Matheau s2: The History of Matheau and Beijore pt 1

Story by MatheauStratford on SoFurry

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Matheau s2: The History of Matheau and Beijore pt1

Forget everything you think you know about Matheau and Beijore. I am going to make clear the entire series, and reveal things that were not even written for the public's eyes! So sit back, relax, and enjoy the read. Matheau, Beijore, and Beijara are all copy written characters to me. Do not use them without my written consent. This story contains sexual acts between consenting dragons. If you are not at least 18 or 21, do NOT read this story! If you do, I am not to be held accountable.

After his family had been properly entombed, Matheau had been very silent for a few days after that. It seemed that he only talked when he was asked questions concerning the kingdom. Other than that, he was pretty quiet. He spent a lot of his time in a private study, reading over texts and books that his father had left behind. For the most part, Beijara left him be. She didn't want to bother him or make him feel uncomfortable. A few more days of this went by, and Beijara was really starting to become worried. It seemed that he didn't eat very much; he did very little but read those texts. It seemed as if he obsessed over them, and didn't even notice anyone else. He hadn't even mated with her since the day that they returned and entombed his family. Then, he finally seemed to snap out of it, but surprised Beijara in the process. She was bringing him a sandwich to eat, just in case he decided that he was hungry enough to eat. She walked into the room and almost as suddenly as she her foot touched down to the floor, he was upon her, kissing her neck, and groping her rounded breasts with his claws. Beijara let out a shriek of surprise, which was quickly replaced by a moan of pleasure. This is what she had wanted for days, for him to take her as he had the night of their honeymoon. Her back arched underneath him and he growled softly in her ear, a growl that would normally sound threatening, but in her heated state, only made her wet. Matheau's skillful tail pushed the door closed and locking it as he slid his claw slowly over her breasts and down her belly to her moist sex. He rubbed them delicately, sheathing his talons, he pushed a finger inside of her, which made her arch higher off the ground and moan loudly. She started to buck against that finger as if it were him inside of her. Oh how she wanted him. Her body overcome with heat, needing him. He was only too happy to oblige as he moved his body over hers, their scales scraping together erotically. She could feel the tip of his dragonhood at her entrance, and drew in a hissing breath to get ready for him. He pushed forward slowly, sinking his length into her with a low growl, loving the sensation of her wet, heated sex wrapping so snugly around his member. Beijara, in turn, could only moan as he penetrated her sex, not quite remembering him as being as big as he was. She could feel every vein in his rod pulsing within her as he started to buck his hips frantically into her. Beijara wrapped her arms around his broad neck, pulling his head down to her and kissing him deeply, wrapping her hind legs around his hips in an effort to drive him deeper inside of her. Matheau broke the kiss and lowered his head further down to her breasts, sliding his long, slender tongue over her pert nipples. Then he kissed upwards, his hips a blur as he pounded his member into Beijara's sex. Beijara grunted a bit in pain, but she didn't mind it so much. She loved having him so deep inside of her, and if he wanted to take her roughly, she would let him.

Beijara's climax was close, and they both knew it. Matheau could feel her muscles tightening around his rigid member, and started to thrust harder, faster inside of Beijara. They both climaxed at the same time, roaring loudly enough to make a passing guard faint from the noise, and a servant in the next room to nearly jump out of the window. Sated from their mating, the both of them panted, resting like that with Matheau atop of her, his member slowly softening and retreating back into his sheath. "Matheau....." Beijara said, nearly breathless. "What on earth brought that on?" Matheau smiled lovingly down at her. "For the past week, I have been unfair to you, Beijara." He said apologetically. "Unheeding to your wants, your needs....I have been working like a dragon possessed in this study." "I understand." Beijara said quietly. "I know that you were looking over all of the texts of your father. So I did not want to disturb you." Matheau climbed off of Beijara and helped her to her feet. "I am a king, but above all else in my mind, I am your mate. I should not have ignored you like that." Matheau said. "And I plan on making it up to you. But first, there are some things I want to share with you. I want to share with you some of the history of my parents that I have discovered." Normally, Beijara would have said that he didn't have to tell her anything, that it wasn't her business about his parents. But part of her was interested, and wanted to hear about them. After all, if they had been alive, they would have been her parents too. So Beijara nodded and moved to get comfortable, but Matheau shook his head. First, were going to go have something to eat. It has been awhile since I have had a proper meal. And then were going to take a bath together." Beijara dared not argue, but followed her mate happily from the room. A large platter of venison steaks made up their meal, with Matheau eating more from it than Beijara because of the days he had ate so very little. Then they made their way to the bathing chambers, which was basically a natural hot spring inside of the palace. With the doors closed and locked, there they mated a second time before actually bathing. Once their needs were taken care of and their scales shined brightly, they found themselves back inside of the study.

