Fervent Chaos: Part Two

Story by Euphoria3214 on SoFurry

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#2 of Fervent Chaos

More Eevees and stuff.

Keep in mind that because I'm super lazy, I set a 1000 word goal for myself, which isn't too hard to reach. Anyways, this isn't meant to be a big, in-depth story is all.

Any feedback is appreciated.

Heavenly void, no pain, no bouts of sorrow to overwhelm. Spacious darkness for one to roam free, though as prisoner, not guest. Focus prevailed but remained blurred to the point of non-existence, like an eternal slumber. One Jolteon fought back with thunderous power to escape said void. Her purpose knew no bounds, being far too mighty and honest. Rising up against slumber, this wasn't her time. Light up the darkness and fill the void with matter of importance: her whole world. Her calling was clear and undeniable. Standing tall to roar with resistance, she rose, victorious to leave her limbo.

Fading in, focus returned slowly. Gradually becoming aware of her breathing, she felt the floor underneath her. The subtle twitch of her paw told of life. Pain washed over her disarmed body, gathering in the bruised passage of her throat. I'm alive.

Riley, Sarah! Horrid memory burst into the spotlight. Panic stricken and charged, her eyes shot open and without hesitance, she bolted upright.

They both felt it - the jolt of movement from beside them. Springing to life themselves, they leapt to their feet at the sight of their mother: finally awake.

"Mom!" In unison, their ecstatic cries of relief blocked out her broken whine of agony. With all the emotion, she'd risen too quickly; the pain, throbbing in her neck. As the two Eevee scrambled around to her front, she turned her head away to cough violently, returning to her lying position. The delight on the cub's faces quickly became that of concern.

Gradually settling, Selene composed herself before turning to face them. She had no idea what had happened but they were safe and that's all she cared about. Huffing lightly, she fought back tears of true joy. Just seeing their innocent faces brought a smile to her own. As she opened her maw to speak to them, she paused, feeling a restricting tightness in her throat. "I'm.." was all she could manage; her voice, breaking up as constricting needles of pain pricked at her throat. I'm so glad you're alright.

Sarah stepped forward - between Selene's forepaws - to softly rub against her mother's cheek; her eyes watered with sympathy and joy.

Rolling to her side, the Jolteon sighs contently through her nose and closes her eyes, wrapping a paw around her daughter to hug her close. Feeling Riley's muzzle rub at her mane, she pulls him closer with her other paw, licking his forehead once before embracing him as well. If Jolteon could purr ...

Releasing them from the hug, she took in her surroundings once more; an odd feeling that she'd been there before, surfaced. Dull light wandered into the space from a small tunnel opposite her; the area, appearing oddly circular with thick tree roots supposedly holding the earthy ceiling above her. Also in front of them was a freshly made bed of long grass and dry foliage which admittedly, looked rather lonely and out of place, being so close to the entrance.

Just as she was turning back to her young, movement caught her eye by the tunnel. A set of light amber paws came into view, followed by a creamy-white mane and prominent Eeveelution ears. The Flareon!

He paused by the archway, seeing that Selene was now awake. Holding her gaze for a brief moment, she was sure she saw hints of a smile, though it was hard to tell as he was carrying a small branch of berries in his maw. Taking a few steps closer to her, he paused again, after her reaction.

Instinctively, she'd pulled her cubs closer to her, holding them both against her chest with her paws as if threatened. She watched him closely as he carried on, though slower this time. Coming within a few feet of the family, Selene was almost ready to growl at him, if she could. Almost as if he knew, he stopped where he was to lean down and drop the berries in front of her before turning back to calmly walk out, leaving the family to his den.

Wriggling free from her grasp, the cubs both glanced round, expecting the Flareon but found the usual offering of berries and his absence.

"He's weird." Riley stated, inching forward to sniff the fruit.

"Riley! He ... saved us." Sarah argued, turning to look at her mother sheepishly.

"Well, he hasn't said anything since, plus he's never here and ..." he pauses, looking round to his sister briefly.

Unable to intervene, the Jolteon listens intently, growing curious about their apparent saviour.

"You saw what happened." He finishes, before biting down on one of the plump, blue berries.

Sarah simply sighed and padded over to the branch. Gripping one of the twigs, she drags it backwards for Selene, leaving a flustered Riley chewing on half of a berry.

As the remainder of the day went by, the cubs told her what happened after she passed out and to her surprise, she'd been out for a whole day afterwards. Apparently, he'd carried her there on his back, with a little help from Riley and Sarah of course. He'd been dropping by every few hours with food for them but never said a word. Sarah made sure to thank him upon each visit but only seemed to garner a nod or a subtle smile. Other than collecting the odd few berries for them, they had no idea where he went for so long. Selene had waited for his return, even hours past sunset. She felt indebted to the Flareon, having never heard of such heroism.

That night was silent, not even the rhythmic hum of Kricketot was heard. Close to sleeping, Selene was ready to drift off when she heard the fine crunch of the fire-type's bed-leaves, though, unable to see anything more than a faint silhouette crouching by the entrance. A new sense of security washed over her with his presence. Huddling closer to her sleeping Eevee, she sighed once more, gently straying off into her own slumber. Her last hazy thought: that of gratitude. Thank you.