The Centenial

Story by Segremores on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story contains descriptions and implications of homosexual sex acts, pedophilia (but not really), and male pregnancy. If any or all of these disturb you, please do not read, if you are curious, read at your own risk. This story and everything it contains (including characters, setting, plot, and mythology) are my own original invention and are copyright to me. Please do not distribute, edit, or repost this work in any way without my express permission. Thank you. :)

The Centenial

by Segremores Moon

Chapter 1:

I had weird dreams that night. I never have distinct dreams that I can remember in the morning. Every time I sleep, my brain decides to throw together a mixture of emotions and sensations, as if that qualified as something to be remembered. This night was no different. The last thought that I had before slowly climbing back to my senses was that my face was hot.

I opened my eyes to find sunlight streaming directly into them through the trees. I sighed and stretched a little under the mass of blankets that made up my bed. I had always known that father picked the best roosting places in the mountain. It never got too hot or too cold in this place, the surrounding tree knolls were not that much different, but I still couldn't help but think that our sleeping place was the best. I looked around me to find that my brothers had all gone with my father somewhere, probably getting ready for the big day today.

Today was my coming of age. I was finally old enough to meet the Great Father of our community. The stories passed on by our kind for generations tell of the Great Father as the beginning of our line. He was the very reason that there were no females in our community. In fact, the very thought of having a female dragon live amongst us was completely foreign, given that we haven't had the need for one for several centuries.

I felt a little excitement well up inside me, knowing what the day would have in store for me. I remember the ceremonies from younger days, when my father and my older brothers would go up to the top of the mountain, the place where the only cave in the whole area existed. We called it the Temple, mostly because we didn't have any other name for it. They would be gone for days, leaving the rest of us--dragons either too old or too young to participate in the ritual--alone to tend to ourselves and play among the rocks and the trees. When they came down, they would all have happy looks on their faces and they would all discuss excitedly whether or not they would be chosen that day. I never knew what being chosen meant, I never knew what went on up on the top of the mountain. When I asked others in my inquisitive childhood, the elders would just smile and tell me that my time would come sooner or later.

Today was my time. I didn't know what would happen, but I knew it would be good. My father came down the path and smiled at me as he came closer. I admired my father, his muscular build, forged from the duty of patrolling our mountain and keeping an encroacher from coming too close. His red scales glistened like dark blood as they caught the sunlight. I couldn't help but glance down his naked form, to see the pride which he carried between his legs. The fat sheath and glistening sac to match, filled with the dragonhood that had fed me and my brothers for many years. You see, the anatomy of a chosen one, which my father was, changes a little over the years. They develop an extra testicle in their sac which swells with milk that they feed their young through their cocks. Their whole dragonhood respond to this change and grow larger to accommodate the fact that they are being used for a different purpose. Of course, you can still use them for sexual purposes, which is also something that occurs frequently and indiscriminately throughout our community.

I pushed the warm covers off of my lithe form, exposing my gray scales to the cooler air of the morning. Sitting up and stretching, I watched as my father's form approached, the fallen twigs and dead leaves of many months past crunching under his feet, masking the sounds of the many different birds that made their roosts in the trees above our heads. His shadow fell over my form as he stood in front of me. I could feel the heat radiating from his strong body, comforting me even more than the smell of his flesh, musky and masculine. My father aroused me whenever I was around him, my smaller sheath opening to reveal six inches of throbbing pink dragon cock. He noticed as he looked down at me and smiled one of his charismatic smiles.

"So small now, but when you become a chosen one after today, it'll grow strong and firm, something to be proud of and something to feed your own children with," he spoke, his voice as deep as his firm chest would allow it to be, the tone reverberating off of my smaller form. I smiled up at him in response.