Matheau sat back in chair that he had occupied for so long and opened one of the smaller books on the desk, clearing his throat. "They say the best place to start is from the beginning." Matheau said as Beijara made herself comfortable, lying on her belly beside him. "So that is where I will start. This book tells of how my father came to meet my mother. My father was not always a dragon, you know. He started his life as a human male. But all that will be explained soon. Are you ready, my love?" Beijara gave a slight nod, and then Matheau began to read.


It was a warm morning in the month of May, and the sun blazed high in the sky overhead. Not a single cloud was to be seen as the youth made his way up the mountainside. He had just turned 17, and now he was on the run already. His mother had been murdered when he was but a baby, and now his father had been murdered as well for having an abomination of a son. The boys name was Matheau. He didn't know why everyone hated him, or why the villagers had to kill his mother and father. None of them had done anything wrong that he knew of. He was just a young boy, what could he have possibly done? Now he was fleeing into the mountains, somewhere that even the strongest, bravest villagers wouldn't go. He had a small food supply, his father's sword, and the cloths on his back. That was all he had, all that he could escape with. There was a rumor of a dragon living in these mountains, so Matheau had to stay alert. That was the last thing he wanted to run into unawares. Especially being as poorly equipped as he was. The day wore on, and he trudged his way through the mountains. As nightfall became closer, the sky darkened and turned violent. Jagged streaks of lightning crossed the sky, and booming thunder filled the air. Then the rain came. Very heavy amounts of rain pelted him, drenching him to the bone within minutes. He had to seek shelter. There was no other option. If he kept going, there was the risk that he would slip and fall from the mountainside. So he looked and spotted a cave not twenty yards ahead. Matheau gulped. If that was where the rumored dragon lived, he could be in serious trouble, but at this point, that was a risk that he had to take. So he made his way carefully, picking his path with his head down to the cave. He slipped inside, happy beyond words to be out of the rain. It was pitch black inside, which was no real surprise. Matheau put his back to the wall, sliding down to sit on his rump, looking out into the rain. The rumor of the dragon must have been just that, a rumor. Otherwise, Matheau probably wouldn't have even lasted this long. Then a voice spoke to him from the blackness of the cave, and Matheau nearly jumped out of his skin. "Comfy, are we?" The voice was deep, and very intimidating. "You know, when you enter ones home, you are supposed to announce yourself." Matheau tried to choke back his fear, but he was shaking visibly from more than just the cold of the rain now. "I....I....I apologize...I....Its raining outside and I....just needed a place to get out of the rain." Matheau stammered out. Now whoever, or whatever it was that lived in this cave knew that he was scared out of his wits. Lovely. But to his amazement, there was laughter. "I've been watching you all day, you know. Working your way up the mountain.....what is one your age doing climbing all the way up here? Its dangerous, as you well know." Matheau tried to relax a little. He was sure that if this...thing, had wanted him dead, he would have been dead long ago. "Why were you....watching me?" Matheau asked. "What are you going to do to me?" The laughter sounded again, and this time it was light, delicate. And so were the words that followed, instead of the deep voice. "Well, you certainly as a lot of questions for one that has invaded someone else's home without permission, don't you?" Matheau gulped, as he heard the sound of something moving closer. That was definitely no person.

