The Real Trouble begins…

Story by Tempest on SoFurry

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#3 of Taken by storm

Tempest and Kitty returned home that night. Tempest was in bad spirits. Not only had they been told his Data Converter was worse than they thought, and that it would be a week before repairs could be made, but he couldn't drive in his new digimon form. He had to give Kitty a crash course on driving, and a few times it almost was a crash course.

"Damn it! Why did this have to happen?" he groaned in his gruff voice as he leaned back in his recliner. He had to keep his tail in his lap, or it would have been even more uncomfortable.

"Look at it this way Hun," Kitty began as she joined his tail in his lap. "I think a powerful digimon is sexy," she finished by whispering into his ear. She really did find his digimon for attractive, but not nearly as attractive as he was in his human form. She loved Tempest dearly and was trying to help him cope.

"Hmph, not digimon can be sexier than you," he said starting to lighten up as he kissed her deeply. He was glad his mate was so in tune with what he enjoyed hearing.

Without warning the door was knocked on roughly. Kitty was surprised and leapt up, her fur standing on end like a frightened cat's. Realizing what it was she blushed heavily and straightened out her fur before she answered the door. She knew Tempest was far too different for anyone to recognize before getting overly frightened.

She opened the door and peered outside at a middle aged couple standing on the step. She blinked a bit and almost shut the door back in their faces when the tallish man spoke to her.

"Ah you must be Kitty. Our son has explained that you and he are fighting partners or something like that. Is he home?" he asked friendlily. The 6 foot tall man, had bright green eyes and short brown hair in a cru cut. He wore a simple blue collared shirt and jeans. The woman was about 5 feet 4 inches and had on a pink sweatshirt, and Khaki Capri pants.

"Um... may I ask who you are?" Kitty asked really confused by the two on their door step.

"Oh forgive our manners. We're Atticus's parents." Mrs. Fawkes replied smiling at Kitty.

Tempest had been listening to the whole conversation and let out a sound of surprised fright. "Y-yeah Mom, I'm home," he called out nervously as he waited for the inevitable meeting. "I-I'm in the living room," he called, as Kitty cautiously let them in.

"Oh Atti it's been too..." Mrs. Fawkes was cut short as she fainted at the sight of her transformed son.

After and hour, Mrs. Fawkes reawakened. She was still shocked, but had calmed down a bit. "W-what happened to my baby?!" she cried out as his parents sat on the couch while Kitty was preparing a few drinks for them.

Tempest waited for Kitty to return before starting his story. She helped to fill in a few blanks, but he conveniently left out the parts about their love affair. He thought his mother had enough shock at the moment.

The Fawkes family sat in disbelief. After a moment Mr. Fawkes turned to his wife. "I guess he was even more special than we thought Kim," he said as she slowly nodded.

"I-I just can't believe it Keith," she told her husband. "My little boy has become a monster," she cried into her hands.

"Now Kim, you heard him. He can change back, but his thing broke so it has to be fixed," Keith reassured her. "Now son, we originally came to tell you about the wedding, but obviously you have a few bigger problems," Keith told his son.

Tempest had tensed at the mention of wedding, wondering how they had found out. "W-wedding?" he asked nervously trying to think up some excuse to get out of it.

"Yes, your sister is getting married," Keith informed him, as Tempest breathed a sigh of relief. Kitty had just sat in silence trying to keep from upsetting the family anymore than they already were.

"So Rach is finally getting married huh?" He asked trying to bring the focus away from their current topic.

"Yeah, and she wanted you to be there, but um, unless this is cleared up soon, it might not be a good idea," Keith said, glad to finally be up to speed on the situation.

"It shouldn't be more than a week. Strange enough how my Taishiki powers could do this," Tempest explained with a sigh.

"Alright I've heard about these Taishiki powers about a hundred times in the past two days and I still have no idea what they are! Can someone please explain to me what and why these powers did this?" Kitty demanded impatiently. This was obviously something that had been bothering her for some time now.

"Oh I'm sorry Kitty. I forgot you weren't raised around my background, and my parents never heard the end of it with me. The Taishiki powers are bloodline traits that run in a specific family. These powers can stay dormant in the bloodline for centuries even, before getting discovered. They are enhanced abilities of speed, strength, sight, and other such things. Apparently I inherited a few as that was what was going on with me at first. Then, I guess the Taishiki spirit spoke to me, because that voice told me to do what I did. You know the rest," he explained carefully. He had studied anything to do with Martial Arts as a kid, even though he lived in the United States.

