I miss you, my Angel

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This is a Repost sence I am transfering all my work from FA over onto my new account here. A couple of years back I was Nikothemutt and I return as Nyko, or Nyko the Mutt.

Keywords: Hybrid, Raccoon, Age-play, Angst, Young Love, Death, Spooge, Heat, Love

Warning: This story has explicit scenes of Violence, blood, sex, and other things that or too Graphic for children's eyes. If you are under 18, leave this site now and return when you are of age and open minded to this sort of thing.

Note: There is also death in this story, and a very painful scene. If you are turned off by this I suggest you either read over the first part or go read another story please. The first part was based off of real time events.


Time seemed to slow as the flash of headlights sent the whole world into a wreaking pattern. The weight the world once before had on the furs within the car had lifted as the car itself plummeted. Trees and loose branches flicked off the falling ton of Iron like a hot knife through butter. The wheel caught on the ground as it started to slowly level out and the car turned into a spin, though that didn't help anything as the bottom of the car impacted a very large and very thick old oak tree, literally tearing the large structure into two peices the rolled down the rest of the incline.

The front of the car slid through the mud covered field, well dampened by the downpour of the falling rain, and softened by the heard of cows that had passed not two hours before the accident. The back end slid to a stop near a large mud and water filled pond. The front end slid backwards into the pond.

Water and mud slowly filling the compartment and sinking slowly backwards into the think murk. It was quick, and the weight of the car slid it backwards, windows crashing and water filling the cabin as the two unconscious furs slowly drown, unable to save them selfs from the fate that was soon to some.


A white and silver dawned husky/lab mix sat unconscious in the back seat of the destroyed sedan, his seatbelt the only thing holding him in place as he hung limply in place, slouched forward. His clothing was slowly becoming matted down with his fur as the rain poured on his lucky form, his seatbelt had saved his life from being torn part by the car crashing into the old tree.

It was seconds later that his eyes fluttered open, his head aching painfully from the impact he took from the sealing as the car plummeted off the cliff. It all seemed so fast and painless, except for the painful bump he sustained to his head. He let out a groan as he struggled to sit back in his chair, though he found it hard, due of the fact that the car leaned his way. The poor mutt couldn't think as he struggled in his spot, the pain clouding his mind.

Though thats when his hazel orbs noticed the headlights of the front of the car still flickering toward the heavens, just peeked out of the tip of the pond, then suddenly his whole situation suddenly rushed back to him.

"Joey... Chris...?" He whispered.

He somehow knew his two friends were lost, but he had to find out. He looked down at himself and his predicament. The seatbelt was painfully digging into his front as he hung there loosely, keeping the weigh of the trunk of the car up in the air. One movement should do it, and with that he shoved his weight back into the chair and the trunk of the car came down with a thud, giving him the opportunity to struggle his seatbelt away and stumble from the mess.

Now to his feet he stumbled across the empty field toward the pond, and his mind was the only thing keeping him moving, though in his heart he knew he had lost two of his best friends. Once again. He choked back a sob as his heart overwhelmed him a meter away from the front of the car, falling to his knees in the mud and water around him, crying into his palms as he mourned over he loss of his greatest friends.

It was dark and cold once the headlights went out and he had to stumble through the darkness nearly ten minutes later, digging trough the wreckage as he searched for his missing cellphone.

Unable to find the missing cell that he had clung to for a long while, he gave up and started looking to more pressing matters.

"Kristean.." He whispered out softly to no one.

Still stumbling around in the blank darkness, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the black and rain, he stumbled the way the car fell. He remembered his darling soon to be wife draped over his lap in the car, and the thought of her not having her seatbelt on hit him and it made him worry more. It was only then that he came across a large rock with a body laid over it.

His heart sank.

In a rush of wind and water he was at her side, pulling her from the rock, not realising she had fallen upon a sharp tree stump that had stabbed into her gut, and it was only after he rolled her over into his lap that he put it together after seeing the whole in her stomach. Instinct came over him, remembering from hospital films he had seen, and he pressed his palm against the wound tightly, waking the vixen in his paws.

The dying vixen gasped, her face and most of her body was cut apart and bruised from her cascading fall, and she knew she was only falling further. Her ears hearing the distant sobs of sorrow. Her eyes growing dark though she could still see her mutt, her loving mate holding her close to him. All she could do is whisper as she passed on.

"I... love... you... Niko...."

"Don't leave me. Don't go. Don't leave me Kris. Don't leave me alone. I love you... I love you... Nooo...." He watched helplessly as his lover slowly slipped away from him, her body going limp in his paws. His reaching grasping paw against her shirt trying to bring her back. However, his hopes were lost, even if he heard the distant wails of police sirens in the distance.


One week later.

