Belial: The Black Duchess Part II

Story by Von Krieger on SoFurry

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The Black Duchess

Part II: Jagen and Laish

By Von Krieger

Telana shivered in a puddle of her own cum. She was absolutely covered with it. It had felt kind of nice at first, when it was warm. But it had soon cooled, and didn't feel anywhere near as pleasant. Telana heard the door creak open, she was too tired to turn her head and look at whoever it was coming in, all she wanted to do was wake up from this bad dream, or failing that go to sleep and dream of a better place.

"Hi, I'm Jagen!" said a multitude of voices at once. "Boy you made a mess." "Really she did." "I'll say." "Smells nice though." "Probably tastes just as good." "HUSH!" spewed a rapid-fire series of similar sounding voices. "Let's get you cleaned up." one of them says. "Yeah, that can't be comfortable." "Probably kind of cold too." "All that cum on the skin." "Not her fault she doesn't have fur." "Doesn't mater, still probably tastes good." "Is that all you think about? Eating?" "SHOOSH!"

Telana winces as she feels several large, rough tongues running over her body. She clenches her eyes shut, not wanting to see the strange beast. "Is she afraid of me d'ya think?" "Maybe she just doesn't like kitties." "Hope she's not allergic." "Mmmm, lemons!" "QUIET!" The creature takes care to be particularly gentle around Telana's balls and shaft.

"Boy does she look funny." "Mistress must've been feeling creative." "Be nice! She's probably in shock!" "Yeah and here you are saying she looks funny!" "She smells nice, that wasn't about food." "*sigh* Can we just concentrate on the task at hand here?" A couple of annoyed snorts are heard. "Fine." "Whatever." "Be that way." "Sure." "GOOD!" The room is quiet as the licking continues, a bit quicker now that whatever it is isn't gabbing to itself constantly.

"There we are." "All clean now." "Room's still a mess though." "Good, I'm not full yet." "You're never full!" "Am too!" "Not in recent memory!" "*sigh* Don't make me put separate you two." "Don't do that!" "We'll behave!" "I don't like being the tail." "Neither do I." "I like being me, I'm so pretty." "Not as pretty as me!" "Oh bologna!" "SHUT UP! Tail, could you come up here and clean please? I'd like to talk to her and it's not polite to eat and talk at the same time." "'Kay boss."

Telana feels a furry muzzle pushing her up against a cushion, thankfully a clean one. The clamor of voices having been silenced for a little bit. "Will you look at me please? I'm not going to bite, and I'm not scary looking or anything." "Yeah, I'm pretty cute if I do say so myself." "Back to work!" growls the 'command' voice. Telana feels the creature nuzzle softly at her cheek.

"C'mon, I'm not going to hurt you. It's ok, mistress won't play with you again tonight." says the command voice. "What? Why would she be afraid of mistress?" "Yeah, mistress is fun." "Feels soooo nice." "Knows just where to scratch me behind the ears." "She loves it when I lick her." "SHUSH! KEEP WORKING!" snarls the leader, the voice coming a bit from Telana's left now.

"Don't be afraid. They're just a bunch of blabbermouths anyway. Don't listen to them, they don't know what they're talking about." Telana slowly opens one eye, then the other, and finds herself face to face with a big, fuzzy snake. The creature looks basically like a snake, with a cat's fur, ears, nose, and whiskers. It smiles down reassuringly at her.

"I'm Jagen, well, actually we're all Jagen. We're one person, kind of. Well, we used to be. We've kind of acquired quirks of our own over the years." Jagen moves her head out of the way so that Telana can look at her entire body. The head that's talking to her now is perched at the end of a long serpentine tail attached to a large feline body. Telana can see Jagen is a she-male, just like herself, lacking a pussy, but having a cock and breasts. A trio of heads sprout her shoulders, and another one from her chest. The four are currently engaged in licking Telana's seed off the floor with their large tongues. A pair of undersized dragon's wings sprout from Jagen's tawny furred shoulders. Each head is of a different kind of feline, the front center head has a mane, identifying it as a male lion, the left sports black stripes in it's tan fur, a tigress. It's opposite has the spots and 'tear' marks of a cheetah. The one on the bottom, covered in the white-gray fur matching Jagen's underbelly, features the spots of a leopard.