"Do I get my breakfast before I go up to the Temple?" I asked, my grin widening as I watched my father's own sheath responding to my request. He chuckled a little, his sac bouncing slightly as he did so. I watched as his sheath opened, the beginnings of his black cock forcing its way through the opening, mushroom shaped head beginning to point towards me as the appendage firmed up. I reached out reverently and took hold of the black spire, giving it a squeeze, feeling the pulsating warmth of the flesh under my cool hands. Opening my muzzle slightly, I licked at the slit at the end, signifying that I was hungry. His organ responded by making a small jerk in my paws and suddenly it began to leak a white fluid, the milk. I quickly wrapped my lips around the tip of his flesh and suckled, drinking down the nicely warmed cream as it was fed to me. All the while, my father stood over me, murring in pleasure as I took my nourishment from his phallus.

I was hungry that morning, and he had plenty to offer me. I drank until my belly felt like it could take no more. With a last lick of his glans, I pulled off of the shaft with a quiet slurp and gulped down the rest of what was in my maw. He smiled down at me again before reaching out and taking me gently by the hand.

"It's time to go my son, time to go see the Great Father." I let him pick me up by his strong arm, he turned to lead us up the road, his softening cock swinging ahead of us as we traveled, eventually slipping fully into his sheath.

We walked past many different glades, all of them with families of their own. They watched us go, all without clothing, most of them bearing the mark of being a chosen, very full-looking sacs accompanied by matching sheaths. Some of them even sported bellies which were swollen with the Great Father's children. Yep, that's how our population stayed up.

All we have in our day and age are legends, legends of how our species came into being, how the Great Father found this place, bringing with him only one male of a neighboring draconic race to breed with. The Great Father's unique brand of magick permanently altered the first male's internal structure, making him more hermaphrodite than male, although he still sported all of the normal male characteristics. Together, they populated the mountain with their children. Unfortunately, after one hundred years of this genesis and eternal happiness, something terrible happened...

A firm pat on the shoulder from one of the large-bellied males, whom I recognized as one of my many uncles, shook me from my thoughts. I smiled up at him and he smiled down at me, one of his large paws gravitating towards his distended gut.

"Congratulations, my boy, I'm so glad we've found another Centennial, the next hundred years show promise I think." He chuckled then, a motion that shook his whole frame. Though he was heavily pregnant, like most males, his frame was still mostly cut and muscular, the added weight of his gut neither slowing him down nor making him lose any of that wonderful muscle definition. My father pulled me along, Uncle Deek turning back to his own family. I looked over my shoulder to see one of my cousins and his litter of yearlings. He was fortunate enough to have been granted three children at the same time. I remember how large he had gotten towards the end, how he needed his family and sometimes my father's family to help him get through the days. One of the little ones was feeding from him while the other two were asleep in his arms. I smiled for the seventh time that day and turned my attention back to the road.

Chapter 2:

The hike took several days to traverse, the roads being carved from the side of the mountain with the intention of gravid males using it to travel, given that they were often slower towards their full term. We were no less thankful for the gentle slope as my father and I walked nearly all day, stopping only to take meals with our brethren in any family clearing that we happened to come across. The food was always good, small game meats and vegetables caught and plucked from the mountain gardens and cooked slowly over fires. The smells that would wash over the mountain from each family clearing often overwhelmed the senses at certain times of the day, as every family would settle down to enjoy a meal for themselves, and often for more than just themselves. In addition to the wonderful solid meals, there was always a meal of milk to be drained from some male eager to give it to me or my father. Everyone was especially nice to me, making sure that I was satisfied, asking me all kinds of questions about whether or not I was excited about being the Centennial.

Those questions were always the ones that made me think... why did our kind celebrate the Centennial Ceremony? I had never been in one personally, I was born twenty years to the day from the last one, which marked me solidly as the next Centennial boy. No one would tell me what I was supposed to do either, everything was kept from me, as if it were a grand secret. What I had learned, I learned through the same means as every youngling at my age, by listening to the old males tell stories of their lifetimes, having a few centuries of experience under their belts to share with anyone who would listen. They knew the story of why we celebrated the Centennial Ceremony...

