The hunters trophy Chapter 5 Desire of the eye

Story by Rozar on SoFurry

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#5 of The hunters trophy

One houer after Scar saw two Predator at their „maintenance work" in one of the maintenance bays he was going to the bridge, where the other greetied him with his title as leader. Their was no special seat for the leader, only one for the pilot, who was sorounded by a console with many levers, screens and was primary looking at the big screen in front of him

On his helmet was a special device that was showing him near planets really easy, also it was his help while he was navigating the ship. Scar was looking at him for a while, how he was using the console around him, getting his hand between his legs to use the other little console and how Scars makes his own thoughts what the pilot was doing down there.

On the bridge was a tense situation, it was a month ago when they was on a hunt. Without the one were Scar was alone nobody were on a hunt, which caused that anybody was getting angry just when give him a bad look. Even the training was helping, it wasn´t the same then killing a wild animal with bare hands.

Beside that, they all had some other cravings that was increasing their tense. On the where only a few female Predators, and they´re even friendlier then their manly counterparts. Huntresses were in many topics, above all in searching somebody for pairing they were scrupulously; in the most cases they took the one who had a successfull hunt, but after the sex he had to leave the room of the female or he was getting killed by her.

And there was the problem: you need a great hunt to get one of the females! So anybody was craving a planet for a great hunt!

But Scar had other thoughts, some of them were at the hunt, the other were on this two Predators a few hours ago, it was arousing him in a different way. He only wears his helmet and his intimita armor and just the thinking about this scene was enough to make him horny; but he couldn´t get a boner on this place, so he had to think on something else.

He goes to the pilot and asked him where the next planet was, but the only thing he was getting was a angry answer, the pilot doesn´t even looked at him and was just staying focused on the screen in front of him. The other hunters started to watch; this could be interesting. Scar was looking around, saw the others and snickers for a short moment then he pulled the pilot on his arm from his seat and threws him on the ground, grunting at him and screams that he had to show some respect to his leader. After that the pilot started to grunt angry, stands up and shows that he was about a head taller than Scar; he was looking down to his "leader", balls a fist and gives the other Predator a punch into his face!

Scar was landing on another console with his face, spits some blood while the mood in the room was changing. The tensed mood changed into a very interested round, which was looking at this two fighting hunters, where anybody was fighting for a view! Scar was standing up, turns around and looked at the taller hunter, who was grunting at him. He makes tight fists and couldn´t wait for punching the other hunter with them.

In the next minutes there was a very hard battle between Scar and the Pilot; in the end Scar was laying against a wall, his chest and stomach covered with many injuries, scratches on his arms and his neck and a laceration over his left eye. But he got what he wanted: the other hunters, even the pilot begun to show some respect to Scar, even if the Pilot had beat him almost to dead.

He stood up, looked around when the Pilot was patting him on the shoulder, sayed that if he wanted to do that again he would be proud to be his partner and goes back to his console and back to his work. Scar left the bridge, goes to his room to take care of his injuries.

As the door to his room has opened Scar was looking at Surasshu, who was laying half-asleep against the wall and didn´t really noticed that his master has entered the room. He was going to his working bench, searching in the drawers at it and was finding really quick a needle, yarn and some painkillers. At first he wanted to close the wound over his eye, but first he wanted to wash away the blood from his body.

He´s going to take off his armor, wrist armors and other clothing, went s into the bathroom und goes under the shower. Under the fast heaten water the blood was going to wash down from his body. In this silent moment he was going to think about what happened a few minutes ago: he felt great, strong and respected above all.

Even when he was defeated he was feeling like the winner, then this was his . But then under the shower there was another desire that build up in his mind.

He was leaving the shower, drying his body as fast as possible and then leaves the bathroom. With a slight haste he was sewing the wound, but he was really carefull while he was doing it. Beside that he let the other smaller scratches untouched, after he was done with sewing he was going to search something in his room. When he found it he goes behind the dragon, layed it around his mouth and pulls the chain from the wall.

Through the suddenly pulling Surasshu woke up, looked around as he was pulled to Scar. He wanted to yawn, but he couldn´t open his mouth. When he was looking closer he saw that he was wearing a muzzle! He couldn´t remember that when he was falling asleep, so it could only happened when he was asleep! His on the ground chained handcuffs were beeing loosed, Scar pulls him closer to his legs and grunted down to him.

Surasshu was looking at the naked Predator, inhales his strong, masculine scent and felt like he was in heaven. His mind was beeing completely deactivated, all he wanted was to be taken. But Scar had another intend this time.

He goes to the bed, after another pull Surasshu was following him without struggling. Before he was going on the bed Scar was making a sign which sayed he had to lay on the bed with his stomach down. As it was ordered to him, the dragon layed on the bed and looked to his master. Scar was murring when he saw this, then he kneeled behind Surasshu and chained the paws of the dragon at the head of the bed.