"See? I'm not so scary, am I?" Jagen asks through her half-snake half-cat tail. "Mistress calls me a "Kitty-mera," cute don'tcha think?" the tail says with a smile, her body moving around so that she can clean a new patch of carpet. "This is our room, where all the collared servants live, right now that's just you and me. Rokor made a nest for herself up on the roof, and just about everyone else is a hired human. Mistress has a few mounts out in the stables, but you probably won't meet them." Jagen says as she slips her tail under Telana, making a soft, furry pillow to lie on.

"We're almost done and it's time for bed anyway. Would you mind if I snuggled with you?" Telana's eyes go wide; she tries to push Jagen away with tired tentacles. "Oh no! No! Not like that! Just curl up around you, let you use my tail as a pillow,and cover you with a wing. That's what they're there for, other then decoration. They're not big enough to fly. Would that be ok?" Jagen says with a yawn, curling up around Telana anyway. Telana nods, snuggling into the soft fur of Jagen's belly, wrapping a few tentacles around the kittymera's body, pulling herself in close.

With a little shuffling Jagen curls up into her usual sleeping position, her tail's head snuggled up under one wing, two of her heads using the tail as a pillow, one head snuggled up against her breasts, and the other tucked under her other wing, which also covers Telana, one large paw hugging the tentacled girl to her huge furry body. Telana rather liked this, it was the first time she'd shared a bed with someone since her original change. Jagen's wing was warmer then the one threadbare blanket she'd had living in the apartment above her workplace. The companionship wasn't worth her freedom, but it was nice.

Jagen and Telana were awoken the next morning by shouting from the next room. "YOU WHAT?! HOW COULD YOU MISS IT?! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT'S GOING TO COST ME? ARE YOU BLIND?!" The door opens and bangs against the wall. The Duchess walks in, a small human girl hanging off the ground from two of her hands, another bears a collar like the ones Telana and Jagen wear. With a snick, the griffeness locks the collar around the girl's neck and throws her into the room. "Doesn't matter, you will be now. You're going to work off you debt, starting now. I'm sure my new maid will appreciate an assistant."

The dark elf snarls and slams the door. The girl writhes in agony, the fiery change spells coursing through her body. "P-p-please..." she begs, not noticing the Duchess has left. "I d-didn't mean to... It w-was and accident... I want to be a girl, a human girl! P-please st-staaaawwww!" The drawn out 'aw' in 'stop' growing into a howl of agony as a large, beastial cock erupts through the fabric of the girl's shorts.

Sobbing she snaps her head quickly from side to side, trying to get a fix on something. Telana can see the poor girl's eyes lack pupil or iris, and are just a pair of white orbs. She flops to the ground as her legs lose definition, trying feebly to crawl using boneless arms. She curls up into a spasm wracked ball, her limbs stretching and contorting, darkening to black and sprouting dozens and dozens of small suction cups. The girl's blonde hair changes to match her tentacles and her cock. "I'm sooooooooory!" she wails.

Jagen slowly uncurls from around Telana. The mute tentacled girl looking at the sobbing form of the newcomer with pity. "Mmmm...." the new girl moans softly. Jagen nuzzles the girl with a trio of concerned noses. "Lemme alone!" she murmurs, licking the head of her new cock softly, rubbing her length with her new limbs. "Feels so good..." she mutters, tears still running down her face as she takes her cock into her mouth.

Telana shakes her head sadly, watching the poor girl use physical pleasure to try and get rid of the emotional pain. The girl shivers, cum trickling down her length from her mouth. After the last bit of cum has been drained from the organ she spits it out, not bothering to clean herself up before rolling onto her side and curling up again, snuffling softly. All off Jagen's normally chatty faces look on with concern.

"Are... are you gonna be ok?" one of them finally works up the courage to say. "I'll be fine." the octopus girl sighs. "I'm Jagen." says the kittymera, trying to introduce herself. "Laish." is the curt reply from the girl. "This is... oh dear, I never did get your name." Telana tries to say her name, but can only make a quiet squeak. She bites her bottom lip then tries to spell out her name with the positioning of her leg tentacles.