The mutt was walking though the hallways of the school, his head toward the floor. In the past week, after returning day with a clean bill of health, though the police said he should have died in the crash, he had grown more and more distant from the rest of the school. His teachers and friends noticed this though he kept the whole ordeal a secret. He kept it all to himself. Not even his own parents knew about the crash.

As he walked past a pair of giggling cheer leaders, all he could think of was his endless want and need to see his beloved again. To touch her cheek, to feel her and hold her till he stopped crying. Every night he went to sleep, crying for the first times since he was a child. All his thoughts were on the girl of his dreams that made him feel like he was the most wonderful person in the world. He could never touch her again, make love to her, or be happy again. He lost those rights.

"Hello, Mutty mutt mutt! How is the coolest mutt in the school today? I heard everyone saying that--" The Mutts ears flicked as he heard the voice behind him and he twirled around. His friend from elementary school behind him.

"Oh, hey Kim. Whats up?" He knew he still looked sullen and depressed, though he tried to hold back his sorrow, trying to mask it by looking cool.

"Oh my, they weren't kidding. Niko, whats wrong, you look like you walked yourself right into a tree." He knew he wasn't good at hiding it though. "Why are you so depressed?"

The mutt looked over his friend slowly. Ever since the old days when they grew up together, he had slowly begun to find Kim more and more attractive as she grew. She was a raccoon, with a long stripped tail and a very positive attitude about everything around her. At the moment she had decided to adorn herself in her usual "Pretty-Cute-Girl-But-I'm-Punk-And-I-Will-Kick-Your-Ass-If-I-Want" look. A Pink sleeveless top that came down to right above her waist, showing off a lot of her mid drift, and a pair of really baggy black jeans, her hair tied back in a long ponytail of stripes that came down just a couple of inches above her stripped tail.

"Its nothing really, I have just been really lonely."

Kim shot a glance at him, seeing right through the brick wall he kept up, knowing he was actually heart broken and needed to be held. She looked around him, noting the passer's didn't even acknowledge their existence as all the kids rushed toward lunch. She leaned up and gave him a peck on the cheek before poking his stomach. Her whisper for his ear only.

"Wanna rut in the 'Room', big boy?"

The room was actually a storage room for costumes and other things that no one went into in the school unless they were there for costumes or backgrounds made from previous years. It was a perfect place for young ones to sneak in yiffs between class periods, and a secret that all the children of the school held sacred.

"Kim, I don't think..."

She cut him off before he even had the chance. "It will make you feel better hun, we are all depressed and a little release from time to time helps." She whispered back at him as she began walking away with the wave of her paw. "See you there, Mutty mutt!"


She kind of had a point. The thought ran through his mind the whole way down to the Theater, though it was tricky because he had to slip by the open door of a classroom without getting noticed. Diving past with the flick of his tail and rushed into the theater, flicking his ears and noting that he wasn't caught at all. With a sigh of relief he made his way down to the storage room. It was common knowledge that it was deadbolted, though the theater directory was ditsy and lost her key all the time, so she put one under the mat. Making one last chance to look around, he slipped through he unlocked door and into the room, flicking on the light.

The sight that was before him shocked him into dropping his heavy backpack right behind him.

The beautiful body of the raccoon laid across the yellow couch, which was one of the set pieces, in nothing but her fur. Her young and thin blooming body, 15 years old, being slowly taken in by the silver mutt standing not a few feet away from her. The coon was naturally dominating and a lot of the boys and girls in the school knew this about her. Just being in her nude presence gave him a chill down his spine, knowing what was coming as he pushed a large stage piece in front of the door to keep anyone from coming in.

The girl smirked, knowing they wouldn't be disturbed anyway, due to the class. Usually two furs were only able to ever successfully sneak past. She herself then laid back on the slightly comfortable couch, looking over the male before her, raising a finger to coax him over. "Come to Mama, my mutt.. She will make you feel all better."

At that his black shirt was off and forgotten behind him and his baggy jeans were discarded to the side. He knew of her love of a little foreplay before ever session, so he approached her, standing in front of her face in nothing but his boxers.

She licked her lips as she looked up ah him slowly, looking forward to this. It had been a long long time since she had a good yiff. She nuzzled into his boxers and breathed in his scent, shivering from head to toe as she pulled the cloth down his hips and he kicked them away as well. Nothing else was between her and their prize.

"Mmmmh, Mutty mutt, what a big sheath you have.. Mama is gonna make it all big for you."

Her nose pressed against the tapered tip of his male hood in a weird Eskimo kiss before her tongue ran along the other side. His sheath was already thickening and his canine cock had begun its accent from his sheath, hardening and lengthening as his paws rubbed over the back of the coon's wonderful ears. "ooh.. Kimmy.. I.."

The taste, the smell, all of it. She was slowly being drawn into the male, though somehow she sensed the mutts never ending sadness. She perked her ears, looking up at him, stroking her paw over her long male hood. "If you don't wanna do this Niko, just tell me."

"Its not that. I was in love with Kristean, Kim. And now the only furs that knew about it drown in the crash."

She gasped, and the coon recoiled, sitting up and whispering softly. "Oh Niko.. you-you.. I'm so sorry, I didn't know."

"Please.. Don't feel upset over it.. I know if I keep myself mourning her for forever I wont know what to do in the end." He slipped into the seat next to her, putting his face in his paws and letting out a heavy sigh. "Thats why I need this Kimmy, to help me forget her. To forget the pain."

"Niko..." She felt opted to help him. Like it was her duty, for pulling him into this. "She was such a wonderful girl. I hate to say it, but.." She pushed the mutt onto his back, slipping into his lap, straddling him and looking down into his eyes. "The pain will never go away Niko. Even in four years you will still think about her. All you can do is try and dull the pain."

"Even if I dull the pain.. ooooh..." It came so suddenly, the coon girl arched her back and gasped as the long canine member began filling her neathers till they were full. "Uhn Kimmi.. o ooh good.. your soo tight.. I.. I loved her Kim. I just cant stop thinking of her."

The coon groaned with all her pent up desire flowing out as she sunk down onto the massive member pulsing against her insides. After a long process with lots of grinding and moaning between the two the coon girl had her B cups in the mutts face and her tail high in the air and a 9 inch member buried up to her cervix. She couldn't help but blush as she kissed the mutts face. "Ooh Gods, your cock feels so good inside of me Niko. Just let go of your pain.. Let go of all the sadness and guilt. Its all about us right now."

Niko didn't know what to do besides to give into the simple pleasures of the coon, who just happened to have her neathers sitting right on his pink knot.The warm and goo slickened passage squeezed him over and over and over as they sat there for what seemed like an eternity.

When the coon began raising her hips off the mutt and lowering herself back down over and over, the mutt began to think. He would always miss the love of his live, though somewhere deep inside of himself he knew that he greatly desired to move on and find the one true fur who would stay with him always, but for this moment....

The mutt let out a feral growl and turned the two over, so they were suddenly in a doggy style across the couch. He growled in her ear as she moaned for him to do more. This movement made her gasp and look back at him with a hot blush, but there was no way she was going to submit to him yet.

Their movements were fast from the get go, both challenging the other for dominating movements, the coon calling him her 'toy' and yelling at him to fuck her faster like the slut he was. All the while he obeyed but growled in a feral snarl, gripping her hips and pounding her hard with speed and strength behind him. However, he himself knew it wasn't him being feral. It was him being angry.. angry he had to give up he love of his life. That put a fierce and firm thrust to his every movement, growling in her ear as he moved.

Their rutting became increasingly more passionate with more and more movement exchanged between them and soon the whole thing was behind them. Their rutting built up hotter and hotter as their movements moved faster. Soon, it got to the point that both were panting like common animals, yiffing like it was a drug they were addicted too. The couch moving and creaking with every thrust the Mutt delivered into the hot little coon, her screams of joy bouncing off the walls.

What they didn't know, that as their yiffing became more passionate, the more the mutts knot began to jab further and further inside the coon. Their backs arching as both began moving faster and harder, groaning and rocking as they pushed into the others movements. Tensions rose, and the heat of the moment was building on both of them. Their Climaxes poised to pounce on both of them, though as Niko reached around the coon and began feeling up her tits as they yiffed in estacy, that was the true moment that they began howling together in sweet climactic joy.

The Coon was first, though her orgasm was inevitable. She arched her back wildly in passion and screamed with joy as her girl goo pulsed around the mutts member, slicking his movements and squeezing and milking his member for all his ball sack had to offer. Meanwhile he growled and began yiffing harder, jaws clamping around her neck as his knot squeezed itself into her pulsing neathers with a loud pop, making her scream loader as his seed began spraying rope after rope of his white offerings into her hot neathers.

They collapsed, then, the coon panting under the weight of the even heavier panting mutt. The mutt kicked himself mentally for agreeing to do this, knowing it was to early, but damn, it felt to good and he knew there were many yiffs with Kim still to come.

"Thank you, Kim. That really helped take my mind off things.."

"Anytime, you big sexy mutt."

She then turned slightly, as much as she could so she could lock lips with the mutt. A smile plastered on both of their faces.


By: Nyko the Mutt

"The Dawn is beautiful, as beautiful as love.

Never forget the power of love."


Note: Phew! My first story ever posted. I might even roll this into a series is you tell me what you guys think. Thanks so much for reading the story everyone! Catch you all later!