeff idly thought, while his mouth was penetrated by the cetacean tongue, that his gray furs could end up dyed white down there.

But that thought was drowned in the passion, in the feelings of a hot rod rubbing against his own, of his balls being poked from time to time by it and of the firmness of the muscles his paws met in their groping of the orca's back. Matthew wasn't inactive, his paws were trying to caress as much of the wolf as possible, and one even managed to slip between their bodies and get a hold of their cocks.

They both moaned and stopped the kissing when the paw began to jerk their cocks together, the two poles fully in contact, the warmth of one radiating to the other, and the motion causing pleasure in both of them. Jeff almost barked when that sensation stopped, but then he saw his lover shifting and climbing up his body, until he found himself facing the cock of the orca.

It was a juicy cock, a cock he had made acquaintance with several times in the past, so much that he knew every vein of it, but seeing it again and at that short distance made his mouth water. He couldn't resist much, not if that meant a torture to him and the cetacean, so he extended his tongue to give it a first, long lick, going from the tip to the base of it, where in other mammals the balls would have been.

Matthey shuddered for the pleasure and bucked his hips, unconsciously seeking the warmth and wetness of the lupine muzzle, and that was a wish Jeff could easily grant. He opened his mouth and first engulfed the tip of the mighty pole, savoring the tasty precum and the texture of the cocktip with expert moves of his tongue.

But he wasn't happy to have only that part in his muzzle, and soon he moved it forward and slowly, enjoying every inch of it, worshiping it with his tongue and making its owner tremble for the pleasure. And it was clear he was having a great time, the wolf knew that by looking at the orca's face, a mask of delight for the act he was enduring and of concentration to restrain himself from facefucking his lover.

Chuckling around the pole of flesh, the wolf began to retreat from the cock, leaving only the tip before engulfing it again, beginning to build a pace, not forgetting to keep sucking and moving his tongue, just wanting the orca to have a good ride.

And he really was having one, such that by the throbbing of the cock and the moans he could tell Matthew was coming close the climax. He was going for the kill when he felt a paw stopping him; he raised his eyes and saw his lover looking at him with passionate eyes.

"You should stop now, I want my cum to fill another hole of yours." He extracted his cock from the warm muzzle, leaving the wolf panting and licking his chops, more than eager to be fucked hard by the orca...

"On your hands and knees, I have to prepare your ass". The cetacean ordered, and like the good wuff he was Jeff obeyed, moving his tail aside when positioned so that his hole could be visible to his horny lover. By the sounds of his moans, he did appreciate the vision, and he soon felt two paws groping his ass and taking his cheeks apart to have a better look to the musky hole, which was soon followed by the hot breath of the orca.

The lupine resisted the urge to buck his hips and have that muzzle in his most private area, waiting for the orca to do the first move, which was the point of his tongue posing at the very center of his taint and slowly moving in a circle motion. He moaned at the feeling, and moaned even more once the orca began to properly attack, licking the hole from many directions, chewing it a bit and sniffing it, soon turning the wolf in a blabbering mess for the pleasure.

And the orca didn't stop, he even increased in his fervor, keeping to coat the hole with his saliva while his paws kept groping and massaging the rump of the wolf, which, while not as muscled as his, gave a lot of material and a good cushion once the main course began. The wolf felt all of this, and moaned even more once the relaxed muscles let the tongue enter a bit, but after that it quickly disappeared along with the paws, leaving him panting and needing much more.

He didn't have to wait long, since the paws returned, and a particularly sleek one began to massage his hole with one finger and make circles on it. The muscles didn't need to get accustomed to it, and it caught the tip of the finger in one of his peregrination, which made the cetacean behind him chuckle.

The finger wasn't idle for long, and soon it began to enter the hole, going past the muscle and getting in the hot warmth behind, where it started to twist and move in search of a particular button hidden inside. The wolf moaned when it finally found it's mark, with pleasure radiating from his prostate, and he clenched on the digit, more so once it retreated and got back in, again and again, making his cock jump and leak pre on the bed sheets.

Seeing the wolf so eager, Matthew added another finger to the one in the tight ass, and that marked the start of a more forceful fingerfuck, with Jeff bouncing on each poke and pushing back to meet them, feeling that he could just cum from that stimulation. But he wanted his lover's cock deep inside him for that moment, so he warned the orca.

"Ple-please stop, I'm getting too near to c-cum! I want you to fuck me!" He moaned

"I see my new boyfriend his eager to become my bitch." The orca said with a hoarse voice while taking back his fingers. He cleaned them on the fur of his lover before putting his paw on his cock, to help it being angled at the lube-coated pucker, and then stopped there, the tip of his pole just kissing the wolf's back end.

"Why are you stopping?" Jeff demanded, not bearing such tease.

"I want you to beg for it, it's your punishment for earlier." The orca said, putting some weight so that the wolf could feel the cock but not enough for it to penetrate.

"Oh, please, fuck me, please, I need it..." The wolf begged, trying to push back and get the marvelous cock inside him but not succeeding.

"Alright, since you asked for it..." The orca said before pushing and finally penetrating the wolf's taint, something that was met by moans. He didn't remain still put kept pushing, thrusting his big cock all inside with a single, slow movement, until his pelvis was in contact with the full flesh of the ass-cheeks, and at the point that, if he had external balls, they would touch the wolf's.

He stood still, letting his lover adjust to the girth and length of the pole inside him, then, when he was sure he did, began to get out of the tight tunnel, doing that for a few inches before pushing in again, not wanting to be out of it more than enough. And then he repeated that, one, two, there times, building a leisurely pace, one that was enjoyable for both lovers, judging by the moans of the lupine.

Jeff was really in heaven, feeling his orca moving inside him, coating his innards with his precum, and every time hitting the sweet button that was his prostate. His cock was jumping at each thrust, slapping on his stomach and adding more man juices to the ones already there. But that wasn't enough, so he added his own movements to the orca's, pushing back his hips, meeting each shove, moaning at the feeling and trying to make his lover cum.

By the way the orca increased the pace he was really enjoying it, and he put his paws on his hips to make that much more easier, with his thrust growing more erratic for the release that was getting near. Jeff couldn't handle that much stimulation, his ass was on fire and his prostrate screamed with pleasure, so he gave in and with a loud bark he came hard, not even once touching his cock and knot, spending himself on the bed.

The clenching caused by such a strong reaction was just enough for the excited orca, and with one final thrust he cummed inside the wolf, filling the rump with his creamy seed, moaning for such a feeling and for mating such a hot wuff. Then, he lay on the back of his lover and, helping him, put themselves on a side, holding him tight in that spoon position.

They laid silent for a while before one of them spoke again.

"I love you Matthew." The wolf whispered.

"I love you too Jeff."