After that he lifted the waist of the dragon, Surasshu let his face in the mattress. His tail was wagging slowly, Scar was looking at it before he take it and wraps it around his waist. Out a simple reflex Surasshu was pressing his tail around the hunters body and doesn´t let his grip losse for a mere second. Scar murred when he felt the tail of the dragon so tight around his body, but then his attention was on the dragons tailhole, which was still a bit stretched from the last time he fucked him.

He layed his hands on Surasshu buttcheeks, feels the soft and lightly rough feeling scales and pressed the cheeks a bit. The dragon started to moan into the muzzle, his eyes were half open while he was pulling on the cuffs. He felt the Predators hands on his butt, feels the strength he had when he pressed and now he felt how his own cock was getting hard again.

Scar was watching this, took one of his claws and draws small circles around the dragons tailhole while he get hold of his dick with the other hand and stroked him slowly. But he doesn´t wanted to please him, instead he took three fingers with each hand, let his claws go over Surasshus back and left sic red stripes on the blue scaled dragon.

Surasshu was feeling a burning on his back and his moaning became a slight whimper in pain. But Scar felt incredible: his cock was rubbing with a slight ammount of pre at the dragons entrance, his desire of thrusting into his slave was unbearable and finally he slammed his huge alien cock into his slaves ass.

He was enjoying the warmth, the feeling of his cock beeing sorounded by such a tight ass, above all the last point amazed him at most.

His thrusts were slowly and hard, filled with a light but pleases growl. Scar presses his claws into Surasshus scales, saw the blood runs down from his waist and continued thrusting. Surasshus presses his eyes closed, tryied to think on something else to come over the pain, but there was nothing what could help him through this.

In the end he had to take the pain and hoped that it would end soon enough. Scar was looking down to Surasshu, but in his eyes and mind there wasn´t a dragon, instead of this scalie was the pilot, kneeling in front of him, cuffed and with a muzzle on his mouth. He was getting fucked by his leader, moaned in a pleased sound and shows his naked body. His brown skin was covered by black spots, his hairs layed down and Scar pulls him hard to his waist to feel his hot body at his own.

He wanted to be close to him, but he´d never be able to it so he had to use his slave for his craving, imagine the others body in front of his and how he would look like when he got fucked by Scar. Meanwhile Surasshu was enjoying the pain and hard thrusts, but the pain from his claws was still difficult to bear. He wanted to scream, but the muzzle was holding his maw closed.

Scar was feeling amazing when his cock was leaving Surasshus body and get back into it with only one thrust. He was so horny that he wanted more from the dragons body; he pulled his dick out of Surasshu, opens his cuffs, kneels behind him and shoves his cock back into him, lifted his body and holds his torso and continued his fuck.

He held Surasshus body, slams his cock in a fast and hard rhythm in and out of the dragon, While he was pleasing himself and the dragon this much he looked at the half closed wound on his shoulder. Without waiting he opened his mandibles and bites the dragon again, pressed his teeths into his flesh.

This time Surasshu couldn´t scream, but this time it doesn´t felt painfull, because he felt the warm hands of the hunter on his body, his muscular and hot body on his back and his hard cock in his insides. Scars teethes were in his scales, he sucked the dragons blood and felt amazingly pleased in this moment. In this moment he reached his climax: his dick bobbed one more time, then it shot his load on the Predators bed.

Scar let his teethes in Surasshus shoulder while he was giving him the final thrusts, reached his orgasm and maked a muffled grunt before he shot his thick and hot load into the dragons body. Right after this Surasshu shot his own load on the bed Scar let him falls down on the bed, pulls his cock out of him and leaves the bed.

When he turned around he didn´t saw the dragon laying on the bed, he saws the naked pilot laying moaning on his bed which he had fucked senseless. He let the muzzle on his maw, pulls his armor over his crotch and looked to the dragon; his body was covered with scratches, biting-wounds and sweat he moaned into the muzzle.

His tail was laying moveless on the bed. Scar goes to the bed, freed his slave from the muzzle and took two bowls, filled one with water and the other with something to eat. He put them on the ground, tooks his whole equipment on and left the room.

Surasshu needed a moment to realize what happened. His was still confused, but with the time he got over it and realized that the muzzle wasn´t on his maw anymore. When he tried to get he felt the pain on his shoulder; what he could ignore before was now strong and causes a burn through his body. At next he looked to the two bowls, which where standing near to the place where he was chained.

He needed a moment before he managed to get from the bed. He crawled to the bowls and started to eat and drink. Although the taste wasn´t pleasing his tongue, he was happy for eating something.

And the he asked himself, what will happen as next?

To be continued.....