Life, Love, and Romance

Story by ShadowTheCoyote on SoFurry

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#1 of Life, Love, and Romance

Note: This is my first yiffy story, so any and all CONSTRUCTIVE criticism would be appreciated.

Life, Love, and Romance

Part I

Strange Encounters

I was casually strolling down the park path that I had traced so many times before. However, this walk would prove to be a stroke of good luck. I was alone since the "park" I was in was actually a well protected reserve, but I occasionally missed contact with the outside world. To relieve this boredom, I had taken to strolling along the paths and hiking trails surrounding my humble abode. But this particular walk will result in something amazing happening to me. I kept walking when I heard a twig snap. I turned around, but saw nothing.

"Hello?" I called out, but I got no response.

I didn't really give it much thought, because there was plenty of wildlife here. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched. I kept walking, and I heard another snap. I jumped, because the sound came from directly behind me. I slowly turned around, trying not to be scared, and I came face to face with a canine.

"Aaargghh!!" I yelled.

The canine recoiled and then clamped a hand around my mouth.

"Sshhhh!!" it whispered.

I stopped struggling because it was pretty apparent that I was no match for it. It let me go as soon as it realized that I wasn't a threat. I stood there, panting, and then I looked at the being that had followed me. It was apparent that it was female, as I saw that it had a slender body and it had the curves of breasts showing through its clothing. She was wearing a purple tank-top and some khaki shorts. She seemed a little embarrassed about something, but I wasn't about to ask what was wrong. She grinned at me sheepishly, and seeing her sharp canines and teeth sent a shiver through my spine. She had all white fur, and crystal blue eyes. Her ears were pointed like a wolf's, and her tail was sort of just moving, not really giving any emotions away, except maybe a mixture of embarrassment and happiness. She was also slightly taller than me, around 6 feet tall, seeing as I was 5 foot eleven.

"Sorry for the scare, I was just wondering what you were doing out here in the woods like this."

"Oh, I was just taking a stroll and letting my senses bask in the glory of nature. My name is Benjamin, Benjamin Krais. I know it's an odd last name, but my parents were a little eccentric."

My fear was slowly ebbing away, and I found that was eager to learn more about this strange being before me.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?"

She looked a little surprised at my question and instead of answering my question, she said, "Are you not frightened by me, by the way I look?"

"Not really, although when I first met you, I was plenty scared."

I let out a laugh, both because I was relieved that whatever she was doing here she wasn't going to bite my head off and because I was letting some of my tension out.

"However you didn't answer my question, what is your name, if it doesn't bother you. If you don't wish to tell me that is fine."

"No, it's okay, I don't mind answering. My name is Selva, Benjamin. Would you mind if I called you Ben?"

"No, in fact I would prefer if you called me that."

She was starting to seem more like a civilized person than a canine. I was also starting to notice how beautiful she was. When I thought that, I was a little horrified. How could I a human, think a dog was pretty! I banished the thought to the nether regions of my mind.

"What sort of person would I be, please forgive the absence of my manners. Could I tempt you with a drink? I don't know what you like, but I have coffee, tea, and water."

"You don't have any hot cocoa?" she asked.

"Well yes, but I thought that chocolate was bad for canines."

She grinned her toothy grin and said, "True, but I am not an ordinary canine."

"I can't argue with that!" I said.

I grinned back at her, all my fears forgotten, and she helped me up. I couldn't help but notice that she had a strong grip, and at closer inspection, I saw that she had a wiry build and that she was muscular. She wasn't overly muscled, but just enough so that she seemed an athletic person. It made her even more striking in my eyes.

I showed her the way to my home and when we arrived, I told her, "Welcome to my humble abode! After you, of course!"

She just giggled and shoved me inside first. She then followed me and shut the door. I had a fire roaring in the fireplace, and it coated everything in a warm, toasty blanket.

"Sorry if the heat bothers you, but I don't have fur to cover myself."

I busied myself making the cocoa while she looked through my house, seeing all the mementos that I had.

"So, what brought you to my neck of the woods, Selva?"