Long ago, no one can truly say anymore, since only the Great Father has lived as long as the story says, the four siblings of the Great Father visited the mountain, drawn by the rumors that their brother had learned a new kind of draconic magick, and that it had led him to the creation of a new race of beings and a utopia for them all to live in. They came to bargain for his power of the flesh, his power to shape flesh and bone that allowed him to change the first male in order to carry his children to term. We called this first male the Mother, for lack of a better label.

The Great Father was the wisest of the five children though, he denied his four siblings his gifts, knowing that, while he used his for making good in the world and bringing happiness to a barren land, they would use the same power to breed armies of evil and corruption so that they could bring misery and despair. He cast them out, denying them his abilities and keeping his secrets.

The Four Siblings, as the legends call them, were enraged, but could do nothing to their brother. For one thing to always remember is that no draconic magick can ever be used to harm a member of your nestmates or your sire. They left the mountain, swearing revenge for the insult that the Great Father levied against them.

A day passed, but their vengeance would not wait. On that morning, the sky turned dark and hellfire rained down from the sky, striking the mountain and our ancestors, who fled in panic, having no way to defend themselves from the onslaught of evil power that was hurled against their paradise. The Great Father sat in his cave and cried as he watched all his children, his home being destroyed by the Four Siblings. In a fury against the Siblings and defense of his children, the Mother stepped out of the cave and climbed atop it, raising his arms, he summoned the greatest magicks of all, for he was not of the same blood as the Four Siblings. Using his love for his chosen mate and for all his children, he spoke an incantation that undid all the evil magick that the Four Siblings had wrought, casting them out of the mountain and isolated the mountain once and for all from everyone's view. No one would ever find the mountain again.

Though his heart was pure and the spell worked, the Mother's body was consumed in the casting, he disappeared that day, eaten alive by the very magicks he used to seal the mountain from danger. The Great Father, in his shame for all that had happened, locked himself inside the cave, sealing a door that could only be opened by those who he deemed worthy. Forever afterward, our ancestors have sent up a young boy who was coming of age to see the Great Father every one hundred years to celebrate all of the work that the Mother had done, including the great sacrifice.

So, here I was, on the same road that perhaps thousands of other younglings before me had traveled to see the Great Father, and to find out what it meant to be the Centennial.

We stepped over the ridge of a particularly steep climb to find ourselves staring directly at the solid iron gates which were set into the side of the mountain where the Great Father's cave was. I marveled at the towering metal doors, not ten feet from where we stood, how intricately carved they were with runes and pictograms the like I had never seen before. Evidently, the Great Father really didn't want anyone getting in to see him, which is why only the chosen ones rarely had gotten the pleasure of doing so. Almost as remarkable as the iron gates themselves were the two guards who stood to either side of the entrance. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets in order to better observe these two titans. Each of them the perfect model of masculinity, v-shaped torso, hugely muscled forms, 8 feet tall at least, each of them tattooed with matching symbols from the iron gate. The only difference was the simple triangles that they bore on their foreheads, the symbol of the Templar.

The Templar, as the stories go, are the guardians bred from special chosen ones who keep the mountain safe from any encroachers should the spell that isolates our mountain from the outer word weaken. In fact, my father was really more of a scout than an actual protector himself. He would travel around the outskirts of our land, watching the borders, if anything got through, he would go off quickly and get the Templars. The only other difference that the Templars had with the rest of us children of the Great Father, was that they were completely sexless. In fact, the two who stood before me wore no clothing like the rest of us, their crotch areas were completely smooth, showing only a small slit where wastes would be excreted from. I was at once saddened when I thought of all the things they would never be able to experience that we did on a regular basis, but then, their only true purpose was to guard us as ours was to keep our species alive, so I suppose we all had to make our personal sacrifices in that respect.

The two mountains of muscle looked us both up and down before one of them nodded and turned to the gate, pushing it open in one mighty shove. Even through that powerful push, the door only creaked open slowly, allowing only enough room for the two of us to pass through before the other closed it behind us. We were at once thrown into darkness, my eyes adjusting slowly to the dim light that seemed to be coming from the opposite end of the corridor that we had just walked into. From the doorway, we could hear voice, some soft, a few distinct and loud, these were accompanied by the sounds of food being eaten and a few distinctly wet sounds accompanied by groans. All of it grew louder as we stepped closer and eventually through the doorway, what met my eyes then was at once unexplainable and arousing.