"T-E-L-A-N-A. Telana?" questions Jagen, getting a nod in return. "Laish, this is Telana." Laish lifts her head form the ground. "Where?" Telana pulls herself down off the cushion and across the floor, she picks up one of Laish's tentacles in her own, and runs it from the tip of one leg tentacle, up over one of her swollen testicles, up her body, over a cluster of arm tentacles, and across her face.

"Oh geez, you got it bad." says Laish with some sympathy. "You can't talk?" Telana shakes her head no, but realizing Laish can't see the gesture, grips the girl's own head with two tentacles and shakes it softly from side to side. "Oh." Laish rocks back and forth before falling on her front, she begins to pull herself over to Telana, then up against her, putting her head on the tentacled girl's shoulder.

Laish sighs. "One of us blind, one of us mute, and we're supposed to work together on something. What a mean bitch she is, huh?" Telana nods, wrapping a few tentacles around Laish, pulling her close in a hug. Jagen's eyes go wide. "Don't talk bad about mistress!" one of them says. "Mistress has always been nice to me!" says another. "She gave me a place to live!" says a third. "And food to eat" says the tail. "And someone always there to talk to even if she doesn't have a clue what she's talking about most of the time!" says the tiger. "I do too!" argues the leopard. "QUIET!" snarls the lion, silencing her other mouths.

"I'm supposed to get you dressed and show you where everything is, Telana." says Jagen. "And I guess that goes for you too now, Laish." she adds. "Would you like to wal.... uh.... would you like to ride on my back?" the kittymera offers. Both tentacled girls decline. "I'd better get used to slithering on the ground anyway." sighs Laish, pulling herself forward, her breasts and cock dragging on the carpet, she shivers. "Well at least that feels nice." she says, pulling herself forward again.

Telana follows behind Laish, carefully directing her in the right direction with a nudge from one of her tentacles every now and then. Jagen opens the door with some biting of the knob with her tail, and finds a pair of uniforms hung up the other side of the knob. "Boy mistress works fast." Jagen says, taking out the hangers and handing each of the new maids her uniform.

They're an adaptation of the traditional maid uniform, more like swimsuits then actual dresses. Made of a stretchy, slick, shiny material so as not to get caught, bunch up, or hang on anything. Telana's features two straps on the top, and one on the bottom. After a few moments of figuring out how to get in it, she lies back and slowly works each of her leg tentacles inside, pulling the garment up carefully, making sure the straps fit between the gaps between her scrotums on the left and right sides of her body. There's a gap in the front, which Telana rightly assumes is to slid her cock through, and does so.

Telana looks over at Laish, to see if she needs any help and finds her just ignoring the outfit. "Umm... Laish? Why aren't you getting dressed?" wonders Jagen. "I don't wanna wear it! I don't want to be like this! I... URK!" Laish's words are caught in her throat as the collar around her neck glows faintly and erupt with a hard shock, sending her tentacle body writhing in anguish. Jagen shakes her head. "That's what happens if you disobey mistress, the collar makes it hurt. Just do what she says and you'll never even notice it's there. It also goes off if you try to run away, it hurts more the further you get out the front door, and it'll keep hurting until you go back inside."

A pained look in Jagen's eyes tells Telana that the kittymera knows through personal experience. "Ok..." Laish gasps. "I'll put it on!" she gasps, the shocks subsiding. "Would someone help me, please?" she asks, pulling ineffectively at her shorts, the thick cock hanging out of them preventing Laish from pulling them off. Jagen rolls Laish over and snags the waistband in the teeth of one head, directing from the tail. "Ok, now try to slide your tentacles out. Good! There you go!" chirps Jagen happily from her tail, the eternal rivals of her tiger and leopard faces pulling on the shredded shorts in a tug of war.

Laish manages to pull her shirt off, the creamy skin of her breasts offset by the large, black nipples in the middle. Hers looks like it doesn't matter which end is up, top and bottom each having three holes, one for each tentacle, the head, and the cock. She slide into it, but has difficulty getting her cock through the opening. One of Laish's tentacles begins to rub a breast, another fondling her balls, another two stroking her cock inside the slick material. "Oooooh, I like that..."

