Learning curves 1

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#1 of Learning curves

"But Mom I want to stay at home" Brian groaned as his mother pulled up into the drive of a small suburban house. White picket fences and a small tree, shading a tidy lawn leading up to a typical suburban house. Brian looked at it like it was a prison.

Brian's mother, a middle-aged tigress, turned and looked at him. " Last time I left you alone, you had about a hundred of your friends over broke into the liquor cabinet and there was drunk kids and sick all over my home when I got back. I know James mother, we work in the same place and we both have to go away. Fortunately she doesn't know you and your habits of destroying homes so she's going to let you stay with James alone. You must know James he's in your year at school. It's this or your Grandma's, which would you prefer?"

Brian slouched in his chair his ears down and mumbled, "Here. At least that nerd won't ask me to rub his feet".

They both got out of the stationary car, Brian dragged his feet on the floor. He was a tigermorph just gone seventeen. Already six foot tall his body quite firm and trim, mostly due to being on the school football team. He wore a black fleece with a black t-shirt underneath, black jeans and dark blue trainers. His long tail was slightly unusual in that it started out reasonably thin and then grew much thicker near the tip, the tip itself was white not his usual dark orange colour. His eyes were a dark green colour, his ears were black on the outside with a tiny bit of orange fur at the tip.

As they reached the door his mother turned and asked "Well it looks like I may have to be away every Friday for the foreseeable future. So if you behave like the brat I know you can be, from next week onward you'll be rubbing grandma's feet understand?" Brian nodded grudgingly and watched as his mother knocked on the door.

It was answered by a middle aged female Doberman, quite good looking with glasses. Wearing a long shirt and Brian couldn't help but notice, a fairly tight top

She smiled at them both saying " Hello Emma right on time I see and this must be Brian. Pleased to meet you young man" She held out a paw and Brian shook it timidly

" Well ... Come in, come in. James is upstairs first door on the left why don't you go up and say hello."

Brian nodded and headed past her into the house, taking little notice of the furniture or decoration as he laboriously climbed the stairs. Taking the first door on the left he entered without even knocking to find James lying on his bed reading a book.

The young Doberman gave him a half smile and a quick look over as he entered.



They stared at each other for a few seconds trying to think of something else to say. James was shorter than Brian, but just by an inch or two. He wasn't fit like Brian and although not massively overweight, he had a podgy tummy. His fur was mostly black except for dark brown on his chest paws, ear tips and part of his muzzle. His eyes were light brown and his face still held the half smile as he spoke again.

"It's weird isn't it, my mother kept saying you're from my school ... But it's not like we've talked or anything."

Brian just nodded his agreement, they moved in different circles and they didn't even have any friends in common. Brian wouldn't be willing to say this to James face, but the tubby Dobie had been the butt of more than a few jokes in Brian's circle. He sighed inside, dreading how slow this night was going to go with James as company.

"My mothers leaving some money for pizza" James volunteered his eyes hopeful for some response.

Brian just nodded staring around the room, the twenty bucks his mother had given him for pizza were going to remain in his pocket until he could go out with his friends tomorrow night. He couldn't help but not be surprised as he looked around the room there were no movie posters or sports posters up on the walls like in his own room. A desk with a computer filled one corner and a TV sat on a chest of drawers opposite the bed. A wardrobe filled another corner, the bed and door taking the rest.

James sighed inwardly again and decided that he would try his trump card he slid to the edge of the bed and reached under it. Under his bed sat a mini fridge and inside that mini fridge was the one thing James felt would actually get Brian to speak to him. Opening the cooler he pulled it out and offered it to Brian.

"Wanna Beer?" the Dobie asked holding up a cold can.

Brian's jaw dropped and he gasped, "How'd you get that?" he asked, as he took the can out of James paw.

James smiled " oh I have my own secret source."

Brian opened the can and took a sip, it was ice cold on his tongue and slid down well. " Come on, tell me how'd you get a hold of beer, you got a fake ID or something?"

James chuckled " Nothing so exciting I'm afraid, my Mom buys it for me"

Brian gasped " Your Mom buys you beer? That is so cool!"

James smiled as he pulled a can out for himself, his trump card had worked the ice had finally broken " Well she's been doing that since my seventeenth birthday, I get a four-pack or two a week. She says I am smart enough to know when to say when."

Brian took another swig of his can and glanced towards the TV " So anything good on?" he asked sitting down on the bed.

James grabbed for the remote and flicked the T.V on.