The room was huge, that's about as accurately as I could describe it given that what was in the room was vastly more interesting than how large it was. Decorated simply, it was divided into two main sections, a dining section with soft-looking chairs pulled up to a wooden table which was literally reinforced to make it solid enough to hold the sheer amount of fresh food that was placed on it. The second section seemed to be a sleeping or lounging area, given the amount of pillows and other comfortable things to sleep and/or lay on. There were two other doors in the room, a pair of ones straight across from where me and my father just entered which appeared to match the iron one outside inch for inch and a simple arch which led to what I assumed was the place where the occupants of the room used to eliminate in. There were a lot of these occupants, and they were amazing.

Two dozen or more individuals were in various positions and engaged in various activities when we walked through the door. They ranged in size and shape, all of them a different species of creature. All of them different anthromorphs, all of them sporting hugely gravid bellies, these must have been the Deviants that the elders always talked about, the Great Father's personal harem. I thought back once again to the stories, loving how this whole journey suddenly made all of the stories from the elders make sense to me as I experience all of it first hand.

Not long after isolating himself from his children, the Great Father constructed the iron gates, which would always be a barrier between him and us, making him more mystical and mysterious to us and us more out of touch with him. He began to breed the Templars within our ancestors, declaring that one out of every hundredth child would be a Templar, and we would know them by the odd tattoo-like body markings that they would have etched into their scales upon birth.

The Great Father was hurt by this isolation just as much as our ancestors were though. Like most dragons, his appetite for sex was never sated, and by isolating himself from his children, he was cutting off any real means to satisfy that need specifically. Apparently he had an epiphany a few months after the incident with the Four Siblings. The Legends say that he traveled to other communities and bartered with the lords of those areas to take those who broke any kind of sex taboos or laws and bring them back to his cave to become his personal harem. He managed to gather quite a few, brought them back to a specially built room in his cave, and impregnated all of them with themselves. While they grew up and got older, the Great Father would impregnate them, the pregnancy would reach full term and remain in this way without the mother giving birth, creating a perpetually gravid state for him, then if the Deviant got too old, he'd give birth to the child at last, the strain of the birth would kill the Deviant off and the new child would be raised by the harem until old enough to be impregnated himself. This is how it went all these thousands of years, each Deviant most likely in their fiftieth incarnation.

Each of the heavily pregnant anthros took a few minutes to realize that we had entered the room as we just stood there. They all gasped in wonder as they saw us, dragons being the most precious and rare species in their eyes, given that they only see the Great Father every once in a while. They all moved as one, some struggling to their feet through the weight of their massive bellies, some merely walking closer to the pair of us, all of them with a look of want in their eyes. I shied away at first as they reached for me in particular, some of them grasping my hands with their furry ones and placing them on their gravid bellies, letting me feel their children and themselves kicking within, a few of them were on all fours, lifting their tails in hopes that we would do them the pleasure of mounting, their tailholes noticeably loose with the expectation of a birth to come. Despite the fact that they were all males, they all possessed childbearing hips, another trait that is brought onto a chosen one while they grow gravid. My father nodded to me as he went to play with the deviants, his purpose in bringing me here had been fulfilled. He would probably walk away from this experience pregnant with the child of one of the deviants and then have to stay here until its birth, something I hoped to be able to see sometime.

I turned my attention to a particular Deviant, a horse if my memory served correctly. He smiled at me and brought my two hands onto his massive gravid mound, allowing me to feel his child within him. I smiled at him.

"Take me to the Great Father," I asked him politely. He smiled, knowing that this was his purpose today, holding my hand to his belly with his own hand, he led me to the great iron doors. On the way, I looked behind myself, watching my father and the rest of the harem as they played, all hard and all receptive. They began to work themselves into a massive frenzied orgy, my fathers tailhole being filled by one anthro and then another as a few of them finished inside his scaled ass quickly. I turned back as the sight aroused me again, shivering at the thought.