"I was on the look out for prey to feed my village when I encountered you. I am sorry for my rough treatment of you, you just startled me."

"It's okay, I understand. Sorry for distracting you from your duty."

"No, it's okay, I enjoyed the company."

I served her some cocoa in a mug and I served myself too. We sipped it in silence, and I stared gloomily at my swirling liquid.

"Is anything wrong, Ben?"

"Not really, Selva, I am just thinking about things, and I am usually pensive like this."

"What are you thinking about, if you don't mind me asking, Ben?"

"I was just thinking about how lonely and boring my lifestyle forces me to be. I sometimes miss having people around, and that is why I go on my nature strolls, to relieve my boredom."

I resumed my gloomy stare, and I saw out of the corner of my eye that she was going to extend her hand to comfort me, but then she drew it back. I just sighed, then I finished my drink. I took her mug and I put them in the sink.

"Sorry for keeping you so long from your pack, or your village, or whatever you call a grouping of your people. You should probably get back to your people." She regarded me oddly, but I didn't give it much thought. I showed her to the door and she left, an odd, pensive look on her face. After she left, I closed the door and climbed into bed, not willing to do anything. I just closed his eyes, and slept gloomily.

I awoke the next day to a knock at my door and I opened it. To my surprise, it was Selva, today clad in a blue shirt and blue shorts.

"What are you doing here?!"

"I just thought that I'd visit you, Ben," she replied.

"Okay, well come in. Name your poison."

"Um...Today I guess I'll have some plain old water."

"Coming right up!" I said brightly.

She was regarding me again, as if she was seeing something that I couldn't, but I didn't care because this was the first time that I had been around somebody for a long time. When I returned with her drink, we both drank in amiable silence.

Finally, she said, "John, why would you just take me in like this? Why would you take in a total stranger?"

"Because it is not my way to not help anyone in need or to ignore someone."

She seemed to reflect on my words, and she said, "Ben, would you consider me a friend?"

"Yes, I would."

My response seemed to catch her off guard, and she was speechless for a moment. Then she said, very simply, "Why?"

"Because you are kind and we have been getting along pretty well, so I see no reason why we can't be friends."

My response seemed unprecedented, and it totally threw her.

"John, may I tell you what I see when I see you?"

I thought that what she was asking was odd, but I wanted to know.

"Sure, tell me."

"I see a man that is happy, but also when I remind you of your past your eyes dim and you become a sad husk."

I was shocked at what she said, because I hadn't really noticed.

"I know that you must be very lonely living here all by yourself, not having any company."

I turned away from her and I said, "Do you know what it's like being out here in the forest, all alone with no one? Granted, sometimes it is nice to be alone, but I do occasionally miss having company, even if it was just someone that came over just to talk. I, I miss having someone to talk to the most. Because I have no one to tell things that frustrate me, that sadden me, that cause me joy. I, I just wish that sometimes I could just see and be in contact with someone."

I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder, soothing the harsh stinging of tears in my eyes.

"Ben, you seem like a really kind guy, and good things happen to good people."

"Thank you, Selva,"

She surprised me by giving me a quick hug and she gave me a lick-kiss on my cheek. She chuckled and said, "Ben, you need to appreciate what you have more."

She then bade me good-night, leaving me confused. I climbed into my bed, and I let sleep overwhelm me.

I awoke in the early morning, while the sky was still dark blue, starting to shake off the shackles of the darkness. I grumbled a bit, and I got up to go take a shower when I realized that I wasn't going to go back to sleep. I could've taken one in the "tub", as I call it because it is like a pool, but I just wasn't in the mood. I just let the warm water pour over me, and I felt my tension seep away. I quickly finished up and dried off, then I dressed and busied myself with breakfast. I was frying eggs and bacon when there was a knock at my door. I already suspected who it was when I opened the door. However, it wasn't what I expected. I opened the door and I saw Selva, but this time she wasn't wearing clothes and she had a bow strapped across her back, its strap gently parting her breasts. But what startled me most of all was that she had blood on her hands.