A few hours' later things were going much better the pizza had been delivered, then devoured and the two were talking and laughing like old friends. James was lying on the bed while Brian was sitting beside him and both were watching the TV as the last few scenes of Lethal Weapon 3 played.

Brian chuckled and grabbed the remote "Good call on that movie. I've never seen past the second one but I gotta admit that wasn't bad"

James nodded "Yeah. See I was right. Ok you get to pick next".

Brian grabbed the remote and started skipping through the channels, he flicked through about six different stations all showing adverts when suddenly the TV screen was filled with a close up of an erect cock..

Brian's jaw dropped and he stared at the TV in shock. He was jolted out of it as James made a grab for the remote, on instinct he pulled the remote out of James reach.

"Wh....what's this? Porn?" he asked as the camera zoomed out to show a naked male tiger sprawled on a bed, the sheets a mess under him.

"Er... My mother... she orders it ... she doesn't know I can get it up here." James stammered and made another grab for the remote, Brian pulled it out of the way again fast. As he flung his arm out the remote slipped in his paw and went tumbling across the bed and slid down the gap between the bed and wall.

"Oh man, now we'll have to move the bed to get it back!" James groaned.

Brian's eyes had not left the screen where the tiger was stroking himself and stretching and purring on the bed. " Why would you want to do that? I mean we could watch for a bit, I've never really seen... I mean it could be funny."

As he spoke a second figure appeared on the TV, it was a male cheetah, also naked leaning against the doorframe as he watched the tiger playing with himself.

"The thing is this channel does a lot of gay stuff, I mean every other film is gay." James said sitting down next to Brian his eyes now also glued to the TV.

Brian heard the words but something inside him didn't want to switch the TV over "So... if we leave it the next one will have a naked woman in it?" He asked cautiously.

As he spoke the Cheetah had moved across to the bed and joined the tiger, their paws were roaming over each other's bodies as they kissed passionately. Brian could tell that they were using their tongues, he gulped slightly and could feel his cock stirring in his sheath.

"Well... I suppose that's right," James replied his own eyes firmly glued to the TV.

Brian shuffled a little on the bed as his growing erection made sitting more and more uncomfortable. They watched as the cheetah's paw reached the tiger's cock and gasped as the camera zoomed in again giving them a good view of the spotty paw as it caressed the tigers meat with it's velvety fur covered fingers.

Brian couldn't help but think that the tiger looked a bit like him, it couldn't be much older than he was maybe a year or two over seventeen. He imagined what it would feel like to have a paw stroking him right now, his cock was pressing hard into his boxers and his jeans. As he watched he saw the tiger cock oozing pre, the cheetahs paw spread this juice all over the cock head, the camera zoomed in even closer to let the viewer get a very close view of the fingers as they spread the pre over the head.

Brian gulped slightly he could feel the dampness of his boxers where his cock tip was pressing into them. He silently thanked the fact that he was wearing black jeans and so any wet patch would not be visible. His paws gripped the bed sheets tightly as he battled the urge to play with his cock. He gasped audibly as the camera zoomed out a bit to show the cheetah's smiling face right next to the tiger's cock. He could hear purring and knew that the tiger was really enjoying it. What he failed to notice that the tiger wasn't the only one purring and that he was giving off a very loud rumbling as he thoroughly enjoyed the show.

He suppressed a whimper as he saw the cheetah's tongue slowly begin to lap at the tiger's cock. He wished it were his tigerhood getting licked. His cock was screaming at him to release it from the pants constricting it and play with it, until the load that ached in his balls was relieved.

He couldn't tear his eyes off the screen and then, just as the cheetah's mouth sealed around the tiger's cocktip, he felt a paw stroking his crotch.

Brian jumped a little in shock and then moaned deeply as the paw squeezed his erect package lightly, sending waves of pleasure through his body. He knew that it was James doing it, but he couldn't bring himself to stop him or take his eyes off the screen. His ears were filled with the sounds of a tiger in a great amount of pleasure. He watched as the cheetah's lips slowly slipped down the tiger's meat, then gasped as James squeezed again as he rubbed. Brian's paw moved on it's own accord up to his waist and undid the button on his jeans. He gasped as the pressure on his cock was released, paw pulling his fly apart and his cock slipped between the loose fly of his boxers and right into James paw.