We approached the gate, the child within the horse moving as we walked. He suddenly stopped and kissed me lightly on the forehead before leaving me alone to join the others, I found myself alone in front of the gate. I felt so alone that it almost made me despair, the sounds of the group sexual encounter fading behind me as my senses were encompassed by the gate, and what lay behind it. I stepped toward it, every step I took drew me closer and the gates began to open on their own.

"Welcome my son." A voice inside my head, which was not my own, spoke softly to me as I stepped into the light beyond the door.

Chapter 3:

My eyes were quickly overwhelmed as I stepped beyond the mystery that was the second iron gate. For minutes, all I could see was a bright, golden light which permeated the "room". I say "room" because I had no other word to describe it, though I suppose cave would have been more appropriate. The area I stood in was enormous, the ceiling towered above my head almost too high for me to see it if it weren't for the glow. The walls enclosing it could be seen almost into the distance. Obviously, the inside of the mountain was made larger than the outside by the magick of the Great Father. I gazed around in my dazed stupor, my sight returning to me very slowly as the room started to come into focus around me. First the walls and ceiling, then the floor, all of which caught my attention and almost caused me to gasp in wonder.

I had expected the ceiling of the cave to be much like the normal rock-texture of the rest of the cave, instead it was a vivid black in color, the color causing the rough texture that was surely there to disappear to my eyes. Studded along the ceiling in irregular intervals and in strange patterns lay what appeared to be illuminated diamonds, which must have represented stars along the night sky. In the middle of the ceiling was embedded an enormous moonstone, shining with its many milky colors as it accompanied the surrounding gems. It was a beautiful rendition of the night sky, here in this chamber.

The walls were just as spectacular. My gaze traced around the room at the smooth and obviously shaped stone. Inlaid within the stone had to have been billion upon billion of gemstones of all different colors and sizes. For the gemstones actually painted a mural along the wall's edge. I recognized scenes from the stories our elders told us: The Great Father coming to the mountain, the Great Mother... the battle with the Four Siblings... I turned my attention from the depictions, my face hot with both anger at the Four Siblings for what they had done to the Mother and arousal at the depiction of both the Great Father and his lost mate. I glanced back at the murals. There stood the Great Mother, his form seeming to walk along the road, hand-in-hand with the Great Father. His belly was round with children he was always carrying and ready to birth into the world. His own dragonhood proudly displayed between his thighs. The Great Father was magnificent, the first full-dragon I had ever seen depicted in my whole life. He stood on four legs, his form graceful and powerful, his eyes piercing yet gentle. I shivered as I caught a glimpse of another depiction of him, this one of a side view, the dragon laying on his side, his rear leg lifted to reveal the sole source of all the children he had ever had, the beautiful and fertile testicles which hung from his sheath that, even soft, was probably larger than either of my arms. My arousal was apparent, my comparatively smaller erection gracing the air with its presence.

Next to my attention was the floor... or what was covering it more accurately. I stepped gently and could feel the cool metal of gold shifting underneath my thick-scaled feet. I knelt to examine the individual pieces more closely, only mildly surprised that the coins were smooth on both sides, no symbols or marking marring the perfect faces, faces which reflected all things around the coins.

The light in this room played tricks on the eyes. I hadn't even noticed him the whole time that I had been in there, but suddenly his presence could be felt, as if a veil was lifted. I turned slowly and gazed upon him as he lay there, in the center of the room. His great body that of a full-dragon the color of midnight, a dark mountain laying over the gold floor. Each of his black scales were almost as reflective as the coins scattered across the floor and the mound of gold he was laying upon. His eyes, like two slitted golden disks themselves, were open and watching me carefully, as if he wasn't sure what to think of me, or perhaps he was testing me.