"Sorry for my appearance Ben, but I just came back from hunting."

Ah, I thought. That explains a lot.

"Do you need to clean yourself?" I asked her.

"Yes, if you don't mind."

"Well, just go into the hallway and the shower is the second door on the left, unless you want to take a bath, in which case the pool is right across from the shower."

"Thanks," she replied and she went to go clean herself up.

I then resumed my cooking, for I had woken up pretty hungry, but I also made some extra food in case she was hungry too. I finished eating my breakfast, and I wondered what was taking Selva so long. I walked up to the door with the pool and I knocked to see if I got an answer. When there wasn't a response, I walked in and I saw...nothing.

"Hmmm..." I muttered to myself.

All of a sudden, I was sailing through the air and I landed headfirst into the pool. I surfaced spluttering and looking around when I spied Selva in the doorway, chuckling to herself.

"I'm sorry, Ben, but I just couldn't resist!"

She then strode over to the edge and she offered her hand to me. I took it and she easily pulled me out of the pool. She then started to laugh at me again seeing as to how I looked. I was sopping wet, with my brown hair matted down, and I sought a towel.

"Here," she said, giving me what I wanted.

"Thank you," I said and I proceeded to dry myself off.

I then retreated to the shower to dry the rest of myself off. I wasn't quite as willing to be in the nude as she was, and I didn't want her to see me naked. I finished then I went to my room and I redressed in a casual grey shirt and some sweats, as it was starting to get cool outside. I went into the kitchen and I saw her eating the breakfast that I had made for her just in case she was hungry, and it seemed as though my hunch had been right. As she ate, I slowly went outside, eager for a chance to stretch and breathe in the fresh air that the forest always gave off. I stretched my arms out and slowly I started to walk around. I looked around at the majestic scenery, the greatness of a land untainted by modern civilization. I saw a tree that had some crushed leaves at the base and I headed toward it. I settled myself down upon them and I just lay there, with my eyes closed, reveling in the peaceful tranquility of the forest. I must have dozed off, for when I awoke it was already around midday. I slowly got up and brushed the leaves off my clothes. I then began the walk back home, when I heard the sound of someone near me.

"Selva?" I called out.

I saw something out of the corner of my eye and I turned toward it. It wasn't Selva, but another canine, this time the fur was a mixture of brown and white, and it was a male.

"How do you know the name of one of our tribe's people, human?" he asked me.

"She found me in the forest. In fact, she's at my home right now."

His eyes narrowed and he said, "Is that so? Well, then, can you lead me to her?"

"I don't see why not," I told him.

I showed him the way to my house and I entered. I saw Selva waiting for me, and she seemed happy that I had returned. But as soon as she saw the person with me, her eyes narrowed and her ears went back. She snarled and said, "What are you doing here, Kishte?"

I was startled at the change in her, for she was normally nice and even-tempered.

"I have come to bring you back to our village, Selva. The elders are worried about you. They are wondering why you haven't come back yet."

"I was just about to go, Kishte, it wasn't necessary to come for me."

"I was just interested in your well being Selva, now come, we must return to the village."

She seemed hesitant, then she looked at me and said, "No Kishte, I need to do something here first, then I will return."

He looked angry and started advancing toward her. I stepped between them and I held my arms outstretched and I spoke.

I said, "Both of you need to settle down. Selva, there is no need to be mad at him, he was just worried about you. And you, Kishte, she already said that she would go in a while. She seems honorable and I believe she will keep her promise."

He looked at me then Selva, and he said, "Very well, I will inform the Elders of your coming."

With that he turned around and left. As soon as he closed the door, I asked Selva who he was.

"That was Kishte, one of the Elders' aides. He helps them with whatever they need done. They must have sent him to take me back."

She then looked down and said, "You didn't need to do that, you know."

"Well, it seemed that he needed to be convinced. I always try to hear both sides before taking action. It helps me see what the other side is trying to say."

"Well, I'd like to say something to you right here."