The dog gripped the tiger's meat in his paw gently, slowly sliding it up and down on the large and moist cock. Brian purred even louder as he felt the dogs paw stroking him, the feeling of pleasure it brought relaxed his whole body. His eyes still glued to the TV as the cheetah's muzzle was moving faster and faster on the tiger's meat. He felt James slip off the bed and glanced down as the Doberman got on to his knees in front of him. James pants were also open and the dog had one paw on his own fully erect doggy cock as he jerked Brian's. Squeezing lightly as he jerked faster. Brian groaned at the increased pace it felt so good he found himself humping lightly into the dog's gentle paw.

As Brian watched as the cheetah pulled off the tiger's cock and got a face full of tiger cum, he just grinned and licked at the cock as it continued to erupt sending more cum than Brian had ever produced into and onto the cheetah's muzzle. He looked down at the dog pawing him so tenderly. He gulped his mouth feeling strangely dry as he spoke "Please, do what he did?" he whispered as he stared at James his eyes needy and hopeful.

James gasped a little, then leaned closer to Brian and as the tiger watched, opened his mouth and took the meaty length as far into his muzzle as he could and began to suck softly. Brian groaned loudly as he felt the warm heat surrounding his member, his paws gripped the bed sheets and he lay back on the bed. His purring louder than it had ever been, the feeling of James muzzle around his cock almost overwhelming his every sense. He shuddered as the dog began to slowly bob his head on his tigerhood. Whimpered as the canines tongue lapped over his cockhead licking away the generous amounts of pre he was producing.

"Ohhh... Ohhhh yes.... Do that again," he begged in a hoarse whisper as he felt the canine's muzzle sliding along his meat taking the cock in as deep as it could. James hearing the tiger's whispered pleas pulled back up to just the head and sucking slightly harder, began to tease the head with his tongue twisting it around the tip, lapping across it and then licking down the length.

"OH ... Oh.... Yesssss .... " Brian whimpered his paws pulling at the sheets twisting them under him as he arched his back in pleasure. Then just as his cock was getting used to the dog's tongue, James began to bob again. This time the dog's muzzle moved fast and hard, sucking strongly.

Brian's eyes opened wide and he arched his back as the sudden increase in pleasure wracked his body, drew him right to the edge " Ohhh Ohh I'm Gonna... I'mmm gonna GarhhhhHHHHHHH!!!!!"

He whimpered as his cock exploded in James muzzle, bitter tiger cum shooting out over the dogs tongue. James pulled off in surprise, the second blast shot all over his face coating his muzzle. He was so surprised that he didn't even think to dodge the third or forth shots. He began to move again as the tiger's cock began to ooze cum, drooling thick rivulets of tiger seed down the meaty pole and onto the furry ball sac.

As James licked at the cum dripping down his face he continued to paw himself, he was so close to the edge that it took just a few more seconds to make himself shoot, his seed spraying out under the bed soaking his school notes and splashing his mini fridge. He remained on his knees, panting as he felt Brian's cum dribbling slowly down his face and neck.

Brian lay, still purring deeply basking in the afterglow, his mind reeling. But he felt warm and good inside. He could feel his cock going limp and cold as his cum dried on it. He didn't move as James climbed onto the bed and lay next to him. He could see his cum in James muzzle fur. He felt the Dogs arms reach out to him and letting instinct take over, reached back, pulling the warm dog close and nuzzling him, laying gentle peck kisses over the dogs face, tasting his own seed as he did so.

The pair lay like that for a half hour kissing nuzzling and basking in each other's warmth and presence before finally falling asleep in each other's arms.

As Brian began to wake he felt something warm and soft nestled against him, purring happily he pulled it closer. Then he remembered, his eyes shot open and he looked down at he dog in his arms still asleep and snoring lightly.

Brian's heart began to pound as he panicked. He'd slept with a guy. He'd let a guy suck him off. What would people say? They'd call him gay. He wasn't gay. He was just confused and last night he hadn't known what it was he was watching. It was the beer it mussed up his mind.

The tiger gently pulled away from James doing his best not to wake the dog. Then as he slid off the bed and stood up he pulled his jeans up. He grabbed his fleece and slipped out quietly his heart still pounding in his chest. It was just eight in the morning he noted as he came downstairs and saw the clock opposite. He paused for a second and wondered what he should do. Deciding to walk the three miles to his house and wait for his mother rather than face James again. He grabbed the door handle opened it and paused he glanced back to the stairs and for a second he fought the urge to go back upstairs and take that cute Doberman in his arms again. He shook the feeling off and headed into the street.