I stared for several minutes, my eyes roving over his enormous body as it lay stretched out before my eyes. Beneath the hard draconic scales, muscles lay bulging and powerfully silent. His wings were perched low over his back, in a seemingly relaxed position. I startled as the dragon moved ever so slightly, shifting position on the bed of gold as he finally spoke.

"Ah, another hundred years have gone by, and here you are, sent to me just as I requested," he boomed, his voice reverberating throughout the room, jingling almost every piece of gold within its reach, "come closer so that I may get a better look at my new partner."

I wanted to move right then and there, to touch the one being that all other beings on the mountain revered in both story and song. My mind was still left back at the entrance to the Temple though, still amazed that I was living and experiencing, all that the legends told about, now seemingly ridiculous falling simply as words from the lips of old dragon males around camp fires. This was the great father, and he asked you to move.

My mind became clear once more, and with a determined stride I padded quietly... as quietly as I could over loose coins underfoot that is... until I was so close, I could literally smell him. I had once thought that my own father, the one who had given birth to me, had the most wonderful scent of all the males on our mountain, warm and comforting always. The smell of the Great Father was even more. As if my father's smell had been taken, and mixed with the sunshine, and the warm caress of the summer breeze at noon through the pines, and then over the high grass, before reaching my sensitive nostrils. I swooned a bit, my small erection throbbing even harder as I tried to imagine what could be more arousing than my father and his scent, but I no longer needed to imagine, for here was the incarnation of sexuality itself, laying on a bed of gold.

"I love you." Someone said, I made a small whimpering sound in my throat as I realized that it wasn't the Great Father who had spoken, and that no one else had ever been in this room at the same time as him and myself... that the person who had just spoken was me. I could feel the blood burning in my cheeks as I looked away from his eyes for the first time in several minutes, only to see that the gold coins were almost exactly like those piercing, yet gentle eyes, only that there were many more of them.

"I know," came the rumbling reply, somehow gentler to the senses, now that I was much closer to him. I looked up once more to see that he was smiling at me, and gestured very slightly with his head for me to move even closer. I didn't hesitate this time, I strode forward and reached out, touching the end of his great muzzle before I lost my nerve. It didn't help at all, before I knew what was happening, the pile of gold under me was rushing up to meet my vision, and I fainted.

I remember there being something else... something that I had been dreaming for many years of my life now but had never understood, and never remembered until now. The Centennial ceremony was a ceremony of hope, some kind of hope that a few had nearly given up on, saying that it was a false hope instead, and that we Dragonkin were all lying to ourselves. What were we hoping for?

I became suddenly aware of a great presence surrounding me, that same indescribably intoxicating smell washing over me, with the addition of a powerful warmth that kept me feeling safe, and loved... almost like being in the womb once more, though it was silly to think that I could remember that.

"Oh gods," I said out loud as my eyes open and my vision met with a solid, but very defined, wall of black scales of various sizes. The flesh against me rumbled in what I could only guess was the Great Father chuckling as his head came into view, smiling pleasantly as he had been when I had passed out.

"Welcome back," he greeted, the sensation of his voice vibrating along my form more pleasant than being in my blanket-bed back in my father's grove.

"I...I'm-" I began, before the Great Father cut me off with a shake of his head, a slow but very definite movement to indicate silence.

"Do not feel shame for what happened. It was the first time that you have ever seen me, and I know that I can be powerful of presence and often too much to take in at once. Just know that for as much as you love me, I also love you, Io."

I couldn't help but sigh as he said my name. It was almost as if the way it had been said by others had never been correct until this very moment, where it was said to mean love. The Great Father really did love me. I couldn't help but let a tear roll from the corner of my right eye. I shook myself and laughed a little, finding all of my emotional instability to be silly and I smiled at the Great Father's face and shrugged a little in as reasonable a way that I could manage.

"Well... here I am!" I smiled uncertainly, "what do I do now?"

I fell backward as the Great Father suddenly moved, lifting himself heavily from the bed of coins he had been laying on and shifting around, letting me fall flat on my back on the "bed". To my surprise, laying on the hard metal objects was actually quite comfortable, so I stayed on my back with a small draconic purr as I watched the Great Father move, his form over me now, looking down into my eyes with those golden disks of his own.