Then there it was. It was the dragon of rumor, its head almost right beside him. The scales were blue in color, and its eyes were of an emerald green color. Matheau wanted to run, wanted to scream, wanted to do something other than just sit there like a paralyzed idiot. But he couldn't. He was shaking from head to toe as the beast moved closer to him. He could see the razor sharp talons on it claws, and a gleam of white from its wicked teeth. This dragon could scorch him with a breath, or eat him whole in a matter of seconds. And he couldn't find the strength to stand and fight. His hand rested on the hilt of his father's sword, but he couldn't draw the blade out! What was wrong with him? "I'd take your hand away from that if I were you." The dragon warned, the sound of a growl filling the air. "I'd say that I have been very lenient so far since you arrived here. I would hate to have to become nasty now, especially since it is so rare that I get company that doesn't turn into food by doing something foolish." Well, that was reassuring. As long as he didn't make any rash movements or bad judgment calls, he may live to see morning after all. "Let us get the pleasantries out of the way, hmmm?" The dragon said. "What is your name?" Matheau somehow managed to choke out his name. "M...Matheau." He said. "Matheau? Hmmm....that's a nice name." The dragon said, rolling the name in her mouth, as if tasting it. "My name is Beijore. But you'll be calling me something else very soon. Come now, Matheau. Let's get you warmed up and out of those wet cloths." What choices did he have? Run out of the cave and into the rain? She could follow him easily. Stay right where he was? He'd freeze to death, get sick, or have the dragon eat him. So he followed the dragon, being careful not to step on its tail. He followed for what seemed like ever. Then he saw light ahead, and could finally see all of the dragon's body. She had a long sinuous tail and neck. She walked on all fours, just as the legends said they did. And her wings, they were beautiful. He found himself wanting to touch them, then recoiled in horror. Why would he think such a thing?

Beijore stopped, and Matheau plowed into her hind end. Matheau stammered out an apology, but instead of a snarl, or even a growl, he got what he though was a.....purr? That confused Matheau all the more as he took a few steps back. "Easy there, big guy." Beijore said playfully. "Now.....strip." Matheau's eyes gaped, and he shook his head. "Strip? But...don't I get a room or something?" Beijore laughed. "This IS the changing room, youngling. Now I said strip so I can get you some cloths." With a sigh and a heavy reluctance, Matheau did as he was told. He was standing before the dragon completely naked now, and he couldn't say that he liked the way she was eyeing him. He was only too happy when she gave him a towel. "Dry off while I get you some cloths and warm drink." What she said next chilled his blood, and now that he had no cloths, there was no way he could run. "Then we can figure out your punishment for invading my home." Matheau looked around for a place to hide then realized that was ridiculous. You can only hide so long in someone else's home when they knew it top to bottom. Beijore brought back a flowing red silk robe, which looked as though it were made for a king, and in truth, probably was at one point in time. She handed him the robe and told him to put it on. He was only happy to do so to hide his nakedness. Then she brought out a leather collar with a golden insignia upon it. Matheau did not like the looks of that at all, and backed up a step. Beijore laughed. "I can tell by your reaction, you know what your punishment is going to be. You're going to be my pet, my slave, until I see fit to let you go, Matheau." She beckoned to him to come to her, but instead, Matheau retreated another step. No way was he about to become some dragon's plaything. He'd take his chances out in the rain! Beijore growled loudly, sparks of fire coming from her nostrils. "Either you come here this instant, or I torch you where you stand, youngling." Matheau lowered his eyes to the floor and stepped slowly towards the threatening dragon. What else could he do? She put the collar around his neck and smiled. "You're mine now, Matheau. You will address me as mistress, understood?" Matheau nodded. "Yes....mistress." "That's good, pet." Beijore said, smirking with satisfaction. She pointed to a large bed with thick blue drapes. "Now get in bed and get your rest. You will begin your duties tomorrow." Matheau stepped around the dragon and climbed in the bed. His pride wouldn't allow him to cry, though he really wanted to. First his parents deaths, and now he was reduced to a dragon's toy. How much worse could his life get? He didn't want to know the answer to that question, but he had a feeling he would find out soon enough. The bed was soft as silk, and his eyes were quickly drifting shut with his fatigue. He barely noticed Beijore climb in next to him, and soon after, he was quickly asleep.


"So, wait." Beijara said, snapping Matheau out of his train of thought. "Your father started off as your mother's pet?" Matheau nodded. "Aye, that is correct." Matheau said, marking his place in the book and closing it gingerly. "He happened upon my mother's cave, and she made him her pet as punishment." Beijara couldn't help but giggle. "So what happened after that first night, love?" Matheau shook his head and yawned. "That is a tale for tomorrow, my darling." Matheau said. "Now I think that it is time that we too, took our rest." Beijara nodded. As much as she had been enjoying the story, she knew that she too, needed rest. They got up and walked out of the study, and Matheau locked the door with a special key which went into his wing pouch. When they got into bed, they kissed each other tenderly as Matheau draped a wing over her. "Goodnight, my darling." Matheau said quietly. "Goodnight, my love." Beijara said as she snuggled into Matheau, drifting off quietly to slumber.