Jagen coils her tail around the girl and lifts her off the ground. "Not in here please, I just cleaned last night." She pads out of the room, with Telana following as fast as she can. Telana sighs, realizing how much faster she moves without having to worry about rubbing her pussy against the ground, she didn't even have one to provide that inconvenience anymore.

The stairs were had decorative spindles, so getting up and down them would be easy for Laish and Telana, as the railing was too high to be of a use to either. The stairway overlooked a large marble floored entry hall. Telana shuddered, knowing exactly how she'd have to clean the floor, and how long it would take. Jagen set Laish down at the bottom of the stairs, where a number of buckets and cloths sat.

"You can fill the buckets with water in the fountain, it also serves as a bath, so it's nice and warm. You can dump the dirty water in there as well." Jagen nodded at the fountain. "Laish, Telana can show you the way." The octopus girl just gurgled softly and continued tit-fucking herself. "Breakfast is at eight, lunch at one, and dinner at six. As for the bathroom, it doesn't matter. You don't uh... do that anymore. The hall's been swept by the hired help already, so you shouldn't find anything sharp, nasty, or pointy. I'll be back to show you to the dining room in an hour or so."

And with that Jagen padded off to do her job elsewhere in the mansion, leaving Telana and Laish alone. Telana looked down at the squirming figure of Laish on the floor, and with a sigh slid a few tentacles under her partner's uniform, drawing an outraged wail as she pulled Laish's cock out of the slick, pre-cum filled confines of the material. Telana sighed as she began stroking Laish softly with her tentacles, she knew what she was supposed to do after all, she'd show Laish how to do it before she....

Telana shuddered again at the thought of what she was supposed to do. Despite herself she could feel her leviathan member beginning to stir, the four tentacles on the end sliding out of her sheath. Telana explored the use of them slowly, feeling the pleasurable feelings they gave off as they rubbed against something. "No!" Telana screamed in her mind. "I'm not going to demean myself like that. I won't do it! I won't fuck myself for her!" She felt the collar with a number of arm tentacles. It felt like a normal metal collar with a place to clip a leash on it but... oh no.

Telana double-checked just to make sure, but her second inspection turned up the same result as the first. The collar had no clasp, no nothing to adjust it! All Telana would feel around her neck was a solid ring of steel. She slid as many tentacles as she could fit under it, trying to pull it off, only to be rewarded with the most horrendous pain she'd ever felt in her life. She jerked her tentacles away from the collar. Spasming with the aftereffects of the pain. She lowered her mouth to her cock and began to suck, knowing now that she would serve her mistress very, very loyally. Telana would do whatever she asked, just as long as it kept the awful collar inactive.

Laish tensed and shot her load onto the floor, and herself. Telana grabbed a cloth, and placed it in one of Laish's tentacles, making her rub the floor in a circular motion. "C-clean the floor with my cum?" the black tentacled girl asked. Telana patted her on the back. "Oh-k-k-kay." Laish stutters, crying again.

Telana pulls herself, and all three buckets, across the floor to the fountain, filling them with the nice, warm water. Maybe after she got done her mistress would let her lie in there. Back at the restaurant all Telana ever managed for a bath was a few bucketfuls of rusty, lukewarm water, not enough to soak out the aches and pains of tired muscles.

She slithered back, managing to spill only a little on the floor. Laish had found a cloth for each tentacle and was scrubbing at the floor, rocking back and forth, her cock sandwiched between the smooth fabric of the skintight uniform, and the slick floor. The look on her face was one of sheer ecstasy.

Telana relaxed a few of her new muscles, lowering her cock against the floor, pushing it up against Laish, caressing her partner with the four long, thing tentacles that grew from below the head. She pulled the octopus girl closer with two of her leg tentacles, thrusting the huge organ against the smooth skin of Laish's ball sack.

The many-tentacled maid began to fondle herself, using all but two of her leg tentacles to caress her magnificent length. Telana gasps with the pleasure she was getting from rubbing herself. She scolded herself, disgusted that she was actually enjoying it. It was revolting, stroking the swollen, hideous thing that grew from her crotch, but she was loving it, it wasn't long until she felt the pressure build up inside her body, she screamed soundlessly as she came, completely covering most of Laish's body and making a large puddle besides.