"Now, I make you a chosen one, and see if this Centennial is the one that my children have been hoping for," he rumbled down to me, sitting on his haunches like some giant scaled cat.

I stared up at his huge form as he closed his eyes and leaned his great head back, as if he were looking up at the faux-night sky above us. He started to rumble deep in his throat, the sound low and melodic, but growing in intensity as the seconds ticked by. Moments passed before I realized that within my own throat, I was taking up the same note. My throat, no my chest, no my entire body, vibrated with both his and my humming. Imitating him, I also closed my eyes and lay my head back against the coins.

Suddenly, I was very aware of my body. Every curve, every nook and cranny, every scale, every cell, became clear to my senses. I could feel myself digesting the milk my father had given me not an hour ago before we had reached the temple. I could feel my blood taking from the air what I needed to live and putting back into it what I was wasting, through my lungs. I could see the surface of my eyelids through my eyes. It made me gasp as I felt myself suddenly changing, my body rearranging itself, both on the inside and the out. My eyes flying open as I continued to hum with the Great Father, aware that I was suddenly growing the place inside my belly where the young would grow when I was pregnant, and then watched in joy as my sheath swelled larger than it was before, and my scaled sac swelled with the third organ.

The Great Father was doing something different now, his forelegs raised up in the air, showing me that they were more like giant handpaws like the members of his children had. His handpaws wove into the air in front of me, as if weaving something, some cloth that I could not see. As the weaving continued, the note of his humming changed every few moments, and with it, so did the note that I held, though different. Chords being made of our humming as my greater sheath opened and my new large pink erection slid out, throbbing in the air at its great size and drooling something clear and sticky onto my belly scales.

Finally, the humming and the changes ceased, leaving me gasping as I found my voice my own once more, my vocal chords feeling a bit raw from the prolonged note I was forced to hold. Blinking, I shifted and sat up, gasping as I looked over myself. I was incredible... My scales had changed color to a perfect alabaster, white as the idea of innocence. The color enveloped everything, even my now much-heavier looking sac and sheath, my erection itself still bright pink in nature though. In addition to the color and the genital change, I could feel myself being more powerful, my body more toned, slightly taller, my horns longer, my scales a tad sharper, everything about me more defined. It was as if I was just a simple stick figure before, drawn to represent a character, and then the artist had finally come back and filled me in with a new nature, a new shape, and I loved it.

I became aware of the things around me once more, that super-sense of myself and everything I was leaving me as the magic that had changed me faded away, leaving me in the huge temple chamber, with the Great Father, who was looking over me with a surprised gaze. I was confused by his eyes, there was so much going on within them. Pain, worry, joy, excitement? Definitely with an overlaying sheen of confusion. The golden eyes blinking only a few times as he seemed to fight for the words that he wanted to say to me.

It dawned on me suddenly as I looked passed him at the gemstone murals surrounding the chamber, my eyes running over the depictions of the Great Mother... his body color made possible by what looked like pearls of the purest white... The only white dragon on the mountain....

Chapter 4:

The murals, the look of my white scales, but mostly those eyes, those golden eyes seeing into mine, seeing something that I hadn't anticipated. It was those eyes that made me come to the conclusion. This is what they were looking for, the next incarnation of the Great Mother. The ritual must have been some everlasting hope that the Father would find his lost mate once again, born in his own children. Did that mean that I was it though?

I peered back at the giant who was our father, his eyes still leveled at me, his sides moving with his deep breaths. I didn't know what to say, and neither did he, but his body responded just the same. My eyes wandered instinctively to his hind legs, and what lay between them. That enormous shaft lay there, swollen and firm, in high relief against the golden coins under his great mass. It was as if I were seeing a statue of erotic art, taking it in with my eyes, the slit at its tip drooling just a little bit, and my tongue twitched with the forbidden memory of what that fluid tasted like.