She then walked up to me and kissed me. I was shocked at this, and I stiffened up. She noticed and she pulled away and she said, "I have been thinking, Ben. I noticed that there was something about you, something that set you apart from everybody else that I had ever met."

Her eyes softened and she continued.

"I wasn't sure of my feelings for you until now."

She then stepped back and said, "I'm sorry, Ben, I didn't intend to do that. I know that it may be to much. I'll just be on my way."

She began to head towards the door, but I caught her arm. She spun around and I caught her.

"You know, I wasn't to sure about my feelings either, but now I am. I love you, Selva."

Her eyes welled up with tears as I said this.

"Oh Ben!" she exclaimed.

We just embraced each other and we kissed passionately. It seemed to last an eternity, but it also seemed to be ephemeral, and it was over. She then wordlessly beckoned me to follow her. She led me to my bedroom, and took me inside. I already had figured out her intentions.

She dropped her voice to a sultry tone and she said, "Do you think I am beautiful, Ben?"

"Yes, I do Selva. I believe that you have to be one of the most beautiful people that I have ever seen."

"Well then, come here lover!"

With that, she pulled me into my bed and we kissed again. Our tongues wrestled with each other as I started to fondle her breasts. She responded by pulling me closer to her, edging me on. I started to go over her aroused nipples with my thumbs as we still kissed. She then pulled away with a smile on her face, hinting at something that I couldn't quite figure out. She then proceeded to pull down my pants until my manhood was shown to her. She smiled a predatory grin and proceeded to run her hands up and down my shaft. I gasped in pleasure as she built up the pleasure in me, stopping just before I reached climax. I proceeded to fondle her breasts again as she whined in pleasure. Her body arched and she seemed to be on the verge of climax, so I stopped my efforts. Instead I slowly slipped my hand down to her wanting sex and I slid my fingers inside. She moaned in pleasure as I slid my fingers slowly up and down her sex. She pushed her hips forward, encouraging me to keep it up. I started to build up speed, and soon her hips were bucking wildly as she reached climax. Her spasms then died down and I withdrew my fingers from her, glistening with her love juices. She then slowly slid a hand down and groped my manhood. I acknowledged what she was saying and I slowly began to enter her. I slowly pushed inside her and I felt her hot depths tense around me. I slowly began to withdraw myself, then I would push myself inside her again. I slowly began gathering speed as she growled impatiently and also with pleasure. I gathered speed, and eventually I lost myself in waves of pleasure. I began to thrust wildly into her, and she began to stiffen up. She then began to moan and howl as she climaxed and her muscles tightened around me, sending me over the edge and I released my seed into her. She received it eagerly, and then it was over. I withdrew from her and we smiled at each other. She then began to stroke me again and before long, I had an erection again. This time, I slid my tongue over her body. I began at her neck, and I slowly washed her until I came to her breasts. I then began to lick them in slow, tantalizing licks, making them last for a while. She growled with impatience and I resumed my washing. I slid my tongue over her body until I came to her slit. I slowly licked the outer lips, causing her to moan and gasp in pleasure. I then slowly began to lick the inside of her folds. I licked her clit then I started to thrust with my tongue. Her gasps became more audible now as I slowly built up her pleasure, then she growled in climax and she released her nectar to my waiting tongue. I lapped it up and then it was over. I then proceeded to enter her a final time. I slowly pushed myself into her and she tightened around me. I began to thrust slowly then I gathered speed. She then squeezed and relaxed her muscles and it became a contest to see who could make each other come first. I lost, and I came to orgasm and I spurted my seed into her. However, at the feeling of me reaching orgasm, she reached her climax and she began to moan and howl. Then we fell into each others arms and cuddled in the afterglow. I eventually slipped free of her and we fell asleep in each others warm embrace.

The next morning I awoke and I felt a form next to me.

"Good morning, lover."

I opened my eyes and I saw that Selva was propped up on a shoulder and she was watching me.

"Good morning, Selva." I replied.

I was feeling content and happy, something I hadn't felt for a long time. That morning we showered with each other and I couldn't wait to see what the rest of the day would bring.