Laish floundered in the thick puddle, quivering with delight. "Are you gonna do that again? That was fun!" Soon Telana had completely pushed her inhibitions into a corner of her mind and set to polishing the floor, rubbing herself, rubbing her cock against he floor, fondling Laish, enjoying herself all the while. Enough that when Jegan came to get the two for breakfast, neither wanted to stop. Clicking her tongues, Jegan picked the girls up and dumped them in the fountain, to clean the cum off of them so she didn't have additional work cleaning the carpet.

Both maids were surprised that they were absolutely ravenous, the food was good, and there was lots of it as well. They were allowed to eat their fill before returning to the front hallway an hour later. "I feel like my belly ought to be filled to burst." giggled Laish, rubbing up against Telana's cock. Telana patted her shoulder in agreement, the small table in the corner of the kitchen had been full when the three servants had started eating, and empty when they left. Jagen, with respect to the human maids who had to sweep, licked the floor under the table clean, as well as most of the plates.

The rest of the day was much the same, the two maids working themselves into a sexual frenzy, only interrupted by dirty water in buckets, and Jagen fetching them for meals. At the end of the day, just as the duo had finished, the Duchess walked in to view their work. "Very good my pets." she said with a smile behind her beaked face. "I think you do deserve some play time."

With that the griffeness pounced on Laish. "I don't think I've felt your cock inside me yet, pet. I think its time I remedied the situation." she said, lowering herself onto her maid's awaiting shaft, backing up against Telana's own member. "Take me in the ass, pet, now!" the dark elf demanded. Telana slid her shaft in slowly at first, then when she found she had nearly no resistance, in all the way, her mistress' body was as different from a human's on the inside as it was out.

For the girls it was over all too soon, their mistress howling as she came. Done with their work, and their mistress busy with something, Telana and Laish were dismissed to their room, where they cuddled exhaustedly, happy and content with a job well done they settled down to sleep, looking forward to tomorrow.

That is until an idea suddenly clicked in Laish's head. "Telana?" she asks. "What the FUCK did we just do?" Telana blinked her eyes, her face suddenly taking on a horrified expression. "We spent all day fucking ourselves, and we loved every minute of it!" The two go over the day in their minds. Laish suddenly feels a bit sick to her stomach. "I think I told that bitch that I loved her, when she was fucking us!"

Telana shudders, recalling her eagerness to pleasure her mistress. "She twisted my body into this sex-crazed, malformed THING, and I loved her for it! What's wrong with me? What the hell did she do to us?" The two hugged tightly, terrified of their own bodies. "I-I think that when we cum, we give off something that makes us all happy and controllable.

"Oh Telana?" the griffeness calls from the library, the next room over. Despite herself Telana can't help but feel a swell of pride that it's she, and not Laish her mistress is calling on. "Can you help me with something please?" Telana eagerly slithered across the floor. She found the Duchess reading a book, Jagen stretched across her lap purring softly and the griffeness pets all of her heads at the same time.

"Be a dear and get that book over there for me? The red one?" she says, pointing a claw. Telana can see the book her mistress wants, and slithers to get it. Telana freezes as she gets to the bookshelf. She can't reach the book. She tries to push herself up on her leg tentacles, but the book is still a few inches out of reach of her arm tentacles. Telana hears Jagen yelp. "I didn't tell you to stop licking, cat!" she snarls, squeezing five of Jagen's ears tightly in her talons. "I'm s-s-sorry mistress, I didn't mean to!" the kittymera chokes out, her large body quaking with some sort of pain beyond that of her ears.

With that Telana finds herself on the floor, body twitching in agony. The griffeness clicks her tongue. "Should've brought me the book dear. Now I wonder what I can have that damned fool run headlong into." the griffeness says, chuckling. "LAISH! I NEED YOUR HELP!" she yells, watching Telana writhe in torture anguish. Telana's eyes are clenched shut, tears streaming down her face, not from the pain of her body, but of the pain of knowing that by breakfast tomorrow she'd be ready to swallow poison at her mistress' command, and love her all the while for it. A slave imprisoned physically and mentally. A choked sob, the loudest noise she's made since her change, escapes her tortured throat. The pain is so much that she's beginning to see black at the edges of her vision. A loud crash, Laish's pained yelp, and the Duchess' wicked laugh the last things Telana hears before passing out.