Tempest had a hard time for the next day and a half. He had to make Kitty sleep in her old room, while his parents stayed with them. He couldn't show his true affections for Kitty while they were around. He wasn't ready to tell them he and Kitty were planning a marriage of their own. He was also getting restless, since he and Kitty had decided it was better for him to stay indoors.

Two days later Kim and Keith finally said their goodbyes and left for their home in Arizona. It was a long flight from Northern California. The moment they were out the door, Tempest grabbed Kitty and pulled her close, not hesitating to grope her ass generously. "I thought they would never leave," he breathed into Kitty's ear.

"Ooo, I see you're thinking the same thing I am," she giggled kissing him in a deep and passionate way. "But what about this form?" she asked wondering the same thing he was. Was it possible for them to make love when he was in this form.

He took off his jeans to reveal a cock, not unlike his human one, but looked slightly longer. He murred and kissed Kitty's neck, and her chest fur receded into her to reveal her large breasts. His cock almost instantly became hard for her. "Mmm, I guess that's a yes," he said marveling that this cock was about a whole inch longer than his normal one.

Kitty giggled again and knelt in front of him, giving it generous and long licks from her long smooth tongue. "Mmm, it's bigger, but it doesn't taste quite as good," she teased before taking the tip of it into her mouth. She licked around the head to stimulate him more, and could feel it twitching in her mouth.

Tempest, or rather D-mon, moaned in content, having had to refrain from showing his affections, he was ready to please her to her limits and past. He would have to wait though, while she sucked hungrily at his cock. She was now taking it in deep bobs, getting about half into her mouth with each plunge. "Oh Kitty this feels so great. I can barely stand it," he moaned softly to her.

Kitty only giggled over his length and started to deep throat him with all she had. She nearly gagged a few times as she lunged over his thick member. Soon it was too much for him, and he came in a torrent of seed. She swallowed it all and lifted off, wiping her mouth. "Yummy. I just love the taste of your seed," she giggled raising up and pressing up against him, tracing a finger along his chest. "Now I want to try something new. I was being naughty and found us a new way to have fun. Wanna hear it?" she asked teasingly.

"Sure Love, what is it?" Tempest asked curiously. He was unsure of what her desires were, but knew he would love them.

"Well, since you're all slicked up and seem to have a deep infatuation with my ass," she started provocatively. "I was thinking you could give me a good anal fucking," she finished giggling. It was true he loved Kitty's full and firm, yet soft and smooth ass, and the thought of her offering it to him was unbelievable. He stood in awe, as she giggled wildly. She bent over the couch arm and waved her ass up in the air to him. "Well are you going to do it?" She teased.

In a moment he shook off the amazement and stepped up to her. He gently prodded her tail hole with his member, before slowly pushing it in. She groaned in discomfort as it slipped in her tight unused hole. She had read that it would be uncomfortable, but she made no objective noises, wanting him to get his pleasure.

He slowly and gently began to thrust in and out of her, and soon she too began to feel the joys of anal. Her body cried out for more attention, and her slit began to drip profusely onto the hard wood floor. She moaned out in pleasure as he grunted happily with each thrust. This continued for several minutes until he hit his climax and filled her tiny tail hole with his hot seed.

Kitty moaned out in deep satisfaction, but couldn't hold her urges. She pulled away, as soon as his seed stopped and laid back on the couch. "Fuck me my love! Fill my tight love hole with your cream." she demanded in a hot desire. Tempest was not one to hold back and climbed atop of her quickly, and rammed his still throbbing cock into her pussy. She screamed with pleasure and roughly met his thrusts.

Her primal instincts had taken over and she was a wild, sex-crazed, digimon bent on having her untiring mate please her. While the tireless part was untrue, he did have amazingly increased stamina and resistance in this form. He thrusted just as roughly to please her. She came quickly and her rippling sex squeezed one final orgasm out of him before he fell exhausted on top of her.

She purred contentedly and licked his muzzle. "That was wonderful Honey. Thank you."

He chuckled and stood shakily and carried her to their bedroom where he laid with her and soon dozed.

To Be Continued...

All Digimon are property of the TOEI company and hold all rights to them. However, Tempest is my own original character and I hold all rights to him.