I moved on instinct, sliding over his form until I was kneeling between his hind legs. With a fluidity that I had never seen before, he had rolled himself over at the same time, and we moved as one. I crawled over his belly, my own erection flagging, dripping precum from its tip as I looked back and saw his member, large and full of life, nearly at my backside. This was it, no turning back, and something deep inside me, inside my mind and the center of my body, wanted it. So I moved, I slid backwards, my eyes on his, his eyes on mine. The heat of his erection came closer to my rump, causing me to lift my tail out of the way. The heat came even closer, causing my tailhole to relax. The heat finally touched, and I cried out loudly as the unexpected pleasure of penetration began to wash over me.

I couldn't see behind myself, but I knew from the sensation that somehow, though his girth was that rivaling my own upper arm, it was sliding inside of me without causing the slightest bit of discomfort. My paws splayed out along his belly area and my back arched as I moaned almost wantonly, a hint of redness touching my face and chest as I blushed at the animal pleasure I was feeling. I let it go though, this was what I was meant to do, and it felt good and so right, as his shaft sunk further into me, I could feel that place inside becoming full, the emptiness being satisfied at last.

The Great Father... no... my mate... wasn't still or silent at all through this. He was also moving with me, arching his own great back, his wings unfolding at his sides, his tail lashing, and his jaws parted in great groans and growls of draconic pleasure. Poised there, on top of him like this, between his splayed thighs and watching him move and moan through my own haze of pleasure, I felt so powerful. I was riding the Great Father, taming him as my own, ready to take from him that which started this whole existence in the first place. I started to move harder at that thought, my hips gyrating, my form nearly jumping as I slid my tightened opening up and down his enormous penis, milking it for that life-creating semen held in his testicles.

And then I let go even further, my mind exploding outward, my senses increasing dramatically, almost distracting me from what I was doing with my form. I was moving on automatic, and so was he, but all the while we were discovering something knew, something powerful. It was as if a gate had been prized open, and beyond it was understanding, a bright light that would illuminate that which was held in darkness this whole time. The light touched me suddenly in many places, flowing into my mind, filling it with what was missing, just as my mate's cock was filling me with pleasure. I remembered then...


It was raining, both from the sky and from my eyes. I was crying, and against all odds, the places around me were burning, and many were screaming. It was heart-wrenching, because all of those screams were coming from my family, my children. My eyes returned to the sky as I watched the great beasts rage against each other, my mate and his siblings, those horrid, jealous, vengeful beings...

I had enough, I couldn't do anything to help before, he had always protected me from them, but now it was my turn to do the same. And I did. It was like giving birth for the first time all over again, but much more painful, it tore my soul, it tore my body, but it worked, and I could feel what I had given surrounding the mountain, keeping all within it safe and hidden, and I could see my mate finding its protection as I died. Then things became fuzzy, that's for certain.


My eyes snapped open again as I came, my newly-enlarged member spraying my seed and perhaps some of my milk onto my mate's form, which surprised him, causing him to orgasm as well. It was wonderful, the sensation of his thick essence, what I had been missing, flowing into my belly again, making it swell a little with its volume, and the promise of more swelling to come as time went on. I felt my heart grow as well, and in our combined orgasm, we looked into each other's eyes and saw what was happening.

I had come back...


Many months had passed since that day, and with those months, many changes. My mate released his harem. The different species now allowed to live and procreate with our children, so that our family could grow even larger and more diverse. There was certainly confusion amongst our children at first, but they quickly grew to accept the situation, incorporating these strange new breeds with their own.

Then we both emerged, to he gasps and worship of all of them, for neither the Great Mother, nor the Great Father, had been seen in many a decade, and it was a time of celebration. I watched as all my children approached with their own bellies swollen with life, no doubt having discovered that they could now mate with themselves rather than needing the seed of the great father. Not one of our family gathered at that celebration of my return was without a child inside them. The feast and the loving ceremony commenced for many many days, and I was beside my mate all the while, and both of us had a paw on my own belly, which housed our first child, kicking and growing